1980 My literary era

Chapter 701: Dismantling a Generation

After returning to Yanjing for half a month, Lin Weimin has resumed his previous work and life rhythm.

It was almost the end of the year, and there were no big moves in the work of the Chinese Literature Society. The whole day was filled with articles, and Lin Weimin, Lao Cheng, and Lao Zhou were exchanging blame with each other, embodying the three words "Lao Youtiao" vividly.

"What is the meeting in this department asking me to do? Find Lao Cheng, find Lao Cheng!"

"The president went to the ministry for a meeting."

"Where's Lao Zhou?"

"Secretary Zhou called in sick and said he had high blood pressure."

"This old fox is more active than anyone else when it comes to grabbing credit."

Lin Weimin complained mercilessly, not treating the young man in front of him as an outsider.

"I know, go ahead and do your work."

Without making the young man embarrassed for a few seconds, Editor-in-Chief Lin agreed to go to the meeting without any common sense.

The level of the Chinese Literature Society is not low. It stands to reason that there should be many people working hard to become leaders, but the reality is that in recent years, very few leaders have truly reached high positions.

The reason is mainly because it is too salty.

Not only the mentality is salty, but also the actions.

It won't move if you don't poke it, and it won't move if you poke it.

What's more, there are people like Lin Weimin who won't go away even if they are being held back, and even hit him and make him fall back.

I went to the department for a meeting. The person who presided over the meeting was Song Department. After the meeting, Lin Weimin went to say hello to the leader. When the leader saw him, his face was serious. His nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes. He stood out and did not want to see him.

Why are leaders so narrow-minded?

Two days later, New Year's Day was approaching, and the Chinese Literature Society also held a summary meeting before the holiday.

At the meeting, Lao Cheng's face was glowing with pride.

Don't look at him and push back when you go to a meeting at a superior unit. That's because he's not the one speaking on the stage.

Now I am having a meeting on one-third of an acre of land in my house, and I am so excited.

“Comrades, the year 1993 was an extraordinary year for our Chinese Literature Society, a year of great development.

In this year's book publishing and distribution work, we discovered and launched a large number of works that are widely welcomed by readers.

Not to mention the Buhu series of books, such as "Spirited Away", "The Last Hun", "Eight Miles of Love", etc., each of them is a best-seller with sales exceeding one million or even tens of millions of copies. laid a solid foundation for the book distribution work.

Because of these excellent works, our publisher's book circulation reached a record high this year, reaching more than 38 million copies. The circulation of publications has maintained a steady and rising trend despite the continued sluggish market, reaching more than 32 million copies.

The overall circulation of books and periodicals exceeds 70 million, which not only sets a new historical high for our company, but also surpasses most of its peers and reaches the leading level in the industry. "

Lin Weimin felt that this "fellow" most likely refers to the People's Society next to him.

People who work in the same industry are enemies, let alone enemies who live in the same building.

Cheng Wuchun just mentioned "tens of millions of best-sellers." Since "Spirited Away" was released in January, its sales officially exceeded 10 million copies at the end of November. It took less than 11 months to set a new record. It is the fastest in the history of Chinese publishing industry to break through the sales volume of 10 million copies.

The total circulation of books and periodicals of Guowenshe this year exceeded 70 million, with a sales volume of 360 million, and actual revenue reached 258 million.

In addition to Guowen Press, the independently operated Tongwen Press also achieved historical success this year.

This year Tongwenshe has made efforts in multiple popular literature subdivisions, with sales increasing steadily and book sales reaching more than 29 million copies.

After five months of development, "Hongdou" magazine has sold more than 2 million copies of a single issue. Coupled with the stable sales of "Kyushu Heroes", Tongwenshe's publication sales this year have reached more than 54 million copies.

The sales volume was 315 million, and the actual revenue was 174 million.

Including Tongwenshe's revenue, Guowenshe's revenue this year reached 432 million yuan, an increase of more than 35% from last year.

As a publishing house in a traditional industry, it is terrifying to be able to achieve such results.

Today, Guowenshe is a behemoth in the domestic publishing industry.

After the summary meeting was over, Cheng Wuchun still had some unfinished thoughts and pulled Lin Weimin along.

“The statistical results from the Department just came out two days ago. Throughout this year, the total number of copies printed by our country’s publishing industry reached 5.934 billion, a decrease of about 300 million copies from last year.

The print runs of various large publishing houses have also declined. Only our Chinese publishing house stands out, with print runs rising significantly for three consecutive years.

What is even more impressive is our proportion of the total pricing amount. The national total is only 13.674 billion, and our family accounts for 675 million, accounting for 5 percentage points.

A full five percentage points! "

When Cheng Wanchun said this, he couldn't hide the wrinkles on his face. He stretched out a slap and dangled it in front of Lin Weimin's eyes.

Lin Weimin was blocked by Cheng Wuchun. He said helplessly, "Are you okay?"

"You want to leave early again, don't you?"

Cheng Wuchun revealed Lin Weimin's thoughts at a glance.

Lin Weimin said calmly: "That's right!"

Cheng early spring:......

No more betraying anyone!

Cheng Wuchun blocked Lin Weimin and called Lao Zhou. The three giants of the Chinese Literature Society gathered together again and held a small meeting.

"After the conference, we have small meetings. You haven't had enough meetings this month, have you?" Lin Weimin complained.

"You know how to use a hammer. Hold a general meeting to do small things, hold a small meeting to do big things."

After Lao Cheng finished speaking, Lao Zhou's eyes immediately lit up.

