The next morning, after Chen Tiezhu crawled out of bed, he first took a close look at his daughter's face and hands.

Under the new formula of Great Friendship, Colorful Flowers, and Space Spring Water, there was indeed a very significant effect.

The skin on her face and hands had already started to break, and it was all small pieces.

You can't tear this thing easily, otherwise it will tear a hole and it can only fall off naturally.

After breakfast, he took Doudou directly to the county.

Even though it was cloudy today, he was still excited while riding his bicycle.

He was indeed a little confused when he was just reborn, but now he has a new goal in his heart.

He has to let his daughter enjoy happiness, and everything else is secondary.

"Yingzi, what are we going to do today?"

After rushing to the county bureau, Chen Tiezhu went directly to the household registration department.

"Doudou is cold, right? His face is red. You too, why are you so careless? Why don't you wrap Doudou's scarf around your neck?" Han Xiuying said unhappily.

"Stay by the heater for a while, so Doudou can get warm. Here are some documents you need to fill out before you can do the following things."

She had given up on correcting this guy's attempt to get close to her. He's just a two-faced person, if you take it seriously, you'll lose.

I really feel sorry for Doudou, having such an unreliable father.

Chen Tiezhu took the materials and took a quick look. Han Xiuying had already filled in the required parts, so he only needed to sign his name.

"Write carefully, don't..., um..., it's okay, put your fingerprint on it."

Looking at Chen Tiezhu's neat signature, Han Xiuying couldn't continue.

She was quite puzzled, why did this guy write so beautifully? Although it was just a simple name, it looked strong and powerful.

"Yingzi, how much money can you give me then?" Chen Tiezhu asked casually after pressing his fingerprints.

"Just thinking about the money? This needs to be actually evaluated by the people of the Agricultural Science Institute. They have to see how big the mushroom house you build is, and then calculate the cost and do the calculation." Han Xiuying said.

"Let's go over now. They have more detailed information. But for specific technical guidance, it seems that people from the Provincial Agricultural Science Institute have to come down."

"Well, I'll listen to you. Whatever you say is what it is. Will you come to my house to eat in the evening? I'll make you something else delicious." Chen Tiezhu said casually.

He said it casually, but it was a bit unbelievable to others. Although the other comrades in the Household Registration Section were very "busy" now, they also pricked up their ears.

What happened yesterday? Obviously, today is different.

"Don't talk about unnecessary things? Don't you have to cut your hair first? You're catching up with the long-haired Tartars." Han Xiuying said fiercely.

After saying that, she also picked up her coat and put it on.

"Well, I'll listen to you. Whatever you say is what I'll do. Then cut your hair first. Will you come to my house for dinner tonight? There's a wild rabbit. Let's stew it at home."

Chen Tiezhu asked cheerfully, and took out a strand of Han Xiuying's hair that was wrapped in her coat.

Just like that, the air in the entire household registration department seemed to freeze, and everyone stopped what they were doing.

What did this guy do?

How dare he touch me?

"Eat, eat, eat, you just think about eating. Doudou, let's go." Han Xiuying, who had reacted, glared at him angrily, picked up Doudou and walked out.

"Comrades, you've worked hard. When my project is ready, I'll send you mushrooms." Chen Tiezhu greeted the people in the household registration department cheerfully.

Han Xiuying, who was walking in front, was so worried. Why was this guy so familiar?

After they walked out, the rest of the people in the household registration department realized that a comrade had poured water into a teacup and it had also spilled all over the floor.

They came to the outside of the county bureau and, under the guidance of Han Xiuying, came to a barber shop.

The front was a bit shabby, with glass on the upper half of the double-door and wood on the lower half, and some paint peeling off.

The so-called signboard was just a piece of plastic cloth with a red background, with the white words "Wang Gang Barber Shop" on it. On the window next to it, there were four big red words "Male and Female Barber Shop".

"What are you looking at? Are you reading faces? Come in."

Seeing that he was still looking at the door, Han Xiuying urged him, still angry.

"Hehehe, this is not a proper haircut." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.


Han Xiuying muttered, and walked in with Doudou in her arms.

Chen Tiezhu, who followed in, was really surprised. Only when you are there can you feel the real sense of the times.

Two old-fashioned barber chairs, a razor sharpening cloth hanging on the side, and a mirror hanging opposite.

Five big red characters are written on the mirror: "Serve the People".

There is no heating in the room, but there is a standing stove, the furnace tube extends obliquely to the window. It is very hot, making the room very warm. There is a kettle sitting on it, and hot steam is coming out of the kettle.

The terrazzo floor under my feet also has traces of time.

"Which comrade wants a haircut?" A barber in a white coat asked with a smile.

