1980 My literary era

Chapter 788 Dreams are never shattered!

After talking about movies, everyone turned to novels.

Among Chinese film directors, those who have the closest relationship with the literary world are none other than the fifth generation directors.

This group of people caught up with the literary heyday of the 1980s, and they all have some literary plot in their hearts. When they were just starting out, they mostly collaborated with writers.

Cheng Kaige's debut novel "Yellow Earth" is adapted from Ke Lan's "Echo of the Deep Valley", Zhang Yimou's debut novel "Red Sorghum" is adapted from Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum Family", and Tian Zhuangzhuang's debut novel "Red Elephant" is adapted from Wang Duanyang "The Secret of the Red Elephant"...

Almost every movie of Zhang Yimou is adapted from a literary work, so when talking about literature, he can talk endlessly like other writers.

Lin Weimin's "God Bless the United States" has been published for nearly two months. During this time, it has caused more criticism in the cultural circles than any of his previous works.

If the flood of criticism and criticism were applied to ordinary writers, they would probably be in constant panic.

However, Lin Weimin's performance was calm and calm from beginning to end, and he was not swayed by external public opinion at all. When everyone mentioned those negative comments, he also behaved very rationally and calmly.

"It seems to me that the scolding has become quieter recently."

Yu Hua's evaluation of Lin Weimin's novels is more important than his own novels, and he always collects review articles in newspapers and magazines as soon as possible.

"I'm tired of scolding, so it's time to take a rest. They don't get paid, so they always scold like this, which makes me feel uninterested." Lin Weimin said in a relaxed tone.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they heard this. Tong Zhonggui said: "People in the club sometimes also discuss that the louder the criticism, the higher the sales volume of your novel, 3 million copies a month. No one has ever created it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this figure. Let alone 3 million copies in a single month, even if the total sales volume is 3 million copies, it is also a work that can establish a monument in the history of Chinese literature.

The achievements that "God Bless America" ​​has achieved in one month may be the goal that many writers have struggled to pursue throughout their lives.

"The scolding is equivalent to free publicity! After this period of time passes, sales will drop." Lin Weimin said.

Yu Huadao: "It's not just a matter of scolding, the evaluation of the big leaders is also an important reason!"

As soon as he mentioned this matter, everyone immediately became interested.

The publishing experience of "God Bless the United States" is truly legendary. The joint review of several departments and the evaluation of this novel by top leaders have spread a lot in the past two or three months, and everyone is naturally very excited to talk about it.

“Among the readers who buy the book, there are quite a few civil servants.”

"Indeed. I still remember that after the publication of "The Ming Dynasty 1566", everyone spread the word that it was that person's bedside reading. After the news spread, the sales of the novel increased accordingly," Tong Zhonggui said.

"It's just a swarm of bees. The current sales volume of the novel is just that."

Lin Weimin's "that's all" means that it has not exceeded tens of millions of copies.

"The Ming Dynasty 1566" has been selling well since its publication. However, there is a problem with this novel, which is that the content of historical novels is somewhat unrealistic. To put it bluntly, the reading threshold is high, and the audience group is naturally not that large.

Sales were good in the early stage, but as time went by, the long tail effect was not that high.

"I think the sales of "The Ming Dynasty 1566" are mainly stuck on the reading threshold. The same goes for "Chasing the Murderer". This novel is such a pity!" Yu Hua said with a hint of regret, "In those two years, Lin The teacher’s works are so readable!”

Shi Tiesheng said: "I think it's not that it's highly readable, but that it's too dazzling. It's really stunning to the eye, but it's destined that many people won't be able to appreciate it."

"Yes, yes, that's a good statement." Yu Hua clapped his hands.

Lin Weimin asked Shi Tiesheng, "Don't just talk about my novels. How is your "Retreat Notes" going?"

"It's almost finished."

"It's not easy. I've been writing it for several years and it's finally finished. I'll ask someone to pick up the manuscript later."

When Shi Tiesheng heard this, his expression was a little hesitant, and he muttered a few words in Lin Weimin's ear.

After hearing this, Lin Weimin smiled and said: "That doesn't matter. Then publish it in "Everyone" first, and later our agency will publish it for you. How about it?"

Shi Tiesheng was actually in the stage of hesitation. Lin Weimin's words were tantamount to making a decision for him in disguise.

He thought for a moment and finally made a decision, "Okay, let's do it."

"What are you two talking about mysteriously?" Qu Xiaowei asked.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "It's nothing. "Everyone" contacted Tiesheng and said that he wanted to publish his "Retreat Notes", and the royalties were higher than ours. Tiesheng was a little embarrassed. What's so embarrassing about it? Where should I publish it? "

"Is it higher than the manuscript fee of the Chinese Press? Is "Everyone" so rich?"

"Are you ignorant? Now people are embracing it. Have you forgotten that this year "Everyone" and Honghe Cigarette Factory organized a literary award? Where is the 100,000 yuan prize?"

Speaking of "Everyone", the status of "Everyone" in the domestic literary world is not high, because this publication was founded very late, and it was only launched as a bimonthly publication last year.

