1980 My literary era

Chapter 665 Teacher Lin will help you make a fortune

The rough cut of "Farewell My Concubine" is four and a half hours long, which is far too long for a movie.

But during the screening, no one expressed dissatisfaction with this. Everyone was immersed in the wonderful and poignant story and did not notice the passage of time.

When the movie ended and the lights came on, Michael Phillips, the producer and investor, was the first to applaud, and then everyone present also applauded, and it became increasingly enthusiastic.

From the beginning of the movie screening, Cheng Kaige's serious face finally showed a relaxed expression, but he still did not smile relaxedly.

Until he saw Lin Weimin clapping his hands, his heart that had been hanging on finally fell to the ground.

With Lin Weimin's approval, it means that the quality of the movie version of "Farewell My Concubine" has reached a certain height.

After all, Lin Weimin is not only the author of the original work, but also an outstanding screenwriter.

"Kai Ge did a good job!" Lin Weimin encouraged.

Cheng Kaige was still talking to Xu Feng, and when he heard Lin Weimin's praise, he bowed and shook Lin Weimin's hand.

"They are all your original works, Teacher Lin!"

Lin Weimin couldn't help but think of Cheng Kaige's free and uninhibited figure in Yanying's class.

I still like the unruly you back then!

After watching the rough cut of the movie, several investors and producers felt relieved. The quality of the movie is excellent, and I believe it will be even better after the fine cut.

Only Lin Weimin was a little dissatisfied after watching the movie.

Several producers shook hands with the creator one by one to congratulate him. While shaking hands, Lin Weimin said to Zhang Guorong: "The performance is very good, but the lines are still a little bit behind."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Guorong's originally happy face showed a look of sarcasm.

He consciously worked hard on this movie and acted with all his heart.

Xu Feng said with a smile: "The lines are a little off, but the performance is really at the level of an actor."

Lin Weimin smiled and didn't say anything. He didn't deliberately find fault with Zhang Guorong, but pointed out the problems of the film realistically. After all, he was going to participate in the film festival, and Cheng Kaige was ambitious and should have an attitude of striving for excellence.

Cheng Kaige ignored Zhang Guorong's expression and said: "Guorong's lines are indeed a problem, and I am also thinking about it."

Xu Feng winked at him, but Cheng Kaige pretended not to notice it at all.

Zhang Guorong quickly corrected his awkward mentality and smiled freely, "Ms. Xu, there is no need to defend me. If it's bad, it's bad. Being able to perform to this level is already my limit. There is nothing to be ashamed of." "

Xu Feng said: "Although there is a bit of an accent, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Lin Weimin said: "If you can handle it, let's handle it. Kaige is counting on this movie to win awards, so there's nothing wrong with being careful."

Cheng Kaige agreed with Lin Weimin's words. This movie was very important to him, and he certainly didn't want such flaws.

"But..." Xu Feng hesitated, "The films participating in the film festival must have the original voices of the actors."

It is an express rule of many film festivals around the world that films with non-original sound performances are not allowed to participate in the awards. The main reason is that the actors’ voices are also part of the performance. If secondary dubbing is used, it will be unfair to other finalists.

"If you don't say anything, there shouldn't be any problem, right?" Cheng Kaige said with some lack of confidence.

It seemed that he had had this idea for a long time, but today Lin Weimin happened to bring it up first, so he was no longer afraid of offending others.

Anyway, it was Teacher Lin who said it first.

Xu Feng looked at Michael Phillips and asked for his opinion with his eyes. Michael Phillips spread his hands and said that he had never seen anything before, so this matter was not a problem at all.

Xu Feng looked at Lin Weimin again, and Lin Weimin said: "Let's deal with it in a low-key manner, but try to find an actor with a voice similar to Guorong's."

Hearing this, Xu Feng was worried again. Where could he find such an actor?

If you want the dubbing to be realistic, at least three conditions must be met.

First, he must have a similar speaking voice to Zhang Guorong; second, he must be proficient in Peking Opera; third, he must also be able to act.

Meeting these three conditions is easier said than done.

Not only Xu Feng, but also Cheng Kaige was worried. Such voice actors are so difficult to find.

At this time, Lin Weimin said to Chen Kaige: "Kaige, do you remember Yang Lixin?"

"Of course I remember. Cheng Dieyi in the drama version did a great job."

"Let him try it, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Lin Weimin, the original author and screenwriter of the drama version of "Farewell My Concubine", said that no one dared to object to Yang Li's new career.

