1980 My literary era

Chapter 900 Be optimistic about him

The news that Sohu was valued at 380 million U.S. dollars and raised 68.4 million U.S. dollars became the most eye-catching news in the domestic Internet industry and financial circles before the Spring Festival in 1999. Zhang Chaoyang once again came to the limelight and was very proud of himself.

At this time, another piece of news about domestic Internet companies also came out.

Sina received US$15 million in overseas venture capital. Although this figure is not as shocking as Sohu's US$68.4 million, it is still an achievement that cannot be underestimated in China's Internet industry.

Unfortunately, because Zhuyu from Sohu’s fourth round of financing was at the forefront, Sina’s 15 million yuan financing did not cause any splash in the country. It only triggered some discussions in the industry and soon fell silent.

In later generations, the amount of Sina's financing in this round should have been 25 million US dollars. However, due to changes in Sohu in this generation, Sina's financing amount this time has shrunk significantly, which to some extent affected Sina's development process.

Bonuses and benefits were distributed in the last two days of the year. This was the first time since the establishment of Guowen Group, and employees were looking forward to it.

This year's bonus is one month longer than last year, and the new year's goods are also much richer than last year. The employees were happy after receiving the money and things. It seems that the reform is still beneficial.

On New Year's Eve, the building at No. 166 Chaonei Street has been empty since the morning as in previous years. Except for some leaders who set an example, most people came and took a quick break in the morning.

According to the plan, Lin Weimin would stay in the building until get off work and then go home.

But he received a call at noon and left the Chinese Literature Society early.

On New Year's Eve in Yanjing, there were not many shops open, but the restaurants and lounges of the five-star hotels were always open. Lin Weimin and Lei Jun made an appointment in the lounge of the Yanjing Hotel.

Lei Jun's face looked a bit sad and confused. He drank two glasses of wine before meeting and his face was red.

"You asked your uncle and I out during the Chinese New Year, wouldn't you just want to have a drink with me?" Lin Weimin joked.

Lei Jun was holding up his wine glass and preparing to drink his third glass of wine. Hearing this, he put down his wine glass with a lonely expression.

"Uncle Lin, I have been watching the news about Sohu's financing recently."

"What, are you envious?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't envy Sohu and Zhang Chaoyang? With US$68.4 million, let alone financing, all Chinese Internet companies together may not be worth that much money."

Lin Weimin said: "This is an exaggeration. There are hundreds of Internet companies in the country, how can you not compare to one company? Besides, you are a software company, and you are not in the same field as Sohu at all. Why are you so melancholy?"

"Of course I'm not sad because of Sohu." Lei Jun played with the wine glass in his hand and hesitated for a long time before saying: "You know? Before this year, I always thought that the most painful time in my life was the two years of 1996 and 1997. Pangu Failure, the WPS debacle, everything I was once proud of has become a joke."

"Finally, I recovered. I cheered up, returned to Jinshan, and returned to the market with WPS. But..."

When Lei Jun said this, pain flashed in his eyes.

"But I found that I didn't have the ability to change anything. I thought I could return to the market with WPS. This time I learned lessons and learned how to fight Microsoft. We will fight Microsoft to the end.

But Microsoft is like a big mountain lying in front of me. It is like a well-armed strong man. I am like a primary school student who has just learned to walk. Even if it stands there and does nothing and lets me attack it, I There is nothing you can do against him.

In front of such a behemoth, Jinshan and I are nothing. "

Lin Weimin probably understood Lei Jun's troubles and the source of his frustration.

The loser who had suffered setbacks chose to start over. He returned to the battlefield with full health and picked up his sword. He thought he could stage a return of the king drama, but he found that his old opponent had replaced him with spears and cannons.

Those former prides looked ridiculous under the disparity in power, and all efforts became sad and desolate.

Today, the gap between Microsoft and Kingsoft is indeed too great. Even in the eyes of Microsoft, Kingsoft cannot be called a rival at all.

After all, Microsoft's former rivals were Apple and Netscape, and Kingsoft's annual revenue was less than 100 million. The only software that could compete with Microsoft was the WPS segment.

"You have to understand that Microsoft has now grown into a world-class Internet giant. Not only did you, Kingsoft, lose to them, but Apple and Netscape also lost to them.

Have you forgotten that Netscape has been merged by America Online some time ago. The browser hegemon that was once worth tens of billions of dollars in market value will surrender in the face of Microsoft's absolute strength? "

Lin Weimin's comfort had some effect. Hearing him compare Kingsoft with Apple and Netscape, Lei Jun's pain eased by two points.

Yes, even a former giant like Netscape has no way to defeat Microsoft. Isn’t it natural that Kingsoft has no way to deal with Microsoft?

"And you have to understand that China's national conditions are different from those of the United States. We are destined not to be able to give birth to software industry giants like Microsoft and Cisco. Kingsoft's survival is already a victory.

You just set your goals too high. Still want to beat Microsoft? If you beat Microsoft, wouldn't you become number one in the world? Where is Jinshan ranked in the world now? "

Lin Weimin's question made Lei Jun laugh at himself, "Maybe he is the 10,000th person in the world."

"So, it's just a waste of time!"

Lin Weimin gave Lei Jun an evaluation that was merciless, but made him feel enlightened.

