1980 My literary era

Chapter 930 Continuous Letters

Lin Weimin was disturbed from his sleep by his friends early in the morning. After saying congratulations, the group chatted for a while and had breakfast before leaving. Before leaving, they did not forget to urge Lin Weimin to treat him.

Today is Friday, and Lin Weimin still has to go to work.

When he came to the Chinese Literature Society, he accepted congratulations from his colleagues all the way from the hospital to the office. Everyone was happier than him, the client.

Colleagues even chased him into the office to congratulate him. Everyone had good intentions, and Lin Weimin naturally couldn't refuse them thousands of miles away. He responded to everyone's good intentions one by one. As he was talking, the phone on the table kept ringing.

Lin Weimin picked up the phone, and all of them were interview invitations from reporters.

The news that he won the Nobel Prize for Literature has spread. This is China's first Nobel Prize for Literature and the first Nobel Prize. The media cannot pay enough attention and publicity to it.

It is estimated that the media will continue to receive interview invitations within a month or two. Lin Weimin really did not have the energy to deal with these reporters and refused these invitations without hesitation.

Lin Weimin had been in the office for almost an hour and had done nothing else. Apart from accepting congratulations and blessings from his colleagues, he also answered phone calls. Most of them were reporters, and some were congratulatory calls from acquaintances.

He had just put down the phone when someone from outside said that a reporter came to interview him.

"Didn't I say I won't accept the interview?" Lin Weimin said helplessly.

"It's Li Xiangyang from Yanjing Youth Daily."

Lin Weimin asked someone to bring Li Xiangyang in, "What are you doing with me?"

Li Xiangyang spoke plausibly, "How can I be called a mess? It's impossible for you to not accept an interview after winning the Nobel Prize. You have to be interviewed anyway, and whoever picks it up might as well give me an advantage!"

Li Xiangyang's tone was like that of a flower-picking thief, and he regarded Lin Weimin as his prize. The two had been friends for many years. Although they were not close friends, they had a good relationship. Li Xiangyang had often stood up for Lin Weimin in the past. He came to block the door, and Lin Weimin returned the favor. It’s really hard to handle.

"You are also the editor-in-chief after all. Can you have some structure in your work?"

"I am a small newspaper, not a big group, so what structure do I want? Sales are the real thing!"

If this person is shameless, no one can do anything to him.

While the two were talking, the phone on the table rang again. Lin Weimin picked up the phone. It was the call from the head of the Cultural Association.

First he gave a warm congratulations, and then he proposed that the "Literary Newspaper" wanted to do an exclusive interview with him.

Lin Weimin thought about it in his mind. The phone call he just refused seemed to include an invitation from "Literary Newspaper". This meant that he was calling in for reinforcements.

Lin Weimin smiled and said a few polite words, and declined the other party's request tactfully.

"Did you see that? They are all invited for interviews. Those who accept you will not accept his. Aren't you asking me to offend others?" Lin Weimin said to Li Xiangyang while holding the receiver.

Li Xiangyang disagreed, "Are you still afraid of offending others?"

"Hey!" Lin Weimin said angrily, "Don't fool around with us."

The two chatted for a while, during which Lin Weimin received another congratulatory call from the leader of the department. As soon as he put down the phone, he received another call from the leader of the Rites Department. The content was also congratulatory, but at the end he made demands for Lin Weimin.

"Winning the Nobel Prize in Literature is a good thing. We need to promote it more, not only through domestic media, but also mainly abroad. This is also to improve our country's external image.

Don't be afraid of difficulties. What does this mean to you? It's just a matter of spending some time, and it's rare to win a world-class award. You can leave work matters to others first, which is also an opportunity for them to exercise. "

The leader put Lin Weimin on the high platform with a few words. He smiled bitterly and said: "You have said so, how can I refuse?"

"I know you don't like to be interviewed. The reason for making this request to you is not to promote the Nobel Prize, but for our external image. It is a critical moment to join the WTO, and we cannot miss any opportunity for external publicity. .This is also Zhu Xiang’s idea.”

The more he talked, the more he became angry. With such a patient explanation, Lin Weimin couldn't say anything else and happily accepted the job.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Li Xiangyang, who looked proud.

"Come on, hurry up and pull him down after asking." Lin Weimin acted like a technician who was running a clock.

Li Xiangyang got his wish and got Lin Weimin's first exclusive interview after winning the award. Not to mention the pride in his heart, he walked sideways before leaving.

When Lin Weimin was interviewed by Li Xiangyang, the phone line in his office was never disconnected. In addition to congratulations and interview invitations from all parties, many of them were acquaintances and leaders.

Lin Weimin handed over the job of answering the phone to his subordinates, just to congratulate him. He invited them to call one by one to register information, but the local media all refused, leaving only some relatively authoritative media.

This is not because Lin Weimin is just looking at what others are doing. There are actually so many media outlets that he cannot be interviewed by every one of them and must be screened. Since you want to screen, you must have conditions, and influence is naturally the fairest condition.