Cheng Kaige was a good person, but he didn't know Yang Lixin, and they might not agree to this kind of thing, so Lin Weimin had to take action himself.

Less than an hour after the phone call, Yang Lixin showed up at Yanying.

"Teacher Lin!" Yang Lixin gasped and said hello when he saw Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin introduced Yang Lixin to everyone and explained the situation to him in detail.

Finally, he asked seriously: "Although you are dubbing Zhang Guorong, this film has to participate in the film festival, so your name cannot appear. Do you agree?"

When Lin Weimin asked this question, Cheng Kaige was unsure.

He is a real actor in the drama version, and he worked hard to dub the voice, but no one knows his credit. Cheng Kaige thought about it and felt a little unfair.

But Yang Lixin said with a smile: "You have already spoken, but I can't say 'no'. Besides, if the film has to participate in the film festival, it is also to promote our country's prestige. If it really wins the award, I will be happy even without my name."

What you say is true!

Lin Weimin patted Yang Lixin on the shoulder, "Not bad."

Cheng Kaige also held Yang Lixin's hand with some gratitude. He joked: "Director Cheng, I'm not worthy yet. Don't rush to thank me. If it's not suitable, wouldn't your gratitude be in vain?"

His words made everyone present laugh.

Then everyone moved to Yanying's recording studio. Yang Lixin first listened to Zhang Guorong's voice and found the feeling for a few minutes, and then officially started dubbing.

"Senior brother, don't forget those three young men under the pillow mat."

"You said, I knew it. From the moment you met her, I knew it was over, everything was over."


Like, so similar!

Even Zhang Guorong, the original owner, felt it was extremely magical.

"Lixin, don't lower your head! Your voice can't be any brighter." Outside the recording studio, Cheng Kaige couldn't help but remind Yang Lixin when he saw Yang Lixin always lowering his head.

Yang Lixin said: "No. If the neck is lowered, the position will change and the sound will be different."

It suddenly dawned on everyone that the lover also had skills, and it was not just based on his voice.

This makes everyone even more impressed. What is a good actor? This is called a good actor!

After confirming that Yang Lixin was qualified, Cheng Kaige and several producers were relieved.

Yang Lixin said: "Can you give me a copy of this videotape? I will try to figure it out when I go back and try to restore Mr. Zhang's voice to the greatest extent."

His professionalism has won the respect of everyone present, but the movie is not yet finished, so you can only watch it at Yanying.

"Then I'll stay here for a few days." Yang Lixin said.

The problem of dubbing was perfectly solved, and Lin Weimin and others were relieved.

Before leaving, Lin Weimin told Cheng Kaige: "Pay more, I am here to save the situation."

Cheng Kaige nodded. If nothing else, he couldn't treat Yang Lixin badly because of his professional attitude.

Zhang Guorong, who was on the side, interrupted at this time and said: "This money should come from my salary."

Several people looked at Zhang Guorong, and he said thoughtfully: "Take out the 30,000-meter knife and consider it as Mr. Yang's reward."

Everyone present was shocked. With Yang Lixin's fame, even if he played the role of Cheng Dieyi, he wouldn't be able to get so much money!

Zhang Guorong said with a smile: "Mr. Lin's face is worth the money."

It turned out that it was for Teacher Lin's sake. Cheng Kaige breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Zhang Guorong was deliberately attacking his army.

Lin Weimin said: "There's no need to save face. The reason why you can get so much salary is because of your fame and acting skills. Li Xin's fame can't compare to yours. 30,000 yuan is too much."

"Then it's 10,000 meters, no more, no less. Mr. Yang's dedication is worth the price." Xu Feng said.

Lin Weimin nodded, "Ms. Xu's suggestion is good."

"Then let's do it." Cheng Kaige said.

He told Yang Lixin the news, but Yang Lixin didn't expect that he would be given such a high remuneration just to save a scene. He is now performing in a drama in Renyi, and his monthly salary plus subsidy is less than 400 yuan, and 10,000 yuan is enough for him. Been acting for ten years.

He thanked Cheng Kaige repeatedly, but Cheng Kaige said, "You have to thank Teacher Lin for this."

Yang Lixin thought of the phone call Lin Weimin made to him again. This was not the place where he came to save Teacher Lin. It was clearly Teacher Lin who was taking him to make a fortune.

