1980 My literary era

Chapter 926 So proud

The illustrious first China Internet Conference has ended, but due to various operations of Guowen Group, the aftermath of the conference may continue for some time.

After being busy for several days, Lin Weimin was just about to take a break, but unexpectedly, he was called by Zhu Xiang.

It's nothing else, the main thing is to praise him in person.

Domestic reform is still in progress. There are many labor-intensive industries, but high-tech emerging industries like the Internet are scarce. Guowen Group is now investing heavily in the Internet field, which can be regarded as a good thing for the domestic business community. head.

After hearing the compliments but not getting any benefits in the end, Lin Weimin couldn't help but curse after he got out of the sea.

Why are leaders so stingy?

But no matter what, the movement of Guowen Group this time is big enough to rewrite the development history of China's Internet industry, and also affects the domestic economic reform process to a certain extent.

Time passed day by day, the aftermath of the Internet Conference gradually passed, and Lin Weimin could finally have a good rest for a few days.

This afternoon, he was reading a book in the office, and he was reading the new book "Bright Sword" released by Buhu Series in March.

This novel is similar to Xu Guixiang's "The Sky of History" in terms of character creation. It was enthusiastically sought after by readers as soon as it was released. The sales volume reached nearly 100,000 copies in the first month, and the sales volume climbed again to 140,000 copies in the next month. With 5,000 copies, it is another best-selling novel that has sold over one million copies.

However, compared with the popularity among readers, the critics' evaluation of this novel is not very good.

After Lin Weimin read the novel, he naturally knew why the critics disdained the novel. It was still a bit too popular and rough.

Since the 1980s, domestic literary creation has been booming and there are many readers. Even after the golden age of the 1980s, the domestic literature enthusiast group has lost a lot, but the number is still very large, but they are no longer what they used to be. So fanatical and dominant in society.

Compared with the changes in the readership group, the changes in the domestic critical circles, or the mainstream literary circles, are more obvious.

This circle is more closed and exclusive.

As an industry insider, Lin Weimin can clearly feel the current atmosphere in the literary world.

He couldn't help but think of the period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when domestic literary journals were springing up like mushrooms after a rain. Each journal would have a large number of literary enthusiasts submitting articles, but only a handful of them would be accepted.

A large part of the reason is that the quality of the manuscripts is indeed poor, but another very important reason is that some old editors with narrow literary aesthetics and rigid ideas occupy key positions. They are critical of the new styles and new works written by many young people. The techniques are scornful and do not give those young creators a chance at all.

There are not many senior writers and editors like Qin Chaoyang who are open-minded, have profound literary skills and are willing to support younger generations. Many creators of Lin Weimin's generation suffered such treatment back then.

Fortunately, the reform and opening up not only opened the door to the country, but also opened the door to the conservative literary world, giving many outstanding literary creators the opportunity to come forward.

Now more than 20 years have passed, and young editors and writers have become the mainstay of the industry. The atmosphere of the industry has not become more open and tolerant. On the contrary, it is not the same as those who held the right to speak more than 20 years ago. Like the old editors, they also began to define lofty terms such as "literature", "meaning" and "thought".

Just as he was sighing, the phone in the office rang. He answered the phone with a surprised smile on his face.

After hanging up the phone, he walked out of the Chinese Literature Society building and saw Lu Yao.

Lu Yao was still as chubby as before, but his energy seemed much better than before. Lin Weimin walked up to him and hugged him cordially.

"How come you have time to come to Yanjing?"

Lu Yao smiled and said, "Take your sister-in-law to Yanjing for a trip."

Lin Weimin was greeting Lu Yao just now, and now he said hello to Lin Dan, "Sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Dan responded to Lin Weimin with a smile.

"How far?"

"Going to school."

"Are you in college?"

"Not just going to college, I'm about to graduate."

Lin Weimin smiled and shook his head, "It's so fast. She has almost graduated from college in a flash, and our children are still in elementary school."

Lu Yao joked: "Who told you to marry later and have children later?"

