1980 My literary era

Chapter 850 God Y

In late April, spring in Yanjing has quietly arrived.

Pedestrians on the street took off their heavy winter clothes, their clothes became lighter, and their bodies became lighter when walking on the road.

On the morning of Saturday, Lin Weimin, accompanied by Ma Dudu, came to the area to be demolished in Gaojing Hutong, west of the Jinghua Museum.

After a long winter, the countdown to demolition has officially begun.

The government has found a place for more than 300 families living here, and the compensation has entered the residents' bank books as early as three months ago.

Now Gaojing Hutong has become a busy place for moving companies. Sometimes there are so many jobs that they can be overwhelmed.

"Hey, whose tricycle is this? Can you put it away properly?"

At the entrance of the alley, a tricycle was parked haphazardly, blocking most of the space at the entrance of the alley. The young man who was moving shouted.

After a while, a middle-aged woman came out of the side yard and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, there's only one car left. I was in a hurry and didn't park the car. You go first."

The middle-aged woman held the car and made way for the young man's pallet truck. After the other party left, a loader walked out carrying a cabinet.

"Master, put it down gently. The legs of my cabinet are a bit broken and cannot withstand the bumps."

"Help me."

The two families were busy for five or six minutes and finally left.

Lin Weimin and Ma Dudu stood at the entrance of the alley and watched this scene. Ma Dudu introduced: "It has been almost half a month since we moved, and people are leaving one after another. But there are still dozens of families here, so we are taking our time. Yes, we had to wait two days until the demolition to move out.”

"The rules allow people to do this, so it doesn't matter if you wait." Lin Weimin said casually.

The two walked around the demolition area. Most of the residents had moved out, and the Gaojing Hutong area suddenly became deserted.

There are fewer residents, but more rag pickers.

Nowadays, people around are moving and throwing away things, and there are many people who are picking up rags around.

After seeing the relocation situation in Gaojing Hutong, Lin Weimin asked: "How is the roller skating rink going?"

"The original factory building has just been demolished, and construction waste has been transported out for the past two days. I will take you to see it."

The roller skating rink that Lin Weimin asked Ma Dudu to find for Xiaodou Bao was in Xicheng. It was originally the building of a street-run factory in the district. In the past few years, the street-run factory could not continue to operate, so it has been left there.

This place is less than 2 miles away from Lin Weimin's small courtyard. My daughter can come anytime she wants to roller skate, which is very convenient.

When Lin Weimin found the place, he asked Ma Dudu to negotiate with the street and rent it to the local chief. He spent 3.6 million to rent it for 30 years. The rent was paid in one lump sum and the conditions were very favorable. The street agreed without hesitation. .

However, the original factory building was not suitable for a roller skating rink, so we had to tear it down and rebuild a roller skating rink on the original site.

With the participation of the streets, the construction procedures were very easy and had been completed a while ago.

When the two came here, the original factory building was long gone, leaving only a pile of rubble. An excavator was cleaning up construction debris, and a dump truck was waiting to load the truck.

"In two more days, the site will be cleared. In two days, the municipal planning people will come to give coordinates, and the construction team to recover their home can enter the site to work. This excavator and dump truck are theirs. of."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "His business is getting bigger and bigger. I heard that he recently established a real estate company?"

Ma Dudu said with a hint of ridicule, "Boss Li is very wealthy. If you don't make a move, it will be a big deal."

In 1991, the government promoted the reform of the housing system. In the past, the state was solely responsible for real estate development and construction, instead of mobilizing social forces to participate in real estate construction, real estate companies began to sprout like mushrooms after a rain.

Despite some setbacks in 1992, the real estate market has gradually developed in recent years.

Especially in 1994, after the state promulgated the "Urban Real Estate Management Measures", real estate developers became the main force in domestic demolition and housing supply. The once lively unit-funded housing construction was gradually withdrawing from the stage of history.

The two joked for a while, and Lin Weimin asked: "When will it be completed?"

"I gave the drawings to the project manager of Guangfujia. Construction will start on May Day and will definitely be completed in August."

Lin Weimin was slightly surprised, "So fast?"

Ma Dudu smiled and said: "Our house is simple! It's just a few foundations with steel beams and columns, and the roof is a steel grid structure. It's only 1,200 square meters. Can you not hurry up? This is because the ground construction is more time-consuming. Otherwise it can be faster.”

