1980 My literary era

Chapter 869 Let more people see it

Haohai Building is a great place, especially the corner of the bookstore on the second floor.

A row of long tables and hundreds of folding chairs form a somewhat comfortable and elegant paradise in the slightly bustling library building.

Meetings, tea parties, and seminars are held here every three days, and authors, translators, and editors can all be seen here.

Compared with those formal work seminars, these small meetings are more homely in nature. Sitting around a table and having a cup of tea, readers can ask questions at will, and most of the speeches are heart-to-heart conversations, so they are more relaxed and warm.

The only difference in today's meeting is the identity of the two writers. One is Lin Weimin, a great writer who has been in the literary world for nearly twenty years and has already become internationally famous. Ruffian Cai, a young writer from generation to generation.

The identities and status of the two people are completely different, and this difference is also obvious during the communication process.

Although Teacher Lin is already an "old man", a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that men are said to be forty-one flowers. He is in the golden age of a man's life, facing the readers and reporters present. With his eloquent conversation and graceful demeanor, the little girls present were fascinated and confused.

As for the male compatriots present, in addition to admiration and envy, jealousy is inevitable.

The last activity of the meeting was to sign autographs for the readers. There were not many readers here today. They were all students from major universities in Yanjing. Each person brought two or three books for his classmates, and they all signed them in less than twenty minutes.

The readers gradually dispersed, and everyone was almost gone, but Ruffian Cai came over and took out a few books.

"Teacher Lin, could you please sign a few names for me?"

Lin Weimin took a look at the books in the hands of the ruffian Cai, and they turned out to be several books he published in Wandao.

Lin Weimin's works were first introduced to Bay Island by Lindbergh Publishing House in 1985. Pan Yaoming, general manager of Hong Kong Joint Publishing House, acted as an intermediary. At that time, Lindbergh Publishing House introduced a collection of works by mainland writers, and the response was pretty good. good.

But what really made a big impact was the "Contemporary Mainland Chinese Writers Series" published by Guo Feng's Xindi Publishing House in 1989. This series of books caused a great sensation in the island, and many mainland writers became well-known to the readers of the island.

It is a series of books that introduced the works of more than 20 mainland writers in the first two years. It has been published in volumes according to the types of works, such as classic literature volume, female writers' literature volume, ethnic minority literature volume, poetry volume, prose volume, and short stories. Novels, literary criticism, etc.

In 1989, Guo Feng came to the Chinese Literature Society and sought to introduce Lin Weimin's works to the island again. He proposed that his works be published in separate volumes. The treatment was extraordinary, and Lin Weimin readily agreed.

The few books in the hands of the ruffian Cai are the "Contemporary Mainland Chinese Writers Series - Lin Weimin Volume" published by Xindi Publishing House. It seems that they were definitely not purchased newly for the purpose of getting autographs. They should be several years old.

"This set of books has been out for many years." Lin Weimin said with a smile while signing.

"Yes, I was just a sophomore in college when I first read these books, and now I'm a PhD student." Ruffian Cai Ye responded with a smile.

Guys, don't always put too much emphasis on your Ph.D.

After signing, Lin Weimin handed a few books back to ruffian Cai and said, "How are the itineraries planned for the next few days?"

Ruffian Cai was invited by Lao Cheng. Lin Weimin didn't know his specific itinerary. If it hadn't been for today's meeting, Lin Weimin would not have even met Ruffian Cai.

"There is still half a month left. In the next period, there will be two lectures and sharing sessions at the university, three readers' meetings, and then there will be a book signing."

Lin Weimin nodded, "The arrangement is substantial enough. How about it? Can you get used to it?"

Hearing this, Ruffian Cai's smile was a little shy and a little nervous.

"To be honest, I'm not used to it. I submitted the article to the Chinese Literature Society just to give it a try, but I didn't expect it to be published. And not only was it published, it was also so popular in mainland China..."

The ruffian Cai unconsciously recalled the dreamlike experience during this period in his mind. He was an engineering man, and writing novels was purely a hobby. He submitted a manuscript with the mentality of giving it a try, and the novel was actually published.

Then came the hot sales of the novel. It is said that nearly 400,000 copies have been sold in just over a month. The publishing house traveled thousands of miles to invite him to hold readers' meetings and book signings, and he also met many people he had only seen in books before. writer.

"You'll get used to it over time. The first book has been so popular, and the future is limitless!"

"You're over-praising me, I'm just lucky."

After a few polite words, Lin Weimin asked again: "There seems to be a cross-strait minority literature seminar in Yanjing this month. Do you want to participate?"

As if he was afraid of being misunderstood by the ruffian Cai, Lin Weimin explained: "This seminar is jointly organized by both sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is participated by the Bay Island Historical and Literature Society and some people in the literary circle. You live in Bay Island and get to know these people, which will have a positive impact on your future in Bay Island." There are some benefits to the development of the literary world."

Ruffian Cai immediately understood that Lin Weimin had good intentions, "Thank you, of course I am willing to participate. I am just afraid of time..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell Lao Cheng and the seminar will be held in Chengde. It won't take long."

"Okay, thank you very much."

Ruffian Cai said sincerely that he used to see the so-called "supporting younger generations" in books. Today he experienced it in person and it felt really good.

Two days later, Lin Weimin received a call from the United States, from Zhang Chunru.

She stayed in China for a month and a half last year and collected a lot of information about World War II and the Jinling Massacre. She also met many witnesses and relatives of those who witnessed the events, which provided strong support for her creation.

Now that the book has been written, Zhang Chunru called this time to invite Lin Weimin to write the preface to her new book, "The Jinling Massacre: The Forgotten Catastrophe of World War II."