After joking for a while, Lin Weimin pulled Lu Yao and his wife into the office.

The correspondence between Lu Yao and Lin Weimin over the years has not been frequent. In the past few years, it was one or two letters a year. Later, the phone became more and more convenient, so it was changed to phone calls. The frequency is still the same.

Although the two have not seen each other for many years, their relationship has not changed. When they met, they talked and laughed happily and were extremely warm.

Lu Yao completed the creation of "The Ordinary World" 12 years ago. This masterpiece took a huge toll on him. Lu Yao suffered from early cirrhosis due to his long-term irregular life and overtaxed creation.

Later, under Lin Weimin's persuasion, he put down his creative work and settled down to recuperate.

In these years, due to physical reasons, Lu Yao has never engaged in high-intensity writing. He mainly writes short stories, essays and reviews. The length of the articles is short, and the influence of the works is very limited.

He is now the deputy leader of the Shaanxi Literary and Art Association, and he usually devotes some energy to participating in the work of the Literary and Art Association. His work and life are quite fulfilling.

But every time I talk about creation, I always feel a little disappointed.

"I think I'm in good health now. It shouldn't be a problem to write a long novel again, right?"

When Lin Weimin asked this question, he glanced at Lin Dan. Lin Dan said: "Don't look at me like that, I didn't delay his writing."

Lu Yao waved his hand, "No, I can't keep up with the times. Looking back at the things I wrote in the past few years, I think they are realism, but they are too simple. And from time to time, I have to mix in some of my own opinions and comments. To be honest, I really admire you for having the courage to take the initiative and send things out."

"Hey, there will be a day when you admit that you can't do it?" Lin Weimin joked.

Lu Yao's character was affected by his poor life as a child, and he has extremely low self-esteem. If someone had low self-esteem as a child, he would probably be submissive when he grows up. But for Lu Yao, it's just the opposite. He has a flamboyant personality, and sometimes even a bit headstrong.

When Lin Weimin criticized him for spending extravagantly in life, he retorted confidently in order to offset his inferiority complex.

Lu Yao, who was born in 1949, happened to be the year he knew his destiny. His temples had turned gray early and he had a calm smile on his face.

"I'm no longer young, I don't have the energy anymore. Alas, the best times are over. Now if I try to write, I'm afraid it's just going to end the story and only make people laugh."

His words seemed indifferent, but they revealed the desolation of a hero in his twilight years.

Lin Weimin knows Lu Yao well. He is such a strong person. He devotes all his energy and life to creating every work.

But time will change everything, and the things he was once proud of have slowly fallen behind the times.

Instead of continuing to create mediocre works, it would be better for "The Ordinary World" to become a masterpiece.

The two chatted in the office for more than half an hour and agreed to have dinner at Lin Weimin's house in the evening. Lu Yao and his wife left first, walked around the street, and then went to Lin Weimin's house before dinner.

That night, Lu Yao and his wife were guests at the Shizhu Courtyard. Lin Weimin's house prepared a sumptuous dinner for the guests and the host.

After eating, Lu Yao had drunk too much. Lin Weimin originally planned to let the couple stay overnight, but Lin Dan helped Lu Yao and said that they had already booked a hotel, and Lin Weimin was not in a position to stay.

After sending Lu Yao and his wife back to the hotel, Lu Yao staggered after getting off the car, and Lin Weimin supported him hard.

"Slow down, slow down."

Most of Lu Yao's body weight was concentrated on Lin Weimin. His eyes were drunk and his mouth was full of alcohol.

"How wonderful would it be if I finished writing "The Ordinary World" and then be gone?"

Faced with Lu Yao's sudden drinking conversation, Lin Weimin was stunned for a moment.

Lin Dan helped Lu Yao and showed an apologetic smile to Lin Weimin, "I've been like this after drinking too much in the past few years. Don't take it to heart."

Lin Weimin nodded, "It's okay."

Watching Lu Yao and his wife walk into the hotel, Lin Weimin felt mixed.

