1980 My literary era

Chapter 672 Just accept it

Teng Jinxian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But it is the first time for the Shanghai Film Festival to be held, and the face is not big enough. We can only cast a wide net. You are the best screenwriter at the Oscars and Cannes, and you are more than enough to be a judge at the film festival."

He asked: "How about it? Is it okay to be a judge?"

Lao Teng had just finished helping him. He had rejected the kindness of others before. If he refused again this time, it would be too disrespectful and it would be difficult to make friends.

"No problem." Lin Weimin said. He thought about it again, helped people to the end, and sent the Buddha to the West. He asked: "Who have the judges invited? Do you still need anyone?"

Teng Jinxian's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Who do you want to invite?"

"How about Alain Resnais? I'll ask first, but there's no guarantee that he can come."

Teng Jinxian clapped his hands, that would be great.

He asked again: "Can you still contact Bertolucci? Can you invite him to come too?"

"I bumped into him last time I went to Italy to receive an award. Just invite him. The movie he is currently working on is a bit unfriendly to China."

Personal friendship being personal, the final work in the "Oriental Trilogy" that Bertolucci is tinkering with is a bit crooked.

Lin Weimin couldn't stop others from making movies, but he couldn't be shameless enough to invite them to the Shanghai Film Festival.

Teng Jinxian didn't know the inside story of the movie and was a little surprised when he heard Lin Weimin's words.

"I heard that Ying Ruocheng collaborated with him a second time, didn't he?"

Teng Jinxian smelled the gossip and his eyes lit up.

"Hey! What are people afraid of!"

After the two chatted, Lin Weimin contacted Alan Resnais after returning.

In 1987, Lin Weimin went to France to receive the Goncourt Literature Prize and met Alain Resnais, with whom he has kept in touch in recent years.

Alain Resnais is now 71 years old, but he still has not quit the film industry, but in recent years he has focused more on stage plays.

Last year he directed the feature film "Smoking/Not Smoking" adapted from the stage play. He just participated in this year's Berlin Film Festival and was nominated for the Golden Bear Award. He is currently free.

After receiving Lin Weimin's invitation, Alan Lei Nai readily agreed, and Lin Weimin wrote back a letter to Teng Jinxian, which was considered a return of favor.

The next day, Lin Weimin received a call from Shanghai. The caller was Wu Yigong, director of the Shanghai Film Bureau, who specifically expressed his gratitude to Lin Weimin.

When running a film festival, the two most worrying things are the judges and the film sources. The two complement each other.

For a new film festival, the influence and connections of the judges largely determine the quality and quantity of films participating in the festival.

Alain Resnais is the standard-bearer of French New Wave cinema, a representative figure of Left Bank directors, and a master of modernist films. His status in European film history is no less important than that of Jean-Luc Godard.

The famous American film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum even called him "the greatest French filmmaker", greater than Jean-Luc Godard.

Lin Weimin's ability to bring Alain Resnais to the Shanghai Film Festival jury will undoubtedly greatly enhance the international publicity focus of the first Shanghai International Film Festival.

Wu Yigong talked about another issue on the phone. Originally, the chairman of the jury of the film festival had been determined to be Xie Jin, but now Alain Resnais is here.

With his historical status in the world film industry, being able to come to the Shanghai Film Festival is definitely a way of giving him face. It would be a bit too slight to condescend to just be a judge.

After hearing Wu Yigong's worries, Lin Weimin said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. I have already told him about this. You guys just think that the old man is here for tourism. Don't think so complicated."

With Lin Weimin's words, Wu Yigong felt relieved, expressed his gratitude again and hung up the phone.

"Lao Mou, keep talking about your story." Lin Weimin put down the phone and said to Mou Chunzhi who came to report on his work.

Mou Chunzhi continued: "Hangcheng Printing Factory is the first large-scale state-owned printing factory in Zhijiang Province, and it is also one of the largest printing factories in China. They are also very happy to cooperate with us this time. In recent years, the sales volume of publishing houses in various places decline, their factory had been expanding blindly before, and it happened to be overcapacity.

