"What did Manager Chen say? Is there a cap?"

"Yes, that's what he said. What does it mean? You can earn as much as you want?"

"That's not possible, right? You can't earn more than the workshop director, right?"

"It should be possible, right? Isn't it said that Manager Chen is a very powerful person? How can he lie?"


The discussion below gradually became louder and reached the rostrum.

"Manager Liu, did Tiezhu talk to you?" Gao Xiaoguang asked in a low voice.

"County Magistrate Gao, Manager Chen did talk to you. If we proceed according to our plan, some of these people will really get very high salaries." Liu Da nodded.

These people looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing this, wondering what the gourd was selling.

"Okay, everyone has discussed it for a while, so let me talk about it."

After everyone discussed it for a while, Chen Tiezhu picked up the microphone and spoke. The scene became extremely quiet again.

"In the past, when we were doing business, we also had salary and bonus. But the bonus was not so clear." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"So in the future, everyone's salary will be very clear. You can even calculate how much at the end of the month."

"In the future, our bonuses will not be called bonuses, but business commissions, which is a name specially changed for everyone's work. That is to say, for every product you sell, there will be a fixed commission ratio."

"Let's make an analogy. In the future, if you sell a scalpel, you will get a commission of 10 cents. If you sell a ton of feed, you will get a commission of 2 yuan. If you sell a pack of toilet paper, you will get a commission of 10 cents."

"Let's say this, in the future, your bonuses will also be It is the business commission, which is linked to your business. The more you sell, the higher the commission will be. "

"And each company will carefully calculate the sales standard. If a comrade has strong business ability and exceeds the task, then at different sales levels, the commission rate of the extra part will be higher. "

"For example, if you are a salesperson at a feed factory, the basic sales volume this month is five tons. Then you work hard, open up a new market, and sell twenty tons at once. "

"The commission rate of the extra fifteen tons is higher than Your basic five-ton ratio should be high. Then once you are happy and sell fifty tons at once, reaching a new height, your commission ratio will go up another level. ”

“So I said there is no upper limit, which is not bad, right? Because we are growing in a step-by-step manner. You can do as much as you can.”

“At the same time, each company will also provide a certain degree of support for your sales business. For example, your travel expenses will be reimbursed and settled in the same month, without arrears.”

“For example, after the factory has accumulated a certain amount of funds, We will provide transportation for everyone. Basically, it's a motorcycle, which is more convenient. "

"The corresponding promotional materials, each person's exclusive business card, etc., will be prepared for everyone. Because when you go out, you represent your own company, and the company must support you."

"And when we go out to do business in the summer, we will give you cooling fees. When we go out to do business in the winter, we will give you coats. We have to do the work, but we can't make everyone suffer."

"Pa pa pa pa..."

The applause rang out, this is the happiness from the heart.

Gao Xiaoguang was very emotional in his heart. Under the premise of excellent products, these people worked hard to sell them, how could the company's benefits be bad?

"Okay, the happy things are over, let's talk about something unhappy."

After the applause subsided a little, Chen Tiezhu spoke again.

"Here I want to remind you that future sales business can bring you high wages. But everyone should also avoid risks in advance."

"In other words, in our sales process, no illegal means are allowed. Including but not limited to direct or indirect bribery."

"Once discovered, not only will it be dealt with seriously and the business commissions paid will be recovered, but you will also face criminal responsibility because you are committing an economic crime."

"Then some comrades said, why are you so fierce? Why do you care how we sell? Isn't it over if we sell it? This is to create benefits for the factory. Isn't it good to make more money?"

Listening to his words, many people nodded subconsciously, and they really thought so just now.

"In fact, it is normal to have such thoughts, because you think more from a personal level." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile"I just said that when you go out to sell in the future, you will represent our company. The company must support you and help you with your sales as much as possible." "Then when you do something illegal or disciplinary in the process of sales, people will not think of you, but the company you are in." "After such a situation is exposed in society, the problem will be very serious. Because it affects our reputation, no matter how good our products are, no one will be willing to buy them." "They will think that the reputation of our products is gained in this way. If the reputation of a company is ruined, then it is not far from ruin. Think about it, isn't this the truth?" "Each of our employees is inseparable from the company. It is precisely because of so many employees of different types of work that such a company is formed." "Raising everyone's salary distribution standard does not mean that everyone only looks at money and blindly rushes sales, no matter what means are used. "We want to hit the world, and we have to hit it positively. Do we do it? Let ’s take a righteousness in the world and the right. At that time, we must also have a righteous ticket." The means of sale are not the same, and then slowly summarize in the future. "" The next goal is the cafeteria. What he didn't expect was that all of them stood up and clapped.

Not only those sitting below, but also Gao Xiaoguang and the factory managers on the rostrum.

What he just said was really inspiring.

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