Chapter 29: Break up

Lai Jie still hasn't enough staff, and he has lobbyed almost everyone. In the afternoon, Liu Ye's workshop door was knocked.

"What is it?" Liu Yan raised his eyes.

Deng Changhe's expression was a little embarrassed. After a while, he said, "They asked me to ask what you meant."

"Sit down." Liu Yan signaled, "What did Lai Jie tell you?"

Deng Changhe was silent until Liu Ye said, "You know my temper, just go out without saying so, don't waste time."

Deng Changhe said: "Lai Jie said to many people ... if we don't help to save people, he ... can't send a signal to ask for support, so ... the rescue team will never come until he confirms that Xi'an City and There are no more survivors in the surrounding area. Xie Fenghua said that he heard him speak seriously to Meng Yun ... "

"Say what?" Liu Yan asked incredulously.

"Say: 'I ask you on behalf of the military and the people'" Deng Changhe sighed.

He looked up at Liu Ye, and Liu Ye said, "Isn't Wen Qige already joined? How many people does he have?"

Deng Changhe shook his head: "Either I go, plus you and Mongolia, Zhang Ye and Wen Brother, everyone follows him ..."

"No," Liu said, "I'll talk to him."

Liu Yan packed his things and went downstairs. In the flower field, Lai Jie was playing with an empty syringe and holding a stack of test papers in his hands.

Another tube was used, Liu Ye frowned slightly, who was it?

Lai Jie politely raised his hand to touch Liu Ye's face, and asked, "have changed your mind?"

Liu Ye avoided it without a trace: "What do I need, let's say, who did you give the vaccine to? Have you recruited someone again?"

He walked to the back of the car, and Lai Jie immediately lifted a foot and stopped him: "Don't go in, someone is resting."

Liu Yan: "Who is it? I think I have the right to know."

Lai Jie smiled slightly. He was different from Zhang Huan and Meng Yan. He had the charm of a mature man. His skin was dark, his body was well-proportioned, and he was thin but not weak. He is only four years older than Liu Ye, and speaks, but seems to have gone through a lot.

His hair is short and he likes to laugh, but he is more prodigal than the polite and cheerful, sunny Zhang Mu.

"It's a hero." Lai Jie said, "One day after I die, he will be the new captain of the Hurricanes. With the captain, the establishment will never be cancelled."

Liu Yan was quiet for a long time, and then he said, "Give me the vaccine too, you win."

Lai Jie said: "No. You have to go to the high seas. General Meng Jianguo gave a death order. All college students, scholars, scientists, professionals in the professional field. Whether it is humanities, economics or natural science, you must go there to concentrate."

"You are the objects of key protection. We live to protect you, and you are the motherland's tomorrow."

Liu Yanmei said, "I can't join you?"

Lai Jie smiled, with a deep meaning in his smile, and shook his head, and then said: "You figured it out, I'm very moved. The previous words were just to make you play, and it was enough to be confused, he will connect you Work together. "

Spring breeze everywhere, flowers bloom, Liu Ye stood in the middle of the bright flower field, and sighed.

April 4, 2013.

We organized a quick break and comprehensive search of Xi'an.

Meng Yue did not say about his vaccination, and I did not ask. The participants in the battle included me, Zhang Ye, Cassia, Meng Ye, Wen Qige, Deng Changhe, Lai Jie, and his two teammates.

Lai Jie is very powerful. He has worked out hundreds of battles and worked out a detailed route. And they have ample reserves of explosives and ammunition on hand, and even micronuclear bombs.

This can only play less than 10% of his role, but given it to me, how can it be wasted?

I modified the details of the bombing and annihilation, and repeatedly improved the bomb, so that the metal ball robot could go to the lead to avoid another situation where Rie Jie was captured by the zombies.

We blew up nearly a hundred-story high-rise buildings, created a landfill with an area of ​​50,000 square meters in the center of Xi'an, destroyed millions of zombies, and finally set fire to the fire. Go down the north wind.

Lai Jie covered the entire city with a life detector for a carpet-like search. This new research product entrusted to him by the military can effectively receive satellite signals and then communicate in real time to form a complex map network. From the heights, Meng Yan and Zhang Huan glided through the dense area of ​​zombies and bombed down. We took the mighty crowd and brought people to the highway from the rain.

