1980 My literary era

Chapter 681 It’s better to bully a white-headed man than a poor young man

More than half a month ago, a massive campaign to combat box office fraud and underreporting was in full swing. The domestic film distribution system has been in charge for decades, but this is the first time it has accepted such a powerful iron fist of dictatorship.

Before the film reform in 1993, it was not the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television and the Film Bureau that had the greatest influence on the domestic film market, but China Film Corporation.

Even though China Film Company is only a bureau-level unit, the managers of China Film Company are appointed directly by the top government officials. Its finances are directly connected to the Ministry of Finance, and it is known as a reservoir for the film industry.

Before 1993, all Chinese films implemented a unified purchase and sales policy, which meant that all film distribution rights were monopolized by China Film Group Corporation, and it was a pricing monopoly. In many cases, studios could not even make profits.

Theoretically, the management functions of film distribution and exhibition in China are in the hands of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television and the Film Bureau, but the actual implementation of many government documents and policies cannot be separated from the cooperation and execution of China Film Corporation.

This is also true in all provinces, cities, and counties, because China Film Group holds the power of distribution, and all domestic distribution companies at all levels are under the wings and shadow of China Film Group.

Therefore, in the past few years, people in the domestic film industry often lamented: "It is easy to defeat the mountain, but it is difficult to defeat the China Film Company."

However, starting from this year, the situation gradually became a little different.

The reforms proposed by the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television were actually passed, and film distribution was no longer the exclusive privilege of China Film Company, which suddenly put China Film Company into a passive position.

In addition, Tian Congming, a powerful deputy minister, is trying his best to win over major domestic film studios and provincial and municipal distribution companies. The influence of China Film Corporation is now in jeopardy.

In the era of unified purchasing and marketing, China Film Company was the dominant one. The first to be dissatisfied with it were the local studios, followed by the prefecture (city) and county-level distribution companies.

The focus of the conflict is naturally the uneven distribution of interests. In the domestic film distribution and projection system, China Film Corporation eats the meat, provincial distribution companies eat the soup, and prefecture (city) and county-level distribution companies smell the fuss.

The studio is the worst, as it brings its own dry food.

Therefore, when the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television proposed film reform, studios in various places were the first to wave the flag, followed by distribution companies at the prefecture (city) and county levels.

Yanjing Film Distribution Company is a provincial-level distribution company. Its previous attitude towards film reform was very ambiguous and it has always stayed on the sidelines.

At the beginning of the year, Yanjing Film Studio introduced "Once Upon a Time: The Lion King". Several provincial and municipal distribution companies in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, etc. were the first to respond and made a lot of money. Yanjing Film Distribution Company saw it I am so greedy.

Before the release of "Farewell My Concubine", it was so popular that Yanjing Film Distribution Company joined in half-heartedly. Once the movie was released, its ability to attract money was even better than that of "Once Upon a Time: The Lion King". Manager Xu was extremely lucky to have done it. Decide.

However, he didn't have time to be happy yet.

The big stick of special operations fell with thunderous force. Film distribution companies all over the country had just tasted the benefits of "Once Upon a Time: The Lion King" and "Farewell My Concubine", and they were stunned on the spot when the stick was cut.

After a lot of pulling and pulling, the green-faced fangs of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television and the Film Bureau were finally exposed in front of film distribution companies at all levels, making them realize that their serious superior units were not just fools.

Now that China Film Company has even been deprived of its exclusive distribution rights, it is difficult to protect itself, let alone them, the younger brothers and the younger brothers.

According to rumors, Lin Weimin encouraged Tian Congming to do this special operation.

Moreover, there are reliable rumors claiming that Tian Congming intends to transfer Lin Weimin to the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television. The director of the Film Bureau, Lao Teng, is about to retire, and Tian Congming wants Lin Weimin to take over.

If Lin Weimin really takes over from Teng Jinxian, he will be half the leader of the distribution system. At his age, even if he is delayed for ten years, he will still be in his early forties. If he reaches a higher level by then, the distribution system will be worthy of its name. led.

There is a saying in officialdom: It is better to bully a white-headed man than a poor young man.

Old comrades, even if they are your immediate bosses, their potential is so great despite their age.

But young people are different, especially young people like Lin Weimin.

