1980 My literary era

Chapter 667 A little bit irrational

Cheng Wanchun was startled by his words. Are you kidding me? Two-pronged approach? How much will that cost?

"Is our Chinese Literature Society short of money now?" Lin Weimin asked a question that went straight to the soul.

Cheng Wuchun was silent for a moment and said harshly: "We have just had a few good years, so we can't spend money lavishly."

"It's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change your temperament. I'm talking about you." Lin Weimin accused.

Yesterday, when I attended the signing ceremony for the first batch of writers of the Buhu Book Series, I was so grinning that I immediately shrank back when it came time to pay.

Cheng Wanchun was not angry, "Just think of a solution from one aspect."

"Lao Cheng, you have to look at the problem from a development perspective. The Buhu Book Series is going to be in full swing this year. There will be at least six or seven books this year. We have created such a big battle, and the total sales volume is between two and three million copies. It is necessary.

It has been two months since "Spirited Away" was published, and it is about to sell three million copies. This is not my own book and I am bragging. I will definitely sell eight million copies in one year, right?

The development momentum of Tongwenshe is also good, and they are going to launch another "Hongdou".

The printing capacity we lack is not just a little bit. Just expanding the production capacity in Huangcun or acquiring a small printing factory is a drop in the bucket. "

It's wrong to deceive people or scare them. Well, Teacher Lin is very professional in admonishing leaders.

Cheng Wanchun hesitated, "Is it really as serious as you said?"

"If you don't believe me, ask Lao Mou, the situation is not optimistic!"

Mou Chunzhi was watching the show on the sidelines. He didn't expect that he would have a part in the play, so he saw Cheng Wanchun's eyes looking at him.

"Ah... this... I think... indeed... it should... maybe..."

He hesitated for a long time without explaining why, but Lin Weimin said: "You see, Lao Mou also agrees with my point of view."

Mou Chunzhi: Are you really deaf as the president?

He looked at Lin Weimin as if he were looking at the traitor next to the emperor.

Cheng Wanchun didn't know Lin Weimin's colorful heart, but he didn't dare to bet that the Chinese Literature Society's current upward momentum was too alarming. If it could be maintained for another two years, it might become the publishing house with the largest book circulation in the country.

If this upward momentum is interrupted because the printing production capacity cannot keep up, then he, the president, will be the sinner of the Chinese Literature Society.

"Well, let's discuss it at the next meeting. Expanding production capacity and acquiring a printing plant are a lot of money."

Lin Weimin said nonchalantly: "It's just two or three months' profit, so it's not a big problem."

"You're not a master, I don't know..." Cheng Wanchun rambled instinctively.

Lin Weimin instinctively listened with his left ear and heard it with his right ear.

Plans are plans, future production capacity does not represent current production capacity, and the current difficulties still need to be overcome by Mou Chunzhi.

After coming out of Cheng Wuchun's office, Lin Weimin grabbed Mou Chunzhi and said solemnly: "Lao Mou, within half a month, you must find me a printing factory that can provide us with a production capacity of 100 million sheets within half a year."

Mou Chunzhi was shocked when he heard this, and there was only one sentence in his eyes: Do you know what you are talking about?

If 100 million printed sheets are converted into books, it is basically 10 million copies. Ordinary printing plants simply cannot handle such a job.

Even if someone’s property is sufficient, it may not be reserved exclusively for the Chinese Literature Society!

Mou Chunzhi opened his mouth to explain to Lin Weimin, but Lin Weimin continued: "I'm not kidding you. There may be a huge gap in printing production capacity in the company this year. Whether it is expanding the production capacity of its own printing factory or acquiring a printing factory, in a short time We cannot face such a huge demand within a short period of time.”

Why didn't you tell the president just now?

Mou Chunzhi slandered.

He also understood that the leaders had already agreed to expand production capacity and acquire the printing plant, so the leaders could no longer worry about the remaining emergency matters.

Otherwise, why would he be needed as a vice president?

Although I think Lin Weimin's words are a bit exaggerated, it is true that there is a gap in the company's printing production capacity, and it seems to be quite large.

That’s all, just think of it as a rainy day.

"Prepare a few more sets of printing plates for "The Wasted City" and "Spirited Away"." Lin Weimin warned again.

Mou Chunzhi thought to himself that "Spirited Away" sold 2 million copies in one and a half months, so it would be wise to prepare a few more sets of printing plates. In the future, if the production capacity cannot keep up, it will definitely need to be printed by several printing houses.

But "Abandoned Capital"...

Mou Chunzhi was a little unsure, and now he was listening to Lin Weimin in a purely literary manner. He was optimistic about the success of Jia Pingwa's book.

He has never read the novel "Abandoned Capital", but it is a purely literary work after all, and Jia Pingwa has no precedent for her works to be successful, so it shouldn't be... right?

Outside the world, the news about the signing ceremony of the first batch of writers of the Buhu Book Series is still spreading in full swing. The first batch of media reports have been reprinted, and many media have followed up with reports and comments on the matter, which has further contributed to the popularity of the news. , the names of Buhuhu Book Series and several contracted writers spread throughout the country.

