1980 My literary era

Chapter 785 24-year-old General Manager

After leaving the factory director's office, Yu Dong's steps were light and he felt like he was in a dream.

Am I going to be the general manager now?

As he walked, he forgot how he got back to the office.

"Lesui, what does the factory director want from you?" a colleague asked.

The factory director's call just now came to their distribution office, and everyone knew that Han Shanping had gone to talk to Yu Dong.

"Isn't he promoted?" A colleague joked.

The others laughed, and of course it was a joke to everyone.

Although Yu Dong is a college student, and although he is valued by the factory director, he has only been at Yanying for more than a year, and his qualifications are too low, so it is not his turn.

Yu Dong opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer this question.


It does seem to have gone up, but not entirely.

Seeing his hesitant expression, his colleagues laughed and asked, "What's the matter? The officer is too big, are you afraid of irritating us?"

Yu Dong thought for a while, he was leaving anyway, so there was nothing he couldn't say, so he said, "I'm not a big official, but I have indeed been promoted."

Hearing this, the smiles on the colleagues' faces froze, "Really promoted?"

Yu Dong nodded seriously, "I got promoted, but I don't have to be transferred to another unit in the factory."

Colleagues breathed a sigh of relief. He was probably transferred to a subordinate unit.

"Going to the recording factory?"

"No, if you have a personality like this, you are still suitable for distribution. Why don't you go to a recording factory? Go to an equipment company? I remember they are short of a deputy manager."

"If I really want to be transferred, I think the audio and video club is a good place to go."

Everyone discussed it for a long time, all in the subordinate units of Yanying Factory, and no one even guessed about the units outside.

Yu Dong didn't beat around the bush and said, "None of them."

Everyone was a little surprised, "No? You want to be transferred?"

Transferred means leaving the Yanying Factory system.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, go to Wenhua Film and Television of the Chinese Literature Society."

"Wenhua Film and Television!" Colleagues are no strangers to this name. This year, they participated in the investment of two films by Yan Film Studio. Some time ago, they also announced their investment in Zhang Yimou's new film. Although it is a new company, it is backed by the Chinese Literature Society and has great strength. Extraordinary.

“It’s a great place too!”

A colleague asked curiously: "What job did you go to?"

"General Manager!" Yu Dong replied honestly.

There was a brief silence in the office. Everyone looked at Yu Dong, suspecting that this boy was joking with them.

"You kid, even if you are leaving, you can't make fun of us big brothers!"

"That's right, if you are the general manager, then I will be the factory director!"

The colleagues were laughing and joking, but Yu Dong looked helpless and couldn't explain much. He acted like he was showing off.

Everyone laughed in agreement, and the colleague asked: "Seriously, you are so valued by the factory director and section chief in the factory, why are you going there?"

"I really want to be the general manager. They don't have a general manager yet. I think I'm the tallest among them. Teacher Lin took a liking to me."

When the colleagues saw that he didn't seem to be faking it, they couldn't help but look at each other in surprise, even more surprised than Yu Dong who was in the factory director's office just now.

After realizing this, everyone was embarrassed to stop joking and became serious, and all congratulated Yu Dong.

"Congratulations, Yu Xiao, for becoming the general manager at such a young age. The future is limitless!"

"Congratulations, you went to Wenhua, but don't forget us big brothers!"

Yu Dong slightly shyly accepted everyone's congratulations, and someone couldn't help but asked curiously: "You Yu, how did you become the general manager? Although our Yan Film Factory and the Chinese Literature Society have some business contacts, they usually do not The pole can’t be hit!”

When this question was asked, everyone looked at Yu Dong.

He scratched his head in embarrassment. He still hadn't figured out how he became the general manager.

The most contact he had with Teacher Lin was driving him a car. You can't say that the general manager drove here for the leader, right? That's too low.

A somewhat honest smile appeared on Yu Dong's face, "I don't know either. Anyway, Teacher Lin said that he wants a young and aggressive general manager, maybe because I am suitable."

"Hey! I would have wanted to try this condition ten years ago."

"Come on, you were an old helper ten years ago. I am a serious college student, educated, and young. Do you want to be valued by the section chief and factory director?"

While everyone was talking, Section Chief Yang from the distribution department walked into the office and patted Yu Dong on the shoulder as soon as he saw him.

"What a boy! When did you get Teacher Lin's appreciation? Let him come to ask for you in person!"

Yu Dong was a little embarrassed and said, "Section Chief, it was quite sudden for me too."

Section Chief Yang was working outside just now and returned to the factory to report to Han Shanping. Han Shanping told him about Yu Dong's situation.

He had brought Yu Dong since he entered Yanying. When he heard that Yu Dong was leaving, he was sad but also happy for him.

"What are you embarrassed about? You went out this time, but people walked to higher places! Hehe, the 24-year-old general manager, when we meet in the future, you can't say that you don't recognize me as your master!"

"No way, look at what you said."

The two of them were talking, and others around them were cheering.

"Section Chief, Yu is about to leave, do we have to see him off!"

Section Chief Yang laughed and scolded: "Look at your virtues. I don't know what you mean? Okay, you can see me off. Each person has a kilogram of wine and you can't leave until you finish it!"

It’s not okay for publishers to not drink alcohol. A few years ago, when we were selling copies, a glass of wine cost 10,000 yuan for a copy.

"Drink! General Manager Yu will take office soon. Please accompany him. Maybe I will become the vice president later."

