1980 My literary era

Chapter 684 Life Mentor

Lin Weimin patted Cheng Wuchun on the shoulder, "Old Cheng, you have a very heavy task in the next period of time!"

Cheng Wanchun's face couldn't help but twitch twice. He retracted the regret in his heart and just wanted to give Lin Weimin four words: You are responsible for it!

No, you deserve it!

"Stop smiling so playfully!" Cheng Zaochun scolded him, "What are you going to do next?"

"What should I do? Didn't you listen to what the leader said? I've been suspended (fang) from my job (jia), so I need to take a good rest. The past two years have exhausted me!"

Like a habitual criminal who had just been released from prison, Lin Weimin stretched his waist and prepared to enjoy the free air and sunshine.

Cheng Zaochun suddenly felt unbalanced in his heart. This kid was unorganized and undisciplined. He was warned and suspended, but he was cool and relaxed, and he still had to work hard.

This is not fair!

"Since we're all suspended anyway, don't be idle. We'll just organize a nationwide book signing for the signed writers of the Buhu Book Series."

Being stabbed in the back by Lao Cheng, Lin Weimin was furious, "Old Cheng, you are doing this in disguise! The boss even said that I would be suspended from my post!"

"I'm not suspending you. These are all your personal arrangements during your suspension."

"I won't go, whoever wants to go can go."

Cheng Wuchun saw that the hard one was not enough, so he had to use the soft one.

"Weimin, look at you, you are suspended from work for three months. Being idle at home is also idle, ten days and a half is fine, but if this time is too long, you will definitely not be feeling well.

You haven’t had any new work in more than a year, right?

Just think of going out this time as a way to relax, pick up stories, and experience life! "

Lin Weimin looked at Lao Cheng sideways. Although he knew that this guy only wanted to work for him, what he said was not unreasonable.

This vacation lasted for three months. As a vacation, it was a bit long. He was a little tired of staying at home all the time. It would be a good idea to change it up a bit, so he reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, okay. But let's talk about it first, I'm just going to relax."

"Don't worry, you have many people under your command!"

After chatting with Lao Cheng, Lin Weimin explained some more work and left the Chinese Literature Society gracefully.

At this time, the news that he had been suspended again quickly spread throughout the Chinese Literature Society, and his colleagues were already numb.

Why were you suspended again?

Counting it all together, how many times has this happened?

It feels like others have been suspended from their jobs in a lifetime, not as much as Lin Weimin has been suspended in a few years.

Moreover, what is the reason for the suspension this time? I haven’t heard of any mistakes made by the editor-in-chief recently!

Otherwise, the power of the people is great. Everyone gathered together to discuss and analyze, and soon someone put the cause of the suspension on the recently rumored "work transfer."

During this time, not only people in the radio and television system, but also people in the Chinese Literature Society had heard about Lin Weimin's possible transfer to the Film Bureau.

If something comes out of nowhere, there must be a reason.

This is probably true, but now it is suddenly reported that Lin Weimin has been suspended. What is going on?

Lin Weimin usually returns home at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, but today he came back right after lunch. Tao Huimin asked in surprise: "Why are you back at this time?"

"Suspended." Lin Weimin said honestly.

"Suspended again?"

Tao Huimin's tone was a little surprised, but not surprised.

Counting this time, this is the third time Lin Weimin has been suspended.

Lin Weimin was dissatisfied, "What do you mean 'you'? You use the word 'you' as if I am stubborn!"

Tao Huimin rolled her eyes at him, "You might as well go take care of the children if you don't have time with me. It just so happens that I have a holiday this time so I can cultivate a relationship with my children. She is busy working all day, and she doesn't even kiss you anymore."

"Nonsense! My daughter loves her father the most!"

Lin Weimin took off his shirt, washed his face, and took the bean bun from Sister Sun's hand.

"Come on, eldest daughter, let daddy give you a good kiss!"

As he spoke, his old face came close to Xiaodoubao's tender face. Xiaodoubao twisted her body to resist. She only knew a few simple words now. She resisted in her heart, but she couldn't say anything out loud, so she could only shout: "Dad! Dad!"

