"Where did you come from, you country bumpkin? Don't you know that you have to pay management fees to sell things here? The pheasant and rabbit skins have been confiscated."

Walking up, one of the young men was about to pick up the pheasant hanging on the handlebars.

Chen Tiezhu remained calm and reached out to grab his wrist, "You are from the countryside, you don't know what the rules of our farmers' market are. But isn't it a bit too much to say that you will confiscate it?"

"Hey? You are so talkative, and you say one thing after another? If you don't know, can't you ask first? Today I will show you what the rules of the county are." After saying this, the young man wanted to pull his hand away and continue to pick up the pheasant.

But he shook it twice, but found that he couldn't pull his hand out at all.

"Old Third, why are you bothering with him?" Another young man next to him urged.

The young man called Old Third flushed and shook it twice again. Chen Tiezhu's hand was like a vise, holding it firmly, tightly, and painfully.

"Why bother? Leave a way out for others so that we can meet again in the future. It's not easy to beg for food outside, how about doing a favor? You should know that I'm a hunter." Chen Tiezhu said calmly.

"Well..., well..., what you said makes sense. But the rules cannot be broken. Forget it this time, next time you have to rent a stall in the farmer's market." The third brother blushed and said with a sullen mouth.

"Okay, thank you, third brother." Chen Tiezhu smiled and let go of his hand.

"Third brother..."

"It's nothing, it's not easy for fellow villagers to sell local products."

Another young man next to him wanted to speak, but was blocked by the third brother.

But he didn't dare to continue to argue with this game seller. The calm eyes, the kitchen knife flashing with cold light, and the pain on his wrist almost scared him.

He was now wondering if his wrist was broken. He felt that he was a very strong person because he didn't shout just now.

They came with a bang, but left quietly, which confused the onlookers.

Isn't this against the rules?

When did these two become so easy to talk to?

"Brother, a martial artist?" The middle-aged man who wanted to buy rabbit skin just now saw something.

"Just a farmer. Do you still want rabbit skin?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Yes, I want all four skins and this pheasant. I'll give you 11 yuan to make friends. When you sell skins in the future, you have to think of me." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Okay, if I meet him, I will definitely sell it to you first." Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

The middle-aged man looked like a fur trader. He originally wanted to ask him about the market of ginseng, but he suppressed this idea.

Take your time.

"Doudou, let's go shopping." With 42 yuan in his pocket from selling game, Chen Tiezhu was confident.

"Dad, is the shopping delicious?" Doudou asked curiously.

"Hahahaha, I'm going to buy you new clothes." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

After that, he carried Doudou on his bicycle and rushed directly to the state-owned shopping mall.

Behind the tall counter, there were a wide variety of goods, from household appliances to needles and thread, everything was available.

Where is little Doudou?

This was the first time in my life that I came to such a high-end place, and my big eyes were not enough to see.

Chen Tiezhu felt that he had come to a good era, a good era for making money.

"Comrade, how much is that little flower jacket for my daughter?"

When he came to the counter, Chen Tiezhu asked.

"The child is growing, it's better to buy a slightly larger one, so that she can still wear it next year, ten yuan." The salesperson said with a smile.

Although the father and daughter are now in the same style as when they fled, they still have to be treated seriously.

But after hearing her offer, Chen Tiezhu was a little stunned.

"Comrade, the cotton used here is first-class, very warm, and not expensive." Seeing that he didn't say anything, the salesperson explained.

"Buy it, you must buy it, it's really cheap. How much is that little hat?" Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"This is velvet, a little expensive, one dollar and sixty." The salesperson brought the velvet hat over.

"Buy it, you must buy it." Chen Tiezhu nodded vigorously.

The feeling of getting a bargain came up in his heart again.

He felt that buying it today was definitely a good deal.

If this were put in the future, if you want to buy children's clothes for your daughter, you have to add a zero to the current basis and then double it?

"Buy, buy, buy, ah, ah, ah..."

After paying the bill and taking the cotton-padded jacket and hat, Chen Tiezhu shouted excitedly. Ignoring the strange looks from the salespeople around me, I started shopping with Doudou in my arms.

Today’s main topic is buying, buy, buy...

Three yuan for a pair of small cotton shoes with velvet? Eight yuan for a large one? One pair for each!

Two sets of autumn clothes and trousers, Great Friendship, Colorful Flowers, Seagull Shampoo, China Toothpaste, Beihai Soap, Panda Washing Powder...

Anyway, he bought everything that Doudou could use and some necessary daily necessities.

"Is this person a bad person? He seems a little mentally ill."

"I shouldn't, maybe he got rich suddenly."

"You know what, he looks pretty, but a little sloppy."

"Then take him home to clean it up."

"Sister Liu..."


Watching the father and daughter's crazy shopping, the salespersons also gathered together to discuss.

Chen Tiezhu didn't care about these things. In his opinion, he really made a profit by buying them.

He bought so many things and spent a total of 31.38 yuan. It must be said that Doudou spent more money on these new clothes.

Especially when he saw Maotai at 12.8 yuan and Wuliangye at 8.3 yuan, he was a little slow to walk.

When I have money, I will definitely buy all the good wines here...

Where is Doudou?

His little mouth was full of joy.

He has changed into new clothes, so warm and beautiful. He also put on the big friendship, which smells so good...

After sweeping the state-owned shopping malls, he took Doudou back to the farmers' market.

Pork at 1.7 yuan? Cut a pound and take it home for Doudou to eat.

Refined salt at 1.5 yuan a bag? Buy it.

Soy sauce at 1.5 yuan? Fill a pound.

Vinegar at 1 yuan? Get a bottle.


After shopping around the farmers' market, the last stop was the grain store.

Nowadays, grain and oil are not sold as casually as in later generations. When people in the city come to the grain store, they can take grain with their own grain or buy affordable grain according to the quota.

He was no longer the only one who could bargain. He could accept the price being nearly 10 cents more expensive.

Although he could slowly look for it in the town, it would be a waste of time.

If he had the time, he could go to the mountains to hunt rabbits and pheasants, wouldn't it be nice?

For him, time is money.

After buying these, he went to the hardware store and spent 1.7 yuan to buy a butcher knife and two small brushes.

Hunting in the mountains is very dangerous. If you don't have a self-defense weapon, it's not safe.

Even if there was only 30 cents left in his pocket, he was happy in his heart. At least he could live happily with his daughter.

"Dad, dad, smell it."

On the way home, Doudou sniffed his little hand and raised it up.

Chen Tiezhu lowered his head and sniffed, "Oh my god, why is my daughter so fragrant? I have to smell her carefully when I get home."

Doudou was so happy that he would be a sweet Doudou in the future, and no longer a dirty kid.

"Doudou, when you get home today, dad will cook you fragrant white rice." Chen Tiezhu rode his bicycle hard.


The little girl nodded her head happily.

For her, today was really a happy day.

Chen Tiezhu was also happy, he saw the happy days in the future waving at him.

But when he returned to the front door of his house, he was stunned.

A chopped-off rooster head was placed in front of his front door, and the door was also splattered with blood.

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