365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1031: Deliberately distract people

  It’s been six months, time flies so fast, their baby is about to be born in the blink of an eye.

  Qin Youxuan saw that Shan Hanjie didn't speak, turned her head and glanced at him.

  He has always looked faint, and he can't see Gao's unhappy, but he looks very high and unpredictable.

   During this period, Qin Youxuan has been busy taking care of Ye Zhanxing, and did not ask him too much what he was doing.

  I only feel that Shan Hanjie is very busy. After sending her to the hospital to accompany Ye Zhan's punishment every day, she will leave.

   will not come to pick her up until the evening.

  Every time she asked, he always simply said a few words and revealed it.

  For a long time, Qin Youxuan did not ask.

  It wasn't until these few days that she began to realize that Shan Hanjie seemed to be hiding something from her.

  Even when they were together, he frequently wandered.

   At Qin Youxuan's probing gaze, Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed slightly, and he ordered the bodyguard next to him to come forward, "The wind is blowing, go get a coat for the young lady."

   "I'm not cold, I'll go back after a while."

  Qin Youxuan grumbled, not wanting to be troublesome, but Shan Hanjie insisted.

  Even Ye Zhanxing, who has always favored his daughter, is also on Shan Hanjie's side this time.

  Qin Youxuan couldn’t help but nodded, “It’s not far away, I’ll go back and get it by myself, lest they get it wrong, and it’s too thick to wear uncomfortably.”

  Qin Youxuan said, turned around and walked towards the hospital ward.

  Shan Hanjie simply stopped the wheelchair and waited for her on the grass under the building.

  Until Qin Youxuan's figure disappeared with the bodyguard, Shan Hanjie constricted his eyes.

  Also, Ye Zhanxing turned his head at the same time.

   "If you have any words, I have to support Youxuan. She has a big belly now. It is not 100% safe to follow the bodyguard."

   "I asked someone to track down what happened back then. When you got into Jiang's house, the only person who knew it was my father. I remember you were friends."

  Shan Hanjie released his hand, took a few steps forward, and stopped in front of Ye Zhanxing.

"Yes, before the Ye Family's internal fight, I had been friends with your father and your uncle for many years. I would flee to City F because of an accident. He has always known about me and Yu'er. "

"He knew your relationship with Jiang Yu. He should have recognized You Xuan when he saw You Xuan for the first time in the United States, but from the beginning to the end, he never thought of reminding you, and even deliberately misled You Xuan. , So she thought we were brothers and sisters."

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dimmed, reflecting a dangerous light.

"Your father and son are not in harmony. He wants to deal with you, so naturally he won't miss the opportunity to take advantage of anyone. Our friendship has existed in name only after he broke with Shan Yi, when I chose to be neutral, let alone he might not be able to see it. , Even if he really saw it, and deliberately didn't tell me, it was reasonable."

  These things were thought about carefully after Ye Zhanxing got better.

  Shan Rong and Shan Yi have not lost their infighting over the years. Shan Yi wins Shan Hanjie. If Shan Rong helps him recognize his daughter, the Ye family will definitely favor Shan Hanjie because of Youxuan.

  In this way, Shan Rong is tantamount to a hard time, and he even made wedding dresses for others, he is not so stupid.

   Therefore, it is the safest move to conceal it, and even ask Ye Zhanxing to let someone remove her before discovering Qin Youxuan’s existence.

  If it weren’t for Shan Hanjie to protect him too tightly, I’m afraid Ye Zhanxing would never have a chance to recognize his daughter.

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