This guy has been serving as the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society for two years, right? He’s not even thirty-five yet, and even if he doesn’t transfer to the radio and television system, it would be terrible to continue to stay in the publishing system!

After all, he is only thirty-three years old!

After Wang Shuo and Xu Cairen left, Manager Xu was worried that his performance had offended others, and everyone was quietly discussing what had just happened.

Even Han Zhuangzhuang came close to Lin Weimin and muttered: "Why are you embarrassing a little girl?"

"I don't embarrass her, but your aunt is embarrassing me!" Lin Weimin said.

Han Zhuangzhuang automatically filtered Lin Weimin's words. The old uncle never told the truth and always hid his thoughts behind jokes.

"Aren't you afraid that this matter will spread out and damage your image? A great writer and leader would embarrass a little girl."

"What image do I have?" Lin Weimin said nonchalantly, and then he looked at Han Zhuangzhuang, his eyes scanning like X-rays, "You kid, aren't you showing affection for me?"

Han Zhuangzhuang shook it off hurriedly as if there were sparks on his body, "Don't talk nonsense about pity for women, I just asked casually, what does this matter have to do with me?"

After saying this, he quickly disappeared from Lin Weimin.

Gong Li on the side looked at Han Zhuangzhuang, and then glanced at Zhang Yimou who looked worried next to her, with contempt in her heart.

Hey, man!

The domestic box office success of "Farewell My Concubine" has been decided. After the celebration banquet, Xu Feng still has to go to Wandao.

The release of Xiangjiang has been completed, and Wandao is one of the important ticket warehouses in East Asia.

In recent years, although relations between the Bay Island and the mainland have gradually normalized, there are still strict restrictions in many areas.

This is the case with movies. There is a one-half rule in Bay Island: movies with more than half of the directors and directors being mainlanders will be classified as mainland films and cannot obtain a release permit or participate in the Golden Horse Awards.

Xu Feng is a Bay Island native and a Bay Island actor. She has some contacts in the Bay Island film industry. She has contacted many people in the film industry before, hoping to use a back door for "Farewell My Concubine".

After all, this is a serious work that won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and it's worth taking a back door trip.

The most important thing is that if the backdoor is successful this time, "Farewell My Concubine" can also successfully participate in the selection of the Golden Horse Awards.

After Xu Feng communicated his thoughts with Lin Weimin, Lin Weimin disapproved.

The people in Wandao were too small. In his impression, Xu Feng had really made a big fuss in order for "Farewell My Concubine" to be released in Wandao.

At that time, she won the support of many people in the film industry, and she also convened several major companies to join forces with department stores to launch a "tens of thousands of people to support the release of "Farewell My Concubine" signature campaign", in order to put pressure on the Bay Island authorities in the hope that they can amend the regulations as soon as possible. .

In December 1993, under pressure, the Bay Island authorities announced that on the basis of the original one-half system, a new amendment would be added: to win the best film at the five major film festivals: Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Oscar, and New York Film Festival. The film works will not be restricted by the one-half system and can be screened in the Bay Island.

At that time, many Bay Island filmmakers were rejoicing, thinking that they had finally forced the government to give in.

As a result, the Bay Island government added a stipulation: it needs to further verify whether the funds for the film include mainland funds.

If there are mainland funds, it will also not be screened in Bay Island.

Later, "Farewell My Concubine" was invested by mainland funds, so it was ultimately not released on Bay Island.

In this life, "Farewell My Concubine" did not have mainland funding.

The thoughts in his mind passed quickly. Lin Weimin said to Xu Feng: "Don't put too much energy on Bay Island. After all, it is just a small market. The Golden Horse Award is not a great award. You should focus on the United States." .

We have already won one of the top three awards in Europe, and the next highlight is the awards season in the United States. So many frontline awards have a great impact on the final winners of the Golden Globe and Academy Awards. After all, many judges overlap. of.

And Mike also has a part in this movie, and he will definitely do his best. "

Lin Weimin's contempt for the Bay Island market and the Golden Horse Awards made Xu Feng feel slightly uncomfortable. After all, she was from Bay Island, but it was not unreasonable to say so.

Having already won the Palme d'Or, spending more time on a regional film award like the Golden Horse would be a waste.

