1980 My literary era

Chapter 842 All ancestral graves are dug up

Shanghai Animation Film Studio has supported the height of Chinese animation, but its foundation is not solid.

For so many years, China has not actually developed a complete animation talent training system and mechanism. Before 1999, there were only a handful of universities across the country offering animation majors.

Once Humei Factory becomes lonely, the fig leaf of Chinese animation will be completely torn away.

If the Chinese Literature Society wants to produce animated feature films, talent is the top priority.

But nowadays, it is obviously unrealistic to find animation talents with high technical level in society. Lin Weimin naturally set his sights on Hume Factory.

Jin Guoping came to Yanjing to discuss cooperation, and was inspired by Lin Weimin's impassioned speech. Once both parties were willing to cooperate, everything would be easy to discuss.

When entertaining Jin Guoping that night, Lin Weimin mentioned the issue of talents smoothly and asked with a smile: "Director Jin, there are a lot of talents in Humei Factory, especially many old comrades who have retired and are idle at home. It is really a waste of talents. You can come to our Chinese Literature Society to use your remaining energy!"

Lin Weimin did not go directly to poach the young and strong new forces in the Humei Factory, but instead set his sights on these retired comrades. Naturally, Jin Guoping would not have any objections, but was actually a little happy.

Humei Factory is a unit with extremely high professional barriers. Both ordinary employees and leading cadres have an animation background.

In the 40 years since the factory was established, the older generation of comrades have all retired. Many of them have retired and are still involved in the projects of the Humei Factory.

It is of course a good thing for old comrades to use their spare time after retirement.

But as the factory director, Jin Guoping also has his own considerations. The old people always occupy the seats, and the newcomers have no room for training and development, which is detrimental to the cultivation of talents in the factory.

Now Lin Weimin plans to hire retired comrades from their Humei Factory. Jin Guoping wants nothing more than him, so he pats his chest and promises that he will definitely help Lin Weimin recruit a few more people.

"Haha, we don't need so many people. We only need two comrades who can check things."

"I understand." Jin Guoping said, and then asked hesitantly: "But in terms of treatment..."

Lin Weimin smiled and said to Dong: "Mr. Yu, please introduce me."

Yu Dong immediately said: "Director Jin, we need two art directors. Their main work content is animation art and animation action. The salary is comparable to the director level of our Wenhua Film and Television. The monthly income is not less than 1,500 yuan. The responsible person Project profits include dividends, and all the creative teams collectively share 10% of the profits. There is also a bonus at the end of the year. I can’t say for sure, but it should be at least two months’ salary.”

Hearing this, Jin Guoping's eyes lit up, "Oh, your treatment makes me moved!"

He said jokingly: "With this kind of treatment, it will be easier for me to go back. If I change this treatment, I think the old comrades in our factory will fight for it!"

"Director Jin, I'm not done yet. After these two art directors join the job, we will send them to Nihong and Miguo for inspection. Nowadays, the animation level of Miguo and Nihong is far ahead in the world. We have to Learn from other people’s advanced experiences.”

Jin Guoping had a look of admiration on his face when he heard this, "President Lin, President Yu, because of your spirit of striving for excellence and daring to invest, the Chinese Literature Society will definitely make great achievements in the field of animation in the future."

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools."

"Oh, I'm ashamed to say it. In the past few years, our Shanghai Mei Factory was also the leader in Chinese animation, but the development in the past few years has become increasingly unsatisfactory."

"Such a problem is not just a problem for one person at Humei Factory, but for all domestic studios. We have to admit that the studio system is no longer adapted to the market economy. In the face of the general trend, individual efforts are minimal. .”

Hearing this, Jin Guoping nodded sincerely.

Jin Guoping stayed in Yanjing for three days, spent half a day communicating about cooperation matters, and spent another day visiting the film projects being produced by Wenhua Film and Television. The remaining day and a half was spent by Dong Dong in charge of entertaining .

