1980 My literary era

Chapter 859 Stealing a house by eating melons

The 1990s was the golden age of print media. The common people still maintain their devout trust in print media as they did in the 1970s and 1980s.

But unfortunately, the quality and moral bottom line of this media group has plummeted in just a few years.

Of course, this has something to do with some of the leading shit stirrers. One rat droppings can ruin a pot of soup. But the more important reason is the role of market regulation. Gaining attention and sales has become the goal of many media and reporters today. First priority.

Lin Weimin has watched how the media has degenerated over the years, but this matter is beyond his control.

"Wen Wei Po" criticized "Hero". Unlike movies with average reviews, this movie became much more popular after its release. It not only aroused heated discussions among many people in the film industry, but also had a wide impact among the people.

Lin Weimin will never let this public opinion pass so easily.

This is not because he is angry, market competition is all about everyone using their own methods. As long as it is not malicious slander and attack, it is not a big problem.

The main reason is that this kind of public attention is rare, and now "Wen Wei Po" has fired the shots first. If we let it go in vain, it would be a waste of this wave of public opinion.

Why not have a verbal spat between the two parties to increase the popularity of their respective movies, so that more audiences can be attracted to the cinema?

In terms of guiding public opinion, there is no one better than Lin Weimin, who has experienced the trends of later Internet and mobile Internet.

"Okay, I understand."

Yu Dong answered the phone like a yes-man.

After hanging up the phone, he sat there and thought for a while.

The president called and instructed him to respond as soon as possible in an authoritative newspaper to an article in Shanghai's "Wenhui Po" two days ago, and his attitude must be tough. The rest did not explain much.

He also noticed the article in "Wen Wei Po". In the days since "Hero" was released, it had stolen the jobs of many colleagues, so it was not surprising that Yu Dong received a few scoldings.

He didn't even think about responding, but the president's call confused him.

Yu Dong has known Lin Weimin for several years and claims to know him well. The president is by no means a petty person. "Hero" is now invincible in the market. Logically speaking, they should maintain a victor's attitude and try not to pay attention to this. kind of public opinion.

But the president’s operation...

Yu Dong was puzzled, and suddenly remembered what Lin Weimin had said when they had dinner together before. Because Liu Yanming, an advertiser, was present at that dinner, everyone naturally talked about the increasingly hot advertising market and various marketing methods. .

"It's different now than before. The aroma of wine is also afraid of the alley. Good products must be matched with good publicity methods. It's eye-catching!"

Eyeball economy!

These four words exploded in Yu Dong's mind, and he instantly understood the meaning behind Lin Weimin's phone call.

After figuring out the meaning behind this, Yu Dong immediately started contacting the media.

Two days later, a new issue of Yanjing Youth Daily was released.

An article titled "'Hero' Opens Up a New Path for Chinese Films" appeared on the front page of the newspaper. As soon as this article was published, it attracted the attention of many interested people in the film industry.

"We have noticed that some media and colleagues have recently expressed some opinions on the preferential treatment "Hero" received in theater schedules, and I can understand their feelings.

Cinemas only have so many film scheduling resources. If "Hero" has more films, some films may have fewer films. It's normal for them to complain a little, but I have some complaints about some media and colleagues who use the so-called "for the sake of the industry" It is shameful to seek personal gain under the guise of others.

If "Hero" has too many movies scheduled, it will hurt Chinese movies. If their movies have too many movies, it will be good for Chinese movies. If they co-write it, do they represent Chinese movies? Why don’t we see them jumping out when foreign blockbusters occupy theaters for screening?

The film schedule for "Hero" was not acquired through competition, but was added by the theaters on their own initiative. Why was it added? Because the audience loves to watch it!

A good movie is something that the people like to see and hear.

We Wenhua positioned "Hero" as China's first commercial blockbuster. The current results of "Hero" are enough to prove that we are on the right path. I think this also blazed a new path for Chinese films and broadened the scope of China's film industry. The development path of film.

"Hero" was just released in Hong Kong last week. It is expected that we will release it in the United States in August and will be released in more overseas countries in the future.

Instead of blaming others, some of our peers and media should think about how to improve their competitiveness, adapt to the cruel market competition, and contribute to the internationalization of Chinese films - Yu Dong, general manager of Yanjing Wenhua Film and Television Co., Ltd. "

It is similar to the article in "Wen Wei Po" "Blockbusters monopolizing theater schedules will do great harm to Chinese films". They are a clear-cut opponent of "Hero", and "Hero" in "Yanjing Youth Daily" is a Chinese film "Open up a new path" attitude and stance is also clear and clear, that is, to support "Heroes".

At the same time, the newspaper's interview with Dong was unmodified, breaking the restraint of conventional interview articles, and anyone could see the pertinence of it.

As soon as this article came out, the smell of gunpowder in the Chinese film industry gradually spread.

There is no slap in the face, there is "Wenhui Po" in front, and "Yanjing Youth Daily" in the back. The two articles are tit for tat, and a tense atmosphere emerges.

The "Wen Wei Po" article included a bombardment by Xie Jin, a well-known director, and the "Yanjing Youth Daily" also included a counterattack from the general manager of Yu Dong Wenhua Film and Television, a heavyweight company in the film and television industry. As the two sides exchanged words, public opinion was instantly stirred. got up.

The two newspapers were one for the south and the other for the north. The two speakers also represented the film forces of the two factions in the country, the north and the south. Public opinion was moving in the same direction, and many media outlets in the two places also fell out.

