1980 My literary era

Chapter 855 The dimensional wall is broken!

On the morning of July 9, the phone in Lin Weimin’s office kept ringing. The phone rang twice, but no one answered.

Less than twenty minutes later, Yu Dong ran to the Chinese Literature Society. Seeing that there was no one in Lin Weimin's office, he asked anxiously: "Where is the president?"

Zhao Xin replied: "The president is busy today and didn't come over."

"Oh, I'm usually too busy to do anything, but now there's no one around. Why isn't he here at this time?" Yu Dong said with a bit of complaint.

Zhao Xin gave Yu Dong a look, saying bad things about the leader behind his back. I pretended not to hear what you said.

"If it's urgent, you can call Mr. Lin's home. If it's not too urgent, just let me know. I'll convey it to you when he comes."

Hearing this, Yu Dong hesitated, thought for a moment, said nothing to Zhao Xin, and turned around to leave.

After taking two steps, he turned back and said, "When he comes, hang up the phone for me."

Zhao Xin was speechless, are you anxious or not?

And what is President Lin doing now, who Yu Dong can't find?

He is having sex with netizens!

"Kissmykicks?" Lin Weimin looked at the honest-looking young man in front of him and asked tentatively.

The young man looked at the elegant and elegant man in front of him, his face full of surprise, and asked stammering: "Yeah?"

Being able to shout out his somewhat shameful online name at the software exhibition venue, the young man's brain quickly reacted, but his mouth obviously hadn't caught up yet.

He is from Hubei and speaks very good Mandarin. Out of surprise, his "ye" sounds were raised upwards, like a grandson recognizing his grandfather.

"Hey, don't be so polite, just call me uncle."

He's a bastard but doesn't take advantage of him. Lin Weimin accepted his nephew with a smile.

"You...I...are not..."

The young man was speechless for a long time, not caring about being taken advantage of. After struggling with his words for a long time, he finally asked: "Are you Ye?"

Lin Weimin smiled and nodded again, "It's me. Let's get to know each other formally. I'm Lin Weimin."

As he spoke, he held out his hand to the young man.

The young man was flattered, and then he remembered to stand up from the stool. He stretched out his hands and said, "Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Lei Jun, general manager of Yanjing Jinshan Software Company."

I automatically converted "Lei Jun" into "Rebus" in my mind. The young man looked honest and honest, but your online name has betrayed you deeply and made you very arrogant.

Lin Weimin gave Lei Jun an evaluation in his heart, and then praised: "General Manager? Amazing, young and promising!"

A shy smile appeared on Lei Jun's face, "You are joking. Compared with you, how can I be young and promising!"

Lei Jun had already recognized Lin Weimin just by looking at his face without using his name.

Over the years, Lin Weimin's name has been widely reported by domestic media of all sizes. Although he has always lived in seclusion and rarely accepted interviews with the media, his appearance has long been known to people. After all, he has been arrested almost every year. As a man reported by "Xinwen Lianbo", his appearance rate in this column should be second only to announcers and many national leaders.

It's just that Lei Jun never expected that Lin Weimin turned out to be Ye. When Lin Weimin actually called out his online name, Lei Jun was no less surprised than three years ago when Microsoft, the software giant that dominated the international market, friendly offered to Kingsoft An olive branch - I hope Word and WPS will remain compatible in document format.

Who is Lin Weimin? He is a great writer who is well-known at home and abroad and has won numerous awards.

But he turned out to be the one who scolded Fang Qiu and pointed out the country on Shuguang BBS?

At this moment, Lei Jun felt as if the world was torn apart.

The dimensional wall is broken!

After introducing himself, he opened his mouth, wanting to talk about familiarity, but looking at the elegant middle-aged man in front of him, he really didn't know what to talk about.

Madhu, you are so handsome!

I cursed unconsciously in my mind.

Compared with Lei Jun's restraint, Lin Weimin was much more calm. After scanning his surroundings, he asked, "Isn't this exhibition not too lively?"

"It's great that the exhibition held in Yanjing City can reach this scale. In fact, there are many companies coming, and there are many big companies, such as IBM, Oracle, and SAP," Lei Jun said.

"Oh. So is Microsoft here?" Lin Weimin asked in a calm tone.

Lei Jun glanced at Lin Weimin, trying to find evidence in his eyes that he "knowingly committed the crime".

"Here we come." Lei Jun replied dryly.

Even though he looked as reserved as a student in front of Lin Weimin, at this time Lei Jun was already a well-known figure in the Chinese software industry.

In 1991, Lei Jun graduated with honors from the Computer Science Department of Wuhan University. While in school, he extensively dabbled in encryption software, anti-virus software, financial software, CAD software, Chinese systems and many other fields. He even worked as a circuit board designer and hacker, and gained quite a reputation in Wuhan Electronics Street.

After graduation, he chose to work in Yanjing. At first, he entered a research institute to participate in large projects, but he could not adapt to the atmosphere of the institute. Finally, he chose to join Jinshan Company, and soon distinguished himself as a researcher with his outstanding work ability. Manager of the Yanjing Development Department of Jinshan Company.

Under his leadership, the Yanjing Development Department brought the WPS developed by Qiu Bojun onto the track of rapid development. At that time, the wholesale price of WPS software was as high as 2,200 yuan, and Jinshan Company could achieve impressive sales results of more than 2,000 sets every month.

The great success of WPS made Lei Jun famous in the Chinese software industry, but the ending waiting for him was not happy.

In 1994, Microsoft entered the Chinese market with Word 4.0. This software giant that dominated the international market behaved extremely humbly in China. They did not directly compete with WPS, but instead extended an olive branch to their competitor Kingsoft, hoping that Word would The document format can be maintained compatible with WPS.

