2052, Thirty Years Of Sleep

Chapter 493 Shenyue And Lan

There are two types of people on the Ark of Eden. One is the "ocean citizens" who spend a lot of money to enjoy services, or sea citizens for short. There is also a person who is responsible for providing services, called the "waiter of the sea", or sea waiter for short.

For the second type of people, Haishi is actually just a beautified title for their identity. Most people, even themselves, prefer to call them "sea slaves", that is, slaves of the sea.

This is because to be fair, their status on the Ark is indeed not much different from that of slaves.

Whether they are sea dwellers with official status or tourists who have paid a lot of money to experience the boat, you can ask them to do anything you want. As long as it's not too outrageous, they don't have the right to refuse.

"Not too much" here means everything except "go to hell".

Even so, this is still an enviable job, and many people are rushing to do it but have not had the opportunity. Because nowhere else in the world can you find a job that pays so well without fearing for your life.

For many small countries after the Abyss, becoming a "Sea-Servant" is a God-given opportunity worthy of the envy of the neighbors.

Shenyang Company, which has the actual management rights of Eden's Ark, selects tall, short, fat and thin boys and girls from all over the world, brings them to special places for training, and shapes them into "puppets" that can meet the requirements of almost all human evil tastes, and then releases them Go to the ark for the entertainment of sea dwellers and tourists.

Even those who are rejected midway will become "luxury goods" that some wealthy people seek with huge sums of money.

For those who pass the test, maybe five years later, maybe ten years later, their income will be enough to return to their hometowns and live a life without worrying about food and drink for the rest of their lives, and even transform into noble sea dwellers... even if They may only have enough savings to maintain this status for a year.

Now, Yan Muyun and Wei Min have become two "honorable" sea attendants.

"Shenyue, do you think I will be attracted by a fair-skinned and beautiful rich woman as soon as I get on the boat? From now on, I won't have to work hard anymore." Looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, Wei Min let out a long sigh.

"Lan, it's possible that the rich man who is interested in you is a fat and strong man." Yan Muyun put his hands behind his back, a touch of sadness rising between his brows.

Shenyue and Lan are the names similar to the stage names of the original owners of the two identity chips. For some unknown reason, the two sea stewards wanted to disembark before the end of the contract, and then they came into contact with the Songhe Group on the Japanese island. With the help of the latter, they left the Ark, and these two can still be used. Naturally, the identity chip was taken away and used to use the "waste heat".

Wei Min glanced at him sideways: "Shit, the rich man definitely likes people with fair skin like you."


The muscles on Yan Muyun's face squirmed, and in the next second it turned into a wretched man's face with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, long and narrow eyes hanging upside down, and protruding buck teeth.

Wei Min was startled at first, and then his teeth itched with hatred: "Crap, I forgot you still have this trick."

"You two, you can come up now." A shiny head poked out from the fishing boat.

Yan Muyun's face calmly returned to its original appearance, and he and Wei Min boarded the fishing boat.

There were about a dozen young men and women crowded in the cabin, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear and expectation for the future. To use a metaphor that seems inappropriate, it is like a soldier about to go to the battlefield.

They spent almost all their belongings to get this opportunity to get on the ship and be used as "toys" for others. Whether they can turn over or continue to suffer in misery depends on this.

Looking at the dozens of pairs of bright eyes in the cabin, Yan Muyun frowned slightly and said, "Let's sit on it."

The boss of the bald boat didn't dare to disobey him. He immediately led the two of them to the cab and sat on the soft cloth stool in the corner.

A night of silence.

When the first hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, Yan Muyun saw the huge black figure standing on the sea in front of him.

"A mass grave of ships," was the first thought that came to his mind.

It was an isolated island on the sea made up of the corpses of countless large and small ships, broken fishing boats, luxurious and huge cruise ships, and even a few silver-white warships with service numbers painted on their sides. They were regarded as if they were children playing with building blocks. The styles are randomly stacked together, making people tremble in their hearts at first glance.

