1980 My literary era

Chapter 745: Out of place

Faced with Lin Weimin's sincere price, Haiyan couldn't refuse.

There is no way, Teacher Lin gave too much!

Lin Weimin recruited three generals for Wencheng Film and Television, and the company's airs were established. He also transferred a financial officer and an editor from the agency, and Haiyan had to do the rest.

Haiyan immediately resigned after returning, and then quickly stepped into the role, busying himself with Wencheng Film and Television.

The office address of Wencheng Film and Television is in the first-floor store along the street from the Guowenshe family building. Next door, there is a sign that is almost exactly the same as it, but the text is slightly different.

"Wenhua Film and Television Co., Ltd."

Tong Zhonggui had been doing hygiene for a long time, and he was so tired that he was sweating profusely. Sister Xu, who was in charge of finance, said: "Tong'er, take a rest. It's not a job that can be done in a short time."

Hearing this, Tong Zhonggui stopped and Sister Xu handed him a glass of water.

The new company has just been renovated, and all kinds of building materials and furniture in the house have an unpleasant smell.

Sister Xu stood at the door and looked at the next door for a while, then said: "The progress next door is still fast, and people are coming and going in the past half day."

"They have strong soldiers and horses. They have been in this industry before. They start projects as soon as they get started. Of course it is very lively." Tong Zhonggui said.

"Xiao Tong, don't be modest, you're not bad either. "Raise the Red Lantern" was adapted from your "Wives and Concubines."" Sister Xu complimented.

"Don't belittle me. It was all under the guidance of Teacher Lin, and the director helped."

"Are you being humble? If you weren't optimistic about you, the editor-in-chief wouldn't be able to transfer you here."

When this topic came up, Tong Zhonggui felt a little helpless.

He did a good job in "Contemporary". A few days ago, Lin Weimin suddenly came to talk to him and said that he would be transferred to the newly established film and television company. Tong Zhonggui expressed his opinion on the spot that he did not want to leave. Teacher Lin expressed his thoughts I fully understood and went through the transfer procedures for him personally.

The editor had done a good job, but Tong Zhonggui suddenly had to change his career. It was hard for Tong Zhonggui to accept it for a while.

Also transferred with him was Sister Xu from Finance. Sister Xu told him that his salary had increased by nearly 400 yuan per month after he was transferred to the film and television company, and there were also bonuses and dividends.

Tong Zhonggui fell into silence on the spot. He was engaged in script writing in a film and television company, and he was also engaged in literary creation!

Tong Zhonggui was transferred to Wenhua Film and Television Company, and his position was literary director. He and Wei Ren held the same position at Wencheng, so the salary and benefits were equal.

And after coming for a few days, he discovered that the new company seemed to have no need to click on the button. He could come when he had something to do and leave when he had nothing to do. He had unusually free time.

With this discovery, Tong Zhonggui finally realized the advantages of his current job.

There was no resentment in my heart anymore. As expected, Teacher Lin felt sorry for me the most.

While the two were talking, Haiyan from next door walked in, "Director Tong, are you busy?"

Haiyan's "Plain Clothes Police" was published in "Contemporary" back then. He and Tong Zhonggui have known each other for many years, but their relationship is not close.

Hearing the name "Director Tong", Tong Zhonggui felt uncomfortable all over, "Just call me Zhong Gui."

Haiyan followed the good advice and said, "Zhong Gui, Sister Xu, let's have a dinner over there tonight, let's have a fun time together."

Tong Zhonggui instinctively wanted to refuse. He is shy and reserved by nature. What he dislikes most is this kind of occasion. But Sister Xu happily agreed: "Okay, we are all a family, so we are familiar with each other."

"Okay, it's settled then. We'll have hotpot mutton in Donglaishun tonight."

After Haiyan left, Tong Zhonggui was a little worried. He was a little afraid of crowded and lively places.

"Looking at you like this, it's not like you're going to the execution ground. Our two companies are both companies in the society after all. Isn't this just like having a meal with colleagues from the editorial office next to you?"

After hearing what Sister Xu said, Tong Zhonggui felt a lot more relaxed after thinking about it.

In the evening, it was only early four o'clock, and it was not yet dark, and the people next door were getting off work.

Haiyan came and called Tong Zhonggui and Sister Xu, and the group headed to Donglaishun.

The family building of the Chinese Literature Society is close to the East Fourth Ring Road, and the dining place is in Wangfujing. When everyone arrived at Donglaishun, it was not yet five o'clock.

After entering and ordering the food, Haiyan, as the host, enthusiastically introduced everyone to each other. These days, most of the people know each other.

Five people came to Wencheng Film and Television today, Haiyan, Ren Hao, and Wei Ren, plus editor Wei Dong and Finance Xiao He who were in charge of Wei Ren.

Compared with them, Wenhua Film and Television seems to be alone, with only Tong Zhonggui and Sister Xu.

Haiyan has been engaged in the work of welcoming people and sending people there for many years, and the atmosphere is lively. A few words can bring everyone closer.

Wencheng Film and Television and Wenhua Film and Television were established at the same time, but because they raised their profile early, they have been preparing projects recently.

The new project is an adaptation of the novel "A Romantic Affair" that Haiyan has just completed. The main storyline of the story is police and gangsters + romance. This work can be regarded as the pioneering work of Haiyan's style.

