1980 My literary era

Chapter 66 Album Released

Chen Xiaoer's style of eating and drinking without forgetting to blackmail his characters already has the rogue demeanor he would have a few years later.

For the sake of the script, Lin Weimin invited him to five restaurants one after another for a month's salary.

Lin Weimin's current income is not low. His salary alone is 56 yuan. He entered "Contemporary" according to the treatment of college graduates. In addition to salary, the monthly bonus is 7 yuan.

In addition to these, he joined National Shoe Making some time ago and can receive a monthly subsidy of 23 yuan and 50 cents from shoe making.

Calculated in this way, Lin Weimin's monthly income now reaches 86 yuan and 50 cents.

Looking back at the early 1980s, this income definitely belonged to the high-income group.

Five meals a month cost more than 80 yuan. It can only be said that Chen Xiaoer's heart is dark, and he still dares to ask for a role.

Perhaps because of his conscience, or because of the role Lin Weimin agreed to, Chen Xiaoer took the initiative to pay the bill today.

"I didn't see it. You kid also has a day when you take the initiative to pay."

Chen Peisi smiled and said, "We just paid our wages!"

Lin Weimin thought to himself, I believe you. Looking at the end of the month, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death when your company pays wages at this time? Do you think your current employer is a group of black-hearted capitalists from later generations?

Regardless of whether the salary had just been paid or not, the account was finally settled, which proved that Chen Xiaoer's character was still worthy of salvage.

Before leaving, Chen Peisi did not forget to tell Lin Weimin: "Don't forget my role. Write it down and I'll treat you to dinner."

A little drunk, Lin Weimin returned to the Chinese Literature Society.

The address of the Chinese Literature Society is No. 166 Chaonei Street, which is a sacred place for many people in the literary circle.

The two buildings at the front and back of the courtyard, as well as the east and west annex buildings, almost form a circle. There is only a gap at the north end of the west annex building as a passage into the courtyard.

The front building has a total of five floors. The first to fourth floors are separated from the middle. The People's Publishing House is on the east side and the National Literature Publishing House is on the west side. The employees on the east and west sides of the front building are named "National" and "Literature". call each other.

"Contemporary" is on the second floor of the back building. There is "Contemporary" in the back building, which is also the guest house of the entire Chinese Literature Society.

In the 1980s and 1990s, countless writers worked here.

Lin Weimin's dormitory is in 301, and the entire third floor is almost filled with writers or young editors living here.

As he walked in the corridor, he could hear the sounds of the dormitories on both sides. Because they lived close together, everyone often had meals and drinks together. No matter whose friends came over, they all had to drink together.

The sound in room 304 was very loud today. It must be a friend visiting. The writer who lives in 304 has a surname of Yu, and everyone calls him Yu Zi on weekdays. He is short and fat and is good at cooking.

Because of his specialty in cooking, his dormitory became the most popular place for gatherings.

Among the noisy voices, Lin Weimin could tell that the loudest one should be Lao Zhang from 307.

Lao Zhang is tall and big, a typical Ludong man, with a very majestic appearance. His only shortcoming is that he is afraid of his wife. He cooks their meals every day.

He has a good drinking capacity and is a mouthful after drinking. Every time he talks about his past experiences, he has a different version.

After drinking, he also had a hobby of comparing character with Yu Zi from 304. After repeated comparisons, everyone could only give a half-pound to eighty-two comments, which made the two of them quite depressed.

Lin Weimin had no intention of joining in the fun, but suddenly the door of room 304 was opened. As soon as Yu Zi saw Lin Weimin, he enthusiastically pulled him into the dormitory.

It turns out that today's gathering is not because there are guests, but because a new neighbor moved in this afternoon, named Zheng Guo.

He moved into 302, which was still vacant. He was from southern Henan, and you could tell by his accent.

People come and go in the back building, most of them are writers who come to revise their manuscripts. The stay can be as short as a few months or as long as half a year. It is a good place to make friends, but it is always a bit sad.

New friends are here today, and we have an excuse to have a big drink. My friend is leaving tomorrow and I have to have a drink. Someone occasionally wrote a good work, got good news, and had to drink. It was really lively.

Lin Weimin chatted with a few people for a while, drank a few symbolic sips of wine, and then returned to his dormitory.

He has to go to work tomorrow, but he doesn't have the energy to stay up late with them.

The Chinese Literature Society has some rules. For example, new college students have to intern in the proofreading department for a year. Lin Weimin is an airborne soldier and does not enjoy this treatment. He directly takes up the post and becomes the first review editor.

Lin Weimin felt quite sorry, not for anything else. It was said that there were so many beauties in the proofreading department.

Moreover, the beauties of this era are different from those of later generations. They are proud of being educated. If Lin Weimin really went to the proofreading department, he would really be surrounded by wolves.

The review process of manuscripts is generally a three-review system. If the first review editor finds that there is no problem after one review, the manuscript will be submitted to the senior editor for a second review. If the second review passes, it will be submitted to the editor-in-chief for final review.

If it passes all three reviews, it means the work can be published.

The Chinese Literature Society is a bit special. It also has the editor-in-chief Wei Junyi. All manuscripts that Meng Weizai and Tan Chaoyang are not sure about have to go through the editor-in-chief Wei Junyi.

Lin Weimin's current job is to weed the fields and remove the weeds among the good seedlings. Then it is handed over to the old editor to water and fertilize, and finally the editor-in-chief harvests.

In addition, writing letters from readers and registering contributions are also part of his work.

It's a lot of work, very complicated, but very fulfilling.

The working environment in the editorial department of "Contemporary" is very pure, with no intrigues or intrigues. Even though he is a little busy, Lin Weimin still feels very comfortable.

December is about to enter, and "Contemporary"'s "Spy War" album is on the market as scheduled.

At noon that day, during his lunch break, Lin Weimin went to Xinhua Bookstore to check the sales of the "Contemporary" album.

"Comrade, are there any new copies of "Contemporary" available?"

"No more. We are adjusting the goods. You can come and have a look tomorrow."

"No thanks."

After visiting two Xinhua bookstores, Lin Weimin visited two more newsstands. I don’t know if it was because it was an album, but this issue of “Contemporary” sold very well, and it was only on bookstores and newsstands on the first day it was released. Most of them have been sold, and some of them are empty.

Lin Weimin felt a sense of accomplishment, not only because his "Cliff" was released in this issue, but also because of the success of the album he planned.

In the afternoon, Qin Chaoyang received calls from the bookstore and the post office. The sales of this issue of the album far exceeded expectations. The first print run might not last more than three days, so he urged "Contemporary" to print more copies.

Such good news immediately cheered up the atmosphere in the editorial department. The news that the album will be revised early next year has been confirmed. This album is equivalent to a test of the waters.

Look at this, after the magazine changes to bimonthly next year, sales will definitely increase!

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