1980 My literary era

Chapter 717 Who else deserves it?

As a reporter, Richard Stengel is very well-educated, but when he looks at Lin Weimin, he can't help but look at him with some eyes unique to the American and American countries. Lin Weimin easily breaks this stereotype with jokes.

The interview entered the second half, and as the conversation with Lin Weimin became more and more in-depth, Richard Stengel sighed: "There is so much material today, I feel like I can write a series of reports."

"I wouldn't mind if you had space for it."

Richard Stengel laughed and said, "Let me ask you a practical question. I am particularly concerned about the 'Project Hope'. When "No One Left Behind" was released in the United States, there was a lot of press and publicity. I heard that the foundation has also raised a lot of funds from the United States."

"That's right. I have to thank Roger, the boss of FSG Publishing House, for this. He took great pains to promote my novel. He not only promoted the novel, but also brought the concept of 'Project Hope' to the Western world."

"Can you tell me the origin of this matter?"


Lin Weimin told Richard Stengel about the establishment of the China Youth Education Development Foundation and Project Hope, and also talked about the achievements of Project Hope so far.

Richard Stengel couldn't help but marvel: "In just a few years, more than 1,600 schools were built? Benefiting more than one million out-of-school children?"

"That's right. A very surprising number, right? China is a country with a large population. Any number multiplied by 1.2 billion will be very large, and any number divided by 1.2 billion will be very small."

Richard Stengel nodded thoughtfully.

"The China Youth Education and Development Foundation is a growing foundation. If you have the opportunity, you are welcome to go to the central and western regions of China to see our Hope Primary Schools." Lin Weimin issued an invitation.

Richard Stengel looked serious, "I will seriously consider it."

Then, he asked: "Thanks to the promotion of 'Project Hope', "No One Less" achieved excellent sales after it was released in the United States. I remember it was ranked among the top three of the New York Times bestseller list. In the past six weeks, the cumulative sales have so far exceeded one million copies. It seems that you are not averse to marketing methods and market behaviors?"

"Why exclude? When a novel is printed as a book, it is not only a literary work, but also has the attributes of a commodity.

Since it is a product, shouldn’t it be marketed and promoted?

I think I should be grateful that at least many people have read my novel. "

Richard Stengel followed Lin Weimin's words and asked naturally: "So, it is precisely because of this concept that you will spare no effort to help Richard Yates realize his last wish of publishing a collection of essays?"

"I can't say that I spared no effort. Roger may have done more. I just came up with an idea and did some publicity work."

Although Lin Weimin said it very modestly, Richard Stengel knew very well the role Lin Weimin played in this matter.

"I think that was important to Richard Yates."


As Lin Weimin spoke, he pulled out a copy of "Contemporary" from the bookshelf.

"There is a novel I just published, called "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea", and there is a passage in it, which is exactly what I felt about Richard's experience, and it was said through the mouth of the character in the novel."

Richard Stengel was extremely curious. He took the book and asked Lin Weimin to point out the passage to him.

"I want to prove that articles are valuable! In thirty to fifty years, no one will remember those stocks. Gold stocks and world events are all passing by. But a good script will still be appreciated by people in fifty or one hundred years, even if I Even after death, no one will forget my name and my play. This is called articles having a price!"

After listening to the translation, Richard Stengel carefully savored the taste of this passage. As a journalist, he can naturally understand the idealism of a creator hidden in this passage.

He was also a little excited, "This passage is so well written, this is the value of art!"

"Yes, this is the value of art!" Lin Weimin said solemnly.

Richard Stengel looked at Lin Weimin, his eyes full of appreciation, even admiration.

What a romantic idea to use novels to speak for your deceased best friend!

If Lin Weimin didn't say anything, maybe no one would know about it a hundred years after his death.

But he happened to tell this when he was interviewing him. This is the secret of interviews and news.

Just for this discovery, all the interviews today are worth it.

"This novel must be introduced to the United States!" Richard Stengel said with great hope.

"You have to discuss this with the publishing houses." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

After a few jokes, the interview continued, and Richard Stengel finally asked about the recent "Farewell My Concubine" that swept North America.

"I have always believed that "Farewell My Concubine" will achieve good box office results. This has been verified in our country and in Hong Kong before Bei Mi, but it is really beyond me that the box office in Bei Mi is as good as this. Unexpected."

"The popularity of "Farewell My Concubine" in the United States has gradually formed a cultural phenomenon. Some media say that you are the foreign writer who has had the greatest influence on the United States since World War II. What is your comment on this?" Richard Stenger Er asked seriously.

