1980 My literary era

Chapter 880: Leaning against the big tree to enjoy the shade

On the afternoon of the first day of the Lunar New Year, there were not many viewers in the cinema. After Lin Weimin and his family entered the screening room, he deliberately counted the heads. There were only about 20 people. Basically, one or two parents were watching with their children.

It's the first day of the new year and it's the afternoon time, so it's okay to have so many people perform.

"Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" is an animated movie, and it's also a New Year's movie, so the plot must be joyful.

The script was written by Zheng Yuanjie. Many people in later generations called him the King of Fairy Tales. People who have not read his original work will probably think that his works must be full of innocence and childlike interest.

This idea cannot be said to be wrong, but it is certainly not completely correct.

Take "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" as an example. This novel has a total of 366 episodes. If you just look at the first 100 episodes, this is indeed a children's literature full of childlike interest.

But after 100 episodes, the style of the novel began to go off the rails.

So what did Shuke and Beta do in the next 200 or so episodes?

Starting a company, running a newspaper, publishing a book, becoming famous, going abroad, falling in love, getting married and having children, in Zheng Yuanjie's writing, the two little mice experienced everything that humans should experience in life, and even went to outer space.

This kind of plot obviously deviates from the main purpose of children's literature, but there are also plots in it that are even more damaging to one's outlook on life.

Love routines, hatred of the rich and famous, seduction, rats becoming spirits, becoming a monk...

There is nothing that Zheng Yuanjie dare not write except what readers can't imagine.

Just like those authors who write long novels at Qidian. The more they write, the more they let themselves go, and they no longer act like human beings.

The plot of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" is not taken from "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta", it just borrows the world structure and characters of the novel, and the story is completely new.

It tells the story of Shuke and Beta discovering the villain King Tiger's attempt to exterminate mankind and rule the world on the occasion of the Year of the Tiger. After a battle of wits and courage, the two little mice finally succeeded in saving the world.

The story is very clichéd, but the degree of completion is very high. When someone is watching, Zheng Yuanjie's creation is still reliable.

However, what satisfied Lin Weimin the most in the entire movie was the graphics. Every frame of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" was drawn by animators from Humei Factory.

During the production of the film, the crew treated this group of animators very well, and the animators worked very hard. The film's graphics, action design, and storyboards were all outstanding, far superior to those cartoons currently shown on TV.

Lin Weimin was not too immersed in watching this kind of animated movie for children. He watched it with a critical eye for less than half an hour, and overall he was satisfied.

He looked at his daughter. Xiaodoubao stared at the big screen with his eyes without blinking, and occasionally uttered an exclamation or exclamation.

He looked at the other people in the screening room, and they were basically in the same state as his home.

The children were attentive while the adults were paddling the entire time.

This phenomenon is normal. "Shuke and Beta: The Adventures of Tiger and Tiger" has been trying to capture the hearts of children from the day it was established. This is also the original audience of "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta".

The 85-minute movie screening ended, the lights came on, and the chirping voices of the little kids immediately rang out in the screening room. They were happily chatting with their parents about the plot of the movie they had just watched.

The same goes for the little bean buns. Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin walked out. She followed Lin Weimin and kept asking: "Dad, why is the Tiger King so stupid?"


The screenwriter forced his wits down!

This must not be said, Lin Weimin said: "It's not that the Rat King is stupid, it's that Shuke and Beta are too smart."

Xiaodoubao thought for a moment and said, "They are not very smart either, Yazi."

The little girl is so sober at such a young age, so it will be difficult for her to be cut off in the future.

The family walked out of the screening room and found that there were more viewers in the cinema than when they came in. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was the busiest time of the day in the cinema.

The New Year's holiday lasted only a few days, and it passed by in a flash.

According to the Gregorian calendar, it is February, and Aitexin invested by Chinese Literature Society is preparing to do something big. They are preparing to launch a new product.

Zhang Chaoyang specially called Lin Weimin and asked him to come to Aitexin to experience it in advance.

In July last year, Aitexin received investment from Chinese Publishing House, which greatly eased the company's operating pressure. In August, they officially launched “ITC Compass”.

In the month when Compass was launched, the number of unique access IPs to the Aitexin website exceeded the 100,000 mark, and it has been growing rapidly.

At the November meeting, Zhang Chaoyang proposed one of the most important flagship products he planned, "Sohoo", at the company meeting. The name was borrowed from Yahoo, so Zhang Chaoyang gave it a Chinese name of "Souhu".

Lin Weimin came to Atesin to experience this new product. It is basically a low-end version of Yahoo, but it is also common for domestic Internet companies in this era.

After experiencing it, Lin Weimin said to Zhang Chaoyang: "I think the news aggregation function of the website can be appropriately strengthened. Although this thing is inconspicuous now, in the future, it will definitely be one of the important tools for attracting the Internet, and it can bring content to the website. Huge traffic.”

Zhang Chaoyang thought for a while after hearing this, and said, "We released some content before, but I felt that not many people paid attention to it."