For us here, cooperation with them can be regarded as a solution to our urgent need. Another advantage is that Hangzhou is located in East China, and its logistics and transportation can cover many provinces in the south, which also saves our transportation costs in disguise.

In addition, the expansion work of Huangcun Printing Factory will not be completed for about three months. The president has raised sufficient foreign exchange reserves. The computer printing equipment launched this time in the newly expanded factory will have a production capacity of more than 200 million sheets, which will greatly satisfy the social needs. printing needs. "

After listening to this, Lin Weimin nodded with satisfaction, "Well done. The printing crisis in the first half of the year was finally passed safely. You deserve great credit for your hard work!"

Mou Chunzhi said quickly: "This is all my job. You are charging in the front, and the president is escorting us in the rear. This is all the credit of you and the president."

Mou Chunzhi's words are suspected of being flattering, but most of them are sincere.

It's almost June now, and half of 1993 has passed.

At the beginning of the year, major newspapers and magazines were revising their editions one after another, ushering in the so-called "tide of reform."

Unfortunately, the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light. The rush of "reforms" has not produced any fruitful results. The so-called reforms of most newspapers and magazines are just for their own entertainment.

On the contrary, the Chinese Literature Society is silent and never mentions any reforms, but the incidents it does are all innovative.

In April, the second Chinese literature volume of "World Literature Masterpiece Library" was officially put on sale. It was still limited to 3,000 volumes per month, and it was sold out in less than half a month.

There are 3,000 volumes of books, each with 40 volumes. The Chinese literature volume contains more content than the French literature volume. The price of a single volume of books has not changed, but the price of a single volume is naturally more expensive.

The price of one volume of the series is as high as 516 yuan. Such a high price can be sold out in half a month. There is no doubt that "World Literature Masterpiece Library" has formed its own strong brand power and has a group of pious and numerous fans. Fan of gold.

In addition to the French literature volume that has been a hot seller since October last year, the two volumes of "World Literature Masterpiece Library" now generate nearly 2.7 million copies of the Chinese Literature Society every month.

Mou Chunzhi has now gradually realized the beauty of what the editor-in-chief calls "hunger marketing", which can be said to have understood people's hearts.

This is not only a sales strategy, but also a powerful publicity tool. When Mou Chunzhi occasionally has dinner with friends in the publishing and cultural circles, everyone always talks about the "World Literature Masterpiece Library" of the Chinese Literature Society.

Even if some people have already bought the book, they can't help but feel happy to be able to collect it. They still don't forget to say hello to Mou Chunzhi and ask him to reserve a few volumes for them when the next volume comes out.

That posture inevitably reminded Mou Chunzhi of the time when the Chinese Literature Society published "Newly Engraved Poems on the Plum in the Golden Vase" a few years ago. Gods from all walks of life begged grandpa and grandma just to buy a set at a high price.

It has been one and a half years since the project was established at the beginning of last year. The "World Literature Classics Library", which can be called the most authoritative library product in the history of Chinese publishing, has completely established a strong reputation and brand effect in the cultural circles, publishing circles and reader groups. .

In addition to the "World Literature Masterpiece Library", the Buhu Book Series directed by Lin Weimin has also achieved amazing results in just a few months.

It has been more than two months since the first batch of three works, "The Wasted City", "Bitter World" and "Flower Season and Rainy Season" were published. "Bitter World" has sold 450,000 copies, "Flower Season and Rainy Season" has sold 750,000 copies, and "The Wasted City" has sold the most. Exaggeration, the sales volume is catching up with the already crazy "Spirited Away", reaching an astonishing 1.9 million copies.

Buhu book series, a battle to rectify the name!

It has made countless colleagues in the domestic publishing industry jealous and jealous.

Such exaggerated achievements have also made the name of the "Buhu Book Series" resounding across the country, becoming another powerful book brand of the Chinese Literature Society after the "World Literature Masterpiece Library".

At present, the second batch of selected books in the Buhu series has been determined.