Everything was silent on the calm sea, the sound of the motor gradually became fainter, and the huge shadow cast by the steel island enveloped the entire fishing boat.

"East District, four people are coming up." The boss of the bald boat shouted down.

"Add the two of us." Yan Muyun said.

The ship's boss rubbed his hands and walked over, showing a flattering smile: "I advise you two to go up to the southern area. It is closer to the central area and the level of the sea people is higher."

"There are also three, six or nine levels of sea people?" Yan Muyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

He really didn't have any good impressions of Eden's Ark, so he didn't read the information about this place carefully before setting off. He just wanted to complete the mission goal step by step as soon as possible and then leave.

"Of course, the sea people are divided into three status levels, the junior level is 5 million, the intermediate level is 10 million, and the high level is 20 million. Those high-level sea people living in the central area are really at the level of earth emperors on the Ark. It’s a magical day... No matter what you two want to do, it’s always easier to start from the most prosperous central area, isn’t it?”

The boss of the bald boat has been in this business for more than ten years. How could he not see that the purpose of these two young Chinese people on the boat was not simple?

This middle-aged man with rough and dark skin who has been exposed to wind and sun all year round touched his nose, glanced at the two of them with his small eyes, and smiled: "Actually, no one in this batch of overseas goods can afford the identity chip of the Southern District. This time The boat originally didn't go to the Southern District. I took it upon myself to slightly upgrade the service for you two."

"Now that you're interested, I'll ask people to take more care of your business in the future." Yan Muyun patted him on the shoulder in a pretentious manner, making the other party excited for a while.

This guy most likely misjudged his and Wei Min's identities, thinking that the two of them were dragons with strong backgrounds. But in fact, they didn't have any power or connections. They just happened to run into an "old acquaintance." "That's all.

But it doesn't matter. There is nothing to feel guilty about such black-hearted intermediaries who are engaged in gray industries. Who knows how much oil and water with bloody foam they have scraped from those customers without conscience.

Soon, the boat finished visiting the North and West Districts and began to turn around and head towards the South District.

The sky is now bright, and there are gradually more and more people on the steel island made up of countless wreckage, but no one seems to care about this small fishing boat passing through the gaps between the big ships.

Eden's Ark is not far from Japan. Occasionally, fishermen and other traders will sail over to do business with the people here. The people on the Ark are not worried about outsiders sneaking in. As long as there is no identification chip, they will be arrested by the mechanical sea guards immediately.

"Why did we get out?" Yan Muyun looked back behind him.

When the fishing boats went to the North and West Districts before, they always passed directly inside the Ark, but this time when they went to the South District, they somehow got out of the twists and turns of the waterway.

"The trail is too winding and takes time. Let's take the outer route." The boat boss replied with a smile, raising his hand to wipe the sweat from his head.

"But it seems a bit far away." Wei Min looked at him suspiciously.

"After all, the South District is close to the central area, and the security should be tighter. We can avoid it as much as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to escape if we are targeted by those brainless people." The boss of the bald boat seemed to be a little hot, and grabbed the one next to him. He wiped his neck with a towel, and then said with a smile: "You two, would you like some iced drinks? The sun is really bright today..."

With that said, without waiting for the two of them to respond, he stood up and walked out of the control room.

"Lan." Yan Muyun's face became serious. He looked at each other and found that Wei Min was also frowning.

"Let's go, follow up and take a look." Wei Min stood up.

However, before he could take a step, Yan Muyun suddenly jumped up and grabbed his shoulders, twisting around and throwing him away.


Wei Min's body smashed through the glass of the control room like a cannonball, and fell into the sea dozens of meters away with a plop.

The next second, there was a deafening explosion, and the small fishing boat turned into a huge fireball on the sea, with black smoke billowing into the sky.


Wei Min emerged from the water and shouted heartbreakingly: "We agreed to go with the rich woman together! Our journey has obviously not begun yet! No!!"

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