"You didn't even shave, and you pricked her." Tao Huimin said angrily.

Lin Weimin took a few sips on Xiaodou Bao's face, then moved it to his hair, and kissed him hard a few more times.

"It's better to be at home!"

Holding his daughter's soft little body in his arms, Lin Weimin couldn't help but sigh.

Tao Huimin said: "Let's go to my parents' place for dinner tonight."

"Okay, let's give Sister Sun and Sister Qin a half-day holiday in the afternoon."

Father Tao and Mother Tao have been taking care of Xiaodoubao since he was born. Now Xiaodoubao is about to be eighteen months old.

When she was one year old, Tao Huimin talked to Tao's father and Tao's mother. Both of them are retired now. They can't focus all their energy on their granddaughter, and they have to find something to do for themselves.

Over the past year or so, the two nannies at home, Sister Sun and Sister Qin, have performed very well. The bean bags have grown bigger, and they feel relieved.

Tao's father and Tao's mother took care of their granddaughter two days a week, and spent the rest of the time enjoying life and doing whatever they liked. In the past few months, they had been living as happily as gods.

Tao Huimin told Sister Sun and Sister Qin that they would have a holiday in the afternoon. They said yes, but no one moved, and there was no joy at all about the holiday.

It's midsummer now, the hottest time of the year in Yanjing City. Even if it's a holiday, they don't want to go out. They might as well stay at home. The yard is cool, the room is air-conditioned, and they haven't missed any of the work they should do. It’s like not having a holiday.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, when the heat was no longer so hot, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin came to Father Tao and Mother Tao with little bean bags.

When Tao Huimin said that Lin Weimin had been suspended, Tao's father and Tao's mother looked worried, but Tao Huimin said with a nonchalant expression: "I'm used to him being suspended every two years."

Tao's mother asked: "Why were you suspended? Did you make a mistake?"

As soon as she finished asking, she was scolded by Tao's father, whose eyes hinted at which pot she didn't want to drink.

Tao Huimin smiled and said: "It's not like he made a mistake. They wanted to transfer him to be the director of the Film Bureau, but he refused. This made the big boss unhappy and suspended him."

Father Tao pondered: "Oh, then this is a refusal to obey the organization's deployment, which is not a trivial matter!"

"It's okay, just treat it as a holiday." Lin Weimin said nonchalantly.

Father Tao and Mother Tao looked at each other and stopped talking about this topic.

My son-in-law has a good reputation and earns money that no one else can earn in a lifetime. Even if he quits being the editor-in-chief, he can still live a good life. There is really no need to worry.

Today, it was rare that my daughter and son-in-law came with their granddaughter. Father Tao and Mother Tao prepared a table of dishes. After everyone finished eating, they chatted in the shade under the jujube tree in the courtyard.

While he was talking, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard, and then an old lady came in.

She looked like an acquaintance. Tao's mother stood up and greeted the old lady, "Sister, you're here!"

The old lady looked a little surprised when she saw Lin Weimin, "There are guests at home. Oops, I'll come back another day."

Tao's mother hurriedly stepped forward to hold her, "It's okay, it's my daughter and son-in-law who are bringing their granddaughter to dinner."

Tao's mother pulled the old lady to sit down. Tao Huimin went to pour the old lady a glass of water. Tao's mother introduced Lin Weimin: "This is our neighbor Sister Ni, Li Chengru's mother."

"Hello, aunt!"

Lin Weimin and his wife greeted Li's mother, and Lin Weimin said: "Last year, I saw Cheng Confucius and gave me a box of cigars, saying that we should move around more!"

Hearing Lin Weimin mention her son, Mother Li's smile was a little forced.

Mother Tao's eyes looked strange and she said to Mother Li, "He doesn't know about this yet!"

Mother Li smiled bitterly, "It's okay."

Lin Weimin looked suspicious, and Tao's mother explained: "There is something wrong with Chengru's business."

