1980 My literary era

Chapter 727 Isn’t it great to have a good father?

After making an agreement with Tao Huimin, Xu Fan withdrew money from the bank and completed the transaction. In the evening, Tao Huimin asked her to drive, only to find out that this girl couldn't drive at all and didn't even have a driver's license.

Tao Huimin couldn't help but laugh, "You said you don't know how to drive, what kind of car would you buy?"

Xu Fan said: "You can learn if you don't know how. If a female Bodhisattva like you misses it again, she will be gone."

Her flattery made Tao Huimin smile and ask, "Then why do you plan to take the car away?"

Xu Fan said: "It's okay, just wait for me to call someone."

After she finished speaking, she went to make a call. Before leaving get off work, a thin man came to Renyi's door.

Xu Fan and Tao Huimin came off work together and happened to see the thin man waiting at the door.

"Feng Xiaogang!" Xu Fan called him by his first name, and it seemed like they had a good relationship.

Feng Xiaogang heard Xu Fan's greeting and turned around to look. As soon as he smiled, he saw Tao Huimin standing next to Xu Fan, and her smile suddenly froze.

"Teacher Tao!" Feng Xiaogang greeted Tao Huimin as he came closer.

Xu Fan was surprised, "Do you know each other?"

Tao Huimin said briefly, Xu Fan smiled and said: "That's great, we are all acquaintances!"

After chatting for a few words, Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan got into Tao Huimin's BMW and headed all the way back to Shizhu.

Lin Weimin had just returned home and saw Feng Xiaogang getting off Tao Huimin's car. Tao Huimin told him about selling the car.

Lin Weimin didn't care about Tao Huimin selling the car. He focused his eyes on Feng Xiaogang, which made Feng Xiaogang look slightly embarrassed.

Xu Fan has a cheerful and energetic personality. When he saw the crown parked there, he asked, "Teacher Tao, can I go up and have a look?"

"The car is yours to look at as you like!" Tao Huimin smiled and handed the key to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan happily got into the car and touched it on the left and looked on the right. Tao Huimin had always cared about this old Crown. Although it was old, the car was in good condition.

While Xu Fan was looking at the car, Lin Weimin was "chatting" with Feng Xiaogang.

"How did we meet?"


"We have a good relationship?"

"Just average."

"Usually come to help others drive?"

"She is the heroine of "Forever Lost My Love". I'm here to do a favor and give her a little reduction in her salary."

Lin Weimin gave Feng Xiaogang a look, you kid, you are a liar!

Feng Xiaogang was too guilty to look at Lin Weimin.

Skipping the awkward topic, Lin Weimin asked about "Forever Lost My Love".

After his last persuasion, Feng Xiaogong decided to give up the project "Sweet Dreams for You" and turned to study "Forever Lost My Love" with Wang Shuo.

Changing the direction, it really worked wonders. The two of them worked together and wrote the script in just over half a month. The crew is now in the process of setting up the film, and Xu Fan has been confirmed to play the heroine.

After Xu Fan saw the car, Feng Xiaogang went to help her drive. Before leaving, he glanced at Lin Weimin again, full of guilt.

Tao Huimin looked at the back of Crown as it drove away, and asked quietly: "Xiao Gang and Xu Fan..."

"People like him are despicable! He~tui!"

Teacher Lin did not hesitate to draw a clear line with Feng Xiaogang.

Tao Huimin looked at him speechlessly and said, "I mean, they shouldn't have reached that point!"


Could he have misunderstood the leader?

But it doesn’t matter, the key is that the loyalty table is in place!

"That's right. Xu Fan is as beautiful as a flower and has a bright future, but he doesn't like Xiaogang's face."

Tao Huimin said: "That's not necessarily the case. Xu Fan's previous boyfriend was handsome and famous, so what can he do? He should be yellow or yellow, and the injury is not serious."

Lin Weimin nodded. As long as it doesn't touch me, whatever the leader says is right.

Two days later, the crew of "A Better Cop" started shooting, and Lin Weimin went to support it.

The story of "A Better Tomorrow" is not complicated. It is a crime-solving drama starring Wei Dong, the criminal police captain. Various cases are the real protagonists of this TV series.

The cast of "The True Colors of a Police" is pretty good, with the male lead Zhou Lijing, the female lead Song Chunli, and a familiar face in the supporting cast, "San Dezi" Zhao Liang.

"A Better Cop" is a short drama with only 10 episodes. The crew is not large, with the cast and crew totaling less than 40 people.

Ren Hao is very enthusiastic about his work. After the lively opening ceremony, he directly shot the film and raced against time.

Liu Yanming, Zheng Xiaolong and Lin Weimin gathered together, chatting while watching the actors perform.

As prices have risen sharply in recent years, TV drama production costs have also continued to rise. "A Better Tomorrow" invested 1.2 million yuan to shoot 10 episodes, with a single episode costing 120,000 yuan. This price is already considered top-tier in today's TV drama market.

Ren Hao and Hai Yan are also determined to make this drama a benchmark police drama, and they have worked hard on the script.

Ren Hao has been deeply involved in spy dramas and police dramas over the years. Hai Yan also has "Plainclothes Police", including another screenwriter Wei Ren who also has good works. In addition, the starring cast includes well-known actors such as Zhou Lijing and Song Chunli. Not only that, In terms of quality, "Better Days" is very eye-catching just for its appearance.

Liu Yanming and Zheng Xiaolong have connections with CCTV and Yanjing TV respectively. There is no need to worry about selling "The True Colors of a Police". The key lies in the price, which involves the quality of the TV series.

Nowadays, the film review of TV stations is not monopolized by middle-aged women. What matters when buying TV series is the creative lineup and quality itself, and there is no special preference for genres.