After returning home, he sat alone in the study for a long time, then opened the document and continued to write the story of the man named Li Jianguo.

Over the past year or so, Lin Weimin has been busy with all kinds of things. When he started writing, he was already unfamiliar with the characters he wrote. He wrote, deleted, and deleted. After being busy all night, the cursor was still at the origin.

He sighed helplessly. There is a saying in the Liyuan industry: If you don't practice for one day, you will know it; if you don't practice for two days, your peers will know it; if you don't practice for three days, the outsiders will know it.

Having not started writing for more than a year, it is naturally very difficult to start writing again.

Although Lin Weimin was irritable, he also knew that this was the only way to go, and he had to be patient to find his creative touch.

It was originally a very happy thing to see Lu Yao today, but his drunk words when sending Lu Yao back to the hotel in the end made Lin Weimin feel extremely heavy.

"How wonderful it would be if I finished writing "The Ordinary World" and then be gone!"

Of course Lu Yao is not world-weary, he just hates the mediocre version of himself now. Even though he has a healthy body and a virtuous wife and filial daughter, he still can't make up for the regret in his heart.

Lin Weimin thought of what Mr. Wan always said to him.

A creator's golden age only lasts so long. If you miss it, what you write in the future will be unsightly.

Lu Yao knows his destiny this year, and Lin Weimin is already in his forties. How long will his golden age last?

Lin Weimin didn't know, but he had to hurry up.

A thought flashed through his mind. Lin Weimin felt his shoulders were a little sore. He got up and walked around in the courtyard to rest for a while.

Feeling much better, I returned to the study and continued to burn the midnight oil.

ten thousand years is too long, fight for now.

With his literary thoughts flowing and writing vigorously, Teacher Lin regained the passionate state of his youth.

Early the next morning, the father and daughter were languid in front of the dining table.

One is worried because yesterday’s homework has not been finished, and the other is because he went to bed too late last night and has not recovered yet.

Tao Huimin nagged: "Let me tell you what you want. How old are you? You don't care about your body at all. Do you still think you are a young man?"

Lin Weimin was unconvinced and said: "How old? I'm only forty, and I'm in great shape!"

"Come on, I don't know if you're in great shape or not?"

Lin Weimin hurriedly covered his daughter's ears. A woman in the age of a tiger and a wolf used words of tiger and wolf. Teacher Lin was more or less dissatisfied. Is this still the little white flower he was back then?

"After dinner, send her to school quickly. Neither father nor daughter can make anyone worry."

Tao Huimin finished her meal first, got up and left, and warned before leaving.

The father and daughter were left at the dining table, and Xiaodoubao couldn't help but complain: "Why do you always provoke her?"

"Why do I provoke her? It's obviously her who looks at me and doesn't like us both!"

Xiaodoubao held the bowl and took a sip of rice porridge, "Hey, do you think my mother is menopausal?"

Lin Weimin immediately became unhappy, "That's nonsense. Do you believe I can tell your mother?"

Xiaodou Bao drank the porridge in the bowl, ignored the old dog-licking father, picked up her schoolbag, and Lin Weimin hurriedly took two bites of rice to send her to school.

A few days later, Lu Yao and his wife came to the Chinese Literature Society again.

This time, the couple came to say goodbye to Lin Weimin. The couple spent almost a week in Yanjing, during which they met many relatives and friends. Lin Dan was an educated youth in Yanjing, and her marriage to Lu Yao was considered a second marriage.

Now that Yanjing and Xi'an are connected by air, Lu Yao and his wife come and go by air.

Lin Weimin sent the two to the airport, and Lu Yao patted Lin Weimin on the shoulder.

"Goodbye, Weimin!"


Lin Weimin looked at the backs of Lu Yao and his wife and said softly: "Goodbye, Lu Yao!"

I originally wanted to call the title "Goodbye, Lu Yao", but after thinking about it, I felt that the current title is more suitable for the Lu Yao I know.

If there is an afterlife, I hope you can still write about the peach blossoms and apricot blossoms among the mountains, rivers and valleys.

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