To be precise, Guowenshe said that the cooperation between Wenhua Film and Television and Humei Factory has basically been confirmed. Wenhua Film and Television will invest 5 million yuan, Humei Factory will invest 1 million yuan, and both parties will jointly invest 6 million yuan to produce a movie based on "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta". For an animated feature film with the background of "The Chronicles of China", the technical personnel are provided by the Shanghai Mei Factory, but the general director and art direction are handled by the Chinese Literature Society.

At the beginning, Yu Dong's suggestion to Lin Weimin was that Wenhua could cooperate with Humei Factory to establish a company, so that the cooperative relationship between the two parties would be stronger.

But this proposal was rejected by Lin Weimin, and Yu Dong didn't understand it.

The president has always emphasized that the Chinese Language Society should make continuous investment in the field of animation, so wouldn’t establishing a joint venture be the best option?

Facing Dudong's question, Lin Weimin said calmly: "How can a joint venture be better than a sole proprietorship?"

What does it mean?

After hearing this, Yu Dong had a question mark on his face.

"The few people sent by Wenhua to Shanghai told them to hang out with the people at the Humei Factory more often. If nothing happens, they can treat themselves to a treat, eat, or have fun. The money can be reimbursed."

After hearing this, Yu Dong finally understood, and looked at Lin Weimin with eyes full of admiration.

It's high, President, it's really high.

What does it mean to be treacherous...scheming...? This is called far-sightedness!

He was very familiar with this operation. How did Wenhua Film and Television get those outstanding distribution staff?

Wasn't it Yu Dong who poached them from various film studios and distribution companies?

Yu Dong was puzzled at first. With the personality of the president, even though he made bold statements, why did his actions seem a bit petty? I bet this is a conspiracy for Humei Factory.

The salary of Wenhua Film and Television employees is considered to be a high salary for the working class, not to mention various subsidies, bonuses and benefits.

It's not like Yu Dong has never worked in a studio. He knows very well how studio employees are treated. Hu Mei Factory is famous, but there are so many famous state-owned units. Which of those employees are not miserable?

Those who make missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs. This saying has been circulating for more than ten years. It is not unreasonable, but it makes too much sense.

Yu Dong could even imagine that when the staff of Wenhua Film and Television stationed in Shanghai were enjoying high salaries and eating and drinking every day, the employees of the Shanghai Mei Factory who worked with them would be filled with grief and anger.

With this mentality, Wenhua probably only needs to move his little finger to dig up all the ancestral graves of Hume Factory.

The reason why the president didn't go poaching Humei Factory in a big way right away was because he was afraid of alerting the enemy. He first used cooperation to paralyze Humei Factory, and then used the contact between employees to make Humei Factory distraught, and finally took action. Catch all the talents from Humei Factory in one fell swoop.


It’s really too high!

Lin Weimin only said two or three sentences, but Yu Dong had already imagined how President Lin was far-sighted and planning a big game from a high position.

This kind of person deserves to be promoted!

He really figured out Lin Weimin's thoughts very closely. Of course, President Lin's situation was much bigger than he thought.

In fact, when it comes to animation, if you can acquire the Shanghai Mei Factory, that is the easiest way. Not only can you get a lot of talents, but you can also get the copyrights of many classic works.

But unfortunately, domestic studios are not only a cultural thing but also a publicity thing. It is impossible to acquire them. The major studios in later generations have become so dilapidated that no company has ever dared to acquire them.

If the acquisition fails, poaching becomes a must.

But poaching requires methods. You can't just pick up a hoe and start digging. Humei Factory has a deep-rooted influence in the domestic animation field. Guowenshe’s animation investment has just begun, and it cannot do without their help.

Therefore, the poaching operation must be carried out step by step, and the erosion will continue in a subtle and silent manner.

It’s time to cooperate and cooperate, and it’s time to poach and poach.

Hu Meichang is now a middle-aged lady. If the Chinese Literature Society does not take advantage of her, she will have to let others take advantage of her in the future. It is better to take advantage of the Chinese Literature Society.

