When Ye Mingmei returned to the bar, there was no one on the bar.

  She glanced back, only to find that the few people were dancing on the dance floor.

  Just now, she had a hearty dance, her calf is still a little sore, after thinking about it, she still stayed at the bar.

  No one was talking, swaying the cocktail in the goblet bored.

   Take a sip from time to time.

  Wait for a while, but no one came back. Ye Mingmei also began to feel that she was top-heavy, her body was inexplicably hot, as if she had a fever.

  After drinking the wine in the glass, he put down the empty glass and stood up from the bar.

   confessed to the waiter, saying that he should go first, and asked the waiter to tell the other people, then he staggered out of the pub.

  Walking outside, Ye Mingmei's consciousness became a little clear when the cold night breeze blew.

  The heat in the body seems to be higher, and the whole person is like being in a two-day environment, pulling his collar uncomfortably.

  The dance just now has made her the focus of the pub. Many men want to find opportunities to come forward to have a conversation, but there are always people around her.

  Now that she is on the order, many people follow her out of the pub...


  In the box.

  Yu Xiuzhun was discussing business with a customer, and people around him hurriedly walked to his ear and whispered a few words.

   "She left alone?"

   "Yes, Miss Ye's condition is a bit wrong. I called up the monitor at the bar just now. She seems to have been drugged, and she just came out of the pub, followed by a lot of people."


  Yun Xiuzun's eyes dangled, thinking of the dance just now, he could even smell the faint fragrance of her.

  In addition, she blushed naturally as soon as she touched it, and Yu Xiu dared to be sure that she was still a young child, and it was a pity that she was so ruined by others.

   "I have something tonight, the transaction is postponed by one day, and I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest." Yu Xiuzhun got up from the sofa and glanced at the middle-aged man sitting opposite.

   Seeing the other party, she just shrugged, without comment, and stepped out of the box.

  When he walked outside the pub, Ye Mingmei had already disappeared.

"Where is she?"

   "Go to the stone bridge in front. That section is dark. I'm afraid I won't be able to walk there."


  Yu Xiu squinted his eyes, and strode to catch up.

  When he arrived, Ye Mingmei was surrounded by a group of ground humiliation. Her slender body was curled up by the bridge, pulling her clothes uncomfortably, and moaning from time to time, which made the men next to her even more irritable.

  "We saw people first, so why are you cheaper!"

   "Just relying on Lao Tzu's big fist, believe it or not, you are all looking for teeth?"

  "Bah, it's up to you..."


   led by a few zombies are arguing over ownership.

  If it weren't for this, I'm afraid Ye Mingmei has already been eaten and wiped out.

  Yun Xiuquan slowed down, walked slowly towards Ye Mingmei, stopped at a distance of only more than ten meters, put his hands on his shoulders, and watched the show.

  The people on both sides quarreled for a long time, and did not quarrel with a result, but Yu Xiuzhun, the watcher, was waiting impatiently.

  Take out the cigarette case from the trouser pocket, draw out one, and light it.

  The faint firelight was also particularly clear in the dark, illuminating the man’s ghostly face.

"help me……"

   Ye Mingmei fell by the stone bridge opposite him, and she had seen it from the first moment Yu Xiuzhun appeared.

  It's just that the light is too dark, she can't see clearly, and she's not sure.

  It wasn't until the light of his cigarette that he lit a cigarette just now, that Ye Mingmei confirmed that he was the man who was dancing with her just now.

  Grasp the remaining reason and call for help.

  As soon as her voice fell, the eyes of the people on both sides were instantly focused on the man who fell from the sky...


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