1980 My literary era

Chapter 913 The cat on the balcony

"Our stock should still rise a lot today, right?" Feng Xiaogang asked Yu Dong.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's hard to say. It is a high probability event that stocks will rise sharply on the first day of trading. The key is to see whether they can stabilize or improve to a higher level in the future. Now the leaders of A-shares are industries such as steel companies. Among stocks, the one with the highest market value is more than 80 billion.

The ceiling of our film and television industry cannot be compared with those of pillar industries. If we had to calculate it, the market value of tens of billions in the past two years should be the end point. "

"Ten billion market value!" Feng Xiaogang sighed.

That is equivalent to the stock price more than tripling based on the issue price, which is six or seven times based on their subscription price.

What a huge profit. I knew I should have bought more, Feng Xiaogang thought with regret.

As the saying goes, wealth is obtained through risk, but he was scolded and fined with bonuses. He did not buy more stocks from group employees. Feng Xiaogang was full of regrets and regrets.

He has made a lot of money in the past few years, but that is all from his hard work in making movies. How can he make money faster than stock trading? It is not only fast, but also easy.

Of course, it is estimated that this time when Wenhua Film and Television returned to Yanjing after its listing, he would definitely be poked in the back by the employees of the group.

But Feng Xiaogang doesn't care. If the group gives you the opportunity, you won't buy it. The only thing that makes money is vision.

Feng Xiaogang is regretting it. There are people in this group of people who regret it more than him.

Mo Yan bit into the steak, which tasted like chewing wax.

After the lunch break, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened, and Wenhua Film and Television's stock price continued to surge. Until the afternoon close, Guowenshe's stock price finally rose by 125%, reaching 26.6 yuan per share.

The stock originally bought for less than 6 yuan now costs 26 yuan.

He subscribed for 4,000 shares. He made more than 80,000 yuan in one day, but he couldn't be happy.

Because there was once an opportunity to make 1 million in front of him, but he did not cherish it and regretted it only after losing it.

50,000 shares. If he had subscribed for all the original 50,000 shares, he would be able to laugh and act recklessly like Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou.

Tonight was the celebration banquet for Wenhua Film and Television to go public. We ate at a well-known Western restaurant in Shanghai, but Mo Yan couldn't taste anything during the whole meal. His heart was bleeding.

"Our stock shouldn't be able to rise anymore, right?" Mo Yan asked Tong Zhonggui quietly.

His current psychology is very contradictory, he is both afraid of falling stock prices and afraid of rising stock prices.

If the stock falls, he loses. The stock went up and he lost money.

"I don't know. Didn't Mr. Yu say that the market value of 10 billion is the top? I guess it can go up a bit more. And "The Last Tang Dynasty" will be released the day after tomorrow. If the box office is satisfactory, it should be able to stimulate the stock price to rise a lot more. .”

Tong Zhonggui had a very peaceful mind. He didn't subscribe for all the shares given by the company, but he still bought 20,000 shares. Today he made a net profit of 400,000 yuan. What else could he be dissatisfied with?

“It’s still going up!”

Mo Yan asked these three words with difficulty, his tone was very complicated.

Tong Zhonggui probably understood his mood. The 4,000 shares he bought were indeed a little less.

But you can't blame anyone else for this matter. Who made you so stingy?

"Yu Hua didn't buy much, did he?" Tong Zhonggui asked out of nowhere.

Mo Yan's originally gloomy face looked like snow lotuses blooming in the Tianshan Mountains, and suddenly the sun shone brightly.

"Yes, he only owned 2,000 shares, and later came to me to buy 5,000 shares. The year-end bonus was forfeited."

Although Mo Yan tried his best to suppress his gloating tone when he said this, his twisted expression still betrayed his heart.

Tong Zhonggui shook his head. They usually seemed to have a good relationship, and they looked like brothers!

Yu Hua doesn't earn much, why are you so happy?

Tong Zhonggui felt that Mo Yan's gloating was more of a way to comfort himself.

No matter how excited Feng Xiaogang, Mo Yan and others were about subscribing for stocks, they were not as emotional as Li Guangfu and Xu Feng, who were shareholders.

At the moment when the Shanghai Stock Exchange closed, the market value of Wenhua Film and Television reached a high of 7.5 billion yuan, and the shares held by the two people also completed a historic jump in value on this day.

Within a day, Li Guangfu and Xu Feng were promoted to billionaires.

The wealth that Wenhua Film and Television brought to Li Guangfu has even exceeded the wealth he accumulated in the previous ten years of business.