"You can't look at the problem this way. The development of anything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. I only say what I feel from the perspective of users. There is too little news content on your website. You can read it all at a glance. It is not as good as Read two newspapers. But what if it’s the contents of 100 newspapers or 1,000 newspapers?”

Lin Weimin's words instantly enlightened Zhang Chaoyang. He clapped his hands and said, "Yes, this is what we have been ignoring. In fact, it's not that users don't want to read news, it's just that our content is too little and too dull, and it has not formed a strong influence on users. Appeal."

Lin Weimin nodded, "That's it."

"However, the content of this news..."

Zhang Chaoyang and Lin Weimin looked at each other. He already had an idea in his mind and asked tentatively: "We are not capable of doing news ourselves. If we want to get a lot of news quickly and in a short time, we have to..."

He stopped here. In fact, everyone can think of the method, but it is not easy to bring this kind of thing to the table.

It is nothing more than moving the news content of offline TV media and print media online. Strictly speaking, this is definitely wrong, but who makes the current domestic copyright awareness not strong?

Lin Weimin said: "Now is the stage of wild growth of the domestic Internet industry. Everyone has no scruples in doing things, but when it gets bigger, you still have to follow the rules."

To be a leader is to be able to speak.

Zhang Chaoyang said something like this unconsciously in his heart.

"That's what you said." He nodded and said sincerely.

"Another problem is the name you just told me. The name 'Souhu' is a bit meaningless. 'Hu' can be a preposition or a particle, and it is not harmonious to be associated with 'Sou'. I still need to Connect a specific thing so that users can remember it immediately.”

Zhang Chaoyang thought for a while and asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"How about 'Sohu'? It's a homophonic pronunciation. Fox is cunning. Being able to search for fox also proves the usefulness of your product."

Lin Weimin's serious nonsense was accepted by Zhang Chaoyang.

What the sponsor's father said makes sense, and he must be given some face.

Besides, he still had something to ask Lin Weimin for help with.

"Teacher Lin, 'Sohu' will be launched this month, and we have high hopes for this product. I think we need to promote it extensively to increase its popularity. I want to hold a grand press conference to launch Sohu."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "This is a good thing. Do you need me to help you contact some media?"

Zhang Chaoyang nodded quickly.

"Sure, our Chinese Literature Society happens to have some media resources." Lin Weimin readily agreed.

Zhang Chaoyang felt very relaxed. This was the life he had embraced.

A few days later, Sohu's product launch conference was held in the banquet hall of the International Hotel.

Many reporters were invited to attend, and the reporters present were a little surprised to see many colleagues appearing.

They had never heard of the company Sohu. If the leader hadn't assigned them an interview task, the reporters would never have paid attention to the product launch of such a small company.

But now they came to the scene and saw that Sohu was a very powerful company. More than 20 well-known media companies came to the scene, and even CCTV sent reporters.

We are all colleagues, and after a little inquiry, we found out that this Sohu company was originally called Aitexin, and the name was just changed. When I mentioned Aitexin, these reporters remembered it. Many of them had used this website. Yes, and Aitexin received investment from Chinese Literature Society last year.

It turns out there is someone behind it. No wonder such a little-known company can hold so many media outlets at a press conference.

The banquet hall of the International Hotel covers an area of ​​nearly 300 square meters. There is a row of long tables on the north side and a banner hanging on the wall.

There was a line of big characters written on it, "Sohoo launch conference."

About five meters across from the conference organizer's table are several rows of tables and chairs, all prepared for the reporters present. Several computers connected to telephone lines were also moved to the site for reporters to experience the newly launched "Sohu" web page.

Zhang Chaoyang sat in the main seat and spoke with great enthusiasm in front of the reporters' questions.

Today's press conference, with the help of the Chinese Literature Society, invited many media reporters to the scene.

Not only that, Sohu also invited several investment companies that it had contacted before.

He had no other purpose in inviting these people here. On the one hand, he wanted to feel proud and let them see that Sohu (Aitexin) could still live well without getting their investment. On the other hand, he also wanted to prepare for the next round. Fundamentals of financing.

If you didn't invest before, it doesn't mean you won't invest in the future. What Internet companies need most is financing. For Sohu now, of course, the more financing, the better.

Zhang Chaoyang also specially arranged speeches with these companies. There were few foreigners at this time, and all of these people had the reputation of being a big company.

President of Intel China, head of Bank of America's China affairs... Regardless of how many things these people can handle, as long as this title is released, in the eyes of reporters, it is as if it is embellished with gold, which is equivalent to increasing the number in disguise. Sohu’s awesome style.

The calculations in Zhang Chaoyang's heart were clicking, and the reporters were indeed on the road. Looking at the few blond foreigners, they unconsciously raised their evaluation of Sohu Company again.

China's most powerful emerging Internet company!

The day after Sohu's product launch, news reports about the launch appeared in major domestic media. Many reports even praised Sohu as a flower.

The scale of this news report was so large that Sohu's name spread across the country in a short period of time, which was more effective than Atesin's efforts in the previous year.

Zhang Chaoyang was deeply surprised by this, but his greater feeling was still an old saying.

It’s great to enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree!

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