1980 My literary era

Chapter 791 One of the most important writers in the second half of the twentieth century

"Flower Season and Rainy Season" is the highlight of Wencheng Film and Television this year. It consumes a lot of time, money and energy of the entire company. Even the editor-in-chief Lin Weimin is involved in it, which shows the importance it attaches to.

In order to promote this drama, Haiyan was creative and cooperated with "Red Bean" magazine to promote "Flower Season and Rainy Season" by releasing actor information every month, which received miraculous results.

For more than half a year, although the TV series "Flower Season and Rainy Season" has not yet been aired, many young actors have already gained considerable popularity among young people.

This novel publicity method also brought a lot of attention to the TV series "Flower Season and Rainy Season". Even many media noticed them. These handsome men and beautiful women may be the stars of tomorrow. These media also followed suit during the period. Report.

After National Day, the TV series was finally completed and is now undergoing intensive post-production.

Haiyan came here this time to cooperate with the work of the Copyright Operations Department. The Copyright Operations Department has recently connected with a stationery factory in the south. "Flower Season and Rainy Season" focuses on the student market. This time, the Chinese Literature Society plans to develop the "Flower Season and Rainy Season" series of stationery , divided into two series: TV series and comic images.

Haiyan chatted in "Contemporary" for a while, and then was about to leave. When he walked to the corridor, he happened to meet Wang Yongsheng who also came to the Copyright Operation Department.

"Teacher Wong!"

"Mr. Hai!"

The two of them usually work close to each other and are acquaintances. They said hello and passed by each other after saying a few words.

Wang Yongsheng entered the Copyright Operations Department and stayed for more than ten minutes before coming out. He did not leave immediately, but ran to Lin Weimin's office.

"Teacher Wang, come and sit down." Lin Weimin saw Wang Yongsheng and enthusiastically made him a cup of tea.

"Don't bother me." Wang Yongsheng said politely, "I'm here to report to you about the situation of "Red Bean Comics"."

Lin Weimin sat down on the sofa, "Say."

"Our first issue of "Hongdou Comics" was released on the 15th of last month. The first printing was 500,000 copies. It was sold out within three days of its release. After that, it was printed three times. At present, it has been on the market for 20 days and the sales volume has exceeded 2.4 million copies. .

At the same time, the sales speed has not slowed down. We have contacted many bookstores. Readers love the comics of "Spirited Away" extremely much. Many readers are loyal fans of the original novel and they all buy the novel because of the original work.

Your novel really gives "Hongdou Comics" a perfect start. "

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "Not only is the credit for the original novel, the name 'Red Bean' also plays a big role. The audience for romance magazines and girl comics is almost the same. "Red Bean" has been in business for several years, and its influence among readers is still very high. big."

Wang Yongsheng smiled and said: "Of course this is also an important reason. In short, it cannot be done without the great help of you and the society."

As he spoke, he sighed, "I really didn't expect that "Hongdou Comics" would achieve such brilliant results when it was first published. This issue might be able to surpass the sales volume of "King of Paintings".

"This would not be possible without the hard work of your editorial department."

After Wang Yongsheng finished talking about sales, he reported to Lin Weimin that "Hongdou Comics" was selected into the "5155 Project".

Last month, the Ministry of Rites and the General Administration of Publishing officially launched the "5155 Project". The specific measures of this project are: establishing 5 comic publishing bases, publishing 15 sets of large-scale comic books, and creating 5 original comic publications to help people in recent years The sluggish Chinese comics have regained their momentum.

With Lin Weimin, the new "Hongdou Comics" was not unexpectedly selected into the "5155 Project". Also selected along with "Hongdou Comics" were "China Cartoons", "Yanjing Cartoons", "Youth Comics" and "Manhua King" ” and four other publications.

As the only comic publication among the five publications that focuses on the girl market, "Hongdou Comics" sold out immediately in the first issue, which also shocked many of its peers.

At the same time, "Flower Season and Rainy Season" and "Spirited Away", which are currently being serialized, have also been successfully shortlisted for "publishing 15 sets of large-scale comic books" in the "5155 Project". Tongwenshe is also currently preparing to edit "King of Painting" The Ministry of Education and the editorial department of "Hongdou Comics" are seeking one of the "five comic publishing bases" as the core.

For this reason, Li Xin specially applied for several more store rooms in the club.

In just one year, nearly one-third of the retail space reserved by the company has been used.

The Chinese Literature Society will strive to have all-you-can-eat the dividends from this “5155 Project”.

Haiyan, who left the Chinese Literature Society when Lin Weimin and Wang Yongsheng were discussing the "5155 Project", had just arrived at the Friendship Hotel.

During this period, the script of "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" has been being revised.

Haiyan came to the room at the Friendship Hotel. Several screenwriters, Liu Yanming, Zhang Heping and others were there.

Haiyan first looked at the four newly revised scripts and felt that there were no major problems. They had done a good job of weakening the role of imperial power and bureaucracy and highlighting criticality, so he asked Qin Peichun and Shi Ling to continue writing.

He chatted with Liu Yanming and Zhang Heping. The hottest topic in the television industry recently was undoubtedly the new document from the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television.

On September 1, Radio and Television issued this year’s Order No. 16, “Interim Provisions on the Management of Film and Television Production and Operation Agencies”, which stipulates that in principle, individuals and private enterprises shall not establish film and television production and operation institutions.

At first glance, this approach seems to block the development path of private enterprises.

