1980 My literary era

Chapter 871 The dead are the most important

The sudden bad news ruined everyone's good mood today, but after a brief moment of sadness, everyone turned the page with a tacit understanding.

The youngest people present were over thirty years old, and the oldest Shi Tiesheng was 46 years old. Their understanding of life and death had already transitioned from being difficult to face to having to face it.

While drinking and drinking, everyone felt like they were more than ten years younger, high-spirited and scolding Fang Qiu.

The food was delicious, but the wine did not last long. Everyone drank tea instead of wine, and the lively atmosphere gradually calmed down.

Cheng Ximi took a blanket to cover Shi Tiesheng's legs. He had been sitting in a wheelchair all year round and his legs would often feel cold.

Yu Hua, who was washing the dishes, complained that today's Sixi meatballs were not delicious. The Sixi meatballs were made by Mo Yan. He never said much in crowded situations, but he could always break his guard because of Yu Hua.

"My craftsmanship is not good, but it is still better than some people who opened the barbecue restaurant."

Honest people usually don't scold others. Once they do, they are always merciless, and Mo Yan scolded two people.

Yu Hua and Qu Xiaowei were furious, "The barbecue restaurant's reputation is all caused by some people who go out to eat and pay only for free without paying, and cannot make ends meet."

People will always find various reasons for their own failures, but they will never find the reasons within themselves.

Lin Weimin asked curiously: "Your barbecue restaurant went bankrupt? When did it happen?"

Except for going there once when it opened, Lin Weimin never cared about the barbecue restaurant co-opened by Hua Hua and Qu Xiaowei. Anyway, in his knowledge, this kind of restaurant would be closed sooner or later.

Yu Hua nodded awkwardly and said, "I've been locked up for three months."

"Driving for such a long time? It's not easy, not easy."

Lin Weimin's compliment made Yu Hua and Qu Xiaowei's faces turn the color of pig liver. This compliment made them more uncomfortable than scolding them.

Everyone laughed, and the air was filled with joy.

When no one was paying attention, Lin Weimin pulled Cheng Similao aside and asked, "The cost of dialysis is not cheap. Your savings can't last long, right?"

Cheng Ximi looked embarrassed and said, "It shouldn't be a problem to survive this year. The Literary and Art Association said that we can reimburse you in the future."

Shi Tiesheng is the deputy leader of Yanjing Literature and has a very special physical condition. It is reasonable for the Literary and Art Association to reimburse his medical expenses.

"The Federation of Literary and Art Circles doesn't have enough funds. If I really report it to Tiesheng, it means that he alone will take up a large part of the funds of the Literary and Art Association. If everyone doesn't say anything on the surface, they should have opinions behind the scenes. It's up to me to handle this matter. , just tell Tiesheng that the Literary and Art Association reimbursed you."

Cheng Ximi wanted to say a few words of rejection, but she felt hypocritical and pretentious. When the words came to her lips, she finally said: "For the people, thank you."

"We have been friends for so many years, but just saying these things is out of context."

After the two of them finished speaking, they returned to the room, where everyone was still chatting happily.

Xiaodoubao was leaning next to Shi Tiesheng's wheelchair. She asked, "Uncle, what kind of disease is uremia? Is there poison in the urine?"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Tao Huimin angrily lectured: "Girls say anything."

Shi Tiesheng was also amused by Xiaodoubao's innocent question. He said, "It's not that there is poison in the urine. It's because uncle's kidneys are sick, and the illness is a bit serious."

"Oh." Xiaodou Bao nodded and asked, "Is it more serious than a cold?"

Shi Tiesheng thought for a while and said: "That's not true. I should say it's more or less the same. Both of them are incurable."

Xiaodoubao was puzzled, "I'll be fine if I take medicine for a cold?"

"Actually, you can get better without taking medicine. You can get better faster if you take medicine."

"Ah, that's it!" Xiaodoubao thought, with an innocent and bright smile on his face, "Uncle, you'd better take some medicine to get better quickly."

Shi Tiesheng touched her head and said, "Okay!"

After leaving Shi Tiesheng's home, everyone did not disperse, but stopped in unison and stood downstairs to study Shi Tiesheng's medical expenses.

Everyone knows that dialysis is a treatment that neither treats the symptoms nor the root cause, it is just maintenance.

A few hundred yuan at a time was more than the monthly salary of many working-class people in 1997. Shi Tiesheng has to go there once a week, which costs tens of thousands of dollars a year.

As the condition worsens, the frequency of dialysis will increase, possibly to two or three times a week, and the cost of treatment will also increase exponentially.

Shi Tiesheng and his wife had some savings, but such a high expense might not be able to last the second year even if it lasted the first year.

Tiesheng was a strong man and would never take the initiative to discuss these issues, but no one wanted the couple to bear such a heavy burden.

Everyone chatted for a while, meaning that each family would contribute a little to pay for Shi Tiesheng's medical expenses. Everyone's conditions are good, so there is not much pressure on so many people sharing Shi Tiesheng's medical expenses.

"Okay, it's up to me to do this." Lin Weimin said without hesitation.