Lin Weimin nodded, "Okay. Finish it as soon as possible to save the little girl from nagging me anymore."

After wandering around all morning, Lin Weimin returned home at noon and saw Shen Xujia with her daughter.

"Weimin is back."

"A rare guest, it's rare for you to come to our home." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

Shen Xujia chatted with Lin Weimin for a few words, looking happy and in a good mood.

At noon, Shen Xujia and her daughter stayed at home for dinner. While cooking, Tao Huimin secretly said to Lin Weimin: "Xu Jia said that Wang Shuo broke up with that little vixen!"

"Yeah, I heard about it."

"Look at that bastard Wang Shuo, he has turned a good family into this!"

"Yeah, it's so shameful. I was scolded a while ago."

Teacher Lin expressed his clear and firm revolutionary stance.

"Last year, the little vixen came to the door and yelled at Xu Jia. Now seeing that Wang Shuo can't take any advantage, he ran away very fast."

Tao Huimin seemed very happy for her sisters.

Lin Weimin said quietly: "If a fly doesn't bite you, it's better to advise Shen Xujia. Don't be happy too early. Without Xu Xiaomi, there are still Zhang Xiaomi and Wang Xiaomi."

Hearing this, Tao Huimin became suspicious, "Isn't that true?"

"I'm just giving you a heads up."

Tao Huimin thought for a moment and said, "What you said makes sense. I'll ask Xu Jia to pay more attention later."

After lunch, Tao Huimin and Shen Xujia took their children out for shopping.

It was rare for the house to be clean. After getting up from a nap, Lin Weimin went to the study and turned on the computer.

According to statistics, the total number of computers with Internet access in China reached 299,000 this year, including 49,000 computers with direct Internet access and 250,000 computers with dial-up Internet access. There are approximately 620,000 Internet users, most of whom access the Internet through dial-up.

Dial-up Internet speeds are still ridiculously slow, but fortunately the cost of Internet access is being reduced every year. As the cost of Internet access continues to decrease, the number of domestic Internet users is also expanding rapidly.

Starting next year, a large number of Internet companies will adapt to the current situation and emerge as the times require.

While waiting for the web page to buffer, Lin Weimin was thinking that at this point in time, it was time for the Chinese Literature Society to expand its presence in the Internet field.

As I was thinking wildly, the webpage in front of me was buffered.

Shuguang BBS is the first Internet forum in China. It was founded in 1994. Lin Weimin is one of the earliest users of this forum. He occasionally surfs on the forum.

At this time, the active users on the BBS were basically people working in computer software and hardware, and the largest number of people were in scientific research, education, national party and government agencies, factories and mines, postal and telecommunications and other industries.

Lin Weimin is a layman in computers and the Internet, but he is familiar with the development of the Internet industry at home and abroad in later generations. He often criticizes current shortcomings from the perspective of general trends, and has also won a lot of fame for himself. He can be regarded as one of the great gods on Shuguang BBS.

Last week there was a post on Shuguang BBS where some netizens were discussing the prospects of Netscape. The poster claimed that Netscape would definitely win the browser war with Microsoft and become another giant company in the Internet field.

When Lin Weimin saw it, he said a few words of joy. The content was nothing more than being optimistic about the future development of Netscape. As a result, two netizens were dissatisfied.

Netscape is now one of the most popular high-tech companies in the U.S. capital market. Its Netscape Navigator browser occupies 70% of the browser market, which is equivalent to controlling the entrance of Internet traffic. It is in the world There are more than millions of users within the scope. There are basically no Internet users who have not used Netscape products.

On August 9, 1995, Netscape made its initial public offering, and the closing stock price on the first day rose to $75 per share, setting a first-day profit record for the U.S. stock market.

Netscape founder Jim Clark's shares were worth US$663 million on the day of the IPO. Another founder, Marc Andreessen, was also worth US$58 million. Some early Netscape employees were also worth tens of millions on this day. Millions of dollars.

Some people have even compared Netscape to the "Microsoft of the Internet." Netscape founder Jim Clark is more popular than Bill Gates.

It was also this year that Microsoft saw the threat from Netscape and began a formal counterattack.

