2052, Thirty Years Of Sleep

Chapter 383 Meng Qian’S Information

"Brother Yan, you can sit wherever you like. Just treat it as your own home." Zhang Zitong bent down and took out a pair of men's slippers from the shoe cabinet, and gently threw them on the ground. It seemed that they should be her father's.

"Oh... um." Yan Muyun stood at the door, looking at the room he had visited a year ago. He never thought that one day he would come back again.

After the two of them changed their shoes and entered the house, Yan Muyun couldn't help but ask the question that he had been holding back all this time: "How about I make a call and ask Officer Tian to come over?"

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Zitong, who had just sat down, stood up and lay on the back of the sofa, looking at him with a confused expression.

"It just...well...it doesn't feel right." Yan Muyun touched his nose.

"What's inappropriate?" Zhang Zitong tilted his head and asked.

Facing the girl's big blinking eyes, Yan Muyun didn't know what to say. Finally, he deliberately said in a serious tone of the older generation's preaching: "Girls must learn to protect themselves. How can you be with someone you haven't seen for more than five years?" Are two men in the same room together?"

Only then did Zhang Zitong understand what he meant. As if to tease him deliberately, he gently tapped his chin with a finger: "Hehe, I dare to do it because it's you. If it were you, even if... ..."

Her voice became softer and softer, and she couldn't say the next words at all. Her face turned red first.

The girl lowered her head and murmured twice, then suddenly jumped off the sofa and ran into the room: "I'm going to take a shower first!"

"Hiss..." Yan Muyun bared his teeth. He always felt that this little girl was a little different from what he remembered.

But think about it, her father had just been killed at that time last year, so her performance must have been much more gloomy than usual. Perhaps the character she reveals now is the original her.

This is quite good, as it shows that Zhang Zitong has somewhat come out of the shadow of his father's death.

But relief comes as relief, Yan Muyun now faces another thorny problem.

Zhang Zitong ran into the room and said the last words. He could comfort himself in the previous sentence because he had saved her twice before, so she trusted him extraordinarily. But the hidden content in the second half of the sentence "If it were you, even if..." is a bit dangerous.

Yan Muyun was very aware of his "lethal power", so he deliberately kept a distance from Zhang Zitong from the beginning.

For example, last year he was stabbed with a dagger in his palm while protecting her. On the way to the hospital, he deliberately mentioned his age and always joked that he was an "old man in his fifties." The other party listened.

You may say that he is trustworthy or narcissistic.

But this is the fact. For a girl who has only just entered high school and has no experience in the world, her admiration for a strong man who has protected her more than once can easily turn into goodwill.

Yan Muyun would rather think more and end up being a clown than hurt a girl's feelings unintentionally.

He thought that a year had passed and Zhang Zitong's vague yet ungerminated feelings for him had long since disappeared, but today he found that it didn't seem to be the case.

Maybe... it's because he saved her again yesterday?

"Fortunately, it won't take long." Yan Muyun lay back on the sofa and sighed.

In two more days, he will leave Menxia, ​​and it will be almost impossible for him to see Zhang Zitong again when he goes to Australia.


A message alert came from the phone. It was a document sent by Jun Qianmian, and there was a sentence:

[These are some of Meng Qian’s interpersonal relationships. He is now a suspect in custody. It is illegal to read his mind. You can ask your friend to read the minds of the people around him to see if there are any clues. 】

Yan Muyun couldn't hold it back and replied: [? 】

Good guy, so it’s not illegal to read ordinary people’s minds, right? ?

But it seems that there is really no specific law emphasizing this point...

Opening the document, Yan Muyun was shocked to find that there were tens of thousands of words in it, including Meng Qian's family environment, information and photos of key interpersonal contacts, and even the directory was listed for you.

He even doubted whether the information the police had at hand was so detailed.

This made Yan Muyun deeply realize that Black Umbrella is the largest black organization in Menxia City after all. If an ordinary person provoked these guys, he would probably think that he was just unlucky recently until he was played to death.

Yan Muyun roughly swiped down the interface. He originally planned to take a casual look at it, but he found that the person who compiled this document had a pretty good writing style and it was quite interesting. Reading it was a bit like reading a novel.

He became interested immediately, turned to the table of contents above and browsed it again, and then he was attracted by a title with brackets.

——Meng Qian’s sister (deceased)

His intuition told him that there should be something in it.

Yan Muyun clicked on this chapter, but the more he read, the deeper his frown deepened.

Meng Qian's sister, Meng Xin, fell to her death five years ago. At that time, she was only 17 years old and in her second year of high school.

The official record is that the death was accidental, but after investigation through the Black Umbrella channel, it seems that the matter is not that simple. It was a murder.

To be more precise, it was suspected that a self-proclaimed "vigilante" killed her.

The whole process is very clear, there are no twists and turns in the storyline or exciting suspense parts.

In one sentence, Meng Xin took the lead in bullying a girl and caused the latter to commit suicide by jumping off a building. As the culprit, she was later forced to jump to her death in the same way by an unknown mysterious man.

"It was around 2048, and even in a big city like Menxia, ​​there was still such a thing..." Yan Muyun couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

Then he suddenly became curious about Meng Qian's motivation for bullying the girl, and after rummaging around, he actually found it.

"Is that girl... making pornographic rumors?" Yan Muyun's eyes twitched: "Or is she making pornographic rumors about Meng Xin and his brother?"

After that, Meng Xin became very angry after learning about this incident. She took the initiative to make a big deal out of the matter and took the moral high ground, leading the entire class and even the entire school to isolate and even verbally attack the girl. The girl's mental endurance was obviously not very strong, and she couldn't hold on in the end.

The girl's name is in dark blue and underlined.

Yan Muyun clicked, and the interface jumped directly to the girl's information page.

Qiu Siyu, 16 years old, has excellent grades, lives in a single-parent family, is introverted, and has a small but stable social circle...

After reading this girl's information, Yan Muyun had a doubt in his heart.

How could such a girl casually create negative rumors about others and her brother?

Yan Muyun turned directly to the beginning of the document this time, which was Meng Qian's information page, and read it carefully from beginning to end.

This part is extremely detailed, with more than 10,000 words, including Meng Qian’s growth experience from childhood to adulthood, who he had the best relationship with at each stage and the most contacts, and even the gallery of hidden photo albums on his phone and the private folders on his computer. I have compiled a preview version of everything.

Yan Muyun felt a chill go down his spine while watching. It was as if a person had taken off his clothes and placed them in the sun, and every pore could be clearly seen.

In today's age of advanced information, personal privacy is really a big issue.

As long as there is technology and channels, almost everyone has no secrets.

After roughly scanning Meng Qian's information, Yan Muyun came to a conclusion.

The girl named Qiu Siyu was probably not making up the scandal, but there was something really going on between Meng Qian and Meng Xin.

This is a conjecture that anyone with normal intelligence can make, because Meng Qian’s mobile phone and computer have too many “things” related to siblings. Those who are related by blood, those who are not related by blood, those who have a big age difference, those who have a small age difference, even twins...

"Brother Yan?"

Zhang Zitong's voice suddenly came from the room, which frightened Yan Muyun, who was deep in thought, with his hands shaking slightly, and he subconsciously closed the screen of his phone.

There was no way, the preview screenshots in the information he looked at were not coded, and the content was really not suitable for children, so it was inevitable that he would feel guilty.

A few seconds later, Zhang Zitong walked out of the room with a towel on his head and winked at him: "Can you help me blow dry my hair?"

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