And Xu Feng was extremely grateful for his bold investment when Wenhua was broke, and he did not regret handing over Tomson's business to Wenhua. Tens of millions and billions, everyone knows that she has made a lot of money.

Although these are still paper wealth at the moment, even if they shrink in the future, they will still be a huge amount of wealth.

Facts have proved that their decision to hug Lin Weimin tightly back then could not be more correct.

After dinner, everyone was discussing tomorrow's itinerary on their way back to the hotel.

Wenhua completed its listing, and it was time for them to return to Yanjing. The only exception is Zhang Yimou, and "The Last of the Tang" will be released the day after tomorrow, September 30.

This movie has been in preparation since the year before last, and was actually produced in the first half of this year. However, in order to coincide with the launch of Wenhua Film and Television, it was suddenly pushed to the National Day release on November 1.

This operation is definitely taking a lot of risks. If the movie's reputation and box office are not satisfactory, it can easily have a negative impact on the company's stock price.

But the film has already been produced and its quality has been verified by many parties, so there is no need to worry.

Wenhua Film and Television has just been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the premiere of "The Last of the Tang Dynasty" is also scheduled to be held in Shanghai. After the movie is released, it will surely stimulate the company's stock price to rise again.

While everyone was chatting happily, Lin Weimin was eating with friends in the restaurant.

"Your name will definitely be included in the next Yanbing Literature Award."

Huang Anyi's smile was a little cold, "Of course it's best if you have it, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it."

In the past few years, her "Song of Everlasting Regret" was published through the Buhu Book Series and was widely welcomed by readers. It also won numerous praises from critics.

It is a pity that the publication time of the novel happened to miss the selection time of the 4th Yan Bing Literature Award, so I can only place my hope on the selection of the 5th Yan Bing Literature Award.

Huang Anyi paused for a while and didn't speak again. Lin Weimin wanted to find something to talk about.

"This sweet and sour short ribs is good. It's tender, crispy and glutinous, sour and sweet. If my daughter were here, she would definitely love it."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get used to the thick oily red sauce we have here in Shanghai. Your daughter must be seven years old, right?"

Lin Weimin picked up a piece of pork ribs with public chopsticks and said, "Yes, it's time to start the second grade of school."

He put the ribs into Huang Anyi's bone plate, "You eat too."

Huang Anyi pursed her lips, picked up the ribs and took a bite.

"Her mother is so beautiful, she must be beautiful too."

When Lin Weimin talked about his daughter, the smile on his face became even brighter, "She is beautiful, but her personality is like a tomboy, very naughty. She is not afraid of me at home, so her mother has to deal with her."

"You don't have a sense of majesty in you. Children will definitely not be afraid of you."

"Who said that? The people in the work unit are quite afraid of me."

"That's because you're the leader."

"You're saying this as if I have nothing worthy of respect other than my status?"

"I didn't say that. This is your own understanding."

The two of them were bickering, and seemed to have regained the feeling of studying at the Literary Institute, that carefree and unrestrained relaxed life.

The topic turned to the classmates from the Institute of Literary Studies, and the two couldn't help but sigh again.

"Almost twenty years have passed in a flash!" Lin Weimin sighed.

Huang Anyi's eyes revealed a bit of nostalgia, "It seems like it's happening right in front of me, but it's been so long. They, Lao Guo and the others..."

The mention of old friends added a bit of sadness to the dinner table.

"Forget it, let's change the topic. Your housing prices in Shanghai have risen even more fiercely than in Yanjing in recent years," Lin Weimin said.

"Yes, it has exceeded the capabilities of many working-class people. I really don't know when it will drop down in the future."

Lin Weimin laughed when he heard this, "What are you thinking about? The housing prices in Shanghai will only become more and more expensive in the future, and it is impossible to reduce them."

"Even if you are 'Lin Bancheng', you can't expect house prices to rise so much? If they rise too high, how will young people live in the future?"

"House prices don't rise just because I say they will. Everything is determined by the supply and demand relationship in the market. Shanghai is the forefront of China's economic development. The economy here is getting better and better, and there are more and more people here. Can't house prices become more and more expensive? ?”

When Lin Weimin said this, he advised: "If you have money, you should buy two houses for yourself. Even if you can't live in them, you can still treat them as investments."

Huang Anyi shook her head, "I live well now."

Huang Anyi still lives in the lane where her parents lived. Her mother passed away last year.

She was a woman who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside. Seeing her firm look, Lin Weimin stopped talking about the house.

