1980 My literary era

Chapter 752 The old leader’s connections

New Year's Day in 1995 came as promised. "The Fugitive", which had been raging in the domestic film market for more than a month, was released just a few days ago, generating a box office of 25.8 million yuan.

Don’t underestimate the box office of 25.8 million. You must know that this is the result of "The Fugitive" being only released in six cities in China.

If it really gets the same screening treatment as domestic films, it won't be a problem for this film to double its performance.

This blockbuster, which has been in theaters abroad for 15 months, is the "first shot" for Hollywood's domestic nuggets. In the days to come, the release of movies like "The Fugitive" will become the norm in the Chinese film market.

The premiere of "The True Colors of a Police" on CCTV has also ended, achieving an average ratings of 28.4%, becoming CCTV's annual ratings champion in 1994, which is a huge honor for such a short TV series.

Yanshi is already applying for "The True Colors of a Police" to win the Feitian Award and the Golden Eagle Award in 1995.

"The True Colors of a Police" was jointly invested by Guowenshe and Liu Yanming's Hairun, but it was under the name of Yanshi.

In 1986, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television issued the "Interim Regulations on the Implementation of the TV Series Production License System", requiring that from June 1, 1986, production units must provide (sell, exchange, give away) TV series to CCTV and local TV stations at all levels with a license. There is a production license. Otherwise, CCTV and local TV stations at all levels will not be allowed to receive and broadcast it.

Due to such restrictive policies, private capital was not allowed to enter the field of TV drama production at the beginning of reform and opening up.

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. In the past two years, many private film and television companies have emerged in China. The most common routine used by these private film and television companies is to be affiliated.

These private companies will cooperate with some qualified state-owned units and pay license fees directly to the affiliates in one time or on a per-collection basis. Some state-owned units with different prices will charge tens of thousands of yuan per episode for affiliation fees.

There are even more extreme state-owned units that only contribute a small amount of money or even not a penny, but they still have to share it equally or even a large share with private companies; some units will also take the initiative to provide machinery and equipment, even if the price is much higher than the market price, generally Private enterprises also dare not refuse.

Under such a situation, the smooth success of Guowenshe's trial in the field of TV drama production is in sharp contrast to the difficulties of these private film and television companies.

After being popularized by CCTV, the copyright of "The True Colors of a Police" has attracted the attention of many local TV stations in China, most of which are provincial TV stations. In just a few days, the TV series copyright was sold to 7 provincial TV stations. The average transaction price reached 17,000 yuan per episode, and the total transaction volume reached 1.19 million yuan.

Not only did the producer recover its costs in one fell swoop, it also made a profit of nearly 1 million yuan.

In the future, "The True Colors of a Police" will continue to bring profits to the parties involved in the production.

There are four parties that benefit from the copyright of "The True Colors of a Police", namely Liu Yanming, Chinese Literature Society, Yanshi and the main creative team. The profits were all negotiated before, 6:2:1.5:0.5.

Of the 1 million profit, Liu Yanming gets 600,000, Chinese Literature Society gets 200,000, Yanshi gets 150,000, and the creative team gets 50,000.

In terms of amount, Liu Yanming is certainly the most profitable, and Yanshi is not at a loss either. It is equivalent to getting 150,000 in affiliation fees alone, not counting the training of talents.

Let’s not talk about the main creator. It seems that Guowenshe doesn’t make much money, but this time it tried the field of TV dramas and achieved success, and successfully recruited Haiyan, Ren Hao and others into the big team of Guowenshe. The results are also very good. .

A win-win situation for all parties and everyone gets what they need. This is the effect Lin Weimin pursues.

The copyright of the local station was sold. As the party with the largest investment income this time, Liu Yanming very openly arranged a table at Yanjing Hotel to entertain all partners over the weekend.

When we met, Da Furniture was beaming with joy.

Liu Yanming did not forget to invite Wang Shuo and Feng Xiaogang. He had already heard about Lin Weimin's investment in the Haomeng Company project. Everyone was now on the same page, and of course they had to communicate well if they had the opportunity.

"How's the script going?" Lin Weimin stared at Wang Shuo as soon as they met.

As soon as the script was mentioned, Wang Shuo felt itchy all over, "It's coming, it's coming!"

Feng Xiaogang explained to Lin Weimin: "It will be finished in about ten more scenes. Master Shuo is very serious this time."

Lin Weimin asked Wang Shuo just to put some pressure on his grandson, but he didn't take it to heart after asking.

At the beginning of the dinner, Liu Yanming, the host of the banquet, enthusiastically organized and toasted everyone. It was obvious that he had a really good drinker and was really happy.

He entered the advertising industry in 1989 and became a popular figure in Yanjing's advertising industry in just a few years. He has some ambitions in his heart.

Entering the film and television industry, in his opinion, is a major turning point in his career.

Last year he fell in love with Haomeng Company, but he was entrusted to someone else. Fortunately, this year he got lucky and fell in love with Lin Weimin.

In less than half a year, "The True Colors of a Police" with an investment of 1 million was broadcast and became CCTV's annual ratings champion, bringing him another 600,000 yuan in income. This number will continue to increase in the future, and the income may reach one million.

The cooperation with Lin Weimin not only brought him benefits, but also allowed Liu Yanming to see the possibility of taking his career to a higher level.

A closer cooperative relationship has been established with CCTV, and investment in the film and television field has been successful.

Liu Yanming was proud of the spring breeze, but he was not carried away.

