1980 My literary era

Chapter 916 No one is better than him

New Year's Day in 2000 fell on the weekend. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time off, but fortunately, we didn't have to take days off. For workers, it was either a loss or a gain.

This past December, the 1999 Nobel Prize award ceremony was held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

In the selection of this year’s Nobel Prize, the Physics Prize was jointly won by Dutch physicists Gerard te Hooft and Martinius Veltman; the Chemistry Prize was won by American chemist Ahmed Xavier Received; the Biomedicine Prize was won by American biologist Gut Blobel; the Economics Prize was won by Canadian economist Robert Mundell.

As expected, the Literature Prize was won by German poet, novelist, and playwright Günter Grass.

The results of the award were announced as early as October. Although he always made fun of Roger Strauss, Lin Weimin had to admit that the old guy was indeed well-informed.

According to Roger's information, this is the sixth time that Lin Weimin has run for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he can be called a "long-distance runner."

Since the 1980s, the annual Nobel Prize for Literature has always caused a certain response among the domestic literary circles and readers, and this year is no exception.

Since the early 1990s, domestic news about Lin Weimin's nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature and the possibility of winning it have been endless. However, in recent years, everyone has always held on to hope and ended up disappointed. Many people have gradually become accustomed to it.

From this point, we can also see the difference between the Nobel Prize for Literature and other heavyweight literary awards in the world. At least the Goncourt Prize, the Booker Prize, and the Strega Prize do not have this kind of attention.

For Lin Weimin himself, he has long been accustomed to this kind of attention, and he has never cared about whether he won the award or not. The days are still going on.

After New Year's Day, Mr. Wan fell ill, and Lin Weimin went to visit him alone.

The old comrade on the hospital bed looked gray, lacked energy and was very weak.

Lin Weimin put down his things, and Mr. Wan asked: "Guang, are you here? Why didn't the little girl come?"

Lin Weimin felt uncomfortable when he heard this. Why can't I come? Why treat them differently?


"A cold is just a cold. How many times can I see someone with this kind of physique?" Mr. Wan said with regret on his brows.

"I'll bring her to you once she recovers from the cold."

After hearing this, Mr. Wan smiled.

Mr. Wan's illness this time is not serious, but he is too old. He will be 90 after the Chinese New Year. He has underlying diseases. Coupled with the hardships in the past few years, any minor illness now may cause serious consequences. , so Lin Weimin had to be careful.

Lin Weimin sat beside the hospital bed and chatted with Mr. Wan.

As people get older, they always seem to be accustomed to recalling the past.

Mr. Wan also told Lin Weimin about the small white building where his family lived when he was a child. He was a young master from a wealthy family.

As he spoke, he warned Lin Weimin: "For children, don't expose them to those profound classics too early, as they won't have any good results. I think back to when I was a child, watching Ibsen and reading "Dream of Red Mansions" at home, It seemed specious, but when I read it again as an adult, those profound memories were full of errors, and it took a long time to correct them..."

"You're overthinking it. That girl can't read any classics. She doesn't even like to read short stories. Her motor nerves are very well developed."

"That means that she inherited her mother's good genes. She is so beautiful, so she must be like her."

Lin Weimin was unhappy, "What do you mean by that? If you look like me, you are not beautiful. If you look like me, you have both talent and appearance!"

Mr. Wan said: "Well... I can't say that I'm not like you. That monkey Jin who can't take any time off is quite similar!"

Lin Weimin was silent. He disliked me so much. Why did you accept me back then? Is this just to hit me now?

He decided to change the topic, "Tell me about the generous gentleman who taught you. Didn't he teach Yuan Datou's son? Please tell me in detail, and I'll pick a subject."

In Mr. Wan's childhood memories, Mr. Fang, who inspired him, is one of his most unforgettable people, and he can always bring it up every time he talks about the past.

"Mr. Generous, the one he taught almost became the 'Prince'. When he taught me, he often boasted about this to me.

He was living in the French Concession, loved collecting ancient coins, and had several concubines at home.

He had a problem. He didn't want to light a fire in winter, and he would sweat profusely as soon as the room got warmer. I later wondered if he admired the romance of the Wei and Jin Dynasties..."

Talking about past events, Mr. Wan was very lively and energetic.

At the end of the conversation, Mr. Wan said that he had started writing scripts, and Lin Weimin became a fan.

"No wonder you became a great playwright. Look at your master and the books you read when you were young..."

Although Mr. Wan was old and not in good health, he was not confused. He started to curse after listening to his words.

"Stop flattering me!"

Lin Weimin felt bored, but still smiled playfully.

A few days later, Lin Weimin brought the recovered bean bag to the hospital.

Mr. Wan immediately smiled when he saw the little girl, and he was completely different from when he faced Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin and his family stayed in the hospital for more than an hour, and Xiaodoubao reluctantly said goodbye to Mr. Wan.

It was the twelfth lunar month after Xiaohan, and Guowen Group was still busy with affairs. After the establishment of the group, although the responsibilities of various departments and subsidiaries became clearer, Lin Weimin's burden became heavier and heavier.

After being the leader for so many years, he has long understood that a single tree cannot make a forest. Things cannot be done by one person, so recently he has also been thinking about offloading some of his burdens.