Today the media here will publish a commentary, and tomorrow the media there will publish an interview. Both parties will either express praise or criticize openly, or criticize openly or covertly.

In just a few days, a war of words suddenly broke out and became very intense.

Not only people in the film industry are taking advantage of it, but also many ordinary people who originally didn't care about domestic films are paying attention to this war of criticism across the country and in newspapers.

With attention comes the motivation to understand.

The popularity of "Hero" has once again been promoted to a new level, and even "The Opium War", a movie that has been released for more than a month and has long since passed, has returned to the public eye.

The direct result is that the film schedules of the two movies "Hero" and "The Opium War" have increased, and other domestic movies released during this period have been almost eliminated.

The war of words between "Hero" and "The Opium War" fully illustrates a sentence.

When the boss and the second child fight, the third child usually dies.

Many of the people involved came to their senses only after the filming was over, and were about to cry without tears.

As they ate, their homes were stolen.

They cursed angrily, but this time there was a new target.

"It's just a promotional tool. Director Xie and I are old acquaintances, so we don't have this depth. Go to the theaters and see if the film schedule for "The Opium War" has also increased!"

On the afternoon of Friday, Han Shanping asked Lin Weimin to sit with Teng Jinxian. When he arrived at Teng Jinxian's house the next day, he asked Lin Weimin about what was in the newspaper, and Lin Weimin had to explain a few words with a smile.

The war of words between "Hero" and "The Opium War" is fierce. Behind one side is the giant Chinese Literature Society, and behind the other side is Xie Jin, a great director with a high status.

If it really gets too tense, it's not a good thing.

Teng Jinxian called this time because he was entrusted by others.

One of the producers of "The Opium War" is Emei Film Studio, which is where Lao Teng got his start.

"Of course I understand that Director Xie is a bit complaining. You don't think I don't even have this kind of tolerance, do you?

The newspapers scolded him, but that was all. It was just a propaganda tool. "

Seeing Teng Jinxian's hesitant expression, Lin Weimin said again.

Teng Jinxian nodded, "I feel relieved to hear you say that."

Then he sighed again, "Oh! I really can't imagine that one of your movies can create such a high box office. Even those Hollywood blockbusters didn't do it. I didn't dare to think about it. We didn't dare to think about it at that time. "

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "You can't say that. In terms of the number of movie viewers, the number of movie viewers of "Hero" is far behind that of "Shaolin Temple", "Wrangler" and "Romance on Lushan Mountain"."

Teng Jinxian shook his hand and said: "Times have changed. In the early 1980s, although the number of moviegoers nationwide was already declining, there were more than 20 billion moviegoers a year. Now the number of moviegoers nationwide is less than that. One-twentieth of the time, proportionally speaking, your "Hero" is no weaker than "Shaolin Temple"."

Han Shanping on the side said with a smile: "No matter what time, there will always be a market for good movies. There is a sentence in this public opinion war that I particularly agree with. Movies that the people like to see are good movies. The success of "Hero" is fully Demonstrated this.”

Yan Film Studio is one of the producers and distributors of "Hero". Just from the distribution fees, they can earn tens of millions of yuan this time. In addition, the studio will split the box office account, and Yan Film Studio will make a lot of money. .

"Indeed. It's been four or five years since the film reform, and everyone always complains that the market environment is not good, and that we shouldn't let Hollywood movies in, but they just don't reflect on themselves.

Now that "Hero" has appeared, it turns out that we Chinese filmmakers can make good movies that can achieve high box office. "

Teng Jinxian is a supporter of film reform and one of the participants. Over the years, he has watched the film industry decline all the way, but he is helpless. He is even more sad and angry at the collapse of many domestic film studios.

"You can talk to Lao Tian about this later and ask him to support our work more." Lin Weimin joked.

Hearing this, Teng Jinxian pointed at Lin Weimin with his finger, with a smile on his face, "You, you, you are so dissatisfied. How else can he support you? Even a retired old guy like me has been mobilized to go to the movies. The price of a reserved ticket Don’t you have it?”

"This is what he owes me, okay? If he hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have taken such a big risk to work on "Heroes"."

"Being good when you get a bargain is what you are talking about." Teng Jinxian said sarcastically.

Han Shanping said: "With such a large investment in "Hero", the risk is indeed much higher than that of ordinary movies, but high risk also means high return..."

When he said this, Teng Jinxian asked: "Is the box office now over 200 million?"

"It's long overdue. Last week's box office was 81.3 million, and the cumulative box office in three weeks has been 227.2 million. "Hero" is now the number one box office in Chinese film history." Han Shanping said eagerly.

"Good guys, are you running for 300 million?"

Lin Weimin shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. Piracy is a bit unstoppable now, and the box office in the fourth week is expected to drop even more."

For the release of "Hero", Wenhua Film and Television and several producers and distributors invested more than 500 people in the supervision team to severely crack down on underreporting of box office and piracy.

Concealing and underreporting the box office is actually not difficult to deal with. What is difficult is preventing piracy. This thing is difficult to guard against. The supervision team has made great efforts to prevent and guard against it for the past 21 days, and the results are good.

But it is impossible to prevent piracy just by relying on these hundreds of people. In the fourth week since the release of "Heroes", pirated discs have been circulating in the market on a large scale.

Han Shanping said: "I don't think we need to be too pessimistic. One of the biggest advantages of our blockbusters is that the audio-visual effects of pirated DVDs are far inferior to those in theaters, and there will still be many viewers who will choose to watch movies in theaters."

Lin Weimin had a calm smile on his face, "Shan Ping's words make sense."

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