There is no lack of appreciation for Ning Yanan in Mo Xiyang's words, and he has never even concealed his likes.

   "She is mine." Jiang Jinchen lowered his eyes, expressing his desire for monopoly all over.

   "Then cherish it, not wanton harm, not everyone will always stand in place and wait for you." Moxiyang wanted to say something, thought about it, and remained silent.

  Emotional matters, the third party is not suitable to say more.


  "This is a public place. I still have a mission. I can't stay for a long time and let go."

  Mo Xiyang pulled back his collar, stretched out his hand to tidy it, took a look around, made sure there was no suspicious person, turned his head and left.

  Leave a Jiang Jinchen who has not had time to digest the news.

  The words Moxiyang said just now echoed in his mind.

  He is not sure about others, but he is still more or less certain of Moxiyan's personality, he is not someone who dares not be too.

  That means, Ning Yanan’s child is really his...

  She lied to him again!

  Jiang Jinchen turned around and strode towards the hospital ward.


  Private villa.

  Qin Youxuan was locked up again.

  She usually has a small space for activities, and she tries not to go out for the sake of her children, but she doesn't like this way of doing things, Shan Hanjie restricts her freedom.

   "I won't sneak out, please remove the entrance guard. Everyone is wary of me trying to sneak in and out. It's weird." Qin Youxuan sat on the sofa and looked at the man sitting on the opposite side reading the newspaper.

  Shan Hanjie is holding a newspaper in one hand, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses is on the bridge of his beautiful nose, which outlines his charming face with a touch of elegance, intertwined with the evil aura of his body, and is indescribable.

   Hearing Qin Youxuan’s protest, she opened her eyes lazily and glanced at her.

   "Since I don't plan to go out, it makes no difference whether there is an access control or not."

   "Of course there is a difference!" Qin Youxuan replied without thinking, "Who likes the feeling of being looked at, it seems like I am a prisoner."

   "You are now a prisoner, kidnapped emotionally." Shan Hanjie combined the magazine in his hand and stretched out his hand towards Qin Youxuan.


  Qin Youxuan stared at his palm for a while, then stood up, walked towards him, and sat firmly on his lap.

   "It seems to be heavier again, is it because the little guy is bigger again." Shan Hanjie pressed her palm on her stomach, and it was quiet inside, without any movement at all.

   "Shan Hanjie, in fact, I really want to see Yaya, she must be sad just to lose her child..."

  Qin Youxuan pointed at her finger and looked down at her stomach.

  She already knew the truth about Ning Yanan's accident, and the touch in her heart could not be expressed in words.

  Two people are so close, it's so difficult to see each other.

  She has a lot of words and wants to talk to Ning Yanan.

   "Her current situation is not suitable for exposure. If you go to see her, it will only bring her danger. Jiang Jinchen stays there, it is enough."

  Jiang’s wedding was temporarily cancelled, Jiang Haoyan was furious.

  Although the reports of various media have been beautified a lot, they still haven't been able to save much of the Jiang family's face.

  In addition, the marriage broke down, the Jing family was innocently implicated, the Jiang family made a loss, an apology, etc...

  This is already inevitable.

  Jiang Hao Yan has lived for most of his life, and for the first time he fell in the hands of his son, not to mention how angry he was.

   dispatched people from all walks of life to track down Jiang Jinchen's whereabouts.

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