"We Chinese people often say that man can conquer nature, but you have to understand that most of the people who can do such things are recorded in history books. The reason why they are passed down is because the difficulty of success is as difficult as climbing to the sky. You have Do you have the consciousness and qualifications to ascend to heaven?”

Lin Weimin's question made Lei Jun fall into silence. He was hardworking and diligent enough, and he was not afraid of facing powerful opponents, but he was indeed not ready to "reach the sky".

"Don't always think about defeating your opponent, think more about how to maintain progress and constantly defeat your past self. If you set up a strong opponent for yourself without a way to defeat it, you may end up perishing in self-inflicted internal friction. Life You have to know how to face difficulties but more often than not, you have to go with the flow.”

"Follow the trend." Lei Jun murmured these four words.

After a long time, he nodded heavily.

He accepted all Lin Weimin's words just now. These words were very realistic, but they were all good words.

Lei Jun looked at Lin Weimin, his expression still a little confused. He gave up his obsession to defeat Microsoft, but also lost the motivation to move forward.

Lin Weimin read his eyes and said earnestly: "In the field of computer software, Jinshan's future is limited. It is better to change the track."

"Change the track?" Lei Jun asked instinctively.

"The achievements a person can achieve are sometimes not created by his own talents, but also have a lot to do with the stage he is on."

Lei Jun thought of the words "follow the trend" again and felt silent in his heart.

In fact, he has always had an obsession in his heart. He always believes that Kingsoft is a software company and should rely on software to succeed. He is the general manager and leader of Kingsoft. If even he loses confidence, will Kingsoft still have a chance to succeed?

Lin Weimin observed Lei Jun's expression and guessed what he was thinking, so he pondered and said, "Then change the goal and bring Jinshan to the market?"

Lei Jun was silent again. Do you call this a small target?

"Didn't you mention Sohu just now? Sohu plans to go public next year."

Lei Jun said with a wry smile: "It is not as easy for Kingsoft to go public as Sohu."

"You are the leaders in China's software industry no matter what. Although we are currently unable to produce industry giants like Microsoft and Cisco, there is still no problem in accommodating a listed company."

After thinking for a moment, Lei Jun felt that this was a very practical goal.

"Okay! Then bring Jinshan to the market."

With a goal in mind, Lei Jun's eyes became firm again. He poured Lin Weimin a glass of wine, the two clinked their glasses and drank it down.

After becoming a life coach for a while, Lin Weimin asked: "Why are you so depressed during the New Year?"

Lei Jun looked shy and said: "Isn't this exciting because of the financing news from Sohu and Sina? In addition, although WPS has regained a foothold in the market, Microsoft is more stable than us. For a moment... "

Lin Weimin nodded, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. The worst thing is to change the direction. One day, Uncle Lin will be the first to invest in you!"

Lei Jun laughed, "Aren't you afraid of compensation?"

"There are several ways to invest. One is investing in industries and tracks, which is called strategic investment. The other is financial investment, which is aimed at short-term gains. But no matter which investment method, the final investment is people.

The thoughts and actions of the helmsman or leader create the structure of the enterprise. You are a person who can do great things. I will not make a mistake. "

Facing Lin Weimin's praise, Lei Jun couldn't help but feel a little elated. After he went to college, he never lacked praise, but Lin Weimin's praise made him particularly touched.

Because this was not recognition based on his achievements, his achievements were nothing in Lin Weimin's eyes.

Uncle Lin is optimistic about him!

"Okay, one day, I will be the first to come to you for help." Lei Jun said freely.

The two drank another glass of wine. While everyone was busy preparing for the grand festival, the two men exchanged glasses in the leisurely lounge and talked about everything, relaxed and happy.

After drinking the wine, Lin Weimin was a little tipsy.

When she got home and saw that he smelled of alcohol, Tao Huimin, who was busy, couldn't help complaining: "It's the New Year, everyone is busy, but you are so cool!"

Lin Weimin was sober now, and he chopped up the dumpling fillings obediently.

"Dumplings are just like wine. The more you drink, the more you get. I said what happened to me when I drank just now, but it turns out there were no dumplings."

Tao Huimin said sarcastically: "As long as you have wine, why use dumplings!"

Lin Weimin stopped talking. The more he spoke, the more he got scolded. He should work hard.

While the family was making dumplings, Lin Weimin sat on the sofa and told Xiao Beanbao, who was playing with toys, "Girl, go make a cup of tea for daddy."

Xiaodoubao looked at him and said, "Dad, the teacher said you have to do your own thing."

Okay, my little cotton-padded jacket is leaking air.

Sister Qian, the nanny who was making dumplings, quickly made Lin Weimin a cup of tea. After drinking a few sips of the tea, the alcohol on his body dissipated and he lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

When he woke up again it was already dark and he was covered with a blanket.

"You are really good at it. After drinking, you fall asleep as if this year has nothing to do with you."

How cool he is when he drinks, but how embarrassed he is when he is being scolded.

This guy Lei Jun mistook me!

Teacher Lin took advantage of the fact that no one was around and said a few sweet words, and the resentment in Ms. Tao's heart disappeared.

"Hurry up and wash your face. Let's eat soon."


Lin Weimin got up and tidied up, and then returned to the room. The table was already filled with delicious food and everyone was there.

The TV was tuned to CCTV, familiar pictures and familiar melody.

1998 passed like this.

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