The two of them had almost finished eating. Seeing that Lin Weimin had no intention of getting up to pay the bill, Huang Anyi couldn't help but ask: "Can't you be a little gentleman?"

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "I've already come to Shanghai, are you embarrassed to let me treat you to dinner?"

Huang Anyi rolled her eyes at him, "Don't call me when you come to Shanghai from now on."

"You pay for today's meal first, and the rest will come later."

After settling the bill, the two of them came out of the restaurant. This was a Shanghainese restaurant. The place Huang Anyi chose was not far from her home.

"Let's go for a walk together, I'll take you home." Lin Weimin suggested.

In September in Shanghai, the weather was pleasant. The two of them were walking on Huaihai Middle Road. The plane trees on both sides of the street were closely connected, like green clouds floating above people's heads.

If it were during the day, there might be scattered rays of sunlight falling from the leaves. Unfortunately, it was night now, so there was less warmth and more silence.

Huang Anyi's family lives on Huaihai Middle Road. This is where she grew up. She introduced it to Lin Weimin while walking. She knew everything about this street in detail.

"It turns out that there was a Western restaurant here called Fuxingyuan, but it closed a few years ago. Now the most famous Western restaurant on this street is the Red House. You should have heard of it. I often went there to eat when I was a child.

During the difficult period of the 1960s, the business of Western restaurants in Shanghai was particularly booming. There were people queuing up from four o'clock in the afternoon. Although there were restrictions on food stamps at that time, there were special dining tickets for dining in Western restaurants. They were the same as food stamps, but not as stressful.

Some poor families cannot use meal stamps at all, but it gives some wealthy families without food stamps a chance to enjoy a meal..."

Huang Anyi's face lit up when she talked about her experiences as a teenager, and she was much more talkative than usual.

"You were so happy when you were little."

Lin Weimin could imagine that those people must be very well-dressed when eating, with hair wax on their heads and maybe a pair of leather shoes. The woman wore bright evening makeup and looked elegant.

It might be hard to imagine in other cities, but in Shanghai in the 1950s and 1960s, this scene was real life.

Lin Weimin's unintentional words stopped Huang Anyi's words.

She looked at the shops on the street and suddenly realized that she and Lin Weimin had always been so different.

Lane 668, Huaihai Middle Road, was called Sinan Road intersection many years ago. Huang Anyi's home was in the lane. They both stopped in the garden at the entrance of the lane.

"We're here." Huang Anyi looked in the direction of the alley.

"I have known you for so many years, but I have never been a guest in your home." Lin Weimin said.

Huang Anyi's eyes were lowered, "There's nothing interesting to see. You're used to living in courtyard houses, so you probably won't feel comfortable going in."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Your refusal is quite blunt. Forget it if you don't invite me as a guest, then you can point me to the location of your home. After coming here once, I have to know where your home is, right?"

Huang Anyi glanced at him and asked him to come closer to her position. The two were very close, and the wind blew by, and she smelled a faint, reassuring smell.

She stretched out her finger, "Look, that balcony."

"The balcony with the flowers?"

"No, it's the balcony with the cat."


Lin Weimin glanced around and finally found the cat on the balcony.

"You raised it?"


Huang Anyi likes to raise cats. Lin Weimin remembers that Wen Neng, the editor-in-chief of "Flower City", went to Yanjing to organize a writers' gathering a few years ago. The topic she and Zhang Jie talked about most when they got together was the topic of raising cats.

"It's good to have a cat," Lin Weimin said.

He looked at the cat carefully again and asked, "Is your cat a little fat?"

Huang Anyi looked at Lin Weimin with a bad look, what's wrong with being fat? I didn’t eat your rice!

After all these years, this person still talks so annoyingly!

Looking back, Lin Weimin caught a glimpse of Huang Anyi's eyes.

"Look at you, I'm not talking about you."

"When you say it, you mean me."

"Okay, I apologize!"

After a not-so-sincere apology, Lin Weimin raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's already past nine o'clock."

He stretched out his hand towards Huang Anyi, "Okay, it's been delivered to the place, then I'll leave first. I'll treat you to dinner later when I go to Yanjing."

The two shook hands, Huang Anyi stood at the entrance of the alley

He walked a few dozen meters away, turned to look at Huang Anyi at the entrance of the alley, smiled at her and waved her hand, and she waved back.

It was early autumn and the night breeze was cool.

In her sight, the back figure under the moonlight seemed to have traveled through time and space, staying in the depths of her memory.

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