1980 My literary era

Chapter 902: Half of

This year’s Spring Festival comes late, it’s already March after the Lantern Festival.

The spring is cold and people have not yet taken off their winter clothes.

The third issue of "Contemporary" in 1999 was quietly placed on the bookshelf of the bookstore. Over the years, this publication has accompanied the growth of countless readers. Many loyal readers have already developed the habit of going to the bookstore or bookstore on the morning of the publication's launch. Come to the newsstand and buy a copy of Contemporary.

Today, there are especially many readers buying "Contemporary" in bookstores and newsstands everywhere.

The salespeople in bookstores or newsstand owners are not surprised at all by this phenomenon, because Lin Weimin's new novel has been published.

"Li Jianguo".

An extremely simple title, which is also the name of the protagonist of the novel.

Many readers who saw this title were confused at first glance as to why Lin Weimin gave the novel such a simple and ordinary name.

Li Jianguo, in the 1950s and 1960s, this name was so common that if the roof of the school collapsed, there might be two students with this name.

But this is Lin Weimin's new novel after all, and readers won't dwell on the title for too long. The most important thing is to take a quick look at it.

"Li Jianguo" is very long. Although it draws lessons from "The Human World" in terms of character creation and plot setting, it does not use the panoramic writing technique of "The Human World". There is only one real main character in the whole novel - —Li Jianguo.

Li Jianguo's life spanned various major events in New China. Many people gradually understood as they read it that this novel is not so much about a man named Li Jianguo as it is about the development history of New China.

Li Jianguo, after reading the novel, these readers finally understood the meaning of this name.

The sufferings faced by the protagonist of the novel seem to represent everything that this ancient and young country has experienced.

In the second half of the novel, when we enter the period of reform and opening up, the plot has ups and downs and gradually develops a kind of ups and downs of grandeur.

Finally, I read that in 1997, the old man passed away, Xiangjiang returned, and New China was developing better and better. At this time, the protagonist was nearly 40 years old. The hardships in the first half of his life were over, and life was gradually becoming smoother like the country.

But a layoff notice shattered Li Jianguo's beautiful life.

The novel ends abruptly here, and countless suspense stories are paused here, leaving many readers unable to help but feel lost after reading the book.

The novel is really well written, but why is it not finished?

Soon, the readers' resentment turned into letters and flew into the editorial office of "Contemporary". The editors who received the readers' letters were beaming with joy.

“The response from readers has been overwhelming!”

Yang Xinlan looked at the piles of letters from readers and felt a kind of happy trouble.

"Can it be less intense? This is the chairman's new novel!"

When Yao Shuzhi said the three words "chairman", she spoke with a strong accent, for fear that others would not be able to hear the teasing and ridicule in her tone.

"Everyone's evaluation is very high." Yang Xinlan added while flipping through letters from readers.

Zhu Changsheng raised his head at this time and said: "Domestic readers still prefer this realistic creative technique, and this creative technique also has the widest audience. Weimin's creation this time can be said to be the pinnacle of realist works. This work is extremely epic, and don’t you think? His novel is similar to "Forrest Gump"."

Yang Xinlan clapped her hands and said: "Yes, there are indeed some similarities. However, "Li Jianguo" is still different from "Forrest Gump". Forrest Gump's experience is a bit superficial, while every experience of Li Jianguo is related to the growth of the Republic. So close!"

"But..." Zhu Changsheng tapped the cap of his pen on the table, "This guy has written 1997 in the upper part. How can he write in the lower part?"

Hearing this, many editors in the editorial department fell into hard thinking.

"Wei Min's writing style is really unexpected. If it goes further down, it will definitely be in the future timeline. If it is not handled well, it will easily stray into science fiction, destroying the reader's sense of substitution."

"It's hard to write. Anyway, based on my experience, this method of handling is too easy to get into trouble."

"The risk of writing this way is indeed high, but the benefits are also obvious. Once it is completed, it will almost become an epic, and "White Deer Plain" will be its younger brother."

Everyone was discussing the novel "Li Jianguo" with great interest.

Zou Changyi asked: "When will the second part of this novel be due?"

Everyone looked at each other, "It seems I haven't heard what Lao He said!"

Yao Shuzhi clicked her tongue and said: "Look, people who are leaders are entitled to special treatment. Just having the top boss, Lao He, dares to publish it, but the bottom one is still far away. If this is published after a year, readers will not be able to give the editorial department to Lifted?"

The gloating on her face couldn't be suppressed at all, "Anyway, I didn't hear that he had anything written in his hand during the Chinese New Year."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Doesn’t that mean the second part hasn’t been written yet?

I really plan to do this for a year!

While the editorial board of "Contemporary" was discussing the creative process of the second part of "Li Jianguo", Lin Weimin was accepting Zhang Chaoyang's thanks.

At the end of last year, Zhang Chaoyang came to Lin Weimin to discuss Sohu's financing. Lin Weimin not only urged him to go public quickly, but also reminded him to hurry up and get the qualifications to publish news business.

But this thing is controlled by the State Council. Sohu has no ability to handle this kind of thing. CEO Zhang Chaoyang is even less able to handle it. He can only ask Lin Weimin for help.

Guowen Group is a shareholder of Sohu. Although its shares have been reduced after two rounds of dilution, it is still the third largest shareholder after Zhang Chaoyang and Goldman Sachs. Lin Weimin will definitely help with this small favor.

After two phone calls, Sohu's news publishing business qualification was easily obtained. Sohu had just obtained the qualification a few days after the New Year. Didn't Zhang Chaoyang come to express his gratitude immediately?