"It's a bit exaggerated." Lin Weimin continued calmly and calmly: "We cannot treat the popularity of "Farewell My Concubine" as a single event."

“We Chinese people often say that the right time, right location, and harmony are all indispensable elements for success.

The novel "Farewell My Concubine" has been in the United States for more than ten years and has gained tens of millions of readers. The play was performed on Broadway for five years and was loved by more than 2 million viewers. This is a prerequisite for the success of the film.

But the success of the film is also inseparable from the efforts of investors, producers, directors, screenwriters, photographers, actors, and the blessings of the Cannes Film Festival, Golden Globe Awards, Oscars...the world's top awards, and The unique preference of the American media. "

At this point, Lin Weimin laughed heartily, "I'm glad that "Schindler's List" has already been released. Not only do we have no competitors, but it also leaves us with a lot of media space."

Richard Stengel also laughed and said: "So you should thank Director Spielberg."

"Thank you already." Lin Weimin winked at him.

Richard Stengel suddenly said: "By the way, I almost forgot that "The Intouchables" you worked with also did very well at the box office. I remember it was also rumored that he was going to direct "No Matter What, Life is Beautiful" The news was that the cooperation was later canceled due to opposition from the Jewish community, right?”

"It's just a small group of people, but that small group of people can often influence the silent majority." Lin Weimin said.

"It's such a pity that we can't see the film adaptation of this novel in the cinema."

Richard Stengel is of course referring to "Life is Beautiful, No Matter What".

"There is no need to regret. This novel will soon be adapted into a movie, and I handed it over to a very talented director and actor."

Richard Stengel became interested after hearing this and asked a few more questions in detail.

After chatting off topic, he returned to the interview track.

"Your works have now become popular in Hollywood, but according to the information I collected, you don't seem to be keen on cooperating with Hollywood, and you even seem to be a little repelled?"

Lin Weimin mused: "I can't talk about rejection. I just want to find a collaborator who can respect my wishes, not a boss."

"The Last Emperor", "The Intouchables", "Farewell My Concubine"...

Every movie written by Lin Weimin or adapted from the original work has been well-received and a hit, so Richard Stengel was not surprised when he said "cooperation". Lin Weimin deserves such respect.

"I have read many of your works, which are of great adaptation value. Hollywood will never miss such a good opportunity. I think "The Kite Runner" is a good choice." Richard Stengler He suggested with interest, "This drama is adapted from "The Horse Trapper," right?"

"That's right."

"The sales of "Horse Trapper" in the United States have also exceeded 4 million copies. Coupled with the popularity of "The Kite Runner" on Broadway, the film will definitely not be inferior to "Farewell My Concubine."

As the interview came to an end, Richard Stengel let himself go and began to get closer to the enthusiastic readers.

"Of course I can consider it if I have the opportunity, but right now I still have to complete the adaptation of "No matter what, life is beautiful"."

By the last question, Richard Stengel had returned to his elite reporter's rationality and logic.

"Not counting domestic awards in China, such as the Naoki Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Goncourt Literary Award, and the Strega Literary Award, it is difficult to find a living writer who has more luck in winning awards than you. .

Having won so many literary awards, what do you think of the Nobel Prize for Literature? Do you think you will win the Nobel Prize for Literature in your lifetime? "

The question is very old-fashioned, as expected, and Lin Weimin can completely understand it.

Regardless of the domestic literary awards in the United States or the many literary awards in European countries, the only one that can truly say that it has global influence is the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is the result of hundreds of years of accumulation.

"It's tacky to talk about awards, but readers love to read it," Richard Stengel said with a smile.

Lin Weimin nodded slightly. He pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "I have answered this question several times. The answer is actually no different. The Nobel Prize in Literature is the icing on the cake. Whether you win it or not, there will be no loss in the award. , I won’t have any loss. I still have to treat it with a normal mind. No one can enter the strong man’s house and rob his furniture.”

"The Gospel of Mark!"

Richard Stengel is a Christian and immediately understood the origin of Lin Weimin's last words.

He looked at Lin Weimin. The man in front of him looked calm, but his calm and gentle tone showed his strong inner confidence.

No one can enter a strong man’s house and rob him of his furniture - Mark 3:27 of the Bible.

In his mind, the "furniture" is already in his home.

For a moment, Richard Stengel thought he was being too arrogant to quote such a sentence.

But this idea was forgotten after he changed his mind. He won the Naoki Prize, two National Book Critics Circle Awards, the Goncourt Literary Prize, and the Strega Literary Prize...

Among all living writers, who has achieved such a brilliant record?

If such a writer does not win the Nobel Prize for Literature, who deserves to win it?

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