By cooperating with the Chinese Literature Society, at least he can throw some scattered silver coins when he lifts his pants, which is much better than the gang of black-hearted ghosts outside who eat people without spitting out their bones.

After seeing off Jin Guoping, a few days later, two old comrades, who together were nearly 130 years old, were sent to the Chinese Literature Society.

If other units were to treat veteran comrades of this age, they might be disgusted with them.

But President Lin made his fortune by sucking up to old men and old ladies. When he saw these two people, he almost shouted "old baby".

Yan Dingxian, the director of the cartoons "Nezha Haohai", "Ginseng Fruit", "The Golden Monkey Subdued the Demon", "Trumpeter" and "A Child's Brocade", he also has a special identity, he is the second director of the Shanghai Art Factory .

Regardless of Yan Dingxian's talent in the field of animation production, just because of the name of "the second director of Humei Factory", is this inappropriate old baby?

How much convenience will this identity provide to the future recruitment of Chinese Literature Society?

Factory Director Jin, what a good man!

As for Dai Tielang, he is also a senior animation director, screenwriter and artist at Humei Factory.

In 1958, he directed his first animated short film "Looking for Little Brother". In the following years, he successively served as animation designer for the ink animation short films "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​and "Mu Flute". He also directed "Nine-Colored Deer" and "Little Red Face and Little Blue Face". ” and “Black Cat Sheriff” and many other popular cartoons.

When these two old comrades came to Yanjing, Lin Weimin naturally swept the couch to welcome them, and the reception was much grander than that of Jin Guoping.

Jin Guoping is called a partner, and these two are the ones that Guowen Publishing House can rely on for its animation business in the future!

Jin Guoping attached great importance to this cooperation with the Chinese Literature Society, and immediately started to help contact talents after returning to Shanghai.

The two old comrades have been retired for several years. They usually help produce cartoons at the Humei Factory, but after all, they are retired, and their salary cannot be compared with before.

Jin Guoping found the two people and talked about the treatment given by the Chinese Literature Society. He also specifically mentioned that he was the first to find them, which meant that the first thing I thought of for such a good thing was you. As expected, the two old comrades were moved.

Yan Dingxian and Dai Tielang's salary after retirement is only a few hundred yuan a month. Working for the Chinese Literature Society only makes a monthly salary of 1,500 yuan. This does not include various other subsidies, bonuses, dividends and welfare benefits. They have not retired yet. At that time, the salary and benefits were incomparable!

Jin Guoping also said that the Chinese Literature Society would send them abroad for inspection. After returning to China to start work, most of them stay in Shanghai.

They really couldn't refuse such a generous offer.

Yan Dingxian and Dai Tielang stayed in Yanjing for a week. The warm reception of the Chinese Literature Society made them feel panic for a time.

Old comrades who have been doing revolutionary work all their lives have never seen these sugar-coated bullets!

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year. The Chinese Literature Society’s arrangement for Yan Dingxian and Dai Tielang is to let them return to Shanghai to celebrate the New Year.

After the two get their visas in the new year, the first stop will be Nihong, and the second stop will be the United States. The two will have a month to study and study abroad. After they return to China, they will officially start "Shuke and "Beta" animated feature film.

On the day they left Yanjing, Yu Donglai saw them off and held their hands tightly.

"Teacher Yan, Teacher Dai, from now on we will be comrades in the trenches."

The two old comrades recalled the warm hospitality during this week and were filled with gratitude. "Mr. Yu, thank you for your importance to us. We will do your best in the future."

"The two teachers have spoken emphatically. You are both the Beidou in the field of animation. The animation business of our Chinese Literature Society cannot do without your contributions. We look forward to working together to make domestic animation better in the future!"

Yu Dong watched Yan Dingxian and Dai Tielang leave in a high-spirited manner, thinking to himself, I don't say 100%, but at least I have seventy percent of the power of the president.

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