After hearing Zhang Chunru's request, Lin Weimin said happily: "This is my honor. The damage caused by mud bombardment to East Asian countries during World War II has always been unknown to the world, especially to Western countries. This work by Ms. Zhang It has opened a way for Western countries and people to understand this unknown history, which is a great merit. I am deeply honored to be able to write the preface to this novel."

Lin Weimin's high praise made Zhang Chunru a little embarrassed. She said a few words of humility, and the two agreed on the phone. Zhang Chunru would first send the manuscript to Lin Weimin by email, and he would write a preface based on the content, and then write the preface before sending it to her.

After agreeing to Zhang Chunru's request, Lin Weimin spent three days writing the preface and checking it carefully. When he was about to send it out, he hesitated.

Just writing a preface seems a bit thin.

He thought for a moment and called Roger Strauss.

Since the old man fell in love with Yi Meier, he has rarely called Lin Weimin. He was a little surprised when he received Lin Weimin's call.

"Lin, is there something urgent?"

"It's not an emergency, but I just need your help with something."

"What's up?"

Lin Weimin told Zhang Chunru and "Jinling Massacre: The Forgotten Catastrophe of World War II".

"So, you want me to help get more media exposure for this work?"

"That's right. Roger, this is my personal request. I can provide a lot of money, but I have to ask for your help in terms of resources." Lin Weimin said sincerely.

"I understand, I understand." Roger Strauss pondered for a moment and asked: "Lin, to be honest, it is not difficult to help you get some media resources, and it will definitely cost a lot of money. But I I’m worried that a book like this that tells the story of the tragedy that happened in China during World War II will not be so popular.”

Roger Strauss is a businessman, and his first reaction when doing things is the input-output ratio. He understood that Lin Weimin's purpose was selfless help, but he still couldn't help but remind him.

"I understand this. How much money you spend is not a problem, nor is how much money you make. The problem is whether this book can be seen by more people." Lin Weimin said firmly.

"I understand!" Roger Strauss noticed the firm will in Lin Weimin's heart, "Since you said so, leave everything to me. But..."

"Thinking about getting money in time!" Roger Strauss did not forget to joke at the end.

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

After doing these things, Lin Weimin did not tell Zhang Chunru, just like he told Roger Strauss, nothing else mattered. What was important was that this work should be seen by more people.

His heart finally calmed down.

A few days later, the National Day was coming. On the day before the National Day, the construction of Xiaodoubao's roller skating rink was finally completed. Lin Weimin took the time to take her to check it out. Looking at the roller skating rink decorated with murals, it looked like a fairy tale world. The little girl was ecstatic.

"Dad, dad, can I bring my classmates here to play?" Xiao Doubao begged, holding Lin Weimin's thigh.

"Of course. But do your classmates know how to roller skate?"

"I can teach them."

In order to show off his roller skating rink, Xiao Dou Bao doesn't mind being a mentor for a while.

After returning home, Xiaodou Bao called his classmates one after another to make appointments.

Early the next morning, Xiaodoubao changed his habit of being unable to wake up no matter how he screamed. He got up early and started wiping his roller skates after eating.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the frost blade has never been tested. Today I am showing you to you, who has any injustice?

Today’s bean bag cannot be called bean bag, it has to be called bean bag sister.

Not long after the family of three arrived at the entrance of the roller skating rink, several classmates that Sister Doubao had made an appointment with arrived.

When the friends arrived, Sister Dou Bao couldn't wait to take them into her roller skating rink.

A group of little cubs looked at the vast space in front of them, their mouths and eyes wide open, and they were very self-conscious about admiration.

Looking at the expressions of these friends, Sister Doubao was satisfied.

This group of little ones rushed to the roller skating rink like ducks out of the cage. The parents sat aside and watched the children playing with smiles on their faces.

Teacher Lin’s merits are immeasurable!

Vacation is a rare break for most people, but for parents with little Douding, it is more tiring than going to work.

Teacher Lin built such a good and big roller skating rink with his own money. It is better than those roller skating rinks that have to be paid to go to.

Children can play freely here, and parents are immediately liberated. How can they not be grateful to the handsome and kind-hearted Teacher Lin?

The vast and empty roller skating rink was filled with the laughter of children, and parents were talking and laughing on the side.

On the first day of National Day, fathers are kind and sons are filial, and families are harmonious.

After a short time, while everyone was still chatting, Lin Weimin saw a few little kids gathered in a corner of the roller skating rink, sneaking around.

As he was about to walk over, a group of little Doudings spotted him and dispersed.

Xiaodoubao, who was last, also wanted to run, but unfortunately she was half a beat too slow, and her wings were broken by Lin Weimin before she could take off.

Stopping his daughter's body, Lin Weimin immediately noticed something fishy. The little girl's clothes pockets made a "squeaking" sound.

"What's in your pocket?" Lin Weimin asked.

Xiaodou Bao covered his pocket and said, "It's nothing."

"There is no three hundred taels of silver here. Why are you covering up if you don't have anything? Leniency will be given if you confess, strict if you resist. Lin Qianxun, you don't want your mother to know about this, right?"

Teacher Lin's threat was very intimidating. Xiaodoubao's expression immediately changed and she showed her soft and cute smile, "Dad, please don't tell mom, okay?"

"Take the things out of your pocket first."

Dou was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

Xiaodoubao reached into his pocket and found a handful of colorful glass balls.

Lin Weimin couldn't laugh or cry, "They gave this to you?"

"Well, they all wanted to 'thank' me for inviting them to the roller skating rink."

Miss Doubao knew how to look for accents at a young age.

The second update arrived, I have been waiting for a long time. Thank you for your concern. The child is getting better after being put on a sling bottle, but he still has to be treated for a few more days. He has to go to the hospital again in the afternoon. It is really like a war. It is so painful. I will try to update on time tomorrow.

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