1980 My literary era

Chapter 64 Reunion

When I got off work, the snow outside had stopped, and the entire Yanjing city was shrouded in white. The snow on the road just covered my feet. Walking was okay, but riding a bicycle was a bit difficult.

Lin Weimin made an appointment with Qu Xiaowei for a drink today, but no one expected it would snow heavily today, and they didn't know if Qu Xiaowei could come.

On the west side of Guowenshe, a two-minute walk away is Chaonei Vegetable Market, which has the most comprehensive supply of non-staple food in Yanjing.

Lin Weimin came here after work. Regardless of whether Qu Xiaowei could come today, he just thought of improving his food.

He bought a pair of pig ears, a pound of oil-fried peanuts, two sausages, and four salted duck eggs. There were not many vegetables in the market at this time. Cabbage was in season, so Lin Weimin bought a cabbage.

Returning to the dormitory, the dormitory is not large, more than ten square meters, and the decoration is simple.

Lin Weimin was packing the dishes when Qu Xiaowei suddenly opened the dormitory door.

"Coming?" Lin Weimin said hello to Qu Xiaowei, chopping cabbage in his hand.

"Here we are." He looked for the food after entering the door. When he saw a few dishes on the table, he nodded, "The food and wine are okay now."

"I'll give you six dishes and one soup today." Lin Weimin joked.

"Cold cabbage hearts, cold pig ears, fried peanuts, sausages, salted duck eggs, that's only five dishes, and there's no soup yet." Qu Xiaowei counted on his fingers.

Lin Weimin took out the salted radish strips that he had not finished yesterday, "Aren't these six dishes?"

"Where's the soup?"

Lin Weimin took out two more unlabeled wine bottles from under the bed, "Isn't Tang here?"

Qu Xiaowei gave him a thumbs up, "If I want to cut corners, it has to be you!"

What I bought were all cold dishes and snacks to go with wine. It was very easy to pack them up and they were ready in more than ten minutes.

Qu Xiaowei took the initiative to arrange the food and drinks, as well as the chairs, "You're always welcome."

The two sat down, and Lin Weimin picked up a bottle of wine and filled it up for Qu Xiaowei first, then poured himself a glass.

Then he raised his glass and said, "This is the first time for both of us to eat and drink after graduating from the Institute of Literature and Art!"

"Yeah, it's only been a little over a month, it feels like a long time has passed."

The two sighed with emotion and drank all the wine in their glasses.


After drinking a glass of wine, quickly eat two bites of food and squeeze it.

Qu Xiaowei chewed the dish and said: "This cabbage heart is mixed well, I have some skills. How are you these days? Are you getting used to being in the editorial department?"

"It's okay. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good too. Didn't the institute ask for leave? In three months, I was so free that I didn't even know what to do."

"Then why don't you write something?" Lin Weimin said.

Qu Xiaowei shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Shouldn't I just write if I can? Well, I don't know if it's because I'm ambitious now, and I always feel like I can't calm down to write. After studying at the Institute of Literature for half a year, I feel like I can't write. Something.”

"There are quite a lot of excuses. I think you spend all your energy on eating, drinking, having fun and taking pictures of your wife?" Lin Weimin said sarcastically.

Qu Xiaowei glared, "What are you talking about? I'm a pen pal."

"Are you still together?" Lin Weimin was a little surprised. It's not easy to be a pen pal for such a long time.

Qu Xiaowei rarely showed his shy side, "We have made an appointment, and she will come to play with me during the winter vacation."

Lin Weimin was slightly surprised, "The girl can rest assured? Aren't you afraid of being deceived by your boy?"

"What are you talking about? I'm a serious person."

"Yes, yes, you are the most serious."

Qu Xiaowei didn't want to get into more trouble with him on this topic, so he changed the subject and asked, "Have you written anything new recently?"

"I'm writing a notebook and it's almost finished."

"Book? Script?"


Qu Xiaowei asked in surprise: "Why did you suddenly think of writing a script?"

"At that time, I thought of a story and told it to the teacher. He thought it was good and asked me to write it. Nowadays, people and art are in short supply of good scripts."

Hearing this, Qu Xiaowei couldn't help but look envious in his eyes, "You are asked to write a book for people's art? There is smoke coming out of your ancestral grave!"

"Hey, you can't say that, you have to get it."

"Haha, that's true. I really didn't expect that this study in our Institute of Literary Studies has made you a perfect boy. If you can really appreciate this book, I will call you a playwright from now on. Come on, come on, You have to have a drink just for this!"

Qu Xiaowei raised his glass to drink, and Lin Weimin took another sip with him.

The Erguotou, which was over 50 degrees, was a little too strong. Qu Xiaowei took a bite of the sausage.

Lin Weimin suddenly stood up, took a magazine from the bedside, and threw it on the table.

"What's this……"

Qu Xiaowei was about to ask, but his eyes were fixed on the cover of the magazine.

"This is...an album?"

"Well, it will be sent soon."

His eyes wandered over the magazine cover lustfully for a moment. Qu Xiaowei opened the magazine and counted it in detail. Most of the works created by his classmates were there, a total of 13 novels.

"Except for the three of you who were directly killed, the editor-in-chief of one article was still dissatisfied and was not included in the list. Everyone else's was included."

Touching the cover of the magazine with his hand, a look of regret finally appeared on Qu Xiaowei's face.

"That's great! It's a pity that I'm not good at it."

"Don't underestimate yourself. In fact, your writing is quite good, but you just don't work hard."

Qu Xiaowei smiled bitterly, "You might as well not comfort me."

He put the magazine on the table, "I guess there will be no chance in the future."

"Giving up so soon?" Lin Weimin knew that he was referring to the path of writing.

"What can I do if I don't give up? I can't write anything decent, and I don't want to work hard. Just let it go. If it doesn't work, just go to work honestly."

Qu Xiaowei's attitude was a little depressed, but not decadent. Lin Weimin knew about his family background. Both his parents were employees of cultural institutions and were small leaders. He himself worked in the district cultural center. His work was relaxed and comfortable. He only had one younger sister at home, so his life was stress-free.

Writing is the icing on the cake for him. Even if this road fails, his life will not be affected at all.

"On the contrary, it's you. Weimin, I remember when you first came to the class, you were much more careless than me. No one could have imagined that you would have changed so much in the past six months."

Lin Weimin took a sip of liquor and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect it myself. It was all by chance."

Qu Xiaowei shook his head, "How can there be so many coincidences? Your talent is recognized by everyone, and you have a famous teacher to guide you. Your future achievements will definitely be great."

Lin Weimin glanced at him sideways, "Don't you have something to ask me for?"

"Get out!"

Qu Xiaowei cursed, and Lin Weimin felt relieved.

The two of them took a sip of wine, and Qu Xiaowei glanced at the magazine on the table, "This time the album is released, students should be relieved. Everyone needs to thank you properly."

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