However, the Chinese language is broad and profound, and the words "in principle not established" itself contain a certain gray element. Haiyan, Liu Yanming and others have been dealing with the government for many years, so how could they not understand the meaning.

Only one month after the issuance of Order No. 16, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television issued Order No. 17 "Regulations on the Management of TV Series Production Licenses". Careful people have studied the contents of the regulations in detail.

It was found that there are no conditions that explicitly prohibit private companies from participating in the production of TV series, and private companies that meet certain conditions according to the terms can even apply for a "Television Series Production Temporary License."

This is undoubtedly what Lin Weimin said last year to "loosen the restrictions on private enterprises involved in the production of TV series." It can be assumed that the government has tacitly allowed private companies to participate in the production of TV series.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, since this year, film and television companies such as Tanglong International and Paige Taihe have been established one after another, which is enough to show that the field of TV series production is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

When Liu Yanming and others discussed this matter, they were somewhat thankful in their words. With Lin Weimin's advance notice, everyone worked together, and they were already half a step ahead of all their peers in the field of TV series production.

At present, the post-production of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" is in progress. This TV series took more than half a year from preparation to production and attracted the attention of many media, readers and the public. Now we are just waiting for the effect after the TV series is broadcast.

If the momentum of "A Romantic Affair" can be maintained, then Wencheng Film and Television will surely become the leading company in domestic TV drama production.

Two days later, Lin Weimin received a call from Roger Strauss.

On the phone, Roger Strauss told Lin Weimin that several American media wanted to interview him.

Before this, Lin Weimin had been interviewed by many American media, but most of them were literary publications or literary review publications. Even for comprehensive publications, the interviews were mainly about literature.

But this time, the people who wanted to interview Lin Weimin were different. They were all American current affairs magazines.

Speaking of the reasons, we have to mention "God Bless the United States" which was launched in the United States last month.

On October 7, "God Bless America" ​​was officially launched in major bookstore chains in the United States.

As Lin Weimin's latest masterpiece, this novel has already entered the eyes of many booksellers before it was published. FSG Publishing House, which is responsible for publishing and distribution, has experienced the pleasure of being chased and intercepted by booksellers for the first time in many years.

Nowadays, when it comes to Lin Weimin's influence in the American literary world and among readers, no ordinary American writer can compare with him.

First of all, in terms of sales of works, over the years, more than 10 of Lin Weimin's works have been introduced to the United States, and the sales have been extremely good.

Not to mention "Farewell My Concubine", which has sold more than 10 million copies, in the first half of 1995, the sales of "Horse Trapper" also exceeded 7 million copies, and it continues to hit the 10 million copy mark.

The rise in sales of this novel is inseparable from the Broadway version of the play "The Kite Runner".

There is also the children's literature work "Spirited Away". In the past three years since its publication in the United States, its total sales have exceeded 5 million copies.

In addition, works such as "Lover", "Chasing the Murderer" and "Burning" also have million-level sales. Even "The Wind", which was later introduced by FSG Publishing House, sold more than 400,000 copies.

Looking at the American literary world, even many best-selling authors have not achieved such an achievement.

Lin Weimin's novels are so popular because of many factors.

In the early days of introduction, we relied solely on the word-of-mouth effect of readers, so the sales of several imported novels in those two years were not high.

What really allowed Lin Weimin's works to break through the barriers of the readership for the first time and achieve leapfrog growth was the successful development of the drama and film "The Intouchables" and the feat of "The Last Emperor" which won nine Oscars.

Since then, Lin Weimin's name has successfully entered the American literary world.

In the past few years, his works have won many awards including the Tony Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, making his influence even greater than before.

In 1993, in order to fulfill Richard Yates's last wish, Lin Weimin asked Roger Strauss to publish "The Collected Works of Richard Yates".

With the strong support of Roger Strauss, the American media vigorously publicized the friendship between Lin Weimin and Richard Yates, successfully bringing Lin Weimin's name into the eyes of ordinary American people.

In those two months, Lin Weimin's name was associated with Richard Yates, and he became the most familiar writer to the American people.

Reports about him in the media have also aroused the favor of the vast majority of people in the United States, making Lin Weimin's name transcend the categories of "Chinese writer" and "Asian writer", and is regarded by many Americans as a great writer with international influence.

Especially after the movie "Farewell My Concubine" was released in the United States, the film perfectly restored the content of the novel and grossed nearly 300 million U.S. dollars at the box office. It not only broke the record for American literary films, but also broke into the top ten in North American film history, becoming a A classic that will forever be engraved in film history, it has also influenced countless American movie fans.

Nowadays, if you ask a random passerby on the streets of the United States which Chinese writers he knows, most people’s first reaction will be Lin Weimin.

If this scope were expanded to Asia, he would still be the first choice.

Even if you put it around the world, many people will think of him. After all, the impact Lin Weimin brought to the American people is too close.

What's more, through his works over the years, Lin Weimin has accumulated tens of millions of readers and viewers in the United States and even around the world.

Last year, Time Magazine interviewed Lin Weimin and used his photo as the cover of its ninth issue.

Interview reporter Richard Stengel once made this evaluation of Lin Weimin at the end of the article:

He is confident and unique, and likes to call his works "third-rate novels", but no one can deny that he is already one of the most important writers in the second half of the twentieth century.

There is no Chinese or Asian prefix, which is enough to prove Lin Weimin's influence in the world literary world today.

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