"Teacher Lin, let me give you one more tribute. Thanks to you for not giving up, I will lead my little brother to make a fortune!"

Lin Weimin drank a drink happily and said, "Mr. Liu, we are all acquaintances, so don't be so polite."

"Yes, you are right." Liu Yanming finished his drink, sat down, and said a few words to Lin Weimin.

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the door of the box. Feng Xiaogang, who was sitting at the serving counter, quickly opened the door. He whispered a few words at the door, and then ran to Lin Weimin to play the role of secretary. .

"Teacher Lin, Director Han of Yanying Factory happens to be having dinner here and would like to propose a toast to you."

"Director Han? Deputy?"

"No, that's right, Director Cheng has resigned. Director Han was just transferred here this year and said he knew you, so he was waiting at the door." Feng Xiaogang explained.


Lin Weimin stood up and said, "This is a bit rude."

The director of Yan Film Studio is on the same level as Lin Weimin, but now that Lin Weimin's strength and status are there, it is not too much for an ordinary studio director to wait at the door for a while when he comes to visit.

As he spoke, he walked all the way to the door of the box, opened the door, and saw a somewhat familiar face waiting there.

Lin Weimin was still searching in his memory, but a bright smile broke out on the man's face, and he eagerly held Lin Weimin's hand.

"Oh, Teacher Lin, long time no see. Han Shanping, I wonder if you still remember?"

Lin Weimin also had a smile on his face, "How can I not remember, Factory Manager Han, Lao Teng was still talking about you when he was fine! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come on, please come in, please come in!"

"Sorry!" Han Shanping hugged Lin Weimin and entered the box.

Lin Weimin introduced Han Shanping to everyone present, and then introduced everyone present. Han Shanping said: "It turns out that we are all in the same industry. We meet for the first time today. It just so happens that I can take advantage of Teacher Lin's glass of wine. I would like to toast you all."

Han Shanping toasted with a round of wine, and everyone present was a little flattered. This was the director of Yan Film Factory, but everyone also knew that Han Shanping came here for Lin Weimin's sake.

Han Shanping finally toasted Lin Weimin with a very low attitude and said: "Teacher Lin, please come to our factory to guide the work when you have time."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "I don't dare to guide you. If you have time, let's go to Lao Teng's place and sit down together."

"Okay, call me anytime you have time."

After chatting for a few words, Han Shanping took the initiative to leave. After he left, the atmosphere in the box returned to the previous one.

Unexpectedly, less than two minutes after Han Shanping left, the door of the box was knocked again.

Feng Xiaogang ran to open the door, and it was Han Shanping.

He looked a little embarrassed and said to Feng Xiaogang: "I'm really sorry. I invited the leaders of several provincial and municipal film distribution companies to dinner today. I just came to toast. Everyone heard that Teacher Lin is here, so they had to come and toast too!"

Feng Xiaogang came back and said something to Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin stood up and came to the door. He smiled and said: "Director Han has already come to toast once, how can I let you come to toast again?"

Lin Weimin's move made Han Shan smile. As the director of Yan Film Factory, he was certainly higher than the leaders of provincial and municipal distribution companies, but the reality was that their distribution companies controlled the lifeblood of the studio. As one of the first studios, he Even if you have to drink with someone, you have to drink with them.

These distribution companies heard that Lin Weimin was eating here, and they came to propose a toast one by one. Han Shanping certainly knew what these people were thinking.

When "Farewell My Concubine" was released, the producers launched a special campaign to "combine the concealment and underreporting of movie box office". It is said that Lin Weimin helped behind the scenes.

He did a favor, and dozens of people from film distribution companies from all over the country went in to eat the cornbread.

Last year there were rumors that Lin Weimin was going to take over as director of the Film Bureau. Although it didn't come true in the end, it was said that it was because Lin Weimin was disrespectful of the decree and offended the official.

Immediately afterwards, it was reported that Lin Weimin was fighting for Zhang Yimou and threatened to block Qiu Fusheng in Wandao.

You must know that they are friendly people, and they can't be sealed just by asking. It is true that Zhang Yimou's subsequent films did not have Qiu Fusheng's investment, and it is not known that Qiu Fusheng invested in any mainland movies this year.

It seems that the rumors are true, and everyone is once again aware of Lin Weimin's influence.

In recent months, a statement has spread in the domestic film circle.

It is said that China Film Company's introduction of 10 imported blockbusters was Lin Weimin's idea to Tian Congming, the Ministry of Radio and Television.

If Lin Weimin heard this rumor, he would probably die unjustly. He took a look at the document and found that it was Tian Congming's request. How come it was his idea?

Of course the rumors are not credible, but his previous record was so brilliant that everyone couldn’t believe it!

Even though they hated Lin Weimin privately because of the 10 imported blockbusters, when they met in person, the leaders of these provincial and municipal film distribution companies still had to come and get intimate with Lin Weimin.

He brought Lin Weimin back to the box and looked at the enthusiastic and flattering faces of the originally reserved leaders of the distribution company. Han Shanping felt a little happy for some reason.

"Teacher Lin, thank you!"

After toasting, Han Shanping sent Lin Weimin out and held Lin Weimin's hand outside the box to express his gratitude.

Lin Weimin came to the box to toast today, which was enough to give him face!

Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder, "Old Teng is here, they are all family members, don't be so polite!"

Han Shanping nodded, these are all the connections of the old leader!

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