"Tiezhu, what is this heart tamponade? Is it dangerous?" Director Hu asked hurriedly.

"Zhenwen, explain to Director Hu what pericardial tamponade is, and give your judgment basis." Chen Tiezhu said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Me? Oh, it means that there is fluid in the pericardium. It will cause acute circulatory failure in patients, such as decreased blood pressure, respiratory distress, distended neck veins, cyanosis, pale complexion, etc., and it is very easy to die suddenly." Han Zhenwen was stunned and said hurriedly.

"Judgment basis." Chen Tiezhu continued to ask.

"The patient is currently sweating a lot, with a weak pulse, difficulty breathing, pale complexion, distended neck veins, increased heart rate, low and weak heart sounds, and distant heart sounds. It is judged to be traumatic pericardial tamponade." Han Zhenwen said hurriedly.

"Countermeasures." Chen Tiezhu asked again.

"Heart, pericardial puncture." Han Zhenwen stuttered a little, and had a very bad premonition in his heart.

"Have you done it?" Chen Tiezhu asked happily.

"Brother-in-law, stop it. I've never done this before. I've only seen it done once in the emergency room." Han Zhenwen almost cried.

Just now, he felt that Chen Tiezhu asked him so many questions in detail, maybe he wanted him to do it.

But no matter how brave he was, he would never dare to do such an operation.

This was like just learning to walk, and then his family told him that he could go to the Olympics and win glory for the country.

"Ridiculous, too ridiculous. Even in the operating room of a hospital, doctors without very experienced doctors dare not do pericardiocentesis." The white coat outside shouted.

"Your reckless operation will not only fail to save the patient, but will directly stab the patient to death. Can you bear such responsibility?"

"Director Hu, if you, as the highest-ranking person on the scene, don't stop it under such circumstances, I will complain to my superiors."

"What are you shouting about? I'm not deaf." Director Hu glared at him, with an angry look on his face.

"So what if I have a high position? I can't treat diseases. Director Fang, this matter is left to you to make a judgment. It's useless for us outsiders to say anything."

He was very annoyed with this white coat. What kind of person is he? He is so good at making trouble.

The comrades around him also looked down on this white coat.

The doctors in the family have said that this heart blockage is prone to sudden death, and you are still whining here. If you don't care about him, he will definitely die.

"Director Hu, I choose to believe in Teacher Chen's judgment. Fortunately, we also have a puncture kit in our medicine box. Zhenwen, you do the operation and I will disinfect." Fang Zhiyong said calmly.

"Zhenwen, this is the difference between you and Lao Fang. As a doctor, don't panic no matter what situation you encounter. If you panic, will the patient panic?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"This puncture is actually very simple, just like picking a blister. It is better to do it on the left than on the right, down than up, outside than inside, and straight than oblique. You must have learned it before."

"I..., I..." Han Zhenwen was speechless, and sweat was pouring down his forehead.

I have learned it before, but I have never really practiced it. This is not practicing with a mold, this is to pierce the heart of a living person.

Han Zhenwu, who came over, was also very worried, and was sweating for his brother.

"Let me ask you another question. What puncture method did this patient choose?" Chen Tiezhu asked again.

"He..., he... just had a thoracotomy, and sitting down is definitely not an option. Choose a semi-nest position and puncture below the sternum." Han Zhenwen said eagerly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just do it. Lao Fang has already marked the position for you. Right... Just hold the puncture needle like this, and don't shake your hands. Why are you being so sissy?" Chen Tiezhu said.

Listening to Chen Tiezhu's voice, the man in the white coat had a mocking smile on his face.

Just do it, and kill someone. I want to see how you will explain it.

"How heavy is this needle? You can't even hold it steady with such a small amount of weight? Right, that's good, isn't it? Downward, backward, toward the midline, insert the needle at a 45-degree angle to the abdominal wall, and it's done?" Chen Tiezhu's voice came out again.

"Slow down, be steady..., did you clip the soybean in vain? Did you forget the negative pressure suction? Otherwise, how would you know where you pierced? Well..., just like that... slowly, slowly draw, isn't that it?"

"Oh my God, Director Hu, the blood is really drawn, and the blood vessels on the neck are not so bulging anymore."

"Oh my God, this is amazing."

"Director Hu, our county hospital has a capable person."


Several public security comrades in the inner circle also turned their heads to look, and after seeing the blood drained out, it wasReally not calm.

They also heard the white coats outside, and they felt that Director Hu was right to criticize him.

The serious doctors were all here thinking about how to save people, but he was just outside making sarcastic remarks.

Where are the patients who can't be saved?

What happened?

Director Fang and Doctor Han saved him twice in a row.

"Tiezhu, is it really okay?" Han Zhenwu asked hurriedly.

"Brother, brother, brother, brother..., I, I did a pericardiocentesis, I..., I did it." Han Zhenwen's excited shouting came from inside.

"It's okay, look at how beautiful I am. I was shaking just now, like an old lady in her seventies or eighties." Chen Tiezhu teased.

"Hehe, an old lady is an old lady. Is this drainage okay?" Han Zhenwen asked.

"Okay, send them to the county hospital for further examination. After all, we are doing on-site surgery, and we need to clean and disinfect them after we go back." Chen Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, I have decided. I will choose cardiothoracic surgery in the future." Han Zhenwen said excitedly.

"That's your business. What does it have to do with me? What else did you forget?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"What did you forget? Did you forget anything?" Han Zhenwen asked in confusion.

Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for your help. If you didn't help us hold the cotton coats, our two operations would not have been so smooth." Fang Zhiyong spoke.

"Yes, yes, thank you guys." Han Zhenwen added.

Although the people responsible for holding the coats did not speak, they all showed bright smiles on their faces.

"Director Hu, all the injured can be transferred."

After the suspects were simply bandaged, Chen Tiezhu walked out.

"Okay, Tiezhu, thank you." Director Hu nodded seriously.

"Director Hu, let's take our own car."

"Director Hu, if there is anything, we can ask Director Fang to deal with it."

"Director Hu, let us join in the fun."


The rest of the wounded were also helped by other comrades to come over.

"A bunch of little bastards, just love to join in the fun. Take whatever you want, and treat them well." Director Hu said.

"Director Hu, also arrange a car to take me back, so that I have fulfilled my mission today." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"I will drive you back myself. Zhenwu, are you going to the hospital or back to the village?" Director Hu asked.

"Let's go back to the village, let Monkey go by himself, who made him injured." Han Zhenwu said with a smile.

"Captain, why are you so cruel? Brother Tiezhu, can you make some sick food for us when the time comes?" Monkey asked with a bitter face.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'll send you there in the afternoon. When you get to the hospital, listen to Director Fang. After you're done, lie down on the bed and wait for me to bring you food." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Tiezhu."

The wounded responded in unison.

"Okay, Chaoyang will stay to deal with the aftermath, and the rest of you get in the car." Director Hu waved his hand.

These people started to act with smiles on their faces.

From beginning to end, no one even looked at the white coat of the municipal hospital.

Not to mention these people, even the people who came with them felt very uncomfortable.

You just went against them, and now you're done for, right?

You have no merit or honor, and you're still despised by them.

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