More than 3,000 people are alive in Xi'an, Yan'an, the banks of the Wei River, and even Xianyang.

They are either hiding in the ground or hiding in remote and isolated mountains. Most of them are willing to follow us, while a small number of rural residents are determined to stay.

Lai Jie tried to persuade them, but still left some people who did not want to leave.

At a glance at the invisible team, everyone was crying. Lai Jie got out of the car and walked with them. While comforting, he told the refugees that "the country has not abandoned you."

They gathered outside the town of Yongwang, and people from all directions came. Hu Rong cleared up all the food, removed the plastic sheet from the greenhouse, and distributed it to the refugees to shelter from the rain.

They settled temporarily in the fields, in the wilderness, in the woods, and by the river. Everywhere we saw there were people, and everyone was crying.

Especially when Rie Jie climbed to the top of the signal tower and placed the signal transmitter.

Spring rain continued, Lai Jie wetly climbed to the top of the signal tower, and everyone on the ground looked up.

He patted a magnetic device on the tip of the signal, and the sound of gurgling was small, but the sound of rustling rain came clearly.

"The hurricane team called the headquarters, the hurricane team called the headquarters ..." Lai Jie stood in the rain and said holding a communicator.

"Received at the headquarters, Xiaojie?" A soft female voice said, "You are still alive, congratulations."

Lai Jie smiled tiredly: "I'm getting fucked, report the work, the tasks in Xi'an have been completed, a total of 3,375 survivors and 69 scientific researchers, please ask the headquarters to send a rescue team."

Female channel: "Tough work, Captain Lai, the next wave of ammunition supplies and supplies will be sent with the rescue team. Please prepare a written report of the detailed process and return it to Wu Shuangshuang. The Flying Dragon team was annihilated during the rescue process in Henan Province. Wu Shuangshuang will be transferred back to the headquarters to form a new team. Forty-eight hours later, the rescue team will soon arrive. Good luck, Captain Lai Jie. "

Hanging over there, Lai Jie nodded, lying on the ground, wet hair hanging on his forehead, looking at the gray haze sky.

That night, there were thousands of bonfires in the wilderness, and the residents of Yongwang Town spontaneously distributed hot water and food. The priest walked through the crowd, comforting the survivors one by one.

No one sleeps. I don't know how long it has been before dawn; it's too long before it's dark.

Liu Ye didn't move any parts and equipment—these could not be taken away. He sat in a daze at the table, but Meng Ye never returned. He was responsible for taking people for the final patrol to avoid waiting for the rescue team in the days. What's wrong?

It was dark and bright, and light and dark. The rain lasted for several days, and it never seemed to stop.

In the evening Meng Yun didn't come back to spend the night. He moved a chair downstairs and sat smoking. Just like the night when he and Liu Ye went to the army separately many years ago.

The third day:

"Liu Ye." Meng Ye said, "I have a few words to say to you."

Liu Ye nodded and followed him out of the flower field.

They passed through the moist wilderness, through the crowd waiting for hope in the rain, the sky seemed to collapse, so close to the vast earth, as if the next moment would be heavy down.

The wooden sign in Yongwang Town faded slowly in the rain, and the water ticked down on the ground.

"Feng Hua." Wen Qige came over in a military uniform.

Xie Fenghua squatted in the flower field and shoveled the flower soil.

"Are you going to join the Hurricane team?" Xie Fenghua got up and said, "Come on, smell brother, you will definitely survive."

Wen Qige nodded and said, "Thank you, I'll show you a magic trick."

Xie Fenghua laughed, smelling and singing with a flower petal in her left hand, and rubbed her hands together gently, and then separated, countless petals fluttered out and landed in the dirt.

Zhang Huan was standing in the rain with an umbrella, and Cassia was wearing a black sweater and shorts, a white scarf around his neck, looking up at the sky, and the clear sky reflected the helicopter team in the sky.

The sound of the rattling spiral wings sounded, and the people waiting on the ground began to stir.

Hundreds of helicopters flew towards the wasteland outside Yongwang Town in the gray-blue rainy day, and Lai Jie shouted, "Don't be crowded! Wait in line to be quarantined! Come in order, do n’t move any name! Do n’t move! I will call you when I get there! Now roll call! One by one! Everyone can survive! We will not abandon any one! "

Meng Yan stopped, Lai Jie raised his hand in the distance, signaled that he didn't need to come to help.

