Fifth Chosen came to the ward one step earlier than them, and was dispensing medicine.

   Ruihua has been watching eagerly beside him, with a look of being ready to steal the teacher.

  Fifth Chosen smiled at the corner of her eyes, and looked at her thief look all over her eyes, but pretended not to see anything.

   Hearing Qin Youxuan’s words, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, “I am a doctor, not a god. I can treat his body. As for whether to wake up, it depends on him.”


   "Don't listen to him fooling around. In fact, to put it more simply, Ye Zhanxing's body is fine, but he wants to die, so he doesn't want to wake up."

   Ruihua took the words and couldn't help but complain about the fifth choice.

   "The doctor has a lot of faults, and the words are unclear. I wish I could scare people."

  Fifth Chosen just glanced at her without refuting it.

   "Xiao Xuanzi, Ye Zhanxing's heart is on your mother, but your mother is no longer there. Maybe you talk to him and he will be willing to listen." Rui Wei thought for a while, tilted his head and suggested.

   "Can he hear it?"

  Qin Youxuan asked, looking at Ye Zhanxing who was sleeping on the hospital bed.

  He doesn't even breathe very lightly. If it weren't for the beeping sound of the instrument next to him, everyone might suspect that he had no breath.

  Fifth Zexian and Rui Wei prepared a good medicine, and after they injected Ye Zhanxing, they took the things out of the ward.

  Shan Hanjie was out of the ward to answer the phone because of something temporary.

  The ward was suddenly empty, and Qin Youxuan was the only one.

  There is also a comatose Ye Zhanxing.

  It is the first time for father and daughter to stay together so quietly.

  Qin Youxuan stepped forward, moved the chair to the side of the bed, and quietly looked at Ye Zhanxing with a sallow face.

  Sakura’s lips moved for a moment, "Dad..."

  Simple two people, it seems that they are struggling with all the energy.

  Qin Youxuan only opened her mouth and shouted for the first time, and could not say anything else.

  After a long pause, he opened his lips faintly.

"I already know it. I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. Dad, will you wake up? When you wake up, let's go back to China to see my mother. With the baby, my mother must be very happy to know that she is a grandmother... …"

  Qin Youxuan's voice was very soft, sitting in front of the hospital bed, as if two people were talking.

  Xu Xuxu said a lot of things.

  When she was a child, she grew up.

   Her own, related to Jiang Yu.

  As if trying to help Ye Zhanxing to make up for the two decades he missed, Qin Youxuan tried hard to recall everything in the past.

  Speak to him slowly.

  In the beginning, Ye Zhanxing did not respond.

  Qin Youxuan is also not discouraged, she said it seriously.

  Until the break time, Shan Hanjie took her out of the ward.

  No one noticed, just after they left, a line of tears flowed from the corner of Ye Zhanxing's eyes.

  Finger moved.


  "This is not far from Yaya's hospital, I want to stop by to see Yaya." As soon as he got in the car, Qin Youxuan put on a seat belt and turned to look at the man in the driver's seat.

"It has been several days, and I don’t know if Yaya’s health is getting better, and she and Jiang Jinchen, she always thought Jiang Jinchen is already married, plus there are no children, I’m afraid the two of them will not be well... "

  Qin Youxuan's words gradually disappeared in Shan Hanjie's eyes.

   She lowered her eyes, holding the seat belt with both hands, "Forget it, if you don't want to go, we will go home."


  Shan Hanjie couldn’t see her aggrieved little daughter-in-law, the coquettish Zitong flashed, turned the car around, and drove towards Ning Yanan’s hospital.

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