1980 My literary era

Chapter 654 Unrivaled Attention

Time has arrived in late October before we know it, and the sales of "World Literature Masterpiece Library" are still in full swing these days.

After three months of suspension of publication for rectification, "Nandu Weekend" has been severely damaged by the turmoil, its backbone has been lost, and the credibility of the publication is almost zero.

On October 29, after three months, "Nandu Weekend" was finally published again.

Today's publication has only one theme, a huge one-line headline on the front page: "A Painful Lesson."

The content is the apology of the "Nandu Weekend" newspaper for the exaggeration, fabrication of facts and fabrication of many reports in the past few years. In the article, "Nandu Weekend" made a profound review and reflection on its previous actions, including many reasons for Naturally, Lin Weimin is among those harmed by fake news.

Looking at the sincere apology in the newspaper, Lin Weimin whistled happily.

I just like how stubborn you are when you are slapped in the face by Piapia after you talk so hard!

As for the main perpetrators of fake news in Nandu Weekend, several leaders can still say that they will still have some benefits after being dismissed. Even if they are not reused in the future, at least their lives will be fine.

Those little soldiers were in a worse situation. After this incident, they were expelled from the news media industry. No unit dared to risk the disapproval of the world to employ such a group of people.

These people have only one choice: give up their years, ten or even decades of experience, switch to other fields, and start over.

It’s quite sad (huo) and gai to say!

A few days ago, Lin Weimin received a call from Li Xiangyang. Li Xiangyang came up and asked: "Did you get the news from Nandu Weekend?"

Lin Weimin was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and instinctively argued: "Rumors! It's definitely rumors! This person is so vicious, he wants to kill me!"

Li Xiangyang knew Lin Weimin fairly well. Seeing his angry look, he knew that the rumors were probably close to ten.

He tried to trick Lin Weimin again, but Lin Weimin refused to answer. Instead, he asked him where these rumors came from.

"I heard it from the publicity person. This matter has been widely spread recently. My colleagues are very concerned about you! Hehe!"

Li Xiangyang's tone contained a bit of schadenfreude.

Lin Weimin was a little troubled. There is no airtight wall in this world.

You still have to be more careful when doing this kind of thing in the future.

"These are all rumors. Great journalists like you know right from wrong and cannot be used by villains with ulterior motives."

Li Xiangyang said: "Come on, I don't know you yet? Anyway, many people are now aware of you. In the past two months, everyone has been tortured by you. I don't know how many people stabbed your vagina with needles from behind." Where is the man!"

"I've already said that this matter has nothing to do with me, so don't talk nonsense. Friends are friends, and if I slander me, I will sue you for slander." Lin Weimin said angrily.

"Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with you. It's all Nandu Weekend's perverse behavior that has made the world angry and resentful. It's God who wants to punish them."

That's pretty much it. Teacher Lin finally had some psychological comfort.

After chatting and joking, Li Xiangyang finally told the real reason of this call. He wanted to make an interview with Lin Weimin.

"You're all right, why are you interviewing me?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Isn't your book "Spirited Away" causing trouble? How many students have written to us and insisted that we interview you. I have more than a thousand questions here, all waiting for your answers."

Lin Weimin said helplessly: "How can I have time to be interviewed by you?"

"If you do this, we won't interview you face to face. I'll give you all these compiled questions, and you can answer some of them, at least fifty questions. How about that?" Li Xiangyang made a suggestion.

Lin Weimin thought for a while, "That's okay. Then have someone bring it to me when you have time."

"Okay, but hurry up!"


The next day, Li Xiangyang sent a stack of manuscript paper, and Lin Weimin couldn't help complaining: "Can't your newspaper use office software to summarize these issues and put them on a floppy disk?"

"Do you think everyone has a big business like you? There are only two computers in the entire newspaper office. Can we guys who do menial work use them?"

"If your chief reporter can't use it, who else can?"

"It's no use being the chief reporter. I'm not the leader."

It can be seen that Li Xiangyang is full of complaints about this.

When I got home in the evening, Han Dingbang and Yin Geli came with their little girl.

My little girl was born in 1987 and is already five years old this year. She is one generation older than the eldest sister in the kindergarten.

As soon as she entered the door, she looked for little bean bags everywhere, "Little Qianxun, little Qianxun, when will you grow up?"

In the past few months since "Spirited Away" was serialized, the sales of "Childhood" have continued to rise, and the historical record of 1.2 million copies has long been broken.

History is being made in every issue now, and history is being made in big steps.

Children's literature has an advantage. Although it usually seems very niche, once word of mouth fertilizes successfully, the viral effect it causes is extremely terrifying.

After all, all little kids have to go to school. As long as there are a few loyal readers in a school, it is enough to spread the word about this novel in a short time.

Moreover, this bunch of little beauties are different from university monks. University monks pride themselves on being well-informed and knowledgeable, and they always have various doctrines and tendencies. They don’t like this and that.

The demands of the Little Beans are much simpler, as long as they look good.

As of the September issue of "Childhood," sales have exceeded 1.4 million copies.

By the October issue, sales had risen sharply again, reaching an astonishing 1.9 million copies.