In this news that attracts almost universal attention, the first three novels in the Buhuhu series have officially landed on the shelves of major bookstores in China.

Five days later, Wei Fengjun hung up the phone from Xinhua Bookstore Publishing House again, looking blankly and muttering to himself.

"It's selling like crazy!"

“It’s selling like crazy!”

The young man in the distribution department was very worried about the leader's mental state, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. He could only ask cautiously: "Boss, what did Xinhua Bookstore say?"

Wei Fengjun looked at the young man, his eyes gradually focused, and then said word by word: "Order another 600,000 copies of "The Wasted City", 200,000 copies of "Bitter World", and 300,000 copies of "Flower Season and Rainy Season"."

The young man nodded, that's okay, the three books together only have 1.1 million copies.

1.1 million copies.

Hey, that’s not right, wasn’t it just five days after it went on sale?

The young man looked at Wei Fengjun, recalling what the leader had just said to himself.

Selling like crazy!

"Leader, are you sure it's 600,000 copies of "Desolated Capital", 200,000 copies of "Bitter World", and 300,000 copies of "Flower Season and Rainy Season"?"

Wei Fengjun smiled bitterly and said, "I haven't reached the stage of Alzheimer's disease yet, right?"

The young man asked in confusion: "But haven't these three books just been released on the market?"

"Can't it be sold as soon as it was released? "Spirited Away" sold 500,000 copies in one week."

The young man was disdainful. How could these books be compared with "Spirited Away"?

"Spirited Away" began to be serialized in "Children's Age" in June last year. It took eight issues to increase the sales of "Children's Age" from 400,000 copies in each issue to nearly 4 million copies in the last issue.

To use a novel to create a 10-fold increase in sales, the starting point is not 1,000 copies, not 10,000 copies, not 100,000 copies, but a full 400,000 copies. Looking at China's century-old periodical history, this situation is unheard of.

Sales of 4 million copies represent at least 4 million readers, and because of the characteristics of children's literature, behind every young reader there are parents and classmates. It is not an exaggeration to double the number of readers.

After the single volume of "Spirited Away" was released, it has continuously set new domestic book sales records. It will be two and a half months after publication, and the sales volume has infinitely approached 3 million copies.

In this case, compare the novels "The Wasted City" with "Childhood".

Leader, you are more or less irrational.

"Spirited Away" caused an unprecedented sensation in the domestic children's literature industry. The sales volume approaching 3 million in two months was unprecedented not only in the children's literature industry, but also in the history of modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

This is partly due to the novel itself, and it is also related to the fact that the novel was first serialized and then published. In more than half a year, "Spirited Away" developed enough readers and potential readers.

With the help of this huge readership group and their viral spread, the unprecedented sales miracle of "Spirited Away" was achieved.

Now not only the Chinese Literature Society, but also many people in the domestic publishing and literary circles are discussing the question of how long it will take for "Spirited Away" to break the 10 million copy figure.

Although the current sales volume of "Spirited Away" has not exceeded 3 million copies, everyone understands that the end point of this novel cannot be hovering in seven figures, and even eight-digit sales are only a matter of time.

You must know that the sales volume of the January 1993 issue of "Children's Age" alone, which serialized the eighth issue of "Spirited Away", exceeded 4 million copies. The sales of these 4 million copies are comparable to the 4 million copies of "Heroes of Kyushu" The gold content is completely different.

The sales volume of "Heroes of Kyushu" has increased little by little over two years. Readers may like a certain work published on it, but they must like the magazine itself more than the work.

But "Childhood" is different. From the original sales of 400,000 copies per issue to the current sales of 4 million copies, there is only one thing it has done, and that is to serialize "Spirited Away".

Readers love "Spirited Away" much more than they love magazines. This can be seen clearly from the drop in sales of "Childhood" after the serialization of "Spirited Away" ended.

After the February issue of "Children's Time" was released last month, it has sold only 2.2 million copies in more than a month, which is close to half.

The March issue has been on the market for half a month, and sales are only half of those of the February issue, which can be described as a cliff-like decline.

This rollercoaster-like sales volume naturally makes everyone in Children's Times feel worried, but they also know very well that the high sales volume is not their fault, so the plummeting sales volume is naturally not their fault.

The reason for all this was just that Lin Weimin wanted to write a fairy tale for his newborn daughter.

As the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Qiu Shilong looked at the sales of the past two issues with fear.

But reason told him not to be greedy, let alone think about unrealistic things. As long as the sales of "Children's Age" can remain at the level of 500,000 or 600,000 copies per issue after the first half of the year, then for the magazine, It is a huge success and an indelible achievement for his editor-in-chief.

After all, in the past few years, in addition to the increase in sales of popular literature, the sales of other literary works and publications have been declining. It is a blessing to be able to increase sales by 10,000 or 200,000 points in one year.

What's more, during this year, they have created unprecedented history for "Childhood".

The creation history of "Childhood" was brought to them by "Spirited Away", but at the same time, "Spirited Away" is constantly creating new history of its own.

Before late March, everyone believed this very strongly.

But no one expected that when "Spirited Away" was killing everyone in the domestic book market, another dark horse would fall from the sky.

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