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Lao Cheng resigned. Gao Xianjun, the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society, has also been working for half a year. He has not made any mistakes in his work and has been very dedicated. This proves that the choice of the editor-in-chief was not wrong. Now it is time for him to step aside as the president. It's time.

Lin Weimin's existence is a special case in the history of the Chinese Literature Society. He took up the post of editor-in-chief when he was barely thirty years old, and then became the president within a few years. If he did not retire, he would be like a big mountain pressing down on the people of the Chinese Literature Society. On the heads of young people with potential.

When a young man joins a society as an editor, he is the president; when he becomes a leader, he is the president; when people retire, he is still the president...

No matter what you do, at the end of the day, the president has nothing to do with you. Isn’t this blocking everyone’s upward path?

All in all, Lin Weimin has been working as editor-in-chief and president for ten years, and it’s time to make way for younger people.

It doesn't seem right to say that. The few candidates in the club are not even younger than him.

As the New Year is getting closer, a rumor suddenly spreads within Guowen Group.

Lao Lin is about to abdicate.

People in the company have always addressed Lin Weimin as editor-in-chief, president, and chairman.

But I don’t know since when, when everyone chatted in private, the title became Lao Lin.

Resigning is not retirement. According to rumors, Comrade Lao Lin is stepping down from his post as president of the Chinese Literature Society to focus on the management of the group.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately became the hottest topic in the Chinese Literature Society this year, and even the year-end bonuses and benefits were robbed of the limelight.

The most fundamental reason why everyone is so concerned about Lin Weimin's job changes is of course because of the changes he has brought to the Chinese Literature Society over the years as president.

The Chinese Literature Society has been established for more than 40 years, and it is almost fifty years ago. There have been many presidents, all of whom have outstanding talents and high moral standards. These people have played an important role in building the Chinese Literature Society from a rough road to the highest palace in the domestic literary world.

Lin Weimin is not the longest-serving president in the history of the Chinese Literature Society, nor is he the longest-serving editor-in-chief, but he is the leader who has brought the biggest changes to the Chinese Literature Society.

The changes he brought to the Chinese Literature Society were all-round, including book publishing and distribution, author discovery and training, management system reform, accelerating market competition, and the transformation of the Chinese Literature Society into an enterprise...

Thanks to Lin Weimin’s efforts over the years, the Chinese Literature Society has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Some old people may feel that today's Chinese Literature Society lacks the purity and humanity of the past, but they have to admit that today's Chinese Literature Society is indeed on a better, flatter and smoother road.

Thinking about the problem from another angle, if someone else was the editor-in-chief and president instead of Lin Weimin, would they do better than Lin Weimin?

This question does not require an answer. Everyone at the Chinese Literature Society knows it very well.

No one will do better than Lin Weimin!

Lin Weimin is about to step down from the responsibility of president. Who will become his successor? This is not only a matter of concern to the Chinese Literature Society, but also a major matter of concern to everyone in the Chinese Literature Group.

The pearls and jade are in front of you, but the tiles and stones are difficult to hold.

With the huge success that Lin Weimin has built for the Chinese Literature Society over the years, whoever is his successor will probably have unlimited pressure on his shoulders.

The gossip in the club spread for several days, and everyone was talking about it. The more the news spread, the more true it became.

This was not only because everyone was discussing it, but the more critical evidence was that Lao Lin started looking for someone to talk to.

Whenever there are personnel changes in the unit, leadership talks are an inevitable prelude.

This phenomenon undoubtedly strongly supports the recent rumors in the society. It seems that Lin Weimin will abdicate.

Lin Weimin found people to talk to, including several vice presidents, chief editors and secretaries of the Chinese Literature Society. Among them, there were two people who had the title of president of a subordinate society. The only exception was Li Xin.

Tongwen Society has a very special status within the Chinese Literature Society. It is different from other sub-brand agencies that just have a name. It is a subsidiary agency that actually has its own team and is comparable in strength to the Chinese Literature Society.

Li Xin, the president, does not hold the title of vice president in the Chinese Literature Society, and there is no need to do so in the eyes of everyone at the Chinese Literature Society.

After all these years, the name of the president of Tongwen Society is much more valuable than that of the vice president of Guowen Society.

After careful calculation, Lin Weimin found a total of six people to talk to. These six people seemed to be more qualified for the president. Everyone knew that the next president of the Chinese Literature Society would be born among these six people.

While the employees were discussing the candidate for the future president of the Chinese Literature Society, Lin Weimin began to interview several former presidents.

"The Chinese Literature Society is about to change its president, and the opinions of old comrades cannot be ignored."

Faced with Lin Weimin's high-sounding rhetoric, Meng Weizai almost spat "tui" in his face.

"Open your mouth and say 'Li Xin', you tell me this is asking for my opinion?"

"I finally understand. All your tricks are used to deal with us retired comrades."

"If you want him to do it, let him do it. Why do you force me to express my position? How many years have I been retired?"

"What's going on? If he can't convince the crowd, do you still have to call me out to stand up?"

After being scolded, Lin Weimin resigned himself to it.

"Look at what you said. I am doing this to unite comrades! That's okay, I understand. You agree with this candidate."


Lin Weimin was kicked out, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

The older the veteran comrades get, the more violent their tempers become, without any of the self-cultivation of veteran cadres.

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