He lowered his head, looking at the grass where the military boots had stepped on his footsteps, and slowly walked along the river bank into the white birch forest.

"Liu Ye, let's break up," Meng Ye said.

Liu Ye didn't speak.

"You will live," Meng said.

"How about you," Liu Yan asked back.

Meng Yan said: "I have been vaccinated and have to follow Lai Jie, the next stop is the Central Plains area."

Liu Yan: "I know, when you are resting behind the car, I am talking to Lai Jie in front."

Meng Yun: "I have heard it all the time. You are always like this, isn't it better to be stupid sometimes?"

Liu Ye didn't speak, the rain dripped on him, he suddenly felt very cold and cold.

Meng Yun: "Look at the tombstone here."

Liu Yan: "What do you want to tell me?"

"I brought you here in the first place, I just wanted to tell you." Meng Yun's low voice was as usual, but with more commanding tone and resolute courage that he could not resist in the past: "In this world, there is no one who can't live without anyone who leaves. reason."

Liu Yan closed his eyes tiredly and stretched out a hand, but Meng Yan took a half step back to prevent him from touching himself.

"I thought you would hug me." Liu Yan opened his eyes.

"No," Monson said, "I dare not touch you again."

Meng Yun stared at Liu Ye's eyes. He didn't dare to touch Liu Ye any more, even he didn't dare to hold his hand, otherwise the faith that he had managed to build up would be shattered as soon as he touched him lightly.

Liu Yan turned to look at the two tombstones. Meng Yun said, "His wife is dead, and he has lived for many years."

"I understand." Liu Yan nodded. "I understand."

Meng Yun said, "We all live for ourselves, okay. I wish you a happy life and realize your ideals."

Liu Ye looked at Meng Ye and found that his eyes were red-exactly the same. In the narrow, rented house, Meng Ye said the same thing.

"I also wish you a happy life and realize your ideals." Liu Yan said gently, turning around.

Suddenly they seemed back to a year ago, and within a short distance, they were crossing a door that could never be opened.

Meng Yun turned and left.

When Liu Ye walked out of the birch forest again, he saw the residents of Yongwang Town go to quarantine in turn. Each large military helicopter can carry nearly two hundred people. A doctor at the rear of the helicopter uses electronic instruments to detect the fugitives and inject serum antibody.

The partners who had fled for nearly half a year were hugging each other and saying goodbye.

"I still love you, Liu Ye." Meng Ye said: "But you don't have to wait for me, after all we have broken up."

"I won't wait for you." Liu Yan turned and said.

Meng Yun sighed and stared at the ground. His side face was handsome, but compared with a long time ago, it seemed to have a different temperament—the temperament of a soldier. Born to be useful, chase your dreams and realize your feelings.

One side of the balance carries his love, and the other side bears the pain of having to give up in order to make this love go further.

"Liu Ye!" Hu Yan shouted.

"He will go with you," said Meng Yun. "Hu Yan, come on."

Hu Yan nodded and went to get the vaccine. Zhang Huan stepped forward and hugged Meng Huan fiercely. The two shook in the rain.

"How about you, dear." Meng Yun laughed, scratching his face with his mitten fingers: "Listen to your dad, there is a panda."

"Oh." Cassia said, "Goodbye."

"You will survive." Zhang Huan said, "Meng Yun, take good care of yourself."

"You too," Meng said. "Goodbye."

Liu Xuan stood far away, and Meng Xuan in his sight said goodbye to his friends, until only one of him remained in the rain.

Meng Yan looked down and looked at the ground, looking lonely and strange.

"Let's go!" Lai Jie said, "The first batch, the second batch of personnel are ready!"

"Departure of No.1 ..." The sound of the broadcast sounded, the propellers turned one by one, and more than 20 military helicopters were started. The wind-like air swept the entire Caohai Sea, and the sound was deafening. before.

"It's your turn!" Lai Jie shouted.

The last person in Yongwang Town got on a helicopter, and Meng Min pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket and gave it to Wu Shuangshuang who left with the rescue team. Wu Shuangshuang took it away and passed Liu Liu's side and said, "Go, Go quarantine. "

The last helicopter was still not fully seated. Zhang Huan fastened the seat belt to Cassia. The personnel in the rear compartment were seated on both sides, and all members of the hurricane team came to see him off.

