365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1019: I can't understand why

   "What did you say?" Qin Youxuan was slightly startled, raised her head, and looked at her in surprise.

   Ye Zhanxing didn’t feel sorry for her mother...

  Speaking of this sentence, she couldn't understand why.


  Su Yiru looked embarrassed, glanced around, lowered her voice, "This matter is a long story. May I take up your time."


What does    have to do with Ye Mingmei?

  Qin Youxuan looked at Su Yiru suspiciously, not understanding what she wanted to say.

  Just seeing her serious look, I also knew that it was not a trivial matter.

  Thinking about it, but nodded.

   "Shan Hanjie, or you..."

   "I'll be with you." Shan Hanjie interrupted her, took Qin Youxuan's hand, nodded forward, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Su Yiru.

  Qin Youxuan is inconvenient now, it is impossible for him to give her to others alone.

  Su Yiru hesitated for a moment, and followed into the elevator.

  The three people came out of the hospital and found a tea restaurant nearby.

   entered the private room.

   "Mrs. Ye, I don't know what you said just now?" Qin Youxuan couldn't wait to ask as soon as she sat on the chair.

  Intuitively told her that Su Yiru must know something, otherwise he would not suddenly tell her that Ye Zhanxing did not apologize to her mother, and also mentioned Ye Mingmei...

   Ye Mingmei...

  A white light flashed in Qin Youxuan's mind.

  Suddenly remembered that she had inadvertently used Ye Mingmei's life experience to make jokes before, and Su Yiru's reaction became very excited.

   even a little abnormal.

  She deliberately stimulated her only because Ye Mingmei was too concerned about her noble background.

  Unexpectedly, the person who minds this topic very much is Su Yiru.

  With what she said just now, Qin Youxuan had a bold guess in her heart.

   "This matter has a great impact, so I want to ask Miss Qin to promise me that she must keep it secret." Su Yiru picked up the water glass on the table, took a big sip, and suppressed the bitterness in his heart.

  Seeing Qin Youxuan nodding her head, she opened her lips faintly.

   "Mingmei is not your father's biological daughter."


  Qin Youxuan's body stiffened, and she had a premonition. The shock in her heart still did not reduce by half.

  The cat's eyes widened for an instant, looking at Su Yiru in amazement.

   "Ye Mingmei is not my dad's daughter, then how could she be Miss Ye Family? Could it be you..."

   "I'm not sorry for your father. Your father also knows about this. In fact, Mingmei was adopted by us together because..." Su Yiru's hand holding the water cup tightened suddenly.

As if touching the most unwilling pain in my heart, I closed my eyes in pain, and said with difficulty, "I was injured before, and I will never have children in my life. Your dad will marry me. It is because of this that he has not sorry language……"

  After the crisis broke out in the Ye family, the family business was almost dragged down by infighting.

  At that time, the old people of the Ye family hoped to get through the crisis through family marriage.

The family chosen by the Ye family is the Su family who is not weak.

  The Su family is not outstanding in the business community in China, but the success lies in the long history of the family, which can be regarded as a prosperous family.

  At that time, Ye Zhanxing already had a beloved woman, so naturally he would not agree.

   Just because of the pressure of the family, he still met with Su Yiru.

  Su Yiru fell in love with Ye Zhanxing at first sight, but Ye Zhanxing told her the first thing, bluntly saying that he would not marry any other women in this life except Jiang Yu.

  At the same time, I also hope that Su Yiru can actively refuse such a marriage.

  Su Yiru's mood at the time was both disappointment and admiration.

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