1980 My literary era

Chapter 897 Three Major Events

The New Year's Day of 1999 has just passed. For the people of Yanjing, it was the last New Year's Day at the end of the century. It really didn't have any special meaning.

But for Guowenshe, the New Year’s Day that just passed was extremely extraordinary.

On January 1, 1999, Chinese Language and Literature Press officially changed its name to China Chinese Language Publishing and Culture Group Co., Ltd., completing the transformation from a public institution to a state-owned enterprise.

The newly established China Publishing and Culture Group Co., Ltd.'s business covers publishing, copyright trade, publication import and export trade, printing and reproduction, publication flow and distribution, art management, information services, technology development, film and television development, audio and video product publishing, etc. many areas.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly triggered a huge discussion in the domestic political and business circles.

Since the reform and opening up, there have been many cases of state-owned enterprises being transformed into mixed-ownership enterprises or private enterprises. This is also one of the important means and measures for the success of domestic reform and opening up.

However, it is the first time in China's reform process that public institutions have been transformed into state-owned enterprises.

Moreover, the role reversal of the Chinese Literature Society has unexpected aspects to the outside world.

That was the name of the newly born group company.

Publishing is the core business of the Chinese Literature Society. If the Chinese Literature Society wants to become bigger and stronger, it is understandable to become a group company. However, “publishing” is followed by the word “culture”. The business covered by the original publishing industry.

However, this matter seems normal. In the past few years, Guowen Publishing House has been building a so-called "all-copyright operation plan" and has achieved outstanding results. After restructuring and integrating into a group company, it is natural to want to show off its talents in the cultural field.

The Chinese Publishing House has become the China Chinese Publishing and Culture Group. The organizational structure has undergone tremendous changes, and various rules, regulations and management methods will also be innovated.

Although there have been several months of preparation, after the industrial and commercial changes were completed at the end of December, the Chinese Literature Society was still in a state of busyness and chaos.

It took a few days for the Chinese Literature Society to finally straighten out its internal affairs.

In the second week after New Year's Day, the company headquarters issued a group notice to all subordinate units and holding subsidiaries that a group meeting would be held on January 10th. The venue of the meeting was set at the Yanjing Municipal Government Auditorium. The Chinese Literature Society was in full swing. Level units went to the auditorium of the Yanjing Municipal Government to hold a meeting, which was borrowed by Lin Weimin as a favor.

At the first plenary meeting of the group's establishment, thousands of employees of the Chinese Literature Society in Beijing were taken by bus to the auditorium of the Yanjing Municipal Government. The auditorium was filled with people for a while.

In addition to many employees, leaders from many government departments also attended the conference today.

As the first plenary meeting after the transformation of Chinese Literature Society into China Chinese Literature Publishing and Culture Group, the new leadership was the first to appear in front of all employees, with Lin Weimin at the forefront of the team.

Now he is not only the president of the Chinese Publishing House, but also the chairman and general manager of the China Chinese Publishing and Culture Group Co., Ltd. He truly dominates the world with one hand.

After the previous leaders who were invited to attend the conference spoke, it was his turn to speak, and the employees below were full of expectations.

"Dear leaders and dear comrades, hello everyone, in this..."

When Lin Weimin came up, he first talked for a few minutes and then mentioned the long-term plan after the establishment of the group. The future sounded very beautiful, but the distance was too far away, and no one felt much about it until Lin Weimin talked about the group's development in 1999. It was only the plan for the year that aroused the interest of the employees below.

"I won't read what's in the manuscript. Let's talk in plain language. Our group will do three major things this year.

The first is to build the headquarters building. The Chinese Literature Society has always worked together with the People's Society, and some departments and subsidiaries also work outside the country. This situation used to be no problem, but now that a group company has been established, for better coordination and communication between the group headquarters and various subsidiaries and departments, it is the best way to bring everyone together to work in one place.

Nowadays, the land in Yanjing is getting more and more expensive, and renting is not as good as building. In order to show support for our group's work, the superior authorities have provided us with a low-interest loan of 500 million through China Construction Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. This money It will be used for the group to purchase land and build the group headquarters building.

I think everyone should be talking in their hearts at this moment. This has just been transformed. It would be too wasteful to spend money without waiting to make money.

The second thing I want to say is that you still have to spend money first.

After research and decision by the group's leadership team and approval by the group's board of directors, the group's holding subsidiary Wenhua Film and Television will acquire Xiangjiang Tomson Pictures Co., Ltd. at a price of 25 million yuan. Mandarin Film and Television will rely on this acquisition to integrate film resources from the mainland and Hong Kong, base itself on China, look to Asia, and build a first-class film company in Asia.

At the same time, Wenhua Film and Television will also plan to be listed on the A-share market and strive to be listed on the domestic A-share market by the end of 1999 or early 2000, striving to become the first stock in the domestic film and television industry..."

Lin Weimin said two things in succession. The first thing was to build the group headquarters. The first reaction of the employees was that they were happy. Although it costs money to build a new office building, it does not cost everyone. The office conditions are definitely better than now. For Good news for employees.

The second thing made everyone even more excited. Wenhua Film and Television was going to be listed. This was a rare event. The employees of the Chinese Literature Society never thought that one day they would be associated with the word "listed".

The employees discussed these two things enthusiastically, but they paid little attention to the third thing Lin Weimin said.

The third thing Lin Weimin said was to establish an advertising service department within the group, integrate advertising resources within the group, actively connect with Internet companies, and expand the advertising business margins outwards.

