1980 My literary era

Chapter 630 What should I write?

"Teacher Lin, you called home and said that your lover's amniotic fluid has broken and he is being taken to the hospital!"

When Li Qingquan entered the office, he didn't bother to say hello and said to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin stood up in a hurry and said to himself: "Isn't there still one week? Why is it earlier?"

After asking for the hospital where he was sent, he hurriedly walked out. When he reached the door, he didn't forget to say to Cheng Wuchun: "Old Cheng, I'll take half a month's maternity leave first. You can take care of the popular literature seminar for me. Let Li Xin take charge of the Tongwen News Agency's work first, and let them come to you first for matters in the agency."

"I know, go ahead."

Lin Weimin walked out of the Chinese Literature Society building with messy steps and got into the car. He felt a little too nervous.

In two lifetimes, he became a father for the first time.

After taking a few breaths and feeling more relaxed, he started the car and drove quickly.

When I arrived at the hospital, I found Mother Tao and Sister Sun at the door of the operating room.

"Mom, how's it going?"

"I was just sent in for a while. Xiao Sun was preparing lunch, and I took Huimin for a walk in the yard. Who knew that the amniotic fluid broke while walking, a few days ahead of the due date."

After briefly communicating the situation, Lin Weimin calmed down when he saw that Tao Huimin had been sent to the operating room.

Tao's mother said again: "By the way, Weimin, I was in a hurry just now and didn't even get the things I prepared. You go home quickly to get some. Ask Xiaosun to go back with you. She has to prepare something to eat for Huimin. .”

"Okay, I'll go right away."

After struggling for half an hour, Lin Weimin returned to the hospital with his things, while Sister Sun stayed at home to prepare food for Tao Huimin.

After waiting for another hour or so, the door of the operating room opened and the nurse took the child out first.

"The mother and daughter are safe. She is a girl, weighing seven pounds and two taels, and 50.5 centimeters long."

Mother Tao clasped her hands together and worshiped the gods and Buddhas in a circle.

Lin Weimin wanted to take over the child, but the nurse refused, "Let the old man do it."

He got out of the way awkwardly, and Tao's mother smiled and said, "You have never raised a child. You will practice how to hold it later."

"Okay." Lin Weimin responded, staring directly at his daughter.

The newborn baby was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and only half of its little face could be seen, which was wrinkled and a little red.

Eh~ so ugly!

Forget it, it’s your own child after all, so just bear with it.

Tao's mother held the child for a while and then began to instruct Lin Weimin on how to hold the child.

"Like this, like this, eh, right, right. Okay, I'll put it over for you. Don't move, just be gentle with your hands."

Tao's mother handed the child to Lin Weimin. When the two handed over, Lin Weimin's movements were stiff. When the child completely fell into his arms, he did not dare to move at all.

Small and soft, Lin Weimin's movements were extremely gentle, for fear of accidentally hurting his daughter.

I don’t know why, but the little face that I thought was ugly just now looks pretty now.

My daughter is so pretty, let me do it!

While Lin Weimin was admiring the beauty of his daughter, Tao's mother asked the nurse: "Nurse, when will my daughter come out?"

Only then did Lin Weimin think of his wife, "Yes, when will my lover come out?"

"The mother needs to be observed for two hours. You can take the baby back to the ward first."

Several people took the child back to the ward, and first tried to boil water for feeding. Lin Weimin felt that his daughter only drank a bottle cap of milk, and then had diarrhea.

The meconium is black, yellow, and sticky.

Tao's mother was cleaning up her granddaughter, while Lin Weimin stood aside stupidly, unable to reach out at all.

After drinking milk and pooping, the child fell asleep.

Lin Weimin squatted aside, looking at her wrinkled little face, and his heart was filled with joy.

Another hour later, Tao's mother was taking care of the child in the ward, and Lin Weimin went to pick up Tao Huimin.

The two of them helped Tao Huimin slowly return to the ward. Lin Weimin couldn't wait to show off to Tao Huimin: "Huimin, look! Our daughter is so beautiful!"

Tao Huimin's face was pale at this time, without a trace of blood, and her words were weak, but she still insisted on giving Lin Weimin a powerful eye roll.

Lin Weimin did not ignore his wife's consciousness at all, and kept showing off to Tao Huimin, "Look! Look! The little hands are moving!"

Tao Huimin decided not to be familiar with him, and glanced at her daughter. She could only see half of her daughter's face while lying down, and she felt an inexplicable urge to cry.

She stepped forward and touched her daughter's hand gently, for fear of waking her up.

"You go to bed and lie down for a while to regain your strength. Sister Sun has gone home to prepare things, so please bear with her for a while."

Tao Huimin slowly lay down on the bed, her lips a little dry, "I'm really hungry."

Lin Weimin held Tao Huimin's hand and looked at him affectionately, "Huimin, thank you for your hard work."

Tao Huimin felt much relieved after finally saying something thoughtful.

The couple was lying down and sitting on the bedside talking to each other. After a while, the child started crying again. Lin Weimin hurriedly went to coax the child, but he couldn't do it well.

Tao's mother took the child over and said, "Either he is hungry, or he has peed or pooped."

She checked the swaddling clothes first, and sure enough she found that the baby had peed. She put on a dry pee ring again, and the baby stopped crying.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Sister Sun came to the hospital with her things.

Tao Huimin had been hungry for a long time, and her mouth was filled with saliva as she looked at the red dates, millet porridge and boiled eggs brought by Sister Sun.