Liang Xiaosheng's "Annihilation", Zhao Mei's "Lang Yuan", Cui Jingsheng's "Paper Necklace"... a total of five works will be launched on the market in mid-June.

In the past six months, Wei Fengjun, who is in charge of the distribution business, has been very proud. He has already become a guest of the Xinhua Bookstore system and secondary channel booksellers in various places.

Now that the second batch of works in the Buhu Book Series is about to be released, the people in the Xinhua Bookstore system are quite restrained at least. At most, they just treat guests to a meal. After hearing the news, the secondary channel booksellers from all over the country who rushed to Yanjing are not taboo about meat and vegetables. What? All means were used.

They couldn't win over the three giants in the company, so Wei Fengjun, the head of distribution, was naturally their key target.

Mou Chunzhi would hear gossip about Wei Fengjun from time to time, and he always felt envious in his heart. Although he was in charge of the printing business of the Chinese Literature Society and had been quite prosperous in the past two years, the printing business was a hard job after all, and it was far from what Wei Fengjun had. of moisture.

But while he was envious, Mou Chunzhi was also very rational. He knew very well that Wei Fengjun's current situation was actually not optimistic.

The news that even I heard was spread a lot in the club. Could it be possible that several big leaders in the club and even the leaders in the department didn’t know about it?

You never know when something will happen!

"Lao Mou!"

Mou Chunzhi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't react until he heard Lin Weimin calling him.

"Editor-in-Chief, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Lin Weimin waved his hand and continued: "At present, the sales volume of "The Last Huns" and "Eight Miles of Love" are good, and it should not be difficult to break one million copies within a year. In addition, the book will be released soon. For the second batch of works in the Tiger Series, you must pay close attention to the printing factory. Especially the Hangcheng printing factory, this is the first time for cooperation, and both parties are still in the running-in period, so don’t be careless."

"I have remembered everything you said, and I will strictly implement it."

After Mou Chunzhi left, Lin Weimin packed his things and got off work.

As soon as he got home, Xu Feng called.

The nationwide release date of "Farewell My Concubine" has been officially confirmed and is set at June 18.

Different from the later release of "Farewell My Concubine", this time "Farewell My Concubine" was released. With the help of Teng Jinxian and Tian Congming, Lin Weimin and Xu Feng discussed and decided to reciprocate and support new measures for film reform.

"Farewell My Concubine" is no longer handed over to China Film for distribution like many domestic feature films. Instead, it bears the name of Yan Film Studio and is distributed by provincial distribution companies.

At this time, although Document No. 3 had been issued for more than four months, the struggle between the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television and local governments was still ongoing. Nearly two-thirds of the provincial distribution and screening companies across the country expressed their rejection of the reform. of.

The novel "Farewell My Concubine" has a strong domestic reader base, a large scale of film investment, many stars, and it has just won the Palme d'Or, the highest honor at the Cannes Film Festival. Putting so many attention-grabbing elements together, it is said to copy "Shaolin Temple" "The box office miracles of "Wrangler" and "Romance in Lushan Mountain" are not exaggerated.

Xu Feng had just finished contacting two or three provincial distribution companies, and Xu Feng's phone calls were inundated with distribution companies from all over the country.

This is all money!

Of course, not all distribution companies are covetous of the benefits that "Farewell My Concubine" can bring. After the news spread, many provincial distribution companies are still waiting and watching. It is very simple for Lin Weimin and Xu Feng to discuss it.

If the provincial issuance company does not do it, then it will be handed over to the municipal issuance company.

This suddenly made those stubborn provincial distribution companies anxious. The younger brothers below were all pointing to him for food. Now that the younger brother has a new job, how can they still be the big brother?

After only persisting for a few days, these provincial distribution companies that had been stubbornly resisting could no longer bear it.

After all, it's all money that can be put into your pocket. Seeing it all flow into the pocket of the younger brother, you can't make any money. This is not only self-inflicted 800, but the enemy has also increased by 800.

Get over it!

What can be done?

It’s not like we haven’t struggled!

There's something going on at home, so I've only updated twice in the past few days.

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