Mother Li continued: "It would have been great to open a clothing city, but I had to tinker with foreign exchange. That thing is almost like gambling. I made a lot of money before, but some time ago I said I lost it all. Not only the money I lost all my money and even lost my business.”

Lin Weimin pretended to be surprised. Of course he knew about Li Chengru's bankruptcy.

He comforted: "Mom, it's okay. Chengru is still young, in his thirties, and he has a long time to live. Two years is enough for him to recover."

Mother Li sighed and said: "I think so too. But after all, it is such a big business, and after running it for so many years, it will fail. Even I am worried, let alone the child. I, I'm here with you. Come, we can still have a place to talk. He, now, lies at home every day without saying a word..."

When her son encountered such a big setback in his life, Mother Li naturally felt uncomfortable as a mother. She choked up as she spoke.

Lin Weimin comforted him a few more times, feeling that it was not convenient for Mother Li to talk to Mother Tao since he was here, so he said, "I'm going to see Cheng Ru, and you guys can chat first."

Lin Weimin got up and went out. He thought that Li Chengru gave him a box of cigars last time, and he couldn't go empty-handed when he came to visit.

After thinking about it, I walked to Wangfujing Bookstore not far away and bought a hardcover version of "The Ordinary World" before I came back and knocked on the door of Li's house.

It took a long time before someone came to open the door.

Li Chengru opened the door for Lin Weimin with a haggard face and unshaven beard. When he saw Lin Weimin, his expression was very surprised.

"Teacher Lin, why are you here?"

"Your mother was chatting with my mother-in-law just now and she was talking about you. Come and see you."

The business bankruptcy was a new injury for Li Chengru. A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, "Please come in quickly."

The courtyard of the Li family is similar to the one where Tao's father and Tao's mother live now, with two entrances.

Lin Weimin entered the room, and Li Chengru poured him a cup of tea.

After a few words of greeting, Lin Weimin said: "Your mother has told you everything about you. You have been under a lot of pressure recently, haven't you?"

Li Chengru smiled bitterly, said nothing, lowered his head and showed Lin Weimin the top of his head, "Take a look!"

On the top of Li Chengru's head, there are several patches of bald spots, which you really wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

Lin Weimin said easily: "Why don't you shave your head!"

Li Chengru was stunned. His first reaction when he heard Lin Weimin's words was to be angry. I'm like this and you still use me to play cymbals.

But suddenly, all his anger disappeared, because he realized that Lin Weimin did not say this to amuse him deliberately.

Li Chengru is a smart man who knows everything, otherwise he wouldn't have made his business so big.

"What you said makes sense, it's time to shave."

Lin Weimin laughed and told an interesting story about how a group of them encouraged Ge You to shave his head the year "The Stubborn Lord" was released. Li Chengru listened with interest, but he didn't expect that Teacher Lin was also a bad friend when getting along with his friends.

At this time, Lin Weimin said with deep meaning: "That year, I told Yuzi: shave it, shave it, and you will become popular."

Li Chengru thought about it for a moment, nodded solemnly, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your advice."

Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder and placed the set of "The Ordinary World" he had brought in front of him. "You can read it if you have time. This book can encourage people."

From the moment he entered the door, Li Chengru noticed the book in Lin Weimin's hand and knew that he must have given it to him.

He remembered that last winter, when he was so complacent and forgetful about everything, when he saw Lin Weimin, he generously gave him a box of cigars worth several hundred meters.

At that time, he had a desire to show off. After all, when he met Lin Weimin, Lin Weimin was already a somewhat famous writer, while he was just an unknown person at the time.

Of course, the price of a set of "The Ordinary World" cannot be compared with that of his box of cigars, but Li Chengru felt inexplicably ashamed when he looked at this set of books.

A box of cigars is dispensable to Teacher Lin.

But this book "The Ordinary World" is a good medicine for his heart disease.

It turns out that I used to be so arrogant that I couldn't even give enough gifts.

All the shame turned into bitterness and flowed into his heart. Li Chengru looked at Lin Weimin with a look of admiration.

At this moment, Lin Weimin seemed to be glowing.

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