But even though it was founded late, it is very ambitious.

At the beginning of its publication, "Everyone" invited many well-known writers such as Wang Meng, Wang Zengqi, and Xie Mian to serve as column hosts. The first issue was once sold for 100 yuan a copy.

At the beginning of this spring, "Everyone" magazine and Honghe Cigarette Factory jointly established the "Everyone·Honghe Literary Award" with a prize amount of up to 100,000 yuan.

The amount of this award exceeded the 50,000 yuan figure of the Yanbing Literature Award and became the largest literary award (prize) in China. It once caused a huge response in the literary world.

The awards were established this year and will not be presented until next year.

Lin Weimin's words are not true. In fact, it is not that "Everyone" paid Shi Tiesheng a higher fee than the Chinese Literature Society, but "Everyone" contacted Shi Tiesheng and wanted him to publish "Notes on Retreat" in "Everyone", and "Everyone" published it in "Everyone". I privately promised Shi Tiesheng that next year's Honghe Literature Award will be awarded to Shi Tiesheng and "Retreat Notes".

Shi Tiesheng has been writing the novel "Notes on Retreat" for several years. Many friends have read the manuscript and the quality is good. Everyone contacted him in advance to read the manuscript and recognized the quality of "Notes on Retreat".

Moreover, Shi Tiesheng has a special status in the domestic literary world. He is regarded as a spiritual idol by countless readers and has won the appreciation and admiration of many colleagues. If this award is awarded to him, it will be considered well-deserved.

Of course Shi Tiesheng was very excited about the 100,000 yuan bonus. Over the years, he had been writing non-stop and his income was quite high, but most of it had to be spent on medical expenses, so he was never very financially well-off.

If he can get a bonus of 100,000 yuan at once, it will reduce a lot of burden on his family life, and he will not need to have such a sense of urgency when creating.

However, the operation of "Everyone" is somewhat inferior. Even if the editorial department has read the manuscript in advance and recognizes his level, it will not sound good if this kind of thing spreads, so Shi Tiesheng has been hesitating about this matter recently.

Everyone's attention was paid away by Lin Weimin, who whispered to Shi Tiesheng: "Don't put any burden on you. They don't have much influence. Of course, they want to be safer when it comes to awards for the first time. So I can communicate with you in advance. I understand. And their awards are only given to works published in their own magazines. If your work is published by them, it is natural to win the award, and there is no need to feel burdened at all."

Lin Weimin has always done his best to help Shi Tiesheng solve some problems in life, but he will not settle everything with money.

Because he must consider the feelings of his friend Shi Tiesheng, especially when his wealth far exceeds that of ordinary people.

"Everyone" is somewhat flawed from a procedural perspective.

But sometimes people are like this, and it is difficult to be absolutely fair and just. When dealing with Shi Tiesheng, Lin Weimin was willing to tilt his position.

Lin Weimin's relief made Shi Tiesheng feel a little more relaxed, and the two continued to participate in everyone's topics.

At noon, Qu Xiaowei ordered a banquet and brought it directly to the second floor, full of atmosphere.

Everyone was eating, drinking, and laughing.

Today, Qu Xiaowei made a fortune and naturally became the target of ridicule and ridicule. He was not angry and just made fun of everyone.

While eating, everyone talked about the Internet cafe again.

This is the second Internet cafe opened by Qu Xiaowei and Zheng Guo, but it is not the second one in Yanjing City. Over the past year, many Internet cafes have been opened in Yanjing City, becoming a place where countless young people linger.

But there are really not many Internet cafes as large as Feiyue.

It has been more than two months since this Internet cafe opened. Just like the first one, it is making money every day. Qu Xiaowei and Zheng Guo are already thinking about opening a third Internet cafe.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh when they heard the two people's thoughts.

"You two really got this business started."

There was a hint of envy in everyone's tone. Qu Xiaowei said with a smile: "Now you can make money by opening an Internet cafe. You can make money if you want to."

Hearing what he said, a few people were really moved, but going into the sea still requires a lot of courage for many people. Everyone joked a few times, but no one took it seriously.

Only Yu Hua's small eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

He has always had an entrepreneurial dream in his heart.

When Qu Xiaowei wanted to go into business, he had communicated with Qu Xiaowei, but it was a pity that both of them were just acting on a whim at that time.

Qu Xiaowei failed to continue his great business of practicing stalls for two years, but turned around and opened an Internet cafe. This gave Yu Hua a glimmer of hope.

After eating, he pulled Qu Xiaowei aside and muttered.

Shi Tiesheng asked Lin Weimin curiously, "What did you say they two said?"

"Who knows, I'm not holding anything back!"

In Lin Weimin's eyes, when these two people met together, they were like a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

While the two were talking, Wang Shuo heard Qiang Gen'er coming back and announced: "Yu Hua wants to find Xiao Wei to open a barbecue restaurant!"

Lin Weimin inexplicably felt that this matter was familiar. He looked at Shi Tiesheng, and the two of them suddenly understood.

Dreams are never shattered!

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