"Why are you looking at me like that? Old He, you are also in the same business, how long do you think it takes to set bones? An hour? Is that still setting bones?"

Looking at their looks, Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes.

"This... definitely doesn't count." Old He nodded seriously.

"So, let's finish it quickly and go drink." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It's just because I'm afraid that the broken bones will cut the blood vessels. It's actually very simple. First tie it up and cut off the blood supply, use the fastest method to move the broken bones, and then reposition them after the blood supply is restored. Isn't that the end of it?"

"Do I need to get involved with the rest of the filming and plastering? But brother, I personally suggest that you don't move for the first half of the month if you can."

"No matter how busy you are at work, it's best to stay in bed first. After all, as the body moves, even if the arm is hanging, there will be a force pulling."

"The rest depends on Lao He and the others. Prepare some good prescriptions for internal and external application. If you don't mind the trouble, knock off the plaster every now and then and massage the arm appropriately to help the circulation of qi and blood."

"In this way, the muscles will not atrophy too seriously, and the subsequent recovery will be much faster. If you are worried, Lao Lu, arrange another operating room as a backup, it will definitely not be used."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." Lu Tianlin responded and ran out directly.

"Mr. He, is everything ok?" the middle-aged man asked hesitantly.

Mr. He smiled and nodded, "Just now I judged others by myself and felt that this job was very difficult. In fact, it is really not a big deal in Xiao Chen's hands."

"Just think of him as a smart man, if he is not sure, he dares to take such a big responsibility? Don't worry, let's go directly to the ward."

After hearing his words, the middle-aged man looked at Chen Tiezhu with a little apology.

"Yingzi, look at this person, what kind of family does this person come from? Think about that yellow fly, what is it?" Chen Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Don't worry, I don't take it to heart. It's normal for you to worry, after all, it's your father lying in bed, and this job is really difficult."

The middle-aged man didn't know what to say, this young man seemed to be a little familiar.

Following Mr. He, we came to the high-ranking cadre ward of the provincial hospital. This is the real high-ranking cadre, which is much better than the one in the county.

A comrade in his fifties was lying on a hospital bed, with a slightly crude external fixator on his right arm.

"You must be Comrade Chen, don't have any psychological burden." The leader nodded with a smile.

"Okay, since you've said so, I really don't care. Zhenwen, take the fruit here back. The leader can't eat much, give it to Doudou, just as a consultation fee." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

"Hahahaha, it's just such a small consultation fee, isn't it a loss?" The leader was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

"What's the loss? It's just like that. What's the matter? No anesthesia, want to tough it out?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"I've learned from them that although local anesthesia is very safe, it basically does not affect the healing of fractures. But there are some cases, so I want to try it, okay?" The leader asked.

Chen Tiezhu thought for a moment and nodded, "Normally, it does not have much effect on memory, wound recovery, etc. But if the dose is too high, there should still be some effect."

"Then I will try to be as quick as possible, Zhenwen, come and help remove the external fixation, and then put on the tourniquet. I will also check briefly to see if there are any changes in the film taken with you."


Han Zhenwen nodded, and then took care of it.

"I heard from them that you are going to try to grow mushrooms in the north, and even promote it?" the leader asked.

"Yeah, I have this idea. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother the leader to give Professor Xu the green light, because I lack the technology." Chen Tiezhu nodded frankly.

"I am a sycophant. You said I couldn't do it, but I still wanted to try. How can you know if something will work if you don't try it?"

"Just like the leaders, they also chose to trust a young man like me. It can't be said that their considerations are wrong, but they don't have the skills like me, so they dare not try."

"In fact, if Lao He is bolder, he can also do it. Not bad, although this external fixation device is a bit crude, it works very well. The broken bones have not continued to shift and the blood flow of the arm has not been affected."

"Before, I had to work hard to distract the patient. You are so good that I don't even have the opportunity to show my ability. You are calmer than me. Zhenwen, put on the tourniquet and slowly increase the strength."

"Anyway, I have to suffer this pain, do I need to bite something?" The leader asked.

"Then bite something, after allIt still hurts. It's really amazing. I'm not flattering you. I still don't know what kind of leader you are. "Chen Tiezhu asked casually.

"Then you're not curious?" The leader asked in surprise.

"No, we are not related at all. You think more about the people, which is also taking care of me." Chen Tiezhu said.

The leader frowned, which made others nervous.

"Brother Chen, do you think this is okay with the hemostatic tape?" Han Zhenwen asked.

Chen Tiezhu touched the leader's wrist, "Tighten it a little bit, don't have any concerns, the leader is also a human being, and he needs to be treated when he is sick. "

Han Zhenwen hurriedly added some strength.

This time Chen Tiezhu not only felt the pulse of the wrist, but also felt the broken bone of the leader's arm.

Whether it was He Lao or Lu Tianlin, they stared at him with their eyes wide open, and their hearts were hanging.

Although they had fought for this result, whether Chen Tiezhu could do it or not depended on the next operation.

Now they were watching closely, but they were not only worried about the situation that might happen next, but also concerned about Chen Tiezhu's technique.

"In fact, the edema at the fracture site is still a bit serious, but it's nothing, just bite something and start to operate it. "Chen Tiezhu said.

The secretary beside him hurriedly handed over a new towel, and the leader bit it directly in his mouth without caring about his image.

But after watching for a while, Mr. He and Lu Tianlin looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Chen Tiezhu clasped his hands together at the fracture site, and only used his fingers to reset it, with the thumb playing the main role.

But his fingers bounced back and forth too quickly, and this technique was really unheard of.

What's the key point? He didn't use his eyes to see, but closed his eyes.

This means that he was completely relying on the touch of his fingers to correct the bones.

"Okay, one step at a time, untie the tourniquet. Put this thing on again, take a film, and I'm going to eat too. "

Just as the two of them put their attention back, Chen Tiezhu had already stopped.

"This..., it's done? So fast?" Mr. He asked in disbelief.

"Well, it's done, let's do it this way for now. Actually, it would be fine to just apply plaster, but you are worried. I took the fruit away and gave it to my daughter. "

After Chen Tiezhu finished speaking, he took the fruit bowl and walked out in big strides.

He was so confident and calm that the people in the room didn't even have a chance to react.

Five minutes?

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