"I want to do it, what is the price?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"One dollar for a first-level haircut, eighty cents for a second-level haircut." The barber said, and brought cigarettes and magazines to Chen Tiezhu.

"Thank you, I don't smoke. Give me a first-level haircut, and I will be energetic and energetic." Chen Tiezhu said.

Now I understand, it is equivalent to the difference between a small worker and a big worker. According to the standards of this era, there must be a special grade above the first grade, which is probably the level of Mr. Tony.

"Comrade, what kind of hair do we want? A middle part or a slicked back hair? It's good to have a slicked back hair with some hair oil." The barber asked.

"Or you can get a perm. There are also young people in our county who get their hair permed. It's not expensive, five yuan. In their words, it's fashionable now."

"Hahahaha, we don't need to be fashionable." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"My daughter is so old now. Comrade Han from my family said that I look like a long-haired Tartar. So, let's just have a buzz cut. That's it."

"Okay, then we'll listen to the madam. Please, let's wash our hair first." The barber also laughed.

Although he didn't know why this young and beautiful public security comrade followed such a poor man, it was not his concern.

Han Xiuying, who was holding Doudou, was almost mad with anger. Why did she get married without knowing it?

And became the madam?

If he wasn't holding Doudou, he would have kicked him.

The barber picked up the kettle on the stove and poured hot water into the water tank. He opened the cold water and hot water valves at the bottom, adjusted them, and then waved to Chen Tiezhu.

"Master, are we contracting this ourselves? Just one person?" Chen Tiezhu asked casually.

"Well, we got the contract this year, and one person is enough. It's also to make more money. Although it's more tiring than working in a state-owned barber shop before, it's worth it." The barber said with a smile.

"But it's amazing. It's good to have a skill. You can make at least ten or eight yuan a day." Chen Tiezhu said with emotion.

This is the impact of the spring breeze of reform. Even if it's not very big in this small county, it still exists.

"Hey..., it's just hard-earned money, and I have to help my son get married. Comrade, your hair is a bit wasteful of shampoo." After washing for a while, the barber said with emotion.

"It's just that, and no one usually cares about it." Chen Tiezhu said a little embarrassed.

Hearing his words, the barber turned his head and looked at Han Xiuying with a strange look.

Han Xiuying was stunned. Is there anyone who cares about him? What are you doing?

But what can I do? I was completely cheated by this guy today.

"Okay, sit on the chair, let's start cutting hair." The barber said after washing and wiping his hair.

After Chen Tiezhu sat down and put on a scarf, the barber also picked up the clipper, dripped some oil on it, and started to cut it.

"Master, should we sharpen this clipper?"

After cutting for a while, Chen Tiezhu grinned and said.

"Sorry, it's just winter, and there are many people coming to get their hair cut. The oil was not applied in time, so it's a bit pinched." The barber said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, just cut it like this." Han Xiuying next to him spoke.

I feel very happy, and I have avenged my great vengeance. Seeing Chen Tiezhu grinning from being pinched, how can I be so happy?

Chen Tiezhu did not dare to say anything, because he was worried that Han Xiuying would personally shave his head with a clipper.

The short hair is the easiest to deal with. After the haircut, Chen Tiezhu felt that his head was much more refreshed.

The shaving chair was put down, and the barber took a brush and dipped some soap foam on his face. The warm feeling was very comfortable.

Then he picked up the razor, picked up the razor cloth, sprinkled some corundum powder, and sharpened the razor with a click.

The sharp blade scraped on the face, and the feeling was even more comfortable. The electric shavers of later generations could not compare at all.

This one dollar was well spent.

After shaving, he went to the sink next to him to wash it. After washing, the barber took the turbocharged aluminum shell hair dryer and blew it "buzzing", and that was the end of the job.

"Yingzi, should we go to the Agricultural Science Institute?"

After paying the money, Chen Tiezhu, who was refreshed, put on his military coat and asked casually.

But he found that Han Xiuying didn't say anything, just stared at him.

Long hair, beardThe slovenly Chen Tiezhu looked very sloppy, and he was also the long-haired Tartar in her words, the kind that made people angry just by looking at him.

Now that he had shaved his head and face, his eyebrows were as cold as a blade, his face was firm, and his nose was strong. He seemed to have become a different person.

Hmm..., he was quite handsome, and his face seemed to be shining...

"Yingzi?" Chen Tiezhu called again.

"Ah? Oh, nothing, let's go."

Han Xiuying's pretty face turned red, and she responded randomly, then walked out holding Doudou, with a slightly messy step.

She also hated herself for not living up to her expectations. What kind of fangirl was she?

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