The director is still Ren Hao, the screenwriter is Wei Ren, and Haiyan is named as a screenwriter. This is his work, and he will definitely be included in the dividends.

As soon as Wencheng Film and Television was established, new projects were launched immediately, which seemed a bit rushed. The main reason was that "The True Colors of a Police" had already signed a drama purchase contract with CCTV. Recovering the cost was a certainty. The remaining question was just how much to earn. That’s all.

So in this case, Wencheng Film and Television certainly wants to take advantage of the victory and launch new works as soon as possible.

"A Romantic Affair" is the first work of Wencheng Film and Television after its establishment, but it is not the first collaboration between Haiyan, Wei and Ren Hao. There is already a tacit understanding between the several people, and they work together more easily.

After chatting for a while about the TV series they were preparing to film, Haiyan was afraid that Tong Zhonggui and Tong Zhonggui would be left out in the cold, so he took the initiative to bring up a topic for Tong Zhonggui.

"Zhong Gui, how are your preparations going now? I haven't seen any movement from you?"

Tong Zhonggui said: "There are only two of us in the company now. Unlike you who have a strong army, we should set up the airs first, right? The details will depend on Teacher Lin's arrangements."

Wei Ren asked: "I heard Teacher Lin say something the other day. It seems that his plan is to invest first."

"Investment? That's right. We Wencheng and Wenhua are both film and television companies. If we start to invest in TV series, it would be a bit of duplication of investment and waste of resources." Haiyan's brain reacted the fastest, he thought for a while and said.


Tong Zhonggui was a little confused. He really didn't know this. The main reason was that Teacher Lin seemed to be very busy recently and had never talked to him about work at all.

Haiyan saw that Tong Zhonggui didn't understand the inside story, so he took the initiative to change the topic for fear of embarrassing him.

"Hey, have you all watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?"

As soon as they heard his words, the eyes of the men at the table suddenly lit up, and the topic was endless.

On October 23, CCTV's epic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series, which has been in preparation for five years and invested 170 million yuan, was officially broadcast. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four major masterpieces and has a wide readership base in the country. The characters and allusions are more... It is so popular that once the TV series was aired, it caused a strong sensation.

At present, nearly half of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series has been aired, and many book fans and viewers can't wait to watch it, including a few people present.

Everyone was happily discussing the content of the TV series, and Haiyan casually mentioned that "The True Colors of a Police" will be broadcast on CCTV during prime time after "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"It will be broadcast after "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". I don't know if "The True Colors of a Police" can survive." Haiyan's tone was a bit worried.

Wei Ren said: "We polished the TV series bit by bit, so don't be so discouraged. Even if it can't compare with the ratings of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it shouldn't be too bad. After all, the quality is there."

"I definitely don't expect to be able to match the ratings of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". I will be satisfied with 15%."

Ren Hao, who has worked at CCTV for many years, smiled and said, "Your requirements are not low!"

Before the reform and opening up, the number of TV stations in our country was small, and TV sets had not yet spread to most households. Moreover, TV stations did not accept advertising business, so there was no concept of ratings statistics at the time.

After the reform and opening up, TV stations began to be established all over the country. Even localities at the county level had their own TV stations. The type and number of TV programs began to explode. For advertisers, there were more channels for advertising, but how to place ads was still unclear. In the absence of a dimensional standard, China's ratings statistical mechanism came into being.

At this time, there is no Nielsen, no Soffrey, and no distinction between national networks and city networks. The ratings statistics method used by CCTV is still the original diary card method.

Randomly select 1 to 2 thousand sample households in the city based on the population. One sample household represents a certain proportion of TV users in the city. Then the sample households fill in diary cards every day to collect information on what programs they watched that day. information.

This statistical method relies on people to actively fill in the information, so the error is relatively large.

In later generations, people often discuss some TV series broadcast in the 1980s. The ratings are often over 90%. There are statistical errors in this.

Of course, most of those magical ratings are true. As for the rapid decline in TV drama ratings after the 1990s, the main reason is the continuous rise of various local TV stations, and the differentiation of ratings has become inevitable.

Coupled with the continuous enrichment of people's entertainment options, watching TV at night is no longer the only option. Naturally, it is no longer possible to have a grand situation like the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, when every household stayed at home and watched TV in the evening.

Therefore, the ratings of CCTV have been declining in the past two years. The ratings of TV series generally fluctuate around 10%. This rating is considered the basic base of CCTV and is already a very good rating. Only movies like "Desire" and "The Story of the Editorial Department" "Only a hit TV series like this will create astonishing ratings.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has been broadcast on CCTV 1 for some time. According to CCTV statistics, the ratings are around 22% or 23%.

This number certainly does not look as shocking as 90%, but it is still the unshakable king nationwide.

After all, in this era, only CCTV can cover most of the country, and the coverage of other satellite TV stations is far from comparable to CCTV.

"The main reason is that the quality of our TV series is not bad. If I set a goal that is too low, I'm afraid you will scold me!" Haiyan said with a smile.

Ren Hao laughed, "You can't set it too low, you have to be determined. 15% is not enough, I think 20% is about the same!"

Wei Ren also interjected: "If you want to set a big goal, I think 30% is good."

A few people drank some wine and opened their mouths. Tong Zhonggui looked at the dissolute people on the side.

I feel out of place with them.

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