1980 My literary era

Chapter 715: Combining work and rest

"Does Time Magazine know?" Michael Phillips said with a bit of confusion in his tone.


"I contacted them for an exclusive interview for you, the kind that will appear on the cover."

Michael Phillips said this with a bit of pride in his tone.

"Did you contact me?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Well... didn't I meet their editor-in-chief? He asked me if I would like to be interviewed."

"You call this 'contact me'?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Why doesn't it count? Although he proposed the interview on his own initiative, I fought hard to be on the cover!" Michael Phillips said firmly.

Lin Weimin was too lazy to expose him and said lazily: "How are they going to interview me?"

"Let you come to the United States..."

Before Michael Phillips finished speaking, he heard Lin Weimin making a voice of dissatisfaction. He immediately changed his words: "Of course that is impossible. Of course, Time Magazine sent people to the country to interview you."

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "I am currently attending a work seminar in Guangdong. Please help me confirm the specific interview time with Time Magazine and let me know."

"No problem." Michael Phillips responded, but couldn't help but complain: "Lin, you really should find an agent. Even if you don't find an agent, you can find an assistant!"

"talk to you later."

He hung up the phone, walked out of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This is a hotel arranged by the Yangcheng City government. Lin Weimin lives in an executive suite. Sitting across from him are Zhang Guorong and his agent Cheng Shufen.

"It's Mike. He arranged an interview for me." Lin Weimin explained.

Zhang Guorong nodded. Michael Phillips was the investor and producer of "Farewell My Concubine". He naturally knew him and had just met him.

"Farewell My Concubine" competes in the Hollywood awards season. Zhang Guorong stayed in the United States for almost two months. He did not win the Golden Globe or Oscar acting awards, but he also won the Best Actor Award in two outposts. It greatly expanded his popularity in North America.

Especially after the movie was released, he followed the team to promote it for a week. Wherever he went, countless fans swarmed, shouting the name "Cheng Dieyi" crazily, and even many enthusiastic viewers burst into tears.

Zhang Guorong at the road show has become an international superstar with strong appeal in the United States. Even Gong Li pales in comparison in front of him.

But Zhang Guorong clearly knows that all this is brought to him by the role.

Without the role of "Cheng Dieyi", many movie viewers may not even be able to pronounce his name.

"Farewell My Concubine" will be released in North America for a week. Relying on Columbia Pictures' strong distribution channels, the film will be released in many countries such as Europe, Japan, and South Korea.

Xu Feng communicated with Zhang Guorong, hoping that he could go to Nihong and South Korea to promote the film, while Europe and other countries were left to Gong Li and Han Zhuangzhuang.

At this time, Zhang Guorong was greatly sought after in the United States, and the exposure he received every day was terrifying. If this exposure could continue for a period of time, he might be able to directly rise to become the protagonist of a Hollywood movie like Zun Long.

Zhang Guorong's agent Cheng Shufen is a very capable woman. She knew that Zhang Guorong could not refuse Xu Feng, so she bluntly rejected Xu Feng's proposal on Zhang Guorong's behalf.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhang Guorong actually vetoed her decision, agreed to Xu Feng's proposal, and returned directly to Xiangjiang. After two days of rest, he planned to fly to South Korea to promote the movie.

Back in Xiangjiang, Zhang Guorong heard the news that Lin Weimin was attending a work seminar in Guangdong, and specially took Cheng Shufen to Yangcheng to visit him.

Lin Weimin continued the previous topic and said with a smile: "You are right. Although Liangyuan is good, it is not a home of long-term love. The United States seems to be open, but the ceiling for yellow people in Hollywood is obvious."

Cheng Shufen said cautiously: "Yellow people also have Huang Liushuang and Zunlong..."

"Do you think they can play the A-level characters you call them?" Lin Weimin said lightly.

Cheng Shufen pondered. It wasn't that she didn't know the hidden ceiling of Hollywood, it was just that the temptation of Hollywood was too great.

With Zhang Guorong's current reputation in the United States, if he goes to Hollywood to become a gold medalist and play the leading role in two Hollywood movies, even if it is a small or medium-sized production, he will then return to Hong Kong to achieve "two-week success".

Zhang Guorong was very open-minded, and while Cheng Shufen was still pondering, he said: "Farewell My Concubine has given me something more important than playing a role in any Hollywood movie. To play a marginal role in Hollywood is to make a fool of myself."

Lin Weimin nodded happily.

Zhang Guorong said with a smile: "After listening to your words, I suddenly became enlightened."

"It's just a layer of window paper, it will break if you poke it. The fact that you can agree to Xu Feng's request shows that you are very clear-headed and don't need to remind me at all."

After chatting about the doubts in his heart, Zhang Guorong chatted with Lin Weimin for a few more words. Cheng Shufen kept winking at him, but he pretended not to notice.