When everyone heard this, no one spoke first, but Qu Xiaowei clapped his hands, "I've been waiting for your words!"

Lin Weimin laughed and scolded: "Others don't have to pay, but you have to get a share, you big dog!"

"If I am a dog, do you have a dog? You give me the big head, and I give you the small head."


"Then it's settled."

The two settled on the matter while joking, and everyone laughed easily.

The short National Day holiday was over, and just a few days after I went to work, "Collected Works of Wang Xiaobo" was released for sale. It was exactly half a year after Wang Xiaobo's unexpected death.

Wang Xiaobo's death was so sudden that not only his family, but also readers were caught off guard.

During his lifetime, he was not involved in social circles and had few friends in the literary world. The preface to "Collected Works of Wang Xiaobo" was written by Lin Weimin. Critics are not very interested in Wang Xiaobo's works, and those who have evaluated him generally have mixed reviews. They always focus on QS's description of this matter.

Before Wang Xiaobo's death, he was not very famous and had a small readership. However, in the six months since his death, many critics have begun to miss him and their evaluation of him is much higher than before. few.

We Chinese always believe that the dead are the most important, but we are too harsh on the living.

When "Wang Xiaobo's Collected Works" was released, the Chinese Literature Society planned a seminar on his works during his lifetime. All the critics present spoke highly of Wang Xiaobo's works.

The gradual reversal of word-of-mouth has made "Collected Works of Wang Xiaobo" enthusiastically sought after by readers as soon as it was launched. This popularity is much greater than when he was alive.

"Collected Works of Wang Xiaobo" has sold more than 5,000 copies in just half a month. This number may seem inconspicuous, but compared with Wang Xiaobo's previous fame, it can be said to be a huge leap.

It's a pity that Wang Xiaobo can no longer see all this.

The frost was coming in a few days, and Lin Weimin received a call. He was arranged to be a member of the State Council's intellectual property inspection team, and he would go to the United States with the team in two days.

Lin Weimin complained into the phone: "This is not a discussion, it's just a notification!"

The young man on the other end of the phone was slightly embarrassed, "Mr. Lin, our intellectual property inspection group is still very meaningful. Isn't your company engaged in intellectual property development now? You can take this opportunity to go to the United States for an on-site inspection. After some time, maybe it can have some positive impact on future work.”

Complaints are complaints, and Lin Weimin would not embarrass the young man responsible for informing him, "I know, let me coordinate the time here."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Lin Weimin received another call.

"Lin Weimin, I heard that you are also going to the United States?" Jin Ying on the other end of the phone asked excitedly.

"As expected of Chief Jin, you are really well-informed. What's the matter, are you going to the United States this time?"

"Yes, I will arrive in Yanjing in two days. Remember to treat me to dinner."

Jin Ying really came to enjoy the meal.

The day before the inspection team set off, Jin Ying arrived in Yanjing and went to Lin Weimin's house to have dinner in the evening.

As soon as he saw the pink bean bag, he picked her up and said, "Call Auntie!"

"Hello, aunt!"

"So good!"

Jin Ying handed the gift she had prepared in advance to Xiaodou Bao, and she sweetly called out "Thank you, auntie".

"Oh, this little girl of yours is so adorable. Unlike that boy of ours who is annoying to death."

Jin Ying has a familiar personality, and she doesn't look strange at all when she enters Lin Weimin's house.

While eating, Jin Ying talked about the time he went to see Jia Dashan in the twelfth lunar month last year.

Jia Dashan was a classmate of Jin Ying and Lin Weimin when they were at the Institute of Literature. He was much older than the two of them. He suffered from cancer the year before last and passed away at the beginning of this year.

"Lao Jiao and Brother Dashan left one after the other, and it didn't take more than a week. In total, three of our classmates have left." Jin Ying said with emotion.

Jia Dashan passed away on February 20 this year, and Jiao Yundian, who used to share a dormitory with Lin Weimin, also passed away on February 14 this year. Jiao Yundian also suffered from cancer.

Over the years, we had lost contact with each other. Lin Weimin only learned of the death of the two people after the fact, and sent a condolence message and wreaths to comfort the deceased.

"You are so young, so there is no need to worry." Lin Weimin comforted him in a relaxed tone.

"Yes, according to your theory, you are the least worried person in our class."

"So, it's better to be young!" Lin Weimin sighed in a serious tone.

Jin Ying couldn't hold it back and suddenly burst into laughter, "Aren't you afraid that they will entrust you with dreams at night?"

"It's good to talk about dreams, and reminisce about old times. Sometimes I miss those days too."

Lin Weimin's words made Jin Ying sigh again.

The two of them were chatting and it was late at night before they knew it, and Jin Ying stayed in the guest room at home.

Early the next morning, the two gathered with the large army.

The leader of this intellectual property inspection team is an old minister. There are also several provincial B-level comrades in the team. At a glance, the entire team is full of old comrades in their fifties and up. Among them are Lin Weimin and Jin Ying. Like two little vegetables.

Fortunately, there are still a few young people in the group who are responsible for doing odd jobs, and the two of them can be regarded as the backbone of the group.

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