Microsoft first proposed the acquisition, but Netscape rejected it without hesitation.

Then Microsoft proposed to cooperate with Netscape to form a strategic partnership. In order to achieve cooperation, Microsoft even promised to make concessions in the operating system. This unprecedented "kneeling" intensity is enough to show the oppression Netscape exerts on Microsoft. force.

But Bill Gates's concessions did not satisfy Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen. They did not want to become Microsoft's vassals, but to replace them.

In the end, the negotiations between the two parties broke down and Microsoft could only fight back forcefully.

Facts have proved that Microsoft, which has an absolute dominance in the field of PC operating systems, is not as vulnerable as people imagined. In just a few months, Microsoft launched IE1.0 and 2.0.

Last year, in order to compete with Netscape, Microsoft bundled IE browser with the newly released Windows 95 for free to users.

You must know that Netscape's browser charges $45 per user. Bill Gates's decision was crucial and established Microsoft's victory in the browser war with Netscape.

At present, the competition between Netscape and Microsoft is still in full swing. Lin Weimin said that he is not optimistic about the future development of Netscape. In the eyes of some people who think they know Netscape, this is just sensationalism.

Faced with doubts, Lin Weimin didn't say much. He was not optimistic about the competition between Netscape and Microsoft, and he didn't say that Netscape was not developing well. Even if it lost the competition, it would still be the second best.

And in a corner where no one is paying attention, Lin Weimin has already earned more than 10 million yuan by relying on Netscape stocks. He is only a secondary market investor, and it is not easy to earn this amount.

Lin Weimin has many investments like this in the U.S. stock market. Except for some speculative investments, he intends to hold most of the investments for the long term and rarely speculate.

Lin Weimin has a small-scale investment company in the United States. It neither engages in futures, nor does it engage in hedge funds, nor does it engage in venture capital. It just invests in stocks and buys and sells bonds in the secondary market, focusing on the word stability.

Lin Weimin knew very well that he was a foreigner in the United States without a deep background or technical support. It was safest to rely on a little foresight to act steadily.

After going online, Lin Weimin browsed the posts on the forum in the past few days and saw a user named "kissmykicks" speaking under the post he replied to last week, strongly supporting him and leaving him a separate message.

Lin Weimin was impressed by this kissmykicks. He is one of the active users on the forum and seems to be very good at software.

"God Y, have you cleared the Netscape stocks in your hand?"

"God Y, what do you think of Microsoft?"

Lin Weimin's online name is "Ye", so he is called "Y God" by people on the forum. This name has no special meaning, I just picked it up casually. If I insist on using a different name, it can be understood as "ye", which is a bad idea of ​​taking advantage of others.

When discussing with people last week, Lin Weimin said that he had bought shares of Netscape. Now the browser war between Netscape and Microsoft is in full swing, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Netscape's prospects are not optimistic. , the stock price has also been falling recently.

Across a network cable, Lin Weimin didn't have too many scruples and replied: "It was sold long ago. It was sold the same year it was launched."

At the end of 1995, Netscape's stock price reached 171 US dollars per share, six times the IPO issue price. Lin Weimin decisively liquidated his position at that time and had already made a fortune.

After answering the first question, Lin Weimin looked at the second question.

“The release of the Windows 95 operating system has greatly changed the way personal computers are used, making computer operation more intuitive and simpler.

Microsoft has become the undisputed overlord in the field of PC operating systems, with a deep foundation that is difficult to shake. So I am not optimistic about the browser battle between Netscape and Microsoft. "

After replying to the post, Lin Weimin was planning to browse other posts, but kissmykicks replied immediately.

"God Y is awesome. Netscape's stock price peaked when it was listed. You made a lot of money with this investment. God Y, is Microsoft really unshakable?"

"It depends on what aspect, if it is based on computer operating systems and various software, then as long as Microsoft uses the weapon of bundling, it will be almost invincible.

But you have to understand, how can there be any eternal hegemony in the world?

As awesome as IBM was back then, hasn’t it become a thing of the past in the era of personal computers?

Besides, although Microsoft is powerful, it cannot monopolize all software fields. The nascent Internet is vast and has unlimited opportunities, and Microsoft is only a drop in the ocean. "

After casually answering the other party's question, Lin Weimin closed the forum and checked his mailbox.

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