"Liu Ying!" Lai Jie shouted, "Thank you for your help! On behalf of all those rescued here, I sincerely thank you!"

Liu Ye replied, "You're welcome, I should do it." He got on the helicopter, Li Yan, and Wen Qige came to salute them.

At that moment, Xie Fenghua screamed, unfastened the seat belt and rushed out of the cabin, shouting: "Li Yan——!"

Li Yan shouted suddenly: "Feng Hua! Why are you here!"

Xie Fenghua burst into tears and flew into his arms. The two cried with headache in the wind.

"Don't say more!" The front cabin driver shouted, "come up, what's wrong?"

Liu Ye immediately noticed, and yelled, "Wait a minute! Let them say a few words!"

Wu Shuangshuang said: "That girl ... is Xiaoyan's girlfriend?"

Liu Yan shook his head and said blankly: "I don't know ... he has been here for several days and has never met Feng Hua. God, this is too cruel ..."

Xie Fenghua and Li Yan hugged tightly, crying and screaming.

Lai Jie said in a violent wind: "Okay, we are about to leave! Xiaoyan! Let go of him! Otherwise the helicopter will leave!"

Xie Fenghua said: "You must come back alive ... Li Yan ... I wait for you ..."

Li Yan cried: "I knew you were still alive! I knew it! You are alive!"

"Go up!" Lai Jie shouted, "It's going to take off! Wu Shuangshuang, take her up!"

Wu Shuangshuang unfastened her seat belt and half-embraced her on the springboard. Xie Fenghua cried to death and shouted, "Li Yan! You must come back!"

"I will!" Li Yan shouted in the wind: "Feng Hua, I love you—"

The last helicopter left the ground with a roar. Liu Ye looked out from the rear hatch. Li Yan stood in the wind and rain, with his back facing him in the distance.

He didn't even turn his head, but Liu Ye knew his mood, just like he is now.

The rear cabin door closed slowly, and Xie Fenghua's tears drifted in the wind.

The helicopter turned around and flew to the east, across the devastated earth, and into the vast sea.

Xie Fenghua sobbed softly, leaning against Ding Lan's arms, and yelled, "I'm very content to see him again ... Unfortunately, I want a child ... like Li Yan ..."

Liu Ye said, "Are you stimulating those of us without uterus?"

As soon as that sentence came out, the whole cabin laughed, Xie Fenghua burst into tears and laughed, the heavy atmosphere eased a lot.

"Someday we will meet again." Liu Yan said: "philosopher, come on."

Outside Yongwang town, Meng Yun's tears struck his face, he raised his hand and glanced at the diamond ring on the ring finger.

On the plane, Liu Ye looked at the crimson dusk and the fiery red sunset outside the window.

"Call the headquarters, call the headquarters." Wu Shuangshuang said in the communicator.

"Received at headquarters." The woman's voice sounded.

"Here is Wu Shuangshuang, a hurricane support team member."

"Lieutenant Wu Shuangshuang, please report," the girl replied.

"During the search and rescue process, we found the son of Major General Meng Jianguo, a member of the K3 veteran team, Meng Yue, and Sergeant Meng Yue asked to return to service. He was accepted by Lai Jie, joined the hurricane team, and a letter asked me to forward it to General Meng. "Wu Shuangshuang said.

Female voice: "Please wait, please ask the United Front for you."

After a long period of silence, the female voice rang again: "Obtain the superior's instructions. Your sixteenth transport plane will change course and stop at the United Front of the Sixth District. Please keep your letters, Lieutenant."

"Changing places?" Zhang Huan asked, "Meng Huan is the general's son?"

"The father of the tiger has no dogs." Wu Shuangshuang smiled in his eyes: "Jiao Jie explained just before the departure. Let you go to District 6, where the conditions are better than the other refuge centers."

April 7, 2013.

I think Meng is going crazy, and cannot let him face the unknown danger by himself.

Lai Jie said that Meng Jianguo's death order, all surviving technicians must go to the high seas rescue center to report. But I think there must be something in them, and they also lack mechanics.

Without a mechanic, their equipment cannot be used to its fullest.

I have to go back and go back to Meng Yan. I want to talk to his dad.

Meng Jianguo must love his son. As long as he can sit down with him and say a few words, everything will be easy.

I won't wait for you, bewildered, because I will be back with you soon.

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