"Bah! With your character, you are just a pipe tool. The vice president has to use someone like me with thick eyebrows and big eyes."

The atmosphere in the office is pleasant.

It is said that parting has hurt people since ancient times, but most of the hurt is caused by water flowing to lower places. When people go to higher places, even parting is full of joy and laughter.

As the National Day approaches, Yanjing’s summer can’t even catch its tail.

Yu Dong staggered to the entrance of the alley, when suddenly a gust of autumn wind blew by. His chest and abdomen swelled, and he vomited while holding on to the wall.

After squatting for a while, he finally woke up a lot, and then he touched the wall all the way into the courtyard.

When he returned home drunk, his mother saw his kindness and quickly helped him to bed.

"How much did you drink? Are you dying?"

"Not much." Yu Dong lay on the bed and couldn't help but feel silly.

His mother was amused by his appearance, "You are so drunk, what are you doing for fun? What's the matter, are you thinking about getting a wife?"

Yu Dong said drunkenly: "Mom, I'm the general manager!"

"General Manager? Is it just you?"

The mother didn't take her son's words seriously. She dipped a towel in hot water, wiped Yu Dong's face, and took off his shoes.

When I straightened up and looked at him again, he was already asleep.

Early the next morning, Yu Dong was woken up by his mother. He was still hungover and couldn't open his eyes. He asked in a hoarse voice: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You're at work. What time is it? Get up quickly!"

His mother's words made Yu Dong feel smart. Just as he was about to leave, he realized and said, "No, please let me sleep a little longer. I'll go back later."

"When will you go to bed again? Are you still going to work?"

Yu Dong said helplessly: "My work has been transferred. The boss said that I don't need to click on my finger these two days."

"Transferred? Where were you transferred to?"

"Chinese Publishing House, they have established a new film company, and I will be the general manager."

When the mother heard this, she immediately thought of Yu Dong's drunken talk last night, "Didn't you just talk drunkenly?"

"What are you talking about while drinking?" Yu Dong turned over impatiently, "Please let me sleep a little longer."

He wanted to sleep, but his mother wouldn't let him sleep. She picked him up and said, "You're not trying to fool me, are you? As a recent graduate like you, can someone let you be the general manager?"

Yu Dong looked hopeless, "Why did I lie to you when I had nothing to do? I'm really the general manager. The procedures are being completed. I'll change units in two days."

"Tell Mom, how did you become the general manager? What kind of leader appreciates you so much and makes you the general manager?"

Yu Dong was a little unhappy when he heard this, "What do you mean? Your son is also a serious university graduate after all, and he is a key member of our factory. The factory director and section chief all think highly of me. I will be transferred to another place to be the general manager. People are also interested in your son and my talents."

"Don't interrupt! I asked which leader transferred you here?"

Yu Dong suddenly hesitated, "Just...the leader of the Chinese Literature Society!"

The way his mother looked at him, she couldn't help but recall what he had said before about sending the leader off for the factory director.

"Isn't it the writer Lin who you mentioned driving for me before?"

Yu Dong nodded, a little embarrassed.

The mother actually laughed, "Silly boy, what are you embarrassed about? You are meeting a noble person, and others can't even ask for it!"

After understanding the reason for her son's job transfer and promotion, Yu's mother became happy and said, "Okay, you can sleep a little longer. I'll wake you up for dinner later."

After saying that, Yu's mother walked out of the house.

As Yu Dong was lying on the bed, he heard the sound of his mother talking to someone in the courtyard.

"This bastard has been drinking all day long, and he drank too much last night. It's true!"

"It's just for socializing. It proves that your boss is respected by the leader."

"What's the use of being respectful? Should I be transferred away if I should?"

"Hey, you were transferred? Where did you go?"

"Oh, I don't know. He said he was going to a film company to be a general manager. Tell me, Yan Film Factory is doing a good job. The director and section chief think highly of him. What kind of film company does he belong to?"

After being tortured by his mother, Yu Dong had already woken up. Now when he heard his mother's conversation, he felt a sense of shame in his heart. He became more energetic and could no longer sleep.

After lying on the bed for a while, Yu Dong got up and washed himself. After eating, he walked out of the hospital.

Several neighbors saw him along the way and asked about his job transfer. After a while, his mother had already spread the news to the whole hospital about his job transfer and promotion to general manager.

After dealing with inquiries from several neighbors, with their eyes mixed with suspicion, envy and jealousy, Yu Dong walked out of the yard.

After arriving at Yanying Factory, Yu Dong came to the distribution department.

As soon as I walked in, my colleagues started teasing me, "Hey, Mr. Yu is here!"

Yu Dong smiled bitterly, "Don't criticize me. I drank too much last night and didn't get up in the morning."

"The section chief isn't here either. You're going to transfer people soon, so what class are you still working on!"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Come on, come on!"

He was casually chatting with his colleagues, and the beautiful girl from the Human Resources Department ran over and said, "Yu Dong, the transfer order from the Chinese Literature Society has arrived!"

Yu Dong was surprised, "So fast?"

The beautiful girl smiled and said: "Does anyone still think that the transfer order came so quickly? You should hand over the work quickly. The procedures will be completed in a day or two. You will change units before the National Day."

Yu Dong smiled and chatted with the girl for a few words. After she left, Yu Dong was ridiculed by his colleagues.

Two days before the National Day, Wenhua Film and Television welcomed its first general manager.

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