"Brother-in-law, your behavior today is really brave."

Han Zhenwen, who was driving, said on the way home.

"There is nothing we can do. If we are not brave, they will not treat bean buns as dry food." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"This time they obviously came to mess with Gao Xiaoguang with a purpose. Anyway, there is nothing good to deal with. It is better to have a good time with them."

"In the past, I always thought about using my own funds to develop the enterprise as much as possible. I don't ask for a big development, just enough to get by. What's the point of a bicycle?"

"But now it's not possible. I am a real person in the world and I can't help myself. No matter how humble I am in the future, they will come to me from time to time to make trouble."

"Although there will be no administrative troubles at present, in the operation, There will be a lot of stumbling. Many people's jobs will not consider for the unit, but they are actually for themselves. "" Because of such exquisite self -interest, many people will use their power to do whatever they want. "Basket." "Hey, I think, now they should also laugh at you." Han Zhenwen said happily. "The joke is a joke, what is there? Said "Hum, a little cat, how much do you want to eat? You have eaten in one bite. I also made a picked elbow for you alone, and I would eat it tomorrow." Chen Tiezhu said. In fact, it's okay to go out for a walk with dad occasionally. There are many delicious foods, and it's the kind that you can eat casually.

"We have almost finished eating in the village. Let's go to the county these days. The barbecue restaurant and hot pot restaurant are about to open, and we have to go there to show our support." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Dad, is that the fragrant mutton?" Doudou asked curiously.

"Of course." Chen Tiezhu was happy.

"When we get home, dad will make some room in the refrigerator, and then prepare some fragrant mutton, and save it for Doudou to make cumin mutton, okay?"

"Yeah, cumin mutton is also fragrant." Doudou nodded his head.

"Brother-in-law, when will the new car you bought arrive?" Han Zhenwen asked.

"How should I know? This thing has to wait for notification. There are too many uncertainties. Anyway, there will definitely be one for me and Xiao Zhou, so it doesn't matter." Chen Tiezhu said.

This is also a very helpless situation. After all, the current logistics channels cannot be compared with the latter, and the controllability of orders is also very strong.

"My dear sister, what are you doing?"

Han Zhenwen shouted as soon as he came home.

"What are you shouting about? Are you and your brother-in-law making trouble in the county again?" Han Xiuying said helplessly.

"Hehe, a little trouble. Let me tell you, my brother-in-law is so domineering and terrifying that he even put his hand into his stomach." Han Zhenwen said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and heat up the dishes you brought back. Dahei, go and call the second master and grandfather to come and eat." Han Xiuying said.


Dahei responded and ran out with his tail wagging.

"Hey..., it's been a while since I came back, and the little animals at home are so powerful. Look who I care about." Han Zhenwen said, and began to stare at the little animals at home.

Little confused kid?

No, this guy is very picky. He won't let anyone hold him except Doudou.

Little leopard?

No, this guy is not picky, but he is quite destructive. He still wants this set of clothes.

An Dahan? Silly roe deer?

Forget it. Gou Shengzi is better.

After selecting the target, it picked up Gou Shengzi.

But Gou Shengzi turned his head and looked at him with disdain.

"What are you looking at? I'll give you meat later." Han Zhenwen said helplessly.

"With your poor acting skills, how can my Gou Shengzi not see it?" Chen Tiezhu curled his lips and started to heat up the dishes.

"Have the problems of the machinery factory and the breeding farm been solved?" Han Xiuying asked.

"All solved. It's just a matter of funds." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"We can use the stone as collateral, and it won't be difficult for President Zhao to do it. It's only temporary anyway. Once we deal with the current situation, it will be easy later."

"That's good. Let's pack up quickly.Once I'm well, I can get back on track sooner." Han Xiuying nodded.

"By the way, brother-in-law. You said that the dogs let me hold them and I often feed them, so why don't you treat me as a family member? I have to take the stone back to my sister before I can take it out." Han Zhenwen asked very dissatisfiedly.

"How long have you been in this family? Who has the final say in this family? They know everything." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Ah..., my status has plummeted. "Han Zhenwen said distressedly.

There was really nothing he could do.

When he just came back today, he planned to take the stone away by himself.

Who would have thought that as soon as he opened the cabinet door, the little animals in the house surrounded him and stared at him.

What else could he do?

He could only close the door and go for help.

Otherwise, he was worried that if he really took the stone out, he would definitely be pressed to the ground by this group of people.

But after his sister came back, she just did whatever she wanted, and the little animals didn't even look at her.

I only knew that these little animals in the house were smart, but I didn't expect them to be so smart.

While he was talking, Grandpa Han and the second master also strolled over.

Han Zhenwen had time to show off, and he vividly described the surgery today.

"Wow, can it be done like this?"

After listening, Grandpa Han asked in surprise.

"It is indeed possible. In the past, we just took a flap for transplantation. The injury this time was quite serious, so I buried my hand. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then it is a precedent again?" Erye asked happily.

"I really don't know about this matter, and we have to wait a month to know whether it will work or not." Chen Tiezhu said modestly.

"You are so beautiful. Dandan called and said that the car you bought has been shipped to the provincial capital. She called our house, but no one came, so she notified Xiao Zhou first." Han Xiuying said.

"Uh..., it's here now?" Chen Tiezhu was stunned for a moment.

Just now I was talking about this with Han Zhenwen, who would have thought it would be here?

Sure enough, there is really a lot of room for manipulation when it comes to orders.

Of course, this is also another time for him to enjoy the taste of power.

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