Faced with this request from the international giant Microsoft, Lei Jun did not realize the ambition behind it. He even believed that this was a rare opportunity to learn from the international software giant, so the two parties quickly reached an agreement that each other could use the middle layer RTF format. to read the other party's files. Lei Jun didn't know that his decision almost pushed the prosperous WPS into the abyss.

By 1995, as Microsoft became increasingly familiar with the Chinese market, they invested heavily in developing a Word 6.0 that suited the habits of Chinese consumers, and vigorously promoted advertising. The market gate that was originally monopolized by WPS was This was knocked open by Microsoft.

At that time, the rise of computer products caused pirated CDs to eat away at the genuine software market like locusts. This may not matter to Microsoft, which has a strong financial background, but it is fatal to Kingsoft, which wants to start a price war with Microsoft.

The competitive pressure from Microsoft, the constant erosion of piracy, and the failure of the newly developed "Pangu Component" project caused Kingsoft to face internal and external problems. Lei Jun blamed himself extremely and finally chose to take the blame and resign. After leaving Jinshan for half a year, Lei Jun returned to Jinshan in the second half of 1996.

This time, he started from a small start and led Kingsoft to develop Kingsoft Video Software, which can be used to watch optical discs, and the first domestic commercial game "Zhongguancun Apocalypse". In this seemingly unprofessional way, Kingsoft gradually brought out the company. Development quagmire.

On July 7, the Yanjing Home Computer and Software Exhibition was held at the Guomao Building.

At this exhibition, Lei Jun brought "WPS97α version". This software, which had been dormant for several years, caused a sensation when it was launched at the exhibition. Exhibitors gave rave reviews to WPS97.

Two days ago, Lei Jun left a message to Lin Weimin on Shuguang BBS, inviting him to come and get together offline when he has time.

In Lei Jun's view, Ye Zai has real insights into the development and future predictions of the Internet field. He is likely to be a research expert in a computer-related research institute. If you can get to know him, it can be considered as a way to expand your network.


Lei Jun couldn't help but glance at Lin Weimin again, and still couldn't help but feel a bit absurd in his heart.

He saw Lin Weimin's eyes looking at someone at their Jinshan company's booth who was experiencing computer operations. He looked very interested, so he introduced: "What they are experiencing is the latest WPS97 developed by our Jinshan company. It is only a test version now, and it is an official version." It will be launched in two months. If you are interested, you can try it.”

Lin Weimin said with great interest: "New version? You have been suppressed by Microsoft Word in the past two years. Are you sure you can win back this time?"

"Microsoft is too strong to say that it can win back the victory, but it should be no problem to give it a try."

After experiencing brutal business competition, Lei Jun no longer had the youthfulness he once had. Faced with Lin Weimin's problems, he showed full confidence.

"I'll find you a computer to try."


After waiting for more than ten minutes, Lei Jun found a computer for Lin Weimin.

After the setback of being killed by Microsoft Word 6.0, the return of WPS97 fully reflects the precipitation and technological growth of Kingsoft during this period. It has powerful functions such as graphic and text mixing, table design, and layout design, and has also abandoned the power of Word. Some functions that are not commonly used and are not suitable for Chinese users. In addition, compared with Word, WPS97 also supports some unique functions, such as Chinese proofreading.

"Your proofreading function is good and very practical."

Lin Weimin has finished trying out the software, and what he likes most is the Chinese proofreading function of WPS97. He usually uses word processing software such as WPS and Word the most for creative writing. The Chinese proofreading function can proofread some simple grammatical errors, allowing Lin Weimin to proofread his manuscript. Save a lot of time and effort.

It will also be very convenient for editors to review electronic manuscripts in the future.

"The first thing I used was your Kingsoft WPS1.0, but in the past two years your product was not very good, so I used Word. This software update has much more powerful functions than before. I think the market response should be It’ll be good.”

After closing the software on the desktop, Lin Weimin did not forget to praise him.

A smile appeared on Lei Jun's face, "I'd like to lend you some good advice."

"These software on the desktop are also our company's products, you can try them again." Lei Jun recommended again.

Although he looks simple and honest, he has a delicate mind and a very high IQ.

Lin Weimin sat at Jinshan's booth for a while, and many visitors to the exhibition spotted him and gathered around him.

Very few people have paid attention to what a writer looks like. Before the rise of Internet media, unless they were figures in textbooks and history books, the general appearance of writers was not known to outsiders.

But Lin Weimin is an exception. Over the years, there have been too many domestic media reports on him. Even through sporadic portraits and interview clips, and such years of publicity, a considerable number of people in the country know his face.

When I saw celebrities like Lin Weimin at Jinshan Company's booth, many visitors chatted with Lin Weimin, and Lin Weimin responded enthusiastically without any pretense.

After a while, Lin Weimin looked at the crowd around him and said to Lei Jun: "There are too many people gathered, so I won't experience it. Let everyone experience it."

At this time, because of Lin Weimin's appearance, Jinshan's booth was already overcrowded. Lei Jun had achieved his goal and said happily: "Thank you for coming. With your visit, our booth has become the most popular."

"The popularity is not bad at all." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

"Shall I accompany you for a walk here?"

While the two were talking, several people from the exhibition organizers came over after hearing the news, and also brought several media reporters, all from "Computer News", "Computer Enthusiast", "Computer Network World" and many other domestic Related media in the field of computer software and hardware.

This group of reporters was worried that there was no material for the exhibition. When they heard that Lin Weimin suddenly appeared at the exhibition, they impatiently came over to kill them.

The reporters all came, and Lin Weimin had no choice but to accept a simple interview.

When the reporter heard that Lin Weimin came to the exhibition today because he met Lei Jun, the general manager of Yanjing Kingsoft Software, his eyes suddenly lit up like a cat that smelled something fishy.

What good news material this is!

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