"Professor Xu, Secretary Qiao, I am the contact person of our county bureau's poverty alleviation team." Han Xiuying gently lifted the hair beside her ear.

"Our bureau attaches great importance to Chen Tiezhu's mushroom planting project this time, and I mentioned it when I talked to you. Now I have cooked a pot of half-cooked rice. Do you still need me to communicate with the leaders of your Academy of Agricultural Sciences?"

After saying that, she glared at Chen Tiezhu in a very hidden way.

Because she found that when she was talking, this guy's eyes became wet again.

"Professor Xu, you are here to guide the work this time. As for the impoliteness of some comrades, I will not pursue it." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile, with a very generous expression.

The gold-rimmed glasses were very angry.

But Han Xiuying brought up the leaders of the academy, so he couldn't speak now.

"The two problems we are facing now are that the time for my project to be promoted is inappropriate. The other is that the competition for scientific research funds in your Academy of Agricultural Sciences is very fierce." Chen Tiezhu continued.

Professor Xu nodded somewhat embarrassedly.

He really wanted to promote the mushroom cultivation project in the north, but the early promotion work was not very smooth. The competition for the remaining limited funds was also very fierce.

"Mushroom cultivation is originally a kind of change, a change to the natural growth environment." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"The weather is cold, so it is impossible to make the culture medium completely ferment? Can we dig a hole in the ground, cover it with a board, and light a fire under the board to increase the temperature?"

"It's a fool's dream. How large an area is needed? How to solve the temperature of the upper space?" The gold-rimmed glasses finally caught the opportunity.

"Why are you so stupid? Can't you cover it with plastic cloth? Sunbathe during the day and cover it with curtains at night. Tsk, you are still an officer of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, but you really don't do anything." Chen Tiezhu curled his lips.


"Comrade Chen Tiezhu, you can consider this method." Professor Xu interrupted Officer Qiao's words and suddenly became energetic.

"It's very hard work. In order to raise the temperature, you have to come here often to light the fire. And you have to turn the culture medium in such a humid environment, which is very hard work."

"Professor Xu, if you want to make money, you can't bear such a little hardship, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"And I saw that the recommended fungus species in your information is Agaricus bisporus. I think this is wrong from the root, so your edible fungus cultivation has been promoted for so long, but it's not very good."

"Arrogant and ignorant." Secretary Qiao said hatefully.

"Tiezhu, you should say less and study how to grow mushrooms." Han Xiuying also stopped him.

"Comrade Chen Tiezhu, why do you say that? Because we have accumulated a lot of experience in Agaricus bisporus cultivation." Professor Xu frowned and asked.

"Comrade Xu, this is actually a very simple truth. Agaricus bisporus cultivation is very successful in the south, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Professor Xu nodded, this is beyond doubt.

"I would say it's not possible here, mainly because people here have no interest in eating Agaricus bisporus at the moment," said Chen Tiezhu.

"And we don't have any channels to export Agaricus bisporus to foreign countries. This is the right thing to do. Your information is well written. You grow Agaricus bisporus in such and such places, make it into canned food for export and earn foreign exchange, and help local farmers get rich."

"Do we have that channel? Who can we earn foreign exchange from? No matter what we grow, the main sales channel at present is to eat it. So if I grow mushrooms, the edible fungi I want to choose are fresh mushrooms."

"I don't have much education, and I don't know what the real name of this thing is. But I think no matter what project we promote, we have to adapt to local conditions."

"After we have accumulated a certain amount of mushroom planting experience and we have a very solid foundation, we can consider trying other edible fungi planting projects."

"At that time, if there is an opportunity, we can also consider exporting to earn foreign exchange. Don't you think this is the truth?"

"Comrade Tiezhu, it's really enlightening. You woke me up. It turns out that I have taken such a long detour." Professor Xu said with emotion.

"You are too kind. You are a person who is devoted to research, otherwise you would not come to guide us, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

He felt that Professor Xu was a real researcher. He was completely different from the one with the gold-rimmed and slicked-back hair.

He respected people like Professor Xu from the bottom of his heart. Because there were very few such people in his previous working environment.

"The promotion of a planting project depends on theThe input and output of this project. "

The gold frame on the side spoke again.

"I have also learned about the situation in your county. Even if you grow mushrooms successfully, how much do you think you should sell them for and how should you sell them in the future?"

"The per capita income in your county is very low, and the number of urban population is very small. How many people can afford to spend such a high price to buy mushrooms? Why not buy meat?"

After saying this, the gold frame became complacent again.

Because he grasped the pulse, you have to hit the snake at its weakest point.

How could you waste the funds here? It will be a mess no matter what you say.

Listening to the words of the gold frame, even Han Xiuying and He Jianguo were a little shaken this time.

This is indeed a problem.

Chen Tiezhu looked at the gold frame with an idiot look, "I said you are stupid, are you really stupid? If I can't sell them all in the county, why can't I sell them in the city or the province? ”

“Old Xu, the work level of your comrades in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences needs to be improved. If you let them go out like this, how will people see them in the future?”

“Also, I also think that although your project is taking the path of promoting agriculture through science and technology, your path is also wrong.”

Listening to his words, He Jianguo rubbed his face with both hands.

Why is Zhuzi talking so suspensefully today?

He is a professor, why are you giving him guidance?

“Comrade Chen Tiezhu, please enlighten me.”

Instead, Professor Xu said it very seriously.

“Just think about it, the difficulties of growing mushrooms are one after another. Our Academy of Agricultural Sciences has the technology, why can't we clear all these obstacles in advance?” Chen Tiezhu asked back.

“For example, here we are all dry fields, and there are few people raising cattle. It takes a lot of effort to find this little bit of cow dung and straw. Why can't we consider other alternative materials? ”

“We have corn cavities here, can’t this thing be used as a culture medium? And the mycelium inoculation, does it also require very harsh conditions?”

“Then why can’t you provide both the culture medium and the strain? Have you not thought about this, or have you thought about it but haven’t had time to study it yet?”

“Yes, yes, yes, you are right. Comrade Tiezhu, please tell me about it.”

Professor Xu was overjoyed, took Chen Tiezhu’s hand, and sat directly on the straw pile.

The man with gold-rimmed glasses was dumbfounded, what happened?

Han Xiuying and He Jianguo were also dumbfounded, not knowing how it turned out like this.

“Comrade Han, it should be Professor Xu who gave us guidance? Did he do it the wrong way?” He Jianguo asked everyone’s question.

“Uncle Jianguo, I don’t understand it either. "Han Xiuying said with a wry smile.

"It's bad, it's bad, Uncle Jianguo, the second master is injured and bleeding a lot..."

At this time, a villager ran out from the back door of Chen Tiezhu.

Before he finished shouting, Chen Tiezhu "whoosh" jumped out like a gust of wind.

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