Lin Weimin's help once again made Zhang Chaoyang realize how much assistance Sohu would provide to their domestic development with Guowen Group as a shareholder.

Goldman Sachs manages foreign listings, and Guowen Group manages domestic development. Sohu is even more powerful in this regard.

"I don't dare to come and disturb you during the Chinese New Year. I'll treat you to a meal tonight." After Zhang Chaoyang expressed his thanks, he extended an invitation to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin looked at Zhang Chaoyang's expression and said, "You have something to say!"

Zhang Chaoyang showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, "I really can't hide anything from you."

"That's what happened. Aren't we anxious to go public? Gao Sheng is already helping us pave the way to the United States. We have to handle the domestic side ourselves.

Sohu is an Internet company. To go public, it must first secure the Ministry of Information Industry. Do you know Zhao Zhiguo? "

Lin Weimin shook his head, "I don't know you. What are you doing?"

"Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Administration of the Ministry of Information Industry."

"Who is responsible for your troubles?" Lin Weimin asked.

Zhang Chaoyang nodded, "He has a good relationship with Sina. He is much happier meeting Wang Zhidong than me."

What Zhang Chaoyang said is a bit like a primary school student complaining to his teacher.

"I'll call and ask."

Lin Weimin had no scruples, picked up the phone and started talking in front of Zhang Chaoyang.

He made several calls before finally asking someone who knew Zhao Zhiguo.

Zhang Chaoyang was filled with shock when he listened to Lin Weimin's phone call. In a short time, he had called the leaders of three ministries and commissions. Looking at Teacher Lin's tone and demeanor, he showed no restraint when talking to leaders on the phone. His attitude was relaxed and freehand. It was obvious that the relationship was extremely familiar. of.

"Okay, okay, thank you, leader. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Lin Weimin put down the phone and said to Zhang Chaoyang, "Are you free tomorrow night?"

"When you're free, when you're free!" Zhang Chaoyang nodded hurriedly.

Teacher Lin asked someone to make an appointment to have dinner in Zhao Zhiguo, and he would have to crawl there tomorrow!

"Teacher Lin, I have caused you trouble again."

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "Don't say that."

"Tomorrow night you..." Zhang Chaoyang asked hesitantly.

"I'll help you to send Buddha to the West. I'll go there tomorrow too."

A relaxed smile appeared on Zhang Chaoyang's face, "I feel relieved when you are here."

The next evening, Zhang Chaoyang entertained Zhao Zhiguo at the China Hotel.

Zhao Zhiguo is a scholar-type cadre with an elegant temperament. The fact that he came to the appointment today has actually expressed his attitude, so the atmosphere was very harmonious when chatting with Zhang Chaoyang.

The banquet came to an end, and Lin Weimin toasted to Zhao Zhiguo.

“Bureau Zhao, I’ll leave the Sohu matter to you!”

Zhao Zhiguo raised his glass and said, "Mr. Lin, you're welcome."

Zhang Chaoyang also followed with a glass of wine. He knew very well that the usual Zhao Zhiguo was not as approachable as he is today. The reason why Zhao Zhiguo succeeded in doing this today was because of Teacher Lin's face.

More than a week later, Sohu officially received approval from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to go public in the United States.

At this point, Sohu's journey to the United States for listing in China has cleared all domestic obstacles. The next step will depend on Goldman Sachs' operations in the United States.

The time for Sohu to enter Nasdaq and complete the bell-ringing ceremony is getting closer and closer.

In the past few days, "Li Jianguo" has aroused increasing repercussions in the domestic literary circle.

Although only the upper part of the novel has been published, Lin Weimin paid great attention to the overall structure when writing it. Looking at the content of the upper part alone, it is still a very complete novel.

Moreover, the novel has excellent writing style and magnificent layout, making it a majestic epic work.

The 470,000-word content is eloquent, integrating the growth and development of New China from the perspective of the protagonist Li Jianguo, an ordinary person, and showing the unique perseverance and self-improvement of the Chinese people in the face of hardships and setbacks in life.

During this period, "Li Jianguo" received numerous praises from the literary world, cheered the critics, and amazed the press.

Since the 1980s, there have been many works that have caused a stir in the literary, critical and journalistic circles, such as "Farewell My Concubine", "The Ordinary World", "The Ancient Ship", "The Dust Has Settled", "White Deer Plain"...

But a work like "Li Jianguo" that can make everyone applaud and praise it without hesitation is almost unique.

Even "White Deer Plain" will still be criticized by some people for its "historical view" and "QS description".

But in the case of "Li Jianguo", these people seemed to feel that any praise was not too much, and overwhelming praise came to Lin Weimin like a tide.

Even though he had long been unfazed by Peng Bai's reputation, he was still a little flattered by Peng Bai's reputation.

Readers love this novel so much that the third issue of "Contemporary" which published "Li Jianguo" sold 3 million copies in just one month, and sales are still increasing by tens of thousands every day. The speed is increasing and seems to be breaking the historical sales trend of "Contemporary".

The enthusiasm of readers is no less than that of the literary, critical and journalistic circles, or even more intense.

Countless readers wrote to the editorial board of "Contemporary" to express their love for this novel, and Lin Weimin received countless praises for this. He no longer had the situation of being shouted at and beaten across the street when "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" was published.

Many radical readers even described "Li Jianguo" as:

Half of "Li Jianguo", a history of China.

Such high praise fully demonstrates the readers' love and respect for this work.

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