Two or three days passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Zhang Zitong recovered very well and was able to go to the terrace on the middle floor of the hospital to relax and enjoy the scenery.

Although the police and the hospital have tightened security around her, she still needs policewoman Tian Tian to accompany her throughout her outing, so she only went out once in the past few days because she couldn't hold it in any longer.

Compared with her gradual improvement, Zhang Xixue's condition is very worrying. It has been so long and there is no sign of waking up.

The doctor said that although his vital signs have been completely stable, the unknown toxins in his body are really difficult to remove. They can only rely on some recent new technology to slowly wear them away. It may take at least a week or more than half a month to completely remove the toxins. .

As for whether Zhang Xixue can wake up during this period, it can only depend on "God's arrangement."

At this time, on the garden terrace on the middle floor of the hospital where patients can move, Yan Muyun was sitting on a bench looking down at his phone. There was a new message on it, which was sent to him by the police.

The previously seized doll "Ye Meng" has been found to have almost no electronic devices in its body except for cameras in its eyes and a small sound generator in its mouth.

To put it simply, except for these aspects, "Yemeng" is actually no different from those silicone "dolls" on the market - this may not be too rigorous. Its body material, alloy skeleton and mechanical structure are still more expensive than those cheap products. Much higher end.

But that’s about it.

No one knows how this thing is driven. In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that science cannot explain the category of supernatural powers that are extremely common today.

The manipulator behind this puppet also left a record with the police for the first time, codenamed "Puppet Master".

There is no information other than male gender.

Well, maybe even the gender is fake, and the other party might just deliberately change their voice to confuse the police.

Yan Muyun was a little worried, but he was not worried about Zhang Xixue's safety. Anyway, her current situation is gradually improving steadily. If the people behind the scenes want to continue to attack her, the difficulty is as difficult as going directly to the base camp of Black Umbrella to open Wushuang.

He is now beginning to doubt whether he is really the so-called "Sangmen Star", and something will happen wherever he goes. This incident happened less than a day after he returned to Menxia City, and until now, there are no clues about this case under the full investigation of the black and white teams.

Well, anyway, the police should have no clues. As for whether Black Umbrella has found anything, he actually doesn't know.

"Oh..." With a sigh, a thin old man leaned on a cane and sat tremblingly next to Yan Muyun, as if his bones might fall apart at any moment.

Yan Muyun glanced sideways at the old man, his expression a little subtle. The other party was looking around after coming out of the glass door of the hospital, and after seeing this direction, he walked straight over. There was almost no doubt that he was coming for him.

"I went to check Tianjing Yunzhu, but I didn't find anything." The old man spoke like a candle in the wind, but his voice was as soft and charming as the hot girl in the nightclub who stuffed a thick stack of big bills into her chest. .

Yan Muyun's eyes twitched twice. This was the second time he had experienced this in just a few days. The first time it was a shemale nurse with a perfect body, and this time it was a sweet girl with a voice that never died.

"Be normal, I beg you." He had already guessed who the other party was. There was only one person who had the ability and the willingness to play such a perverted person.

"Hehe." The little old man covered his mouth with one hand and winked cutely.

It was obvious that this guy had heard about Yan Muyun's experience a few days ago, and he came here to make such a fuss today just to disgust him.

"I can't help it. My identity is quite sensitive and I can't show my true colors in public places." Jun Qianmian stretched and his voice finally returned to normal.

"I'm not talking about your appearance..." Yan Muyun wanted to complain more, but felt it was pointless and asked directly: "Why did you suddenly find me today?"

"I can't find anything." The old man looked at the flower bed in front of him with his turbid eyes, and whispered: "I almost turned the Tianjing Yunzhu upside down, and even hung the boss up like a top in front of his daughter. I spun it around for several times, but didn't get any useful information."

"No doubt at all?" Yan Muyun frowned.

"There is not the slightest doubt." Jun Qianmian repeated.

"There is no doubt...that's the biggest doubt." Yan Muyun said thoughtfully.

"Have you read too many TV dramas and novels?" Jun Qianmian glanced at him sideways: "If there is no doubt, there is no doubt. Where does the 'biggest doubt' come from?"

"Ahem, although I think this kind of line is very cool to say..." Yan Muyun cleared his throat and turned to look at the other party: "The poisoner has already said that 'Tianjing Yunzhu' has There is a problem, so we can agree that there is definitely a problem. But the problem now is that there is no problem at all, so isn’t this the biggest problem?”

What he said was convoluted, but his meaning was clear.

The biggest problem is that there is no problem at all with something that is clearly known to have problems.

"We can't find anything anyway." Jun Qianmian shook his head slightly and sighed: "Besides, the police also know this clue, and they have sent people to check it several times in the past few days, both covertly and covertly. Do you think they have gained anything? "

Yan Muyun was silent for a moment, then suddenly reacted: "So what are you here for today?"

This guy has been complaining since he sat down, and he hasn't given out any useful information until now.

"Just because of that poisoned bastard's words, we spent so much time and energy, but in the end we gained nothing. I'm tired, I don't want to guess anymore, and neither does Xixue's father."

The old man's dry body slid down slightly, resting his neck on the back of the chair, completely paralyzed: "The note with the answer is obviously in our hands, why don't you open it and take a look instead of twisting and turning? Guess for a long time?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Muyun frowned slightly: "You want to continue interrogating Meng Qian? But we haven't tried it before, at all..."

"You can't find anything through examination." The old man helped him finish the second half of the sentence: "That's why I said 'open' the note."

Yan Muyun finally understood what he meant.

"So, do you know anyone with supernatural powers who can read minds?" Jun Qianmian tilted his head slightly, his dull eyes like a fish that was tired of jumping on the shore.

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