In one morning, my staff registered a total of 16 interview invitations from media that met the requirements, as well as 8 event invitations, all of which were relatively large-scale.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but have a headache when he looked at the list. This could cost his life.

Just when he was worried, another list was handed to him, "Chairman, these are interview invitations from several foreign media."

Lin Weimin was complaining in his heart. It was only the first day he won the award. Judging from the situation, he couldn't relax before the Nobel Prize was awarded. He was probably either being interviewed or on the way to be interviewed. Or he is either doing an activity or on the way to do an activity.

After doing some mental construction for a while, Lin Weimin finally accepted that he would waste the next period of time on these interviews and mental preparations for activities.

After completing the mentality change, looking at these lists will not be so uncomfortable.

Throughout the whole day on Friday, the phone calls in Lin Weimin's office never stopped, nor did his interviews.

In one day, Lin Weimin accepted interviews from four media outlets including CCTV, Yanjing TV, People's Daily, and Yanjing Youth Daily. His workload was full, and of course, his exposure was also full.

After get off work, it was only 15 hours before the Swedish Academy announced that Lin Weimin had won the award.

For most of the day, the news that Lin Weimin won China's first Nobel Prize for Literature spread throughout the country and became a hot topic of discussion among countless people.

That night, the news that Lin Weimin won the award appeared on "Xinwen Lianbo".

"According to our news, the Swedish Academy announced at 2:00 am today, Yanjing time, that the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Chinese writer Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin became the first Chinese writer in history to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The writer Lin Weimin himself accepted it Interview with our reporter, please read the details below..."

After the news broadcast ended, a picture of Lin Weimin being interviewed by a CCTV reporter appeared on the TV.

Lin Weimin can no longer remember how many times he has appeared on "Xinwen Lianbo". The picture on the TV is being played, and his wife and daughter are watching it with great concentration and concentration.

After entering the next news item, the mother and daughter stopped looking away and looked at the husband/father next to them, their eyes full of admiration.

Teacher Lin unconsciously raised her chest and raised her head, finally feeling like the head of the family.

"Dad, you are awesome!"

The innocent and innocent little beanbag was the first to express his attitude. He threw himself on Lin Weimin and kissed him firmly on the face, making Lin Weimin smile with joy.

Tao Huimin also held his arm, tenderly, "Hubby, you are so amazing!"

Lin Weimin became even more excited. He had not heard this comment from Tao Huimin for a long time.

While watching TV, Lin Weimin's phone rang at home.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but look solemn when he answered the phone. After listening to what was said on the other end of the phone for a while, he said seriously: "Thank you for your encouragement. I will continue to work hard to create better works."

After ending the call, Tao Huimin asked curiously: "Who is it?"

She knew that the phone call that made her husband behave like this was definitely not made by ordinary people.

"First in command!"

Lin Weimin only said one sentence, Tao Huimin was extremely surprised, and then became elated again.

Another day passed, and news about Lin Weimin winning the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature continued to spread, and various news in the media also increased rapidly.

"China Culture News" published a letter from the elders to the Guowen Group, congratulating Lin Weimin on winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000. The congratulatory letter stated: "Lin Weimin's winning of the Nobel Prize for Literature is not only a manifestation of the prosperity and progress of Chinese literature, but also a symbol of the prosperity and progress of our country." It is a reflection of the continuous improvement of comprehensive national strength and international influence.”

With the "Xinwen Broadcast" report, the top leaders' phone calls, and the elders' public letters, all walks of life across the country have received a clear signal that Lin Weimin's winning of the Nobel Prize in Literature has risen to the level of a national event.

The next day, "China Culture News" published a congratulatory letter from Lin Weimin, the current leader of the cultural department. The letter wrote: "Comrade Lin Weimin has successfully received great attention and recognition from the international community with his outstanding literary creation, and has also shown China to the world. The style of literature demonstrates the unique charm of Chinese culture, which is something that all Chinese writers and artists should be proud of."

On the same day, "Literary News" also published a congratulatory letter from the National Association for Literary and Art Circles to Lin Weimin.

"Since the 1980s, Comrade Lin Weimin has been at the forefront of the development of Chinese literature. His works are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and have continuously drawn nutrients from the destiny and struggle of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, forming a Its unique, diverse and distinctive style full of vitality has greatly expanded the imagination space, ideological depth and artistic realm of contemporary literature.

At the same time, his works are deeply loved by readers all over the world, have made outstanding contributions to the spread of Chinese culture overseas, occupy a very important position in the history of contemporary Chinese literature, and also have extensive and far-reaching implications for the history of world literature. historical meaning. "

For several days, multiple official statements pushed the fact that Lin Weimin won the Nobel Prize for Literature to the forefront of public opinion, attracting nationwide attention.

Reactions from political circles, literary and artistic circles, and intellectual circles were overwhelming.

The momentum is so strong that it far exceeds the impact of any of Lin Weimin's previous works, and also far exceeds the impact of Lin Weimin's previous award-winning experience.

The influence of the Nobel Prize in Literature is terrifying!

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