On March 9, 1993, a massive press conference was held in the banquet hall of Yanjing Hotel.

"Signing Ceremony for the First Batch of Writers of Buhu Book Series".

On the huge display board, a line of text attracted the attention of all the guests and reporters present.

Today, many reporters and literary figures came to the banquet hall. Most of them were invited, but some came on their own initiative because they were not invited. Anyway, the Chinese Literature Society will not kick people out.

Media reporters, people in the literary world, people in the publishing industry, and ordinary literature lovers are actually very interested in the Buhuhu series of books that have been hyped for a long time.

After all, in China’s contemporary literary and publishing circles, there is only one unique existence like the Buhuhu Series that has attracted countless eyeballs since its inception.

In the morning, reporters and guests gathered in the banquet hall. As the protagonists of today's signing ceremony, the leaders and writers of the Chinese Literature Society still half-hidden their faces with their pipa in hand and have not yet appeared.

"The Chinese Literature Society is really capable of doing things, and today's battle is quite big."

"That's right, it's just a series of books. I just let them spend it! It's a call for papers and a signing ceremony."

"In the eyeball economy, publicity is the primary productive force. Their publicity campaign is really too powerful. I can guarantee that there will be at least dozens of media outlets reporting on the news of the 'Buhu Book Series Writer Signing' tomorrow."

The reporters are well-informed and are not surprised by the operation of the Chinese Publishing House, but they also admire the publicity strategy of the Chinese Publishing House. The person who can come up with this set of things is really a bit unqualified to use it in the Chinese Publishing House!

In a small room next to the banquet hall, Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin, two of the three giants of the Chinese Literature Society, gathered for the signing ceremony today, which shows that the Chinese Literature Society attaches great importance to this signing ceremony.

A total of eight writers will sign contracts with the Chinese Literature Society today, namely Wang Meng, Jia Pingwa, Liang Xiaosheng, Huang Anyi, Jin Ying, Tang Kangmei, Hong Feng and Yuxiu.

Everyone present, except Hong Feng and Yuxiu, can be regarded as old acquaintances of Lin Weimin.

At least Hong Feng and Lin Weimin have some connection. After all, they are both writing avant-garde literature.

But this was the first time that Yuxiu, a nineteen-year-old girl, met Lin Weimin. Her family was in Pengcheng. She was currently in her third year of high school and would be taking the college entrance examination to go to university in the second half of the year.

Yuxiu's parents were accompanying her when she came to Beijing. It was obvious that this girl's family was well-off and her parents were very supportive of their children.

Meeting many well-known writers including Lin Weimin for the first time, and the thought of going on stage to face reporters soon, Yuxiu's nervous heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Wang Meng saw the little girl's nervousness and joked: "Don't be afraid, kid, they will also deal with me, an old helper."

Lin Weimin said: "Old Wang, you are wrong. Of course you are the target of reporters' ire, but reporters will not let Xiao Yu go. You two are much more topical than the rest of them."

The faces of the other people around him were not unhappy when they heard this, but showed a bit of smile.

Lin Weimin was right, Wang Meng and Yuxiu were really more topical than them.

Wang Meng is older than everyone present. He became famous in the 1950s with "Long Live Youth" and "A Young Man from the Organization Department". Now he is nearly sixty and still active in the literary world.

Not only that, he also served as the Minister of Culture for three years starting in 1986.

Both his status in the literary world and his status in official circles are much higher than those of several other writers present.

With him here, he can basically attract more than half of the reporters' firepower.

The remaining firepower is likely to be focused on the little girl Yuxiu.

Nineteen years old, a high school student, and a debut novel, these three elements come together to attract reporters.

The Buhuhu Series has been in operation for two months from the end of the year to now, and has received more than a hundred novel manuscripts, but currently only Yuxiu and Hong Feng have been selected based on their works.

Compared with Hong Feng, Yuxiu is undoubtedly more topical.

Everyone was chatting, and it was almost time. Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin led the team, and a group of ten people entered the room one by one.

All of a sudden, the banquet hall was flashing with lights. There were at least forty or fifty reporters present today, all of whom were less than ten meters away from the podium and stared at the many writers eagerly.

It is normal for a publisher to sign a contract with an author. As for the publishing contract, as long as the book is published, it is impossible not to sign it.

But what is unique about the Chinese Literature Society this time is that it signs both works and people, and there are writers who don’t even have to be involved in the works before they sign the contract. This is the first time in the Chinese literary world.

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