"What's the big deal?"

"Build a house!"

Lao Cheng only said three words, but it was like he had magic power. Even Lin Weimin was attracted by him.

"Building a family building?" Lao Zhou asked uncertainly.

In recent years, raising funds to build houses has become a trend.

Cheng Wuchun nodded, "Yes, build a family building."

"Is there enough money?" Lao Zhou asked another key question.

"No problem. There are only a few hundred people in our community. I asked someone and found that ten or twenty thousand is enough. When we build a house in JZ, the money will be advanced by the community. When the time comes, the house will be based on everyone's contribution and money. point."

Lao Cheng came prepared and even studied how much it would cost and how to divide the houses.

"You didn't count the land, did you?" Lin Weimin asked.

"You still need money for the land?" Lao Cheng asked.

"Why not? Our Chinese Literature Society has no land."

"Can't you apply to the above?"

"There's no land on top. We still have to coordinate. It will definitely cost money. It's just a certain amount."

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, Cheng Wanchun pondered for a while, "The land price shouldn't be expensive now, right?"

The reason why Lao Cheng asked this was because the real estate market in Hainan was BL this year, and real estate prices across the country fell accordingly.

"You're also talking about JZ building houses, but you don't even understand this?" Lin Weimin said sarcastically.

"Let's talk about business, talk about business." Lao Cheng coughed and changed the subject.

"If you buy land through formal channels, the most expensive price for residential land is 7,000 yuan."

"One acre?"

"You got it for free? Yiping!"

Lao Cheng and Lao Zhou took a deep breath. The 7,000 yuan per square meter was not enough to buy the land even if they pawned the pants of the Chinese Literature Society.

Although the Chinese Literature Society has made a lot of money in the past two years, most of the profits have to be turned over every year, leaving only eight cents to live on. It took Lao Cheng two years of saving before he dared to think about it.

"Isn't it only four to five hundred yuan per square meter for public housing to be sold this year?" Lao Zhou asked.

"Commercial housing is only 2,000 yuan per square meter, why don't you say it? Besides, 7,000 yuan is the top location in Yanjing, Xidan North Street, Xisi South Street, Xisi North Street, Di'anmen West Street... Basically, they are all within the boundaries of the inner city," Lin Weimin said.

Lao Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How much does it cost to pay for the third ring road?"

"Two or three thousand per square meter."

Old Cheng bared his teeth, "That's not cheap either!"

"You can't calculate it like this. If you take the land, you can build it higher. To build two six-story residential buildings, the construction area will be 10,000 square meters. This is enough to accommodate all the employees of our Chinese Literature Society. How much land can be used? ?If you build buildings side by side, you won’t even be able to use 3,000 square meters.”

Lao Cheng silently calculated in his mind, "It's still too expensive."

"You can dig it to death!"

"You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when you're not a family member."

Lin Weimin was already immune to Lao Cheng's spoken language.

Lao Zhou asked at this time: "For the people, how do you know so clearly about land prices?"

Lao Cheng also looked at Lin Weimin curiously, yes, who in the right mind cares about this kind of thing? How do you know so clearly?

"What, Xicheng just demolished two of my houses this year." Lin Weimin said hesitantly.

Zhou and Cheng became even more curious after hearing this, and asked: "Demolition? How much will it cost?"

The word "demolition" is still a new term for the people of Yanjing. Although demolition has been practiced since the 1950s and 1960s, the real market-oriented demolition only appeared in the early 1990s.

"It's not much money. The two courtyard houses and the homestead total an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. The total payment was more than 80,000 yuan."

Lao Cheng touched his chin, "That's not much!"

But Lao Zhou asked: "I heard, didn't you give the house back?"

"Here you go, one flat top and one flat top."

"What do you mean?" Lao Cheng asked stupidly and innocently.

Lao Zhou's expression was filled with resentment and a bit of envy, "That is to say, this guy not only got more than 80,000 yuan, but also got more than 800 square meters of real estate and residential buildings."

Lao Cheng stared at Lin Weimin, feeling angry at being teased, but more envy and jealousy.

"Can you live in a house of more than 800 square meters?"

Lin Weimin spread his hands, "Yeah, I'm worried too! Why don't we let people rent it out!"

Lao Cheng:......

Lao Zhou:......

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about JZ's house construction." Lao Zhou recovered quickly after receiving the blow.

At this point, Lao Cheng was not good enough. He was talking about JZ building a house, but all he was thinking about was Lin Weimin's 800 square meters of real estate.

The land in Yanjing City is too expensive. If you really have to pay for it, it will indeed be a big expense.

The three of them discussed it for a long time, and Lin Weimin finally came up with an idea. The Chinese Literature Society could cooperate with units that own land to build houses.

Let the other party provide the land and the Chinese Literature Society provide the construction funds. This idea was unanimously recognized by Lao Cheng and Lao Zhou.

The general direction has been determined, but this matter is not over yet.

The construction of houses in JZ is a very important matter. The company needs to use funds, and the employees also need to pay.

The comrades on the job are easy to talk to, but the key is the retired comrades. There are many senior comrades in the Chinese Literature Society and they are highly respected. They have to explain the situation to these old men and women to avoid misunderstandings.

When it comes to the ability to deal with old men and old ladies, Lin Weimin in the Chinese Literature Society dares to say he is second, and no one dares to say he is first.

Therefore, he accepted this task with great honor.

The task of finding land fell on Cheng Wuchun. Who made him the president?

As for Lao Zhou, just like his position in the club, he can just talk.

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