1980 My literary era

Chapter 650 Don’t let your children lose at the starting line

Qu Xiaowei looked at a loss when facing his son's cries.

Little white dragon? What it is?

Liu Haiyan, who was still angry at her son's naughty behavior, scolded: "Little White Dragon, I think you look like a little White Dragon! Those are all things in books, they are not real? What are you looking for here with your godfather?" "

"Godfather...Dad wrote it, he...must have it."

Qu Xiangnan cried miserably, but his innocent words made Lin Weimin and his parents dumbfounded.

This time Lin Weimin finally understood the reason why this boy was crying and shouting to come to his house.

After Liu Haiyan finished spanking her child, she had to coax her when she needed it.

A slap in the face and a sweet date are all useful to social animals, especially children.

After a while, Qu Xiangnan's little face turned from rain to sunshine, and he couldn't help but ask Lin Weimin: "Godfather, is there really no little white dragon?"

"I don't know either. Maybe there is one, but no one has seen it. Maybe there isn't one at all."

Lin Weimin did not give Qu Xiangnan a definite answer. It is not a bad thing for children to retain their childish fantasies.

After coming out of the study, Qu Xiangnan followed Lin Weimin step by step, asking questions and showing unprecedented intimacy. Even Qu Xiaowei, his own father, was a little jealous.

Qu Xiaowei asked Liu Haiyan, "What is Xiaobailong?"

Liu Haiyan glanced at him irritably, "I know how to set up stalls all day long, and the children don't care at all. Little White Dragon is a character in "Spirited Away"..."

Liu Haiyan accompanies her children to do homework and read books every day. Qu Xiangnan is only in the third grade of elementary school. He doesn’t recognize many words in the novel, but she narrates it to him, and he knows the stories of "Spirited Away" by heart.

Since June, "Spirited Away" has been published in "Children's Time" for four consecutive issues, and more than half of the content has been serialized.

"Spirited Away" is a rare long-form children's literature work, and it was written by Lin Weimin. Its quality is extremely outstanding, and it is highly valued by "Children's Age".

The layout is the best position, carefully typed, and at the end, exquisite illustrations are included. It is a top-notch treatment.

After the publication of this novel, it lived up to the expectations of Children's Times. It was warmly welcomed by readers and children from the first issue. Many children who could not even write a word even wrote letters to the magazine to express themselves with the help of their parents. Love this novel.

They also included gifts in the letters. Some said they were for the author, Uncle Lin Weimin, and some said they were for Qianxun. The items were not expensive, but were snacks or small toys for children, expressing the children's appreciation for this film. Recognition and love for the novel.

As time goes by, the influence of "Spirited Away" is gradually strengthening, and more and more children and even teenagers have become loyal readers of this novel.

Children's literature is a niche, because most readers are children and cannot even speak independently, so it is difficult to form a strong wave of public opinion in a short period of time like excellent pure literary works.

However, after four issues of the work, Children's Times was surprised to find that the magazine sales of "Children's Times", which had been declining for many years, actually increased to a certain extent.

In the 1980s, the sales of "Childhood" once reached a peak of 1.2 million copies, but the good times did not last long. In recent years, the sales of Time magazine have been falling. Until June this year, the sales volume of each issue could only maintain Around 400,000 copies.

The June issue that published the first issue of "Spirited Away" has sold more than 500,000 copies so far, the July issue has sold 550,000 copies, and the August issue has jumped to more than 800,000 copies.

The September issue has just been on the market for a few days, and the final sales volume cannot yet be determined. However, according to the feedback received by Children's Times from various bookstores and post offices, the sales trend of the September issue is only stronger than the previous issues, with 800,000 Portion is not an issue at all.

Shanghai, Children's Times Society.

In the past two months, the atmosphere in Children's Times Club has been joyful.

Since the sales peak in the 1980s, they have rarely experienced the joy of best-selling publications.

Sales of the September issue were extremely hot after it went on the market, with more than half of the copies sold in just a few days. The bookstore and post office did not care whether it was a week or a weekend, and sent messages, hoping that Children's Times could print more copies in advance.

Nowadays, logistics is underdeveloped. If we wait until the magazine inventory is low before printing and shipping, we may have to wait a few days.

According to the current trend, the September issue of "Childhood" is a foregone conclusion, so it is not too much to print more copies in advance.

But Qiu Shilong was in a dilemma when it came to the number of additional prints.

It had been many years since "Children's Age" had mentioned the issue of reprinting. Now that it was coming out of nowhere, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to handle it properly, and that if there was a backlog in the library, it would be self-defeating.

Qiu Shilong took the sales list of "Children's Age" in the past three months and studied it for a long time.

It can be seen from the sales of the June issue that the increase in magazine sales is closely related to the publication of "Spirited Away". By the July issue, sales increased slightly. This should be the fermentation period for "Spirited Away"'s reputation.

By the August issue, word-of-mouth from readers began to feed back sales, resulting in a substantial increase in magazine sales.

Now in September, the momentum of the September issue is even faster than that of the August issue. This proves that the potential readers brought by "Spirited Away" to "Childhood" are far from saturated, and there is still a lot of room for exploration. .

After understanding this truth, Qiu Shilong felt confident.