He said something, but the employees didn't understand it very well. They only knew that the Chinese Language Press should focus on the advertising business in the future. In addition to utilizing the advertising resources within the group, it also needed to connect with external Internet companies and serve as a bridge between Internet companies and advertisers. middleman.

This seemed to be the new money-making business that Lin Weimin was looking for for the group. Everyone couldn't tell the reason, but they were particularly interested in the two money-making things just now.

The two-hour group meeting ended. Thousands of employees exited the auditorium in an orderly manner and took the bus back to their respective offices.

Lin Weimin sent several leaders off with a gift, and Yu Shu asked: "Weimin, the advertising service department you mentioned is to connect Internet companies and advertisers. Is this a new business growth point you are looking for for your group?"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Leader, are you trying to tell us how a good publishing and cultural group started advertising?"

Yu Shu smiled playfully and did not deny it.

Lin Weimin explained calmly: "You also know that we have invested in two Internet companies before. Now the domestic Internet industry is booming, but the profit model of Internet companies is relatively simple, and most of them sell advertising.

I think this is a good business development direction. In the future, with the continuous development of the Internet industry, advertising revenue will definitely grow steadily. I don’t know if it can surpass the advertising revenue of TV media, but I think surpassing print media is just around the corner. , this is an undeveloped virgin land.

Moreover, our Chinese Literature Society originally had an advertising business, but it was not professional. This incident can be used to guide the advertising business in the society to get on the right track. We can walk on many legs! "

After listening to Lin Weimin's explanation, Yu Shu nodded, "It's better for you young people to work hard with your brains!"


After seeing off the leaders, today's conference is over.

Lin Weimin said kindly to Xu Feng who came to attend the conference: "Ms. Xu, thank you for your hard work today."

Xu Feng smiled all over his face, "Mr. Lin, you are too polite. Now we are a family."

Lin Weimin laughed and said: "That's right, we are a family."

The acquisition of Xu Feng's Xiangjiang Tomson Pictures by Wenhua Film and Television was Lin Weimin's final decision. Wenhua Film and Television is the bridgehead of Guowen Group's development in the film and television field. After several years of development, the business is in good condition and it is a well-deserved big brother in the domestic film and television industry. Big, listing at this time is already an issue that has to be considered.

Since the beginning of this year, Wenhua Film and Television has released 4 works. The 4 films have brought nearly 80 million box office revenue to Wenhua Film and Television. If the copyright income of previous years’ works is also included, Wenhua Film and Television’s revenue this year is 140 million. about.

It looks good, but this is already the ceiling that Wenhua Film and Television, as a leading company in the domestic film and television industry, can reach. Of course, the premise is that Wenhua Film and Television does not have a hit movie this year. The company's last hit this year is "The Last" "Datang" is currently in production, including the Lunar New Year animated film "Shuke and Beta: The Best in the Year of the Rabbit" which is currently in production and has not been released.

If Wenhua Film and Television wants to develop further, it will face a market bottleneck. This market bottleneck is caused by the general environment and cannot be broken through in a short time.

Since the growth space is limited, it is better to take advantage of this period to work hard on internal skills, delve into the market, and at the same time explore the outside world.

Lin Weimin said that Mandarin Film and Television should look at Asia. This is all rhetoric. The most practical approach for Mandarin Film and Television at the moment is to delve deeply into the Southeast Asian market and establish distribution channels in Southeast Asia. There are a large number of Chinese here. As long as it is managed properly, it will be the leader of Chinese-language films. Natural ticket warehouse.

The acquisition of Xu Feng's Xiangjiang Tomson Pictures can firstly expand Wenhua's business channels in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and secondly, it can attract a large number of outstanding film and television practitioners from Xiangjiang to move north.

After Lin Weimin proposed this idea to Xu Feng, she hesitated for two days before agreeing.

In recent years, influenced by Hollywood movies, Xiangjiang's film industry has been in decline. Her film company is in a bad situation. Now it is a good thing that Guowen Group is willing to take over.

Besides, she is also one of the shareholders of Wenhua Film and Television, so this can be regarded as mutually beneficial. After all, she will also benefit when the company is listed in the future.

Wenhua Film and Television spent 25 million yuan to acquire her company. She made a profit, and Wenhua Film and Television also suffered losses. The copyright library of dozens of Tomson Films films was enough for Wenhua Film and Television to make a profit.

Xu Feng attended the Guowen Group's conference today and had to catch a flight back to Xiangjiang in the evening to sort out the company's internal affairs. Lin Weimin treated her to a meal at noon.

After the first general meeting of the Chinese Literature Group, the atmosphere inside the Chinese Literature Society was heated for two days and then fell silent, because everyone found that except for the addition of a mother-in-law, there seemed to be no major changes since the establishment of the group.

It wasn’t until a week later that the company began to circulate the group’s recruitment plan for this year.

There are 210 people, a full 210 people have vacancies. This recruitment scale is more than the number of people hired by the Chinese Literature Society in the previous ten years.

Now that the assignment work has been canceled long ago, Chinese Literature Society has been recruiting fresh graduates through major universities in Yanjing for the past two years.

Now that Guowen Group is newly established, it will recruit 210 people at once. Fresh graduates alone cannot meet the demand. Most of the 210 jobs require relevant professional work experience. These recruited employees will be enriched into Guowen Group. Within the headquarters and various departments and subsidiaries.

At the beginning of 1999 in the Western calendar, Guowen Group is about to usher in its first expansion of talents after its establishment. These talents will also lay a solid foundation for the group's future development.

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