1980 My literary era

Chapter 755 Kill the Chinese Literature Society!

Shi Tiesheng was used to Lin Weimin's irregularities, but when it came to the couple's relationship, he still couldn't help but want to give him a beating.

But fortunately, my sense is still there, "Are you going to write or not?"

"Write, write, I didn't say not to write, look at how impatient you are!"

Shi Tiesheng warned himself in his heart, calm down, must be calm.

While he was speaking Chinese, Lin Weimin translated it into English for him.

After tinkering for more than half an hour, when the email was finished, Lin Weimin asked Shi Tiesheng, "Did I send it?"

"Check again to see if there are any spelling errors."

"We are also experienced editors after all, can we make such a stupid mistake?"

Lin Weimin checked the content of the email at a glance, then typed and changed a few words.

"It's okay this time, let's go?"


Just move your finger, and in two or three minutes, Ms. Anne Gulian, who is thousands of miles away, will receive an email from Shi Tiesheng.

The two played on the computer for more than an hour. Shi Tiesheng felt a little tired, so Lin Weimin pushed him to the sofa by the window. Qu Xiaowei brought them two cups of coffee. Well, it had a strong instant smell.

"How dare you sell this thing for ten yuan a cup?"

"They dare to buy, why don't I dare to sell?"

Qu Xiaowei now has more and more potential as a ruthless businessman.

Shi Tiesheng said: "I think this is delicious, much better than regular coffee."

"Look, I'm still very classy!"

A few people joked a bit, and Qu Xiaowei chatted with Lin Weimin about his Internet cafe plan.

Feiyue Internet Cafe has been open for less than half a year. It is no exaggeration to say that it is making money every day.

There are now 20 computers in the Internet cafe, bringing profits of more than 5,000 yuan to Qu Xiaowei and Zheng Guo every day.

"I have ordered 20 more computers and they will be installed next week. By then there will be 40 computers in this Internet cafe."

Shi Tiesheng asked: "Can we put 40 units in this Internet cafe?"

"Take some effort and squeeze in. I have discussed it with Zheng Guo, and we will add it this time. Next time, we will open a branch."

Lin Weimin couldn't help but complain: "That's called a chain store."

"Yes, yes, chain store!"

Qu Xiaowei clapped his hands, very satisfied with this new term.

After chatting for a while, he invited Lin Weimin and Shi Tiesheng to have lunch nearby. Lin Weimin drove Shi Tiesheng back home.

In the afternoon, Lin Weimin took Tao Huimin and Xiaodou Bao to the Second Entrance Courtyard of the Forbidden City, planning to have a meal with Tao's father and Tao's mother.

The family was preparing dinner when there was a knock on the courtyard door.

It's Li Chengru.

He had a bald head and held a gift in his hand, "Teacher Lin was passing by and saw your car parked outside!"

"Come in quickly!" Lin Weimin let him into the house.

Looking at Li Chengru's hairstyle, Lin Weimin asked: "What have you been doing recently?"

"I'm free, Mao Dong."

"Not filming?"

"There are so many scenes. After filming "Enjoyment", there will be no more. Just wait and shoot if there is something suitable."

Last year, Li Chengru's business failed and he was depressed for a long time. When Lin Weimin came to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he went to his house to chat with him. After some enlightenment, Li Chengru cheered up. The first thing he did was to give himself a new hairstyle. .

When the business failed, he picked up his old business again.

It just so happens that Zhao Baogang, his old classmate in Yanying's amateur acting class, is planning to film the TV series "Enjoyment" this year. In it, Li Chengru plays a "Qian Kang" named Duo Jin. He likes to spend money to make ends meet, which can be regarded as his true character to a certain extent. Starring.

"I watched "Enjoyable" and it was a good performance."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Restarting his acting career, Li Chengru found the confidence he had lost, and his face was full of confidence.

"The Chinese Literature Society has set up a film and television company that is preparing to shoot two TV series recently. You can go to Haiyan to see if there are any suitable roles."

When Li Chengru heard this, he immediately smiled and kept thanking Lin Weimin.

"There's nothing to thank you for. They also need to find actors when preparing for TV series. If they are suitable, they will be used. If they are not, there is nothing they can do."

"Yes, yes, I understand, thank you so much!"

Li Chengru knew very well that although Teacher Lin said so, but he really went there in his name, it was impossible for others not to give him a role, it was just a big or small role.

Lin Weimin's idea is also very simple. Li Chengru's acting skills are good, and he is more than enough to be a prime supporting role. The crew can use it, it is cheap and easy to use.

After Li Chengru left, Tao's father and Tao's mother chatted about Li Chengru.

Li Chengru's ups and downs over the past year have been witnessed by his neighbors, and many of them made sarcastic remarks when chatting with him.

Now that Li Chengru is no longer in business, he has started acting in dramas. "Enjoyable" has become a hit, and even his supporting role has gained a bit of a reputation, causing many neighbors who used to make sarcastic comments to shut up in anger.

"If this person is good, he can do whatever he wants." Lin Weimin said.

Tao Huimin smiled and teased him: "Are you talking about tongue twisters?"

Tao's father and Tao's mother also laughed.

Xiaodoubao didn't know what everyone was laughing at, so he started laughing too, innocently.