In the earliest domestic TV drama market, CCTV was the dominant one. Because of its abundant funds, it offered the highest prices.

In the past two years, satellite videos from various provinces have been launched on the stars. With the expansion of the viewing audience, advertising fees have become abundant, and the bids for buying dramas have become much more generous than before. Although the bids of many satellite TV stations still cannot reach the level of CCTV. , but the problem is that there are several companies that can sell it to satellite TV, but there is only one company that can sell it to CCTV.

Because CCTV usually requires the exclusive rights to broadcast TV dramas, other satellite TVs can only broadcast the second round of broadcasts. The price of the second round broadcast rights of TV dramas is much lower than the first round, which is equivalent to reducing the profits of the producers in disguise.

"Later, you can organize several TV stations to visit the class on site." Lin Weimin suggested.

Liu Yanming instantly understood what Lin Weimin meant, traveling at public expense!

"Teacher Lin, you are so considerate!"

It doesn’t matter whether you buy it or not, the wool comes from the sheep anyway.

The launch of "The True Colors of a Police" can be regarded as the first shot of copyright operation by the Copyright Operations Department of the Chinese Literature Society.

It stands to reason that the best way to operate copyrights is to "empty-handed". The Chinese Publishing House publishes a copyright, and a bunch of companies rush to invest. But who makes this kind of thing disappear in China? There is no example to refer to when trying to paint a bigger pie for my father, who is a financial supporter.

Therefore, we can only use this seemingly stupid method in the early stage.

However, this approach also has advantages, that is, it has a more solid foundation and can also train a group of talents.

"Xiao Liu, come to the studio more often when you have time and learn from your experience. These things will be useful in the future."

On the way back in the car, Lin Weimin explained to Xiao Liu.

Feeling the editor-in-chief's nurturing heart, Xiao Liu nodded solemnly, "I understand, editor-in-chief!"

The prosperous third Yanjing International Auto Show ended. That week, a long report titled "What Are We Looking at" became the most eye-catching article in the domestic press.

In the era of reform and opening up, the Chinese people gave full play to their learning spirit and had a learning mentality for any foreign and advanced things.

Also this month, the government promulgated China's first industrial law, the "China Automotive Industry Industrial Policy."

Feeling the vigorous beating pulse of reform and opening up, many reckless heroes who have made their first pot of gold in the tide of reform and opening up have focused their attention on automobiles, the crown jewel of the industry.

Suddenly, the domestic automobile market was turbulent.

Under such a background of the times, Qu Xiaowei's journey of practicing Tan'er finally became unsustainable and he could no longer continue.

It can't be said that I can't continue to work. The main reason is that there are too many stall owners practicing stalls now, the competition is too fierce, the profits are small, and the income is not equal to the effort.

Qu Xiaowei thought about it and made a difficult decision.

Stop the stall!

"Okay, don't worry! With your father here, your sorrow seems very hypocritical!" Lin Weimin comforted him with gloating.


Qu Xiaowei was very depressed and said: "You don't understand at all. Standing on the tide of the reform and opening up era and bravely riding the tide is the mission and responsibility given to our generation by the times. We must shoulder the important task of reform and transformation of this country... "

Qu Xiaowei was talking endlessly there, and Lin Weimin put his arms around Qu Xiangnan and asked, "Who does your dad usually have contact with?"

"Just Uncle Zhang, Uncle Wang and Uncle Liu who practice Tan'er together."

Lin Weimin looked at Liu Haiyan again, "Haiyan, please tell your Xiaowei to stay away from those people!"

"I'm just saying that these people have led him astray!" Liu Haiyan said angrily.

"I mean, don't let your husband lead us into trouble!"

Liu Haiyan gave Lin Weimin an even more angry look.

Tao Huimin pushed Lin Weimin and said, "You are a bit formal."

Qu Xiaowei also said: "You don't understand at all!"

"You know. I've been practicing Tan'er for several years, but I haven't seen you become bigger or stronger."

In Lin Weimin's view, people like Qu Xiaowei are high-minded but low-handed, and he is just fine as a young master.

Let’s not talk about whether he has the brains to start a business. It’s not enough just to endure hardship.

Qu Xiaowei ignored Lin Weimin's sarcasm and said, "I'm confused too. You said that when I was young, I was successful at everything I did. Why do I feel like I can't succeed at anything now that I'm older?"

Lin Weimin's face was full of questions. He really wanted to ask Qu Xiaowei, who gave you this illusion?

"Then tell me, what did you do when you were young?"

In line with the principle of avoiding past mistakes and avoiding future ones, and treating illnesses and saving lives, Lin Weimin asked inquiringly.

Qu Xiaowei racked his brains, "Writing?"

"We gave up halfway." Lin Weimin said without mercy.

"Then I finally got into the Institute of Literary Studies. There are only 34 people in the country!"

Qu Xiaowei looked proud when he mentioned this matter. He probably brags in front of Qu Xiangnan at home.

The child was here, and Lin Weimin was too embarrassed to hit him too much.

"That's right, with just so many people in one session, it can be considered the highlight of your life!"

Qu Xiaowei was not happy when he heard this, "How to talk? What does it mean? It is."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Lin Weimin said a few perfunctory words, and then asked: "Now that I don't practice Tan'er anymore, do you plan to work peacefully? Or do you want to do something else?"

As soon as he said these words, he felt Liu Haiyan's foot kicking him. He immediately understood and changed his words: "I think it's good to work with peace of mind. You are in your prime now. If you work hard, you might be able to live a decent life before you retire." Division level."

Qu Xiaowei curled his lips, "Who is the senior rank?"

That arrogant look made Lin Weimin want to hit someone!

Isn't it great to have a good father?

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