We will print an additional 200,000 copies first, and keep an eye on the feedback from bookstores and post offices around the world. If there is a shortage of stock, we will print more copies immediately.

The first printing number of the September issue of "Children's Time" has been increased to 800,000 copies under his support. Counting the additional 200,000 copies, the circulation has reached 1 million copies, and is gradually moving towards "Children's Time" The peak of 1.2 million copies launched a charge!

Qiu Shilong believes that this record that has been dusted for many years will not stand there for too long. Maybe in the November issue, maybe in the October issue, "Children's Age" will definitely break the record set many years ago and move towards a new record.

Qiu Shilong couldn't help but tremble with excitement at the thought that Children's Times Society would reach its peak again in his own hands.

Looking back at the 1980s, it is not difficult for people to find that it was a prosperous age of literature. With the people's love for literature at that time, it was easy for any literary publication to sell more than one million copies.

Two million copies of "Contemporary", six million copies of "Story Club", and nine million copies of "Popular Films". In that hot era, whether they were pure literature, popular literature or entertainment publications, their sales seemed to be no. Endpoint, with the support of countless readers, continues to create sales miracles one after another.

At this point in time, everything has changed. "Popular Cinema" has fallen from the altar, "Story Club" and "Contemporary" can only maintain their status. It is difficult to regain the grandeur of the 1980s.

But it just happened that at this time, "Spirited Away" came out, and the sales of "Children's Age" followed suit, and it only took a moment to break the record that had been dusted for many years.

To achieve such an achievement, the difficulty is no longer the same as it was back then, and it is full of gold.

The excitement gradually subsided, and Qiu Shilong's heart was filled with joy. He thought for a while, "Spirited Away" has been serialized for more than half of the time, but he still hasn't called Lin Weimin to express his gratitude. It is really rude.

Thinking of this, Qiu Shilong picked up the phone.

"Editor Qiu, you are overly praised. Such achievements are all due to the readers."

"I also look forward to your magazine breaking records and regaining its glory!"

"Okay, okay, we must get together when we have time."

"Be sure to keep in touch. Goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Weimin came out of the house.

In the September morning, the heat has gradually passed, and although the sun is shining brightly, it is very comfortable.

Qu Xiaowei is working hard to burn charcoal and is preparing to have barbecue for noon today.

Several female comrades are dividing the labor and cooperating, cutting meat, marinating meat, and skewering meat. The process is orderly, busy but not chaotic.

Qu Xiangnan, a primary school monk, was gathered around Xiaodou Bao's stroller, filled with joy.

Without Little White Dragon, it would be fine with Little Qianxun!

Looking at the baby bean bag, he couldn't help but fall into fantasy.

This is Qianxun when she was a child. When she grows up, the story of "Spirited Away" will happen. Her godfather and godmother will turn into pigs, and Qianxun will go through all kinds of hardships to save them.

After thinking about it, Qu Xiangnan became distressed, why is there nothing about me in this?

No, I want to be a little white dragon, taking sister Qianxun on an adventure.

Little White Dragon, how handsome he is!

Qu Xiangnan's little head was filled with beautiful fantasies, and his thoughts were swimming in the magnificent world of imagination. His eyes were fixed on the sleeping little bean bag, and he laughed like a maniac.

His laughter aroused Lin Weimin's vigilance. There was something wrong with this kid.

Why are you staring at my daughter?

If you don’t learn well at a young age, you will have the same virtues as your father!

Teacher Lin is an upright person. Even if his godson goes astray, he will still have to kill his relatives.

"Er Bao, come here!"

Lin Weimin spoke, and Qu ran over to the south, "My godfather asked you, how did you do in the final exam last semester?"

Qu Xiangnan was stunned when he heard this, "I did very well in the exam."

"How good is it?"

"Well..." Qu Xiangnan looked left and right, but did not answer Lin Weimin's question. After being forced into a hurry, he reluctantly revealed the final grades of last semester.

After hearing this, Lin Weimin suddenly had a worried expression on his face, "You can't go on like this!"

After saying that, he turned to Liu Haiyan and said, "Haiyan!"

Liu Haiyan, who was working, raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Er Bao, you two will have something to learn from this. It won't be like us in the future. In the past few years, the country has been studying the issue of canceling the distribution of college students' packages.

Don't expect to be assigned jobs when they grow up. If they don't get into a good university, even finding a job will be a problem in the future.

You two can't let your child lose at the starting line! "

Teacher Lin's words were thoughtful and sincere, which aroused strong resonance in Liu Haiyan.

"Isn't that right? I've told Xiaowei so many times, but he doesn't care at all. He just studies his crappy business all day long."

"You can't count on him either. He didn't even get into college. You are different. You are a serious college student."

Hearing what Lin Weimin said, Liu Haiyan suddenly felt a sense of academic superiority.

She stared at the confused Qu Xiangnan, "That's right. This child is in fourth grade now. If he keeps going like this, he won't even be able to go to a decent junior high school. How can he do it?"

"Let's find a teacher for our children to make up for their lessons, but we can't let them fall behind in primary school." Lin Weimin said sincerely.

Liu Haiyan thought for a moment and nodded seriously.

After Lin Weimin's "enlightenment", the soul of Haidian mother's chicken baby was officially awakened.

"You're right, let's do it this way. We must not let our children lose at the starting line."

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