A few days later, the editorial team sent the eighth batch of selected titles from the Buhu series to Lin Weimin's office.

In the past two years, the Buhuhu Series has released seven batches of 25 novels, with different themes and content, and great differences in the fame and status of the authors. The only thing they have in common is that these novels are highly readable.

Compared with the first year when the Buhu series was released, this year's Buhu series is slightly quieter. On the one hand, it is because the youth Buhu essay collection absorbed a lot of traffic from Buhu in the first half of the year, and on the other hand, this year's hits are also Not as much as last year.

One "Abandoned City" and one "Flower Season and Rainy Season" directly made the Buhu series famous in the Chinese literary world, so this year there is definitely no way to compare with last year.

But also because of two years of accumulation, Buhuhu has established a reputation and brand among readers, and has a group of loyal fans. There are fewer hits, but the backbone is stronger.

Among the 11 novels released this year, the lowest sales volume reached 600,000 copies, which is much better than last year. The cumulative sales of the 11 novels reached 10.85 million copies. Without the hits, the sales volume was not as high as last year.

Coupled with the cumulative sales of last year's works, this year's Buhu Book Series has achieved a total of 15.6 million copies, surpassing last year's results.

This year, the overall sales performance of the Chinese Literature Society has increased slightly compared with last year. The circulation of books has reached a record high, reaching 41.5 million copies, and the circulation of publications has increased slightly, reaching 32.8 million copies.

The overall circulation of books and periodicals reached 74.3 million, outperforming the overall growth of the national book market.

In terms of popular books, Lin Weimin's "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea" was published this year and has sold more than 6.8 million copies since its publication in May. The sales momentum of "Spirited Away" published last year is still very strong this year. The annual sales exceeded 5.6 million copies, and the total sales volume has exceeded 16 million copies. The sales of children's books are really amazing.

"The Lost City", which was a hit with "Spirited Away" last year, saw a sharp decline in sales this year, with only more than 1.6 million copies sold throughout the year.

For other novels, this figure is already considered a bestseller, but for a super bestseller like "The Wasted City", it is indeed a bit underwhelming.

On the contrary, "Flower Season and Rainy Season", which sold far less than "Desolate City" last year, still achieved sales of millions of copies this year. The market for young readers is releasing its potential bit by bit. This is also the reason why Lin Weimin Xiangzhong's "Flower Season and Rainy Season" " is one of the reasons for the adaptation of the first TV series in the Guowenshe Copyright Operation Plan.

Overall, the total circulation of Chinese Literature Society books and periodicals this year exceeded 74.3 million, with sales of 389 million, and actual revenue reaching 275 million.

The affiliated Tongwen News Agency sold 35.4 million books and 61.9 million publications this year. The sales volume increased significantly compared with last year, which fully illustrates the market potential of popular books.

Tongwenshe's annual sales totaled 392 million yuan, with actual revenue of 243 million yuan.

The sales volume is more than that of the Chinese Literature Society, but the revenue is lower than that of the Chinese Literature Society. This is mainly because the discounts for ordering popular books are relatively large.

But no matter what, it is a historic leap for Tongwen Society to surpass the higher-level Chinese Publishing House in terms of sales volume.

The next step is to surpass the actual revenue. Li Xin, who is in charge of Tongwen News Agency, is full of confidence in this. During the private meeting, he had already shouted a loud slogan.

Kill the Chinese Literature Society!

As the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last!

Tongwenshe's revenue surged, pushing the overall revenue of Tongwenshe to exceed the 500 million mark, becoming a veritable big brother in the domestic publishing industry, occupying 5.6% of the total price of the national book market, and the proportion of print runs It’s even closer to 3%.

When Lao Cheng was having a meeting in the office, he straightened his back and looked around, not a single enemy under his command.

The eighth batch of selected books in the Buhu Book Series sent to Lin Weimin's office included a total of four works. They were still famous writers + emerging writers. The first thing Lin Weimin read was Huang Anyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow".

This is the pinnacle of Huang Anyi's creative career, and was later selected into the collection of 70 novels in the 70 years of New China.

"Song of Everlasting Regret" is a work from a female perspective. The story describes a woman's 40-year emotional experience. The tone of the novel is cold and humorous, yet delicate and moving.

After years of continuous writing, Huang Anyi's creations have also matured.

If placed in future generations, this novel would be considered a script with a heroine, and would be very suitable for adaptation into film and television works.

Huang Anyi was one of the first signed writers when the Buhuhu series was launched, but the work was not written until nearly two years later. It could have been faster. She helped Cheng Kaige write the script in the middle of this year, which delayed it for several months. time.

Fortunately, the two years of waiting were not in vain, Huang Anyi finally handed over the masterpiece "Song of Everlasting Sorrow".

In recent years, many critics have compared Huang Anyi and Jin Ying, but if we only focus on their works selected for the Buhu series.

"Song of Everlasting Regret" is much better than "City Without Rain". Lin Weimin couldn't help but smile knowingly when he thought of Jin Ying's furious look after the future comments came out.

After reading the new works of his old classmates, he set his sights on the other three works.

Lin Weimin's eyes were suddenly attracted by the name of one of the works.

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