And compared to countries such as OMI, Japan and South Korea, the market in Wandao is really not that big. Even the box office of "Farewell My Concubine" in the mainland may not be comparable to that in Wandao.

Xu Feng adjusted his mentality and said: "No matter how small the award is, it is still a prize, no matter how small the box office is, it is still money. I will go back and work hard first. If something cannot be done, I will not force it."

The two of them just had a cooperative relationship, and Xu Feng was really doing it for the good of the movie, so Lin Weimin didn't say anything more.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the banquet ended. Excluding the small interruption caused by Xu Cairen's appearance, today's celebration banquet was perfect.

Manager Xu of Yanjing Film Distribution Company’s biggest feeling after attending the banquet was that it is Hong Kong and Taiwanese who know how to enjoy and market.

There were too many people from the Yanjing cultural circle and a few reporters at today's banquet. After attending the banquet, are you going to die and cheer for "Farewell My Concubine"?

This meal is a month’s salary!

When everyone was going out, the charming Maxim manager Song Huaigui was waiting at the door to see the guests off. He was wearing an evening dress, exquisite makeup, and a reserved and elegant attitude, which immediately made people feel more respectable.

Manager Xu walked out of the restaurant with his head held high and saw Lin Weimin saying goodbye to several acquaintances.

"You are drunk and it is inconvenient to drive..." Cheng Zhiguzheng said to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin drank a few glasses of red wine tonight. To be conservative, he definitely couldn't drive.

Xu Feng said: "It's okay, I'll make arrangements."

When Manager Xu saw this scene, he immediately realized that this was a good opportunity. He stepped forward and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Lin didn't bring a driver? I happen to have a young man there who drives very steadily. Let him take you back."

After Manager Xu finished speaking, he didn't give everyone a chance to react. He jogged all the way to the work bus.

Cheng Zhigu looked at Manager Xu's back, feeling unhappy and trying to steal my lines.

The young man in the car quickly got out and said, "Manager, will I take you home now?"

"Don't send me off yet. Go and drive a car for me."

He pulled the young man to Lin Weimin's Mercedes-Benz and said with a smile: "Xiao Hou drives well, Teacher Lin, let him drive you."

Faced with Manager Xu's enthusiasm, Lin Weimin said: "He drives for me, what should you do?"

"It's okay, I don't drink enough, I can just drive it myself."

Manager Xu said nonchalantly.

Drunk driving, it is hard to say that it is still drunk driving, but it is the norm in this era.

"Forget it, the car is just here. It's the same as picking it up tomorrow." Lin Weimin said.

If Manager Xu gives the driver to him and something happens to him while driving, he will have to bear the blame. There is no need.

"Don't bother me! I've called everyone for you." Manager Xu said.

Cheng Zhigu, who was on the side, did not expect that Manager Xu would snatch him away, but he said with a smile: "Manager Xu, you are drunk and driving is too dangerous. If something happens, Teacher Lin will not be able to escape the blame."

After he finished speaking, he turned to the young man next to him and said, "Less, come and help Teacher Lin drive, and send Teacher Lin home safely."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the reaction of Manager Xu and Lin Weimin, and pushed Yu Yu who was beside him in the direction of the car. Yu Yu looked embarrassed: "Manager, key, key..."

"Teacher Lin..." Cheng Zhigu had a somewhat attentive smile on his face.

Lin Weimin was helpless. Everyone had already behaved this way, and if he refused, it would be a bit disrespectful.

He handed over the key and said to Cheng Zhigu: "Then you should find someone to help you drive, or you can pick up the car tomorrow."

"You are very considerate. I will leave the car here and come pick it up tomorrow." Cheng Zhigu said.

Lin Weimin finally got into the car with confidence.

Looking at the back of the car as it drove away, Manager Xu had a complex expression on his face, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes when he glanced at Cheng Zhigu.

Cheng Zhigu didn't care about his expression and chatted with Xu Feng easily.

Upon seeing this, Manager Xu glanced at Cheng Zhigu angrily, got in the car and left Maxim's door.

Xu Feng witnessed the whole scene just now and felt a little puzzled.

Even if Lin Weimin has some influence in the film system, he will not let Director Cheng and Manager Xu behave like this.

"Director Cheng, you and Manager Xu..."

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