This kind of virality is showing its power. "Spirited Away" has been serialized for five issues, and there are still three issues left before the end of the series. It is conceivable that in the next three issues, the sales of "Childhood" will still be this exaggerated The growth rate continues to create new and insurmountable history for Children's Times Society.

Accompanying the soaring sales of "Childhood" is the growing influence of "Spirited Away" among domestic primary school students and middle school students.

In just a few months, "Spirited Away" has become a common topic for children of all ages, and it is still being upwardly and downwardly compatible.

At the beginning, many parents only regarded "Spirited Away" as an ordinary fairy tale and did not notice anything special.

But because of the love of children, many parents have to passively understand the story of "Spirited Away", just like Qu Xiaowei.

As a result, after reading the story, many adults know how to appreciate the novel better than the ignorant children.

There are also many adults who learned about the novel "Spirited Away" through chatting with colleagues and friends. After reading it, they thought it was good and told it to their children.

This is how Yin Geli told her little girl "Spirited Away" as a bedtime story. As a result, the little girl is now completely obsessed with the story.

He regarded Xiaodou Bao, his infant aunt, as more important than all toys. He would come over every two days to see if her little aunt had grown up.

Because of this sudden rise in popularity, "Spirited Away" is gradually attracting attention from mainstream literary circles and critics.

In the past few months, newspapers and magazines have published book reviews about "Spirited Away" one after another.

Last month, Yan Wenjing published an article titled "Spirited Away—A New Attempt in Chinese Children's Literature" in "Contemporary".

"The sense of history and reality in the novel are exquisitely integrated with rich cultural implications and profound philosophy. In the fascinating storyline, it is instilled in the hearts of readers unconsciously.

Coupled with the exquisite and rigorous structure, the density and the freshness and elegance of the use of literary language, the work has achieved an aesthetic reading effect that is suitable for both refined and popular people, and is suitable for all ages with its excellent artistry.

It can be seen that a truly excellent literary work is regardless of subject matter, style and length. It should have multiple functions such as universal entertainment, aesthetic value, cognitive value and educational function.

The birth of "Spirited Away" undoubtedly paved a new path for Chinese children's literature, which has gradually fallen into a fixed pattern, and greatly broadened the boundaries of this type of literature. It is a successful and beneficial attempt. "

In addition to being the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society, Yan Wenjing is also a famous children's literature writer in my country. Although he has a good relationship with Lin Weimin, he has never made public comments on Lin Weimin's works.

The article "Spirited Away - A New Attempt in Chinese Children's Literature" published in "Contemporary" is Yan Wenjing's first review of a novel written by Lin Weimin, and he praised it greatly and did not hesitate to praise it.

In addition to Yan Wenjing's commentary, there is also a more eye-catching article among the many comments, written by Mr. Bing Xin, who is over 90 years old.

This article was published in this month's "Literary News", titled "Looking at Chinese Children's Literature from Spirited Away."

"Overall, "Spirited Away" is a good work full of childlike innocence, fresh and timeless, far-reaching and charming. Judging from the depth of the work and the skills of the novel, "Spirited Away" should also be It is one of the best contemporary children's literature works in China, not inferior to many novels that have won the International Hans Christian Andersen Award for Literature."

After seeing Mr. Bing Xin's high praise for "Spirited Away" in the "Literary News", Lin Weimin was happy but also very puzzled. The old man was in his nineties and had put aside writing for many years. She said she had not read her novel. question, but to write a review article specifically is too exaggerated.

After some inquiring, Lin Weimin found out that it was Qiu Shilong who specially asked the old man to write this article.

Speaking of the relationship between Mr. Bing Xin and "Children's Age", we have to start from the late 1950s.

At that time, "Children's Times" had just been launched. President and editor-in-chief Feng Bingxu went to Yanjing to find children's literature writer Yuan Ying to compile a manuscript. During the period, he talked about Mr. Bing Xin's article "Resend to Little Readers" that had just been published in the supplement of "People's Daily". I hope this article will be published in "Childhood".

After being introduced by Yuan Ying, Feng Bingxu visited Mr. Bing Xin and obtained the right to reprint "Resend to Little Readers".

In 1978, "Children's Times" resumed publication, and Mr. Bing Xin wrote "Three Letters to Young Readers" specifically for "Children's Times".

In addition, Mr. Bing Xin's works such as "Mom" and "I Was Almost Eaten by a Wolf" were also published in "Childhood".

When the fourth issue of "Spirited Away" was published, the sales volume broke the historical record. Qiu Shilong felt that he should do something to commemorate it.

After much deliberation, I came up with the idea of ​​asking Mr. Bing Xin to write a review article for "Spirited Away". This would not only expand the reputation of "Spirited Away", but also build momentum for "Children's Age" in disguise and further enhance its popularity. The popularity of the magazine.

Given Mr. Bing Xin's relationship with "Children's Age", Qiu Shilong's request was naturally approved. Mr. Bing Xin happened to be reading this novel as well.

It was dictated by her and written by the younger members of the family. It took several days to write this review article. After communicating with the Children's Times Society, the article was published in the "Literary Newspaper".

After its publication, it had an immediate effect, and the domestic mainstream literary circles attracted unparalleled attention to Lin Weimin's first cross-border attempt at children's literature, "Spirited Away."

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