Finally, Cheng Shufen couldn't help it anymore and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I really like your latest novel Leslie after reading it. This novel has some similarities with "Farewell My Concubine". If it can be made into a movie, , it will definitely be another work that can win awards and high box office."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: ""Thirteen Sons of the South China Sea" is different from "Farewell My Concubine". It is possible that it will win awards, but it is unlikely that the box office will reach the level of "Farewell My Concubine". "Farewell My Concubine" The success of "Ji" is the right time, right location, and harmony, all of which are indispensable."

"Your work will definitely win awards, and the box office will definitely be good!" Cheng Shufen complimented.

Lin Weimin looked at her and smiled, but said nothing.

Cheng Shufen wanted to speak again, but was pulled back by Zhang Guorong. He stood up and said, "Mr. Lin, I won't delay your rest. I'll visit you again when I have time."

"Okay." Lin Weimin sent Zhang Guorong and Cheng Shufen to the door of the room and warned: "Movie promotion is a tiring job, so take care of yourself."

"Definitely, thank you for your concern."

After leaving the hotel, Cheng Shufen said to Zhang Guorong dissatisfied: "What a great opportunity just now, why didn't you let me speak?"

"I've told you several times that Mr. Lin's works are not something we can participate in," Zhang Guorong said helplessly.

"I want an investment share, even if it's a share of the box office from Xiangjiang and Wandao. Just make sure you have the leading actor."

Zhang Guorong shook his head and said: "In Mr. Lin's work, he said that the hero is who he is, and it is not just the investment share that makes the difference. Neither Ms. Xu nor Mike can influence his thoughts, so don't think too much." "

Zhang Guorong was picked up by Cheng Shufen. Knowing that Cheng Shufen was doing it for his own good, he said slowly: "Back then, when I worked with Mr. Lin on "The Biography of a Female Doctor", he only said that I might play the role of Cheng Dieyi. Now I am not playing the role." Are you on board? Mr. Lin is a person who misses old friendships. He has two works, "The Legend of a Female Doctor" and "Farewell My Concubine". If the role is really suitable, he will definitely use me. On the contrary, it will be useless no matter how hard you try. .”

After he said this, Cheng Shufen was silent for a while, and finally sighed.

"Okay, that's all."

Seeing her face full of disappointment, Zhang Guorong smiled and held her shoulders, "Okay, okay, the movie "Farewell My Concubine" is enough for me to last a lifetime. Don't think too much."

Cheng Shufen also laughed when she heard this.

The global box office of "Farewell My Concubine" is expected to exceed 300 million US dollars, and it may even reach 400 million US dollars. It will receive the Cannes Palme d'Or, the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. To be able to star in such a film has both box office and awards. With a rich harvest of films that will go down in the annals of film history, what else is there not to be satisfied with?

The seminar on the production of "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea" was large-scale and high-level. GD provincial and municipal publicity directors, leaders of the Association for Literary and Art Circles, and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles were all present. Several famous Cantonese opera masters in the province and writers and critics from all over the country were also invited. Experts and scholars attended, and the seminar lasted for two full days.

Many TV stations and newspapers in the province followed up the report, and even specially invited CCTV to conduct a brief report, which forced everyone to be satisfied.

While satisfying his own publicity, he also gave Lin Weimin enough face.

For this work seminar, Guangdong gave the Chinese Literature Society 30 places, but only five people actually came to participate in the seminar. Except for Lin Weimin, they are all critics and scholars who have cooperated with the Chinese Literature Society all year round.

After the seminar, it was time for sightseeing.

Pengcheng is separated from the Xiangjiang River by a river. Guangdong specially arranged a customs clearance trip for everyone attending the meeting, and went to Xiangjiang to do some shopping.

This group of people had already made inquiries when they came, and even exchanged foreign exchange, which finally came in handy.

After staying in Guangdong for a week, everyone from the Chinese Literature Society finally returned to Yanjing by plane.

After going out to relax physically and mentally, the editors of the Buhu Book Series were in a good mood. They returned to Yanjing full of ambition and ready to do something big.

After going to work, when he opened the office door, everyone was almost shocked.

"Why is it so full?"

After being out for a week, the manuscripts in the office were piled up so much that the desk could no longer be placed on them. They could only be placed on the floor with wooden boards as cushions, and piled up into a mountain.

There was a lot of wailing in the office.

"What's going on? Didn't you just come back from traveling? Why are you howling again?"

The old editor in the foreign language room couldn't help but ask as he listened to the sounds outside.

"They were out in style, and the work of collecting manuscripts never stopped. Buhu had already accumulated a lot of manuscripts, and there was another young Buhu. I glanced at it when I passed by that day, and the manuscripts were piled everywhere, and there was almost no room. It's done." My colleague said with joy.

Of course they were envious of the fact that the editorial staff of the Buhu Book Series went on a trip at their own expense. Now that they heard the wails of this group of people, their colleagues suddenly felt balanced.

The old editor took off his reading glasses from his nose with a kind smile on his face.

"Combining work and rest!"

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