After eating an egg and half a bowl of porridge, Tao Huimin wanted to eat more, but Tao's mother snatched the lunch box away.

"You have just given birth, so you can't eat more. If you want to eat, wait an hour before eating."

Tao Huimin looked at the food eagerly and pursed her lips.

The doctor came over and asked about Tao Huimin's condition. Seeing that she was in good condition, he said, "Okay, the mother and baby are both healthy. They can be discharged from the hospital if everything is fine."

After completing the discharge procedures, Tao Huimin was wrapped tightly by Tao's mother and returned home.

After returning home, Tao's mother deliberately checked the doors and windows before letting Tao Huimin enter the house.

Seeing her mother's posture as if facing a formidable enemy, Tao Huimin said, "Mom, don't be so exaggerated."

"If the confinement period is not done well, all kinds of diseases will come to you in the future." Tao's mother said.

Sister Sun also said: "Yes, you can't be careless during confinement. We are all people who have been through it. You have to listen, and you will definitely not be wrong."

Tao Huimin was forced to obey the advice and lay down on the bed peacefully.

It took most of the day to give birth. Except for Tao Huimin, the whole family hadn't eaten yet, so Sister Sun hurried to cook.

The girl cried again. This time she didn't poop or pee. She must be hungry.

Lin Weimin was just about to prepare milk powder for his daughter, but Tao's mother took the child to Tao Huimin.


Tao Huimin is a little aggrieved. I haven't eaten enough yet, so I have to feed her first.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Sister Sun finally prepared the meal.

After eating, the family chatted for a while and took an early rest.

That night, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin fully realized the hardships of being parents.

I don't know where the little child got such a good appetite. He has to feed less than two hours apart, and he has to clean up and relieve himself in between.

The whole night, the couple barely slept at all.

Early in the morning, with a pair of panda eyes, Tao Huimin looked at her daughter who was eating, drinking, dry and enjoying a sweet dream, full of resentment.

She turned her attention to her husband and said, "Find a nanny."

Lin Weimin also looked at her and nodded solemnly.

While eating breakfast, Tao Huimin kept staring at Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin received the signal and said: "Mom, I think it's better to hire another nanny to take care of the children. Sister Sun may be a little busy at home alone."

"Isn't it me? Huimin and I are enough to take care of the children. She doesn't go to work now."

Tao Huimin suffered a critical blow and looked depressed.

She and her husband looked at each other, with a tacit understanding in their eyes, and decided to kill first and then play the show later.

Lin Weimin made a secret phone call, and within half a day, there was another nanny at home.

The new nanny's surname was Qin, and she was one of the two people who failed the interview with Sister Sun last time. This time she was called back by Li Guangfu, and she was very happy.

Sister Sun has been at home for almost a year and is very familiar with Tao Huimin, so Lin Weimin arranged for her to take care of the children, while Sister Qin was responsible for hygiene and cooking.

In the 1990s, there was no term "confinement nanny".

With the new nanny, Lin Weimin and his wife suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

The only one who was unhappy was probably Tao's mother.

Feeling the distrust of her daughter and son-in-law, she looked bad at everyone in the past two days, except her granddaughter.

In the past few days, there have been many guests visiting Lin Weimin's house. Relatives, friends, and colleagues all learned the news that Lin Weimin was blessed with a daughter, and almost broke the threshold of Lin Weimin's house.

When Cheng early spring came, Lin Weimin specifically asked about the contemporary popular literature seminar.

"The preparations are almost complete. There will be a meeting next Tuesday. You can just take your maternity leave at home. I'll be there in the company."

Lin Weimin also told Cheng Wuchun that he wanted to hold a novel seminar specifically for Shaanxi writers in the second half of the year. His words were exactly the same as what he told He Qizhi.

The frequency of seminars held by the Chinese Literature Society is calculated on a weekly basis.

But what Lin Weimin called a "novel seminar" was obviously not a serious seminar, but a "pen meeting" under the banner of a seminar.

Eating, drinking, having fun, and traveling around are the basic characteristics of this type of PEN club. Of course, publishing houses or editorial departments do not have money to spend on these things.

Comrade writer, you come here, eat, drink, and play. Isn't it inappropriate not to leave some "calligraphy treasures" behind?

Some publishing houses euphemistically call them PEN Clubs, but in fact they just find a place with beautiful scenery and provide good food and drink for the writers. They will not publish the manuscripts and will not release them. It is worse than a sweatshop.

The Chinese Literature Society's PEN Club has always been relatively harmonious and not so naked. During the PEN Club, it is about connecting emotionally. Basically, the true colors are revealed after the PEN Club is over, which makes it appear more tender and affectionate.

"You can make your own arrangements." Cheng Wanchun had no objection to this matter.

In recent years, Shaanxi literary circles have produced numerous talents, and they are almost unparalleled in the Chinese literary world, so it is not a problem to hold a special seminar to connect and bond.

At night, Lin Weimin was lying on the bed, and Tao Huimin put her daughter to sleep. She stood by the bed and looked at her daughter, her face full of maternal glory.

After getting into bed, she said to Lin Weimin: "Weimin, you said that you have written so many novels, should you also write something for our little bean bag?"

Xiaodou Bao is my daughter’s nickname.

Lin Weimin didn't expect Tao Huimin to come up with such an idea, but it seemed right after thinking about it. After his daughter was born, he should write something to commemorate it.

What should I write?

Teacher Lin is so happy to